What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 426 Why Is There More Of Them?

"How was the party, Aster?" Lisa asked while we were in the carriage leaving the party venue.

We were once again making use of a rented carriage instead of our family's carriage considering our current situation, so we had to lower our voices in case the driver overhears us.

I relaxed on the seat, "Ughh… I suppose it was interesting… Do these types of parties happen often?"

"Ehehehe~ Are you thinking of attending another one again?"

I quickly shook my head, "No way, no way… Definitely not… At least not now…"

"Aha~ So you are interested! Ehehe~ I don't blame you, it's pretty fun isn't it?"

"That's unexpected… I thought you didn't like the nobles, Lisa?"

"Oh, I don't like them, that is still definitely true. But that doesn't mean I hate them though~ If one of them were to invite me to a party where I can have sex with beloved, I'm not going to turn that down~"

So it's still about the sex huh…

She leaned towards me, "Anyway! Do you think this will help you with your meeting with the King and Queen?"

"I don't know… Are they also going to organise some kind of orgy during the event?"

She shrugged, "I dunno. I think Katsuki or even your head maid would have a better idea about this, don't you think?"

She does have a point…

Before this, if you were to tell me to expect an orgy during my meeting with the king and queen, I would have just laughed it off thinking that was a joke… But now I can only think that this was a possibility…

Lisa then shifted herself to kneel in front of me.

"Hey… It's going to be a while before we reach your home… So why don't we have a quickie?"

I blinked at her, "Lisa… We fucked for four hours… It was an orgy that lasted four hours, you know… You're still not satisfied?"

"Mmhmm… But the actual time where Aster actually fucked me was less than half of that~ So is it weird that I'm not satisfied yet?"

What am I even supposed to say for that?

I almost decided to just let her do what she wanted when a cry came from the front of our carriage followed by the panicked neighing of the horses.

There was a distinct sound of metal cutting through flesh and the horses suddenly went silent.

Lisa and I shared a look and we immediately rushed out of the carriage, both of us remembering to put on our masks to hide our identity first.

Outside, we found the horses pulling the carriage had been sliced up with the coachman's decapitated body lying down in a pool of blood on the street.

Just a short distance away from the dead bodies was a single young man with crimson red hair standing with his back facing us. His left arm was dangling by his side and I could see his fingernails were sharpened into claws and had blood on them.

He slowly turned around, revealing eyes as black as night where even the sclera was also black in colour.

"Kukuku~ Hello my ladies~ Isn't it a splendid night?" He greeted us.

I narrowed my eyes and immediately used [Screened] on him.

[Name: Scarlet Fiend

Race: Demon


500 Strength

500 Dexterity

200 Endurance

1000 Magic]

Wait… A demon? What is a demon doing out here?! Didn't we already get rid of that demon cult?!

Those stats… Not good… I'm not sure if I can beat him like this…

If it was just me here, I would definitely just call up some of my Shadow Summons and throw them at him before I run away at full speed. But I don't know if I am able to do that with Lisa here.

The only thing that was giving me hope was the fact that this demon seemed capable of conversation, unlike the other one that I fought underground.

"What… Who are you?" I asked, trying to feign ignorance while moving myself in between Lisa and the demon.

The demon licked his lips, "Oh? What's this? Are you actually talking to me? How interesting~ Are you… Kuku… Are you perhaps… Not afraid of me?"

"I don't know… Should I be afraid of you?"

He brought his hand up into the light and started to lick the blood off his hand, "Huuu… I think to answer that question… I must first ask if you are afraid of death? Or is it that you do not understand your current situation right now?"

"Would it be too much to ask for you to just let us go?"

"Ahahaha! So you know what I am, don't you? Yet you're asking me to let two delicious looking prey go just like that?"

Is he going to eat us?

I pointed at the dead coachman and horses, "Are those not enough to satisfy you? I'm sure you can just let two of us go without losing out?"

"Ahahaha! Are you trying to bargain with me? Kukuku~ How amusing~ What makes you think that these are enough for me? I am quite a greedy one after all so maybe I should just take the two of you as well?"

"Ahem… Having too much is not good, you can get fat, you know?"

That made him stare at me in disbelief, as though he could not believe I had just told him that.

Seeing that as a chance, I quickly commanded five of my Shadow Summons to appear and rush towards the demon while I picked up Lisa in my arms and let my wings explode out from my back.

At the same time, I was also casting [Blink] to try and teleport us as far away as I could from here. Since it was limited to my line of sight, that meant the far end of the street behind the demon.

With a flap of my wings, I propelled myself towards the portal that I had conjured. All I needed to do now was to dive into the portal to teleport away and then just keep teleporting until I reach back home!

"How naive~"

The hair at the back of my neck stood and I chanced a look to see the demon completely ignoring all of my summons to leap at me, his claws outstretched and reaching for my head.

My mind went blank at the sight of the claws closing in on me. Even though I was screaming at myself to get away, my body was not moving fast enough to react to it.

Right as I was sure that I was going to get my head skewered by the claws, a blur of darkness shot out from behind me and smashed into the demon.

It did not do much damage to him but it did make him pause in his attack as he looked down to see what exactly had hit him.

I only just saw the tips of a lupine set of ears and the fluttering of a maid uniform before my momentum carried me through the portal to deposit me at the other end of the street.

Katsuki?! What are you doing?!!

"Lisa, stay here!!" I cried out, dropping the Infrid quickly before jumping back into the portal again.

When I leapt through, it was to the sight of the demon smashing his fist against my Inugami maid's side, her dagger barely held up in time to soften the blow before she was sent flying away from him.

My Shadow Summons were still obeying my last order to attack him and converged on him from behind, each of them holding different weapons meant to cut him down.

He turned lazily towards them and swung his arm in an arc, creating a wave of crimson flames that blasted all of my summons back like he was simply swatting at a fly.

Seeing the opportunity for an attack since his back was turned to me, I fired off a quick charge of my [Laser] aimed at his head.

It was not charged with a lot of my mana but I was hoping that if this was aimed at his head, it might at least do significant enough damage to him.

Unfortunately, he seemed to have sensed my attack since he tilted his head to the side, allowing the light beam to shoot past him and hit one of my Shadow Summons in the chest instead.

It burned a hole through her body and she fell onto the ground. She wasn't dead yet but it would take a moment for her to heal back that damage done to her.

"Oho? And here I thought I actually let you run away~ To think that you would voluntarily retu-- Hmph… I was talking."

He interrupted himself to catch several throwing knives out of thin air, courtesy of Katsuki.

She didn't seem fazed that her sneak attack failed and simply threw even more throwing knives at him which he caught without much effort.

"How interesting~ To think that there's still people out here that are willing to fight us… Very well, let's see how well you can struggle against me~ Do keep me entertained, won't you?" He smirked, tossing the knives he caught aside.

His arms stretched out to the side and balls of crimson flames appeared all around him as he slowly rose up from the ground menacingly.

Guess I'm going to have to fight him seriously.

Ugh… Seriously, where did this demon come from?! And why is he even targeting me? Is it for revenge or something?!

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