What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Chapter 32: I can't see anyone else

Chapter 32: I can't see anyone else

He Yuanhao has a sturdy figure, with a brow and sharp eyes, and is nearly fifty years old, but his handsome posture has not diminished. It could be said that the reason He Yunxiao was so handsome was inseparable from the excellent genes of his parents.

At this moment, He Yuanhao was sitting at the main seat, holding a wooden stick and pestling the ground.

Why are you sorry?

I shouldnt have fought with others.

You bullshit! He Yuanhao scolded him on the spot.

I heard that that Chu kid is of the ninth grade? Dont think I dont know that you like to be sneaky, you wouldnt dare to fight him even if you were given a hundred guts! Its probably the accomplice you hired from somewhere again, faking a fight to put on a show for others. Is it for that Du Yinyun?

He Yunxiao, was inwardly shocked, his old man was worthy of his old man. Although the process was a bizarre guess, the result was really unexpectedly accurate.

He couldnt refute Du Yinyuns story. It was true, after all. He just slyly argued about the fight, Who said I didnt dare to fight Ninth Grade, I fought to the end tonight, I was covered in bruises, I didnt disgrace my He family at all!

Great! Where are your bruises all over your body?

He Yunxiao sneered and confidently untied his shirt, revealing his upper body, which was wrapped in bandages.

Surprisingly, He Yuanhao was not taken aback at all and said, Go on.

He Yunxiao was certainly not in vain.

Ill show you today that your son is not the same old fool who only knows how to drink and sex. Ive been reborn!

Halfway through removing the bandage, He Yunxiaos hand froze in mid-air.

He Yuanhao approached with a wooden stick in his hand and said, Why dont you remove it? Is there no injury at all?

He Yunxiao looked at his smooth skin and clear.

The Soul Devouring Pill is outrageous!

He explained feebly, I said there were no bruises because I heal quickly from my injuries, believe it or not?

In the middle of the night, a scream rang out from the He Mansion, as well as General Hes angry scolding.

I wont say anything if it were an ordinary person! Now his daughter is in distress, and you boy still want to take advantage of peoples misery!

Father, we like each other!

Toad wants to eat swans flesh! Apart from the fact that you look like me, there is nothing else about you that would make a girl fall for you! The only reason she may talk to you is for your my sake!


He Yunxiao was lying on his back, the blanket covering him up to his waist, the skin on his back showing a renewed bruise and misery.

Aunt Zhang Jingxian carried the ointment, a faint sigh escaping her lips as she delicately applied it to He Yunxiao.

He Yunxiao was honestly quite happy to have received a beating from his father.

It was certainly not because he had any special fetishes, but he understood that his father actually still remembered Du Lies old friendship.

You know, in the original novel, Girl, I just want to cultivate, his own father. He Yuanhao, was the biggest suspect in killing Chu Tianzhu.

That possibility could basically be ruled out now.

If the old man was the murderer, then there was no way he would still be protecting Du Yinyun.

In fact, previously, He Yunxiao did not believe that it was his own father who had killed General Chu, but after having strong proof today, his mood was much brighter.

Hiss! Auntie, be gentle.

He Yunxiao didnt know why his aunt had suddenly increased her strength and had to beg her for mercy.

Xiaoer, Auntie usually protects you, but I think today, your father did the right thing.

Zhang Jingxians speech did not spare He Yunxiao, but her hands were quietly gentle.

He Yunxiao felt the coolness at the wound on his back and wondered more and more in his heart how such a good parent and aunt could have raised that the original host.

It must be the dog author forcing hatred on the protagonist!

After mentally cursing the author of Girl, I just want to cultivate once more. He Yunxiao laughed, Aunt, I really didnt do anything to Miss Du. Why dont even you believe me?

Zhang Jingxian hummed, Aunt believed you every time, how many times have you lied to aunt?

He Yunxiao said without any baggage, From now on, I will never lie to Auntie again.

Zhang Jingxian hesitated and said tentatively, Xiaoer, as a man, you like girls, and I understand that. But after all, our family has a title, so its a bit hard for you to make your father proud. In the future, please be cautious, we cant leave a bad example for the people, right?

What do you mean, its a bit hard for me to make my father look proud?

When he heard his aunts kind words, He Yunxiao wanted to say yes.

But he really couldnt!

If he didnt get into trouble or think about other girls, he would be waiting for death! No, he couldnt wait for death. He knew Chu Xiaoxiaos secret of being the best in the world in martial arts, and if it didnt work, Chu Xiaoxiao would definitely not let him go.

Those who were targeted by Chu Fan could still live a little by begging for mercy. Those who were targeted by Chu Xiaoxiao, begging for mercy would only trigger her disgust and die faster.

Aunt is so kind to me, and I cant refuse her.

With such a mindset, He Yunxiao simply said, Aunt, as the saying goes, to start a family, if you want me to rise to the occasion, you must at least find me a wife, right?

Even He Yunxiao himself knew that this was a rogue excuse to put off his aunt.

In fact, there was no necessary link between being strong and having a family.

But times were different, and when Zhang Jingxian heard He Yunxiao say this, she thought it was reasonable.

Yunxiao was 20 years old, a good age to get married, and in ordinary families, children would be running away at this age. Besides, having a family and a career is not just a game. It is better to have a girl to take care of Yunxiao, than to speak for yourself. Auntie is, after all, an aunt. She cant give a pillow talk, and she cant say anything too heavy.

Xiaoer, which girl do you like? Auntie will talk to a matchmaker for you.

He Yunxiaos eyes widened.

What the? For real?

Unlike other teenagers, He Yunxiao, who had experienced free love in his previous life and still didnt have a girlfriend, felt more and more the value of arranged marriages at this moment.

He wanted to tell his aunt right now: It doesnt matter whose girl she is, just find the prettiest one.

But no, with the soul-devouring pills, he might not even survive a year. Finding a daughter-in-law now would be a total drag on the girls of other families.

He Yunxiao could not do such a thing.

After thinking about it, he suddenly thought of Yang Zhe, and then of the eldest princess, Meng Qingqian. If there was anyone in the entire Kingdom who was the most unlikely to marry him, it was the eldest princess, Meng Qingqian.

He Yunxiao then said with a smile on his face, Eldest Princess, I cant think anyone else anyway.

Zhang Jingxian was taken aback.

He Yunxiao, who was lying on the bed, could clearly feel that his aunts hands shook as she wiped the medicine.

But what surprised He Yunxiao the most was that Auntie didnt reject it outright!

She said, Have you seen what the eldest princess looks like? What if she doesnt look pretty?

He Yunxiao thought to himself, Meng Qingqian is the heroine! How could she not be pretty?

However, he didnt dare to say that on his lips.

Ive seen her once before when I was in the palace, I didnt see her face clearly, but her figure is really good.

Zhang Jingxian cried, In front of others, you are not allowed to recklessly speak about Meng like that.

He Yunxiao said with a smile, I know, Auntie is not someone else.

Zhang Jingxian smiled and applied the last bit of ointment to the bruises on He Yunxiaos body.

We are a marquis family, and your father holds a powerful army, so its not impossible to marry an eldest princess.

He Yunxiao:????

As if he thought he had heard a stubble, He Yunxiao asked again, Auntie, what did you say?

Zhang Jingxian rose, her plump figure illuminated in beautiful curves by the light.

Aunt will go to the palace tomorrow and ask, the eldest princess is not too young, whos an older girl who doesnt marry?

Without waiting for He Yunxiao to double-check, Zhang Jingxian told him to sleep well, then pushed the door open and left.

It was late at night, but the lights in He Yuanhaos courtyard had not yet been turned off.

Zhang Jingxian pushed the door in, and He Yuanhao was sitting at the table, fully dressed, eating tea.

Is Master still not sleeping? Tomorrow is the morning court.

He Yuanhao ate his tea and said, Im not sleepy.

Zhang Jingxian knew that he was worried about his son, so she did not say anything. but said, Xiaos body seems to be much stronger than before, I put medicine on him this time, but he did not even grunt a few times.

He Yuanhao did not say anything, and drank a few more sips of tea.

Zhang Jingxian said, Master, Xiaoer said that he wants to start a family.


He said that he wants to marry the Eldest Princess.


Oops! Zhang Jingxian shrieked in surprise and hurriedly found a handkerchief to wipe the tea for He Yuanhao.

That kid, he skin is still itching and needs a beating!

Master! We are a famous marquis family, marrying an eldest princess and it doesnt count as her dowry.

This isnt a matter of dowry! His Highness is in charge of everything day by day, growing in power, how can she just marry? Unless the Empress is on her way, the eldest princess will never marry. (Notes; Means dead.!)

Zhang Jingxian said anxiously, Master, you are confused, there is more than one legacy of the late emperor. If the eldest Princess cannot marry, cant Princess Nanzhu still marry?

If Zhang Jingxian had not mentioned it, even he would not have remembered that there was such a person.

He Yuanhao said, If its Nanzhu, its indeed possible, but.. are you sure that kid is talking about Nanzhu?

Zhang Jingxian said, Dont you understand what kind of person Xiaoer is? Although her body is a bit weak and cannot stand the cool. But in terms of beauty, she is no less beautiful than her elder sister. They are both Princesses, so whats not to like?

He Yuanhao said hesitantly, Then why dont you go into the palace and find out what the Empress has to say?

With a big weight off her mind, Zhang Jingxian smiled and agreed.

At this moment, He Yunxiao, who was sleeping, did not know that the arrangements for his engagement would soon be made clear.

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