Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 106: Babel (6)

Chapter 106: Babel (6)

When the Tower of Babel collapsed and the shards of magic stones scattered across the city, some of the humans in Babel witnessed the ruler of Babel being reborn as something other than human.

No one could have remained unshocked at the sight of the black humanoid form bursting out and destroying the top of the tower.

And then came the strike of light - a single blow that instantly brought down the Tower of Babel. It was truly a divine judgment.

Seeing this spectacle, some of the humans quickly fled Babel, crying out that Babel had incurred God's wrath.

Well, their reaction was not unreasonable, as it was indeed a judgment akin to divine punishment.

However, this judgment did not seem to be directed at the other humans in Babel... Hmm, their groveling was a bit excessive.

Anyway, a considerable number of humans quickly evacuated, and the remaining ones bowed their heads towards me and the Hero standing on the ruins of the tower.

"Divine representative! Please punish us!"

"We did not know there was such a monster in the Tower of Babel! Please forgive our ignorance!"

Hmm. Well, it's not really their fault.

That person had secretly absorbed and assimilated the dark-tinged magic stones, committing a mad act, and how could these people have known and stopped it?

Therefore, I forgave their "sins" - or rather, they weren't sins to begin with.

I spoke to the humans prostrating themselves before me.

"Let's change the name of Babel. It's ominous."

A name that only crumble as soon as the tower was built should no longer be used.

"Then what name should we use, sir?"

"Hmm... I don't have a specific name in mind."

"May we suggest a name then?"

"Sure, if you come up with a good one, that would be great."

The humans raised their heads from their bowing and began murmuring among themselves.

"How about Sodom?"


"What about Gomorrah?"


Their naming skills were truly abysmal.

Or were they just eager for the city to be destroyed? Is that it?


Why don't they just name it Damocles while they're at it? That would be fitting for a city of mages! Oh, that place would get smashed just the same, wouldn't it!

I might as well name it myself. Yes, that's the best option.

Hmm... Now that I'm trying to name it, it's not that easy. What should I call it?

"How about Procyon?"


"Yes, let's make Procyon the name of this city."

It was the name of a star, if I remember correctly.

T/N: Procyon is the brightest star in the constellation of Canis Minor and usually the eighth-brightest star in the night sky, with an apparent visual magnitude of 0.34. (bla bla blahhh), source: Wikipedia

I vaguely recalled it being one of the stars in the Winter Triangle.

"Procyon... Understood. We shall change the name of this city to Procyon."

This is better than the precarious name of Babel, I suppose.

"But... since the one who ruled Babel has ended up like this, what should we do now?"

Hmm, how indeed.

Ultimately, this city must be maintained, even if the name has to be changed, and the supply of magic stones to the mages must not be neglected.

Ah, I know. From now on, the management of the magic stones shall be entrusted to the Temple of Life.

In the process of inspecting the magic stones, they can also collect the fragments of darkness, while taking care that others are not excessively exposed to the darkness.

It seems that the transformation of that person into a demon tribe was due to their close exposure to the fragments of darkness and their curiosity leading them to delve deeper into it.

It would be best to prevent others from such close contact. Using the power of Shamash, it would be wise to suppress and seal the fragments of darkness.

But then again... if that person's transformation was due to excessive exposure to the fragments of darkness, then the Hero may not be entirely safe either.

Hmm... I'll worry about that later.

"Was the revitalization of this city solely the work of that individual?"

At my words, the mages shook their heads slightly.

"While that individual played a major role, it was the result of the efforts of everyone."

"Then what is the problem?"

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If the problematic individual has been removed, the rest can join forces, can they not?

"Divide the city into various districts and create time-limited representatives for each. Then have those representatives gather in a council to guide the city."

"Time-limited representatives? And a council of representatives?"

"Yes. If one person continues to rule, there is a risk of another like that emerging. It's best to divide the governance into smaller, limited terms."

At my words, the mages nodded their heads slightly.

If one person holds too much power, an incident like this could happen again. Especially with great powers like magic stones and scrolls.

Divide the authority of the ruler to the minimum. That way, even if one person goes berserk, the others will have means to restrain them.

"Understood. Thank you for the profound wisdom. From now on, the mages of Babel... no, Procyon, will engrave the sins of that individual in our hearts, and live while restraining ourselves so as not to commit the same sins."

No, there's no need to go that far.

But seeing the desperate resolve in the mage's solemn words, I didn't anything further.

The only thing I could do was nod my head.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The city that was once called Babel. Procyon.

The ruler of that city was not a king or lord, but seven tower masters.

The seven magic towers, each symbolized by a different color. Their representatives gathered to govern Procyon.

"So, the budget allocation is unfair! Anyone can see that we have the most members, so we should get the largest budget!"

The Elemental Magic School of the red magic tower, specializing in the four main elemental magics.

"Hmm? We're not exactly few in number either? And we have to separately claim the management fees for our summoned creatures? Our headcount is more than double theirs!"

The Contract Magic School of the orange magic tower, using summoned creatures as their power.

"Hmm. Lacking in strength but numerous in headcount, so the food expenses are high. Isn't it better to cultivate your own strength?"

The Reinforcement Magic School of the yellow magic tower, maximizing their power by imbuing magic into their bodies.

"Well, what can you do. More importantly, this budget plan seems to have a slight decrease in the donation from the Temple of Life..."

The Life Magic School of the green magic tower, aiming for resurrection through magical power, renowned for their healing magic.

"If you like the Temple of Life much, why don't you just join them instead of staying in Procyon. Tsk."

The Illusion Magic School of the blue magic tower, skilled in manipulating the mind through illusions and fantasies.


Once called the Necromancy School and persecuted, but now recognized by the Temple of Life and newly established as the Soul Magic School, the indigo magic tower has become one of the towers of Procyon.

"Well, you see, that is..."

And lastly, the seventh magic tower that rose up after overthrowing the former Divination School - the Alchemy School of the purple magic tower.

"Alchemy does tend to consume a lot of money, but in return, we also earn the most, you know..."

"Well, that may be true, but isn't this a bit too much!"

"It's not really too much... In the first place, the budget allocation for each magic tower has also increased compared to last year. While the percentage of the total budget may have decreased,..."

"Hmm... It's true that the number of silver coins may have increased. But it's not just a simple matter of the amount."

The tower master of the blue magic tower said, pushing up his glasses.

"The budget ratio for each magic tower is like the pride of the tower. It's connected to [how much of a share the tower has in the overall budget of Procyon]. As a newly appointed tower master, you may not understand this yet."

"Blue, mind your manners. You may be a new tower master, but you are still one."

As the tower master of the green magic tower spoke, the blue tower master turned his head as if he hadn't heard.

"Really now? I'm sorry. These fools only know magic and are idiots who don't understand etiquette."

"No, it's fine. I expected this level of resistance. Ah, I've already finished talking with the Temple of Life, so you don't need to worry about that."

"Huh? With the Temple of Life? They're usually quite strict when it comes to donations, especially since it's related to the supply of magic stones and all..."

At this, the tower master of the purple magic tower smiled and said,

"We've agreed to increase the production of healing potions a bit and lower the prices for supply. Thanks to that, the discussion went well."

"My, that's good to hear. But..."

The tower master of the green magic tower smiled and said, "I, who is responsible for the communication between the magic towers and the Temple of Life, have not heard any news, when did you contact the Temple of Life?"

"Ah, well, that is, while discussing the healing potion supply issue... I mean... Ugh..."

The eyes of the tower master of the green magic tower, whose smile was not reflected in his eyes at all.

"I'm sorry..."

"I hope you will give us a heads-up from now on. Understand?"

The tower master of the purple magic tower, a small silver-haired girl, nodded slightly and adjusted her wide-brimmed hat with a strange horn-shaped decoration.

- Excerpt from the record of the Procyon Magic Tower meeting.

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