Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 109: Thetis (3)

Chapter 109: Thetis (3)

The battle at sea required more three-dimensional movements compared to battles on land, so it was an extremely unfavorable battlefield for the hero.

It was only natural that the hero had to face the freely swimming sea serpents in the cold, difficult-to-move waters of the sea.

However, the hero was fighting much better than expected despite the extremely unfavorable conditions.

Even though he couldn't properly swing his sword due to the lack of footing, the hero managed to deflect the sea serpent's teeth and tail, finding openings to wound its scales.

As a result, the body of the sea serpent, a leviathan dragon, was left with large and small wounds. This must have been the first time the sea serpent had sustained such injuries.

Even without the constraint of breathing, if it were a weaker monster, it would have been taken down in an instant.

Leaving the hero who was fighting so hard,

"You're not going to help directly, are you?"


"I'm talking about the mermaids."

I looked at the mermaids who were fleeing far from the sea serpent and watching the hero's battle.

Judging from the fact that they quickly fled as soon as the sea serpent surfaced, they must have frequently run away in dangerous situations.

It seems Thetis did not protect those mermaids.

"Well... the mermaids and the sea serpents are all living beings in the sea. I can't take sides with just one of them."

Hmm. Is that so. In Thetis' eyes, the mermaids and the sea serpents are just living beings in the sea.

I'm not sure whether to call this fair or heartless.

"The sea serpent is hunting to survive, and those mermaids have also hunted and eaten other fish before... Just because they have a human form, sing praises to me as the great flow, and can sing with beautiful voices, doesn't mean I should protect them. They hunt and get hunted. That's the natural order of things."

"I think that's a sufficient reason... Anyway, it's almost like neglect."

"Yes, that's right. But rather than unfairly helping one side, it's better to just leave them be."

Hmm. Is that so? Is it better to just let go rather than provide biased assistance?

I'm not sure which is right.

Then let me change the question.

"Then why did you save the humans who fell into the water?"

"The humans?"

If they don't save the mermaids for that reason, then why did they save the humans?

The distinction between saving and not saving is rather ambiguous, isn't it?

"Well, humans are land creatures, right? Since they are not born in the sea and do not live in the sea, I thought it was not my jurisdiction, so I saved them."

Hmm. I see, that makes sense

Certainly, humans are not creatures of the sea, so from Thetis' perspective, they are outsiders.

It seems Thetis' basic attitude is to manage the creatures of the sea and return the land creatures.

It has a rather exclusionary feel towards the outside.

"Well, I'm currently overlooking the fact that land creatures are catching the sea creatures. After all, the land creatures need to eat to survive."

"Ah, you're lenient when it comes to hunting for survival."

"Yes. Isn't that the law of nature? Surely there are no creatures that harm others just for fun or for other purposes."


I couldn't say much in response to Thetis' words, as there were many obvious flaws in the idea that no creatures harm others just for fun or other purposes.

Later, I should educate the humans. Tell them to only catch sea creatures for the purpose of eating, not just for fun or other reasons.

If Thetis gets angry, it won't end well.

And the mermaids... Surely humans wouldn't eat mermaids, right? Their heads may be a bit fish-like, but they are a subrace.

It should be fine. Yes, it should be fine.

Then let's move on to the next topic.

"Then why did you give the hero the ability to breathe underwater and ask him to save the mermaids?"

"Ah, there are two reasons for that. The first is that I want to see the power of the hero, the child you have raised with care."

Indeed, since they are my children, I would want to see the power of the hero I have raised with care.

"I wanted to see how strong this hero is compared to the sea serpent, which is considered the strongest among the sea creatures."

"Hmm? Did you summon that sea serpent?"

"The second reason is that if this hero, a human who has come from the land with my mother, just stands by and watches as those mermaids who resemble humans are hunted, he won't think badly of me, will he?"

Thetis did not respond to my words and just continued talking.

This fellow... so she summoned it on purpose.

For some reason, she seems to have become a bit darker than before. Thetis was definitely not like this in the past... hmm... or was she?

Hmm. I wonder if it's because I've neglected her for too long that she's become corrupted. I'm not sure.

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Well, what can I do. It's my fault for neglecting this child for so long.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The sea serpent fought the hero using its teeth, claws, and tail as weapons. But the hero's sword deflected all of the sea serpent's attacks.

In the end, the sea serpent was left in shambles from the hero's sharp counterattacks. Realizing it couldn't defeat the hero, the sea serpent quickly curled its tail and fled.

The fleeing sea serpent was too fast for the hero to catch, as its swimming speed was much greater.

Even though the enemy had fled, it was still a victory! The hero's skills were not dulled by the unfavorable terrain! He had mastered land, sea, and aerial combat!

Seeing this, Thetis also had a slightly surprised expression.

Well, the hero I raised so carefully wouldn't be that weak! A dragon-like creature couldn't possibly defeat my hero!

"Good work."

I said, smiling as I helped the hero back onto the ship and brushed off the seawater.

"It must have been your first time fighting in the sea, but you did great."

"It wasn't easy, though. I was just frantically trying to block the attacks coming from all directions. If I didn't have the freedom to breathe underwater, I might have been the one defeated."

The hero confessed the difficulty of the battle. Seeing this, Thetis smiled and said,

"But the sea serpent is one of the strongest creatures in this sea, and you were able to fight it to this extent. That's impressive. Your strength is not that of a normal human. You truly are the hero chosen by the Goddess of Life."

As soon as Thetis finished speaking, the mermaids surrounding the ship began loudly praising the hero.

"Hero! Bravo!"

"Hero! Hero! Hero! Hero!!"


The hero, embarrassed by their words, fled into the cabin.

"Hmm. It seems this hero has quite a lot of shyness."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It was the next day before my hero and I were able to part ways with Thetis. Thetis seemed a bit reluctant.

On the return journey, thanks to Thetis using the ocean currents to push us, the voyage was much smoother.

[Ah, Mom! Are you returning from meeting with Thetis?]


[Yes! It's the cute and lovely Sylphid!]

Well, from my perspective, she is cute and lovely.

"Anyway, what's the matter?"

[Nothing much. Did anything unusual happen when you met with Thetis?]

"Anything unusual?"


Unusual, huh. Hmm...

"There wasn't really anything unusual that happened."

[Is that so? Hmm. Well, she may have changed her mind! I'm glad to hear that!!!]


I asked again at Sylphid's words.

"Changed her mind? What do you mean by that?"

[Ah... well... I'm not sure if I should say this. Hmm...]

"Just tell me quickly, don't keep me waiting."

Urged by me, Sylphid finally spoke reluctantly.

[Thetis said that the longer it takes for you to come visit her, the more guilty she'll feel and the more sorry she'll be.]

Hmm, I did feel quite sorry about that. If it weren't for the hero's matters, I might have stayed with Thetis for a while.


[She's trying to use that guilt to keep you by her side for as long as possible. Especially since she's in a remote place, she thinks she should get this much benefit.]

Ah, I see.

[She was planning to use all means to pursue you during that time together, but I'm glad nothing unusual happened! It seems Thetis may have changed her mind!!!!]

Ugh... I get a creepy feeling.

"Well, since nothing unusual happened, it should be fine, right?"

[Yes, that's right! And Thetis also got to see you after a long time, so her pent-up feelings may have been resolved. I think it'll be okay now!]

Still, it might be a good idea to be a little cautious when going to meet Thetis.

Hmm. I wonder what happened to make those children change so much. They were such good children in the past.

I just sighed softly.

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