White Dragon Lord

Chapter 92: Lava Vicious Dog

Chapter 92: Lava Vicious Dog

In the sky, three white dragons had the same vision as the birds searching for prey.

Above the sea, the Murlocs were either encircling their prey or on the way to encircle their prey. After the hunt was successful, they tied their trophies to the backs of the snapping turtles and transported them to temporary camps on the island.

In the temporary camp, the bored White Dragon Lord counted the demons captured alive.

After being moisturized by the spring of life and having a treatment package with two dragon girls, although Amos couldn't join the hunt, he could move slowly, so he sat on the island and guarded the demons harvested by the army.

These demons had no awareness of being prisoners of war.

The murloc guard lashed fiercely with a leather whip, but it seemed to not affect them.

"Master, these demons are rough and fleshy, and there is no response at all when they hit them."

"It doesn't matter, we are not animal trainers, as long as you look at them, don't let them run away."


As time flew by, the murlocs brought fewer and fewer demons. At noon, some murloc teams even got nothing.

Amos raised his head, glanced at the sun in the sky, and said to Old Blind on the side, "Okay, let's stop here, forget the rest."

"I will follow your will."

As the White Dragon Lords will spread, the loud horn of retreat sounded, and the murloc squads scattered on the sea returned one after another.

Amos looked around for a week but didn't find Bucky Darkscale.

"Where is Bucky?"

The murlocs looked at each other without knowing his whereabouts.

Lord White Dragon frowned and looked closely, but he found that not only Bucky Darkscale but also many other Nightcrawlers had disappeared. He couldn't help but wonder, Bucky Darkscale had always acted steadily. If it heard the horn, he would rush. Did he encounter any trouble?

"Old Blind, you take someone to find it."


Suddenly, there was the sound of fighting in the distant waters.

"Felicia! Elena! Willy! Ghoul-Garu! Go take a look!"

The dragon siblings grabbed the Ogre chief and fluttered into the air, disappearing from their field of vision.

It didn't take long for the dragon siblings to return with Bucky Darkscale and the nightcrawlers. Ramos, the giant tortoise, was still dragging a big guy behind him.

Elena: "Hahaha! Bucky Darksclae caught a big fish!"

Amos took a closer look and was happy. It was a big fish. What was dragged behind the Ramos was a huge Abyss Lava Dog.

The Abyss Lava Dog was eight meters long. It looked like a giant pug with a black rock collar around its neck. The collar was evenly distributed with hideous rock thorns. Its body was encompassed in black irregular scales, like fiery magma. From the gap between the black scales, one could see the tumbling lava inside the lava dog.

It was just that this ferocious dog was not in a very good state at this time. It was soaked in seawater, and its hot body temperature evaporated the surrounding seawater, while it continuously groaned weakly.

Willy, who was not afraid of fire, took a leg of the lava dog, dragged it ashore, and placed it in front of the white dragon lord.


[Name]: Abyssal Lava Dog

[Level]: Level 16 Magic Dog

[Strength]: Tier 4

[Faction]: Chaos and evil

[Introduction]: This is a lava dog from the abyss. It lives in the lava of the bottomless abyss and feeds on magma. Although this group is powerful, their wisdom is generally not high, and it is very suitable for charging and trapping.

If it was a fair duel, it would take some effort for Amos to defeat a lava dog at the master rank, let alone catch it alive. Bucky's Dark Scale gave him a surprise.

"Bucky Darkscale, you have done a great job, what reward do you want!"

"It is my honour to be able to work for the master, and this subordinate dare not ask for rewards."

Amos thought carefully. In terms of strength, Bucky Darkscale's strength was at the 14th-level Nightcrawler, with round status. It was the commander of the White Castle guard and one of the three murlocs. He had nothing to give him, so he could only give it up for now.

Amos thought about how to handle the lava dog whose IQ was not high but it was powerful. If he didn't subdue this powerful combat power then he would be a fool.

"This lava dog is very suitable as a battle mount, who wants it?"

Felicia looked disgusted, "Such dirty wild dogs with a mouth full of magma! I feel sick when I smell the sulfur on them."

Elena shook her head: "Fire is the enemy of nature."

Willy: "Then give it to me."

With the help of everyone, Willy signed a master-servant contract with the lava dog.

"Everyone! Return!"

After half a month, White castle's living room.

Five dragons were arranging a huge feast at the dining table.

After drinking and eating, Amos said, "Miss Bai Liya, how has the harvest been these days?"

Bai Liya rolled her eyes, "A certain dragon has scoured all the residues from the sea. How much can I get?"

Amos heard the words, touched his nose awkwardly, and said in his heart: Don't let me know that the bastard passed the information out! Otherwise, XXOO!

Somewhere far away, Duke Silver Dragon sneezed.

Bai Liya looked at White Dragon Lords chagrin, and chuckled lightly, "However, fortunately, I borrowed two thousand murlocs from you, and they helped me search. My harvest this time is also among the best."

Amos was a little puzzled when he heard that Bai Liya come to his door ten days ago and asked to borrow a thousand murlocs from him to help search for demons that escaped from the sea. Amos who had just benefited from her old man said nothing and gave the silver dragon two thousand murlocs and a team of sensitive megalodons.

But even so, Bai Liya still failed to enter the top three.

"Oh, the top? Who are the second and third place?"

The champion who was fighting with the squid skewers on the sideElena interrupted: The third runner-up is the elven lady Kenelia. That little fairy brought a lot of admirers and gained a lot. As for the runner-up, I dont know."

Bai Liya said stubbornly: "The runner-up is Herbert's compatriot sister, Golden Dragon Christina Wells."

The four white dragons were confused.

Willy couldnt help asking: "But, isnt Herbert a grown-up dragon! How can his sibling participate in this competition?"

Bai Liya pondered for a moment, "Christina has some unspeakable concealment, and has not stepped into the legendary realm."

Felicia asked curiously: "What is unspeakable?"

Bai Liya didnt seem to want to talk more about this, and changed the subject, By the way, Christina also settled in the overseas archipelago, and you are neighbours. Ill introduce you when I have the opportunity. She is a very gentle dragon."

Willy ignored Bai Liya's last sentence, as he never considered personality, "Neighbor? Why haven't I heard of her."

Bai Liya: "She has been living in the overseas islands for many years, and she has been living on the other side of the overseas islands, so it is normal for you not to know."

The next day, Bai Liya left, and those visitors from the sea who came because of the devil also left because the feast ended.

The overseas archipelago had returned to peace again.

However, an unexpected visitor disturbed Amos's peaceful life.

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