Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 591 You Should Choose Not Only Your Allies, But Also Your Enemies With Great Care

Chapter 591 You Should Choose Not Only Your Allies, But Also Your Enemies With Great Care

‘The day has finally come,’ Ethan thought as he looked at the tower in the distance, where the Statue of Brynhildr was located.

“Don’t worry, Master,” Lilith assured as she appeared behind Ethan in her Catkin Form. “If someone comes to harm you, I promise that I will protect you.”

Ethan turned around to look at the beautiful Catkin who would sometimes hug him in his sleep whenever Luna and Lilian didn't sleep beside him at night.

“Lilith, I’ve always wondered—what’s your real name?” Ethan asked. “I only gave you the name Lilith in the past since I didn’t know what to call you.”

“Young Master, the Catkins of the Orpheus Clans shed their names the moment they choose to take up the blade to serve your bloodline,” Lilith answered. “The day I was appointed to become your protector, I shed my name along with the others as an offering to the Goddess Tia.

“This is why the name you have given me is also my new name. I’m very thankful that you have given me such a wonderful name, Master.”

Ethan didn’t know how to feel after Lilith’s confession. Fortunately, he didn’t give her a funny name like Fluffy when picking a name for her. Otherwise, it would become very awkward between them in the future.

Lilith smiled after seeing the young man’s conflicted expression, then she once again merged with his shadows to protect him.

“It’s fine, Master,” Lilith stated. “Like I said, I like the name you gave me.”

What Ethan didn’t know was that the Orpheus Clan had another tradition. Those who had shed their names would be part of the Nameless, and they would remain nameless until the day they died.

This was to ensure that their origins wouldn’t be traced back to the Orpheus Clan, for this was the blessing of the Goddess whom they served.

A nameless assassin didn’t have any origin, so their deaths would be final.

If someone were to give them a name, it only meant one thing.

A marriage proposal.

And if the Catkin of the Orpheus Clan accepted the name, that means that they agreed to accept that person’s marriage proposal.

Of course, Ethan didn’t know about any of this.

Even Emma of the Meredith Clan wasn’t aware that the Orpheus Clan had this tradition. For them, the Catkins were a mysterious race that lived and died as the hidden daggers of their Master.

Fulfilling their mission without fail, even if they had to sacrifice their lives in order to accomplish it.

Taking a deep breath, Ethan walked toward the Tower.

Professor Rinehart and Professor Barret were already inside, handling the final preparations for the conference.

Everyone who had come to attend the conference were already inside the venue, so the path leading to it was clear… At least, it was supposed to be that way.

Ethan noticed a middle-aged man standing along the path that led to the tower, as if waiting for him.

The man felt familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. But before Ethan could do or say anything, the man smiled at him.

“Ethan Gremory,” the middle-aged man with long blonde hair and blue eyes looked at the young man with an intense gaze. “The name is Zack Kerr. I am Langston’s Father. I believe this is the first time we’ve actually talked to each other?”

“Indeed,” Ethan replied. “It seems that you’re a very busy person. Perhaps, too busy?”

“Yes.” Zack Kerr nodded. “You’ve kept me too busy. I already had my hands full with Rinehart, yet you just had to waltz your way into the picture.”

Although this was the first time that Ethan had met Zack Kerr, he already heard many things about him.

Since he was Langston’s Father, Emma had given him information about the Kerr Family. And truth be told, most of what he heard wasn’t good.

Also, since he was one of the Nobles whose rank had been demoted, that meant that he had played a role in the attempt to kidnap his grandparents as well as harass Chloe’s Family.

If they weren’t in the academy, Ethan would have already summoned Dainsleif and ordered it to devour the man before him.

“So, why are you here?” Ethan inquired. “The conference will be starting soon.”

Ethan controlled his emotions because he didn’t know the reason why Zack Kerr appeared in front of him. According to Emma's intel, he was one of the nobles who wanted to have him put on trial for obtaining Queen Celestia’s Legacy.

“I came to give you a warning, Ethan,” Zack Kerr answered. “You should choose not only your allies, but also your enemies with great care. Rinehart and Barret cannot protect you forever. While you are indeed safe within the walls of this academy, you cannot stay inside of it forever.”

“Understood.” Ethan nodded. “Is there anything else?”

The young man’s answer was casual. It was as if his subtle threat didn’t have any effect, making Zack Kerr frown.

But thinking that Ethan could only act this way because he was currently inside the academy, the middle-aged man sneered before turning around to walk toward the tower.

However, after taking ten steps, he stopped and glanced back at Ethan.

“If there comes a time when you need an ally, feel free to visit my Domain,” Zack Kerr said. “My doors will always be open for you.”

After saying those words, he finally left.

‘Scum,’ Sebastian said in disgust. He wanted so much to spit, but since he was in Ethan’s Sea of Consciousness, he decided not to do it. ‘He really thinks he’s some kind of big shot, huh?’

‘A delusional man,’ Ethan’s Other Half commented. ‘Even if Ethan went outside the academy walls, he would be perfectly safe. He already lost his Rank, yet his pride and arrogance still remain. As expected of a side character.’

Ethan had the same thoughts as his two allies. But unlike in the past, when he was truly powerless, things were different now.

If only Zack Kerr and the other Nobles targeted Ethan before he gained Celestia’s Domain, then they might have succeeded in eliminating him as long as they sent all of their powerhouses against him.

Fortunately, they didn’t.

Now that Ethan had time to grow, he would just continue growing stronger. After he journeyed to Midgard, his true background, which he still didn’t know about, would be known to him as well.

‘Stay on your guard, Master,’ Lilith said to him through telepathy. ‘You’ll be meeting more people like him inside the tower.’

‘I know, Lilith,’ Ethan replied with a smile. ‘I know.’

The young man then continued walking toward his destination, knowing that he would indeed meet more people like Zack Kerr in the conference room.

In his eyes, this wasn’t really a bad thing.

In fact, he even welcomed it.

That way, he would be able to put a face and a name to his enemies, allowing him to know whom he would have to deal with at a later time.

As he entered the Gates of the tower, he noticed Enzo casually cleaning the hallways with a broom while humming a tune.

The two exchanged a subtle nod of understanding before the young man walked past the other party.

“I’ll just be outside the conference room,” Enzo said in a volume that only Ethan could hear. “Don’t get intimidated by them, Master. Just as you have many enemies, you have many allies as well.”

“Mmm.” Ethan hummed as his way of telling his Protector that he understood.

This was the first time that Ethan would face all the big shots of the Shire Continent, and frankly, this might not be his last time meeting them.

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