Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 603 The Train Is Not Going To Wait For Any Of You, You Know?

Chapter 603 The Train Is Not Going To Wait For Any Of You, You Know?

Ethan sighed as he closed his traveling bag.

He then looked around inside his room, where he had stayed for an entire year in the academy.

There were times when Ethan would wake up early in the morning and wonder if everything that happened to him was all just a dream.

But seeing the familiar room every time he opened his eyes, he knew that he wasn’t dreaming.

Lilith, who was seated on top of his bed, nudged his hand with her paw.

“Feeling nostalgic, master?” Lilith inquired.

“Yes,” Ethan replied as he casually patted her head. “I will miss this place.”

“Master, you’re overreacting. You’ll be back here again after a few months.”

“I know. But, this is what I truly feel right now.”

Ethan closed his eyes and thought back to the many adventures he had in the academy.

Starting from that fateful day when he bumped into Alice and accidentally picked up the ticket that was rightfully hers.

The time he saw a Dragon fly alongside the train he was riding, and that moment when he realized that he had somehow found himself in a world where he wasn’t supposed to be.

He could still remember that nerve-wracking moment when he placed his hand on the Appraisal Stone, worried that he would be apprehended when they found out that he didn’t possess any magic power.

Ethan glanced at the black bracelet tied around his wrist. His Other Half told him that it was thanks to this bracelet that he was able to barely pass the Appraisal Stone.

However, he still told Ethan that even without the bracelet, he would have used a bit of his power to ensure that the young man would have been admitted into one of the Manors in the Academy.

But whether that would have been Dud Manor or not would remain unknown.

Ethan sighed when he remembered the night when Luna used her Moon Magic to forcefully awaken that dormant power inside his body.

He also remembered his first kiss with her, but back then, he thought that it was just a dream.

After that, things stacked up and escalated higher and higher, until Ethan found himself participating in the Clash of Manors.

Not long after that event, he was forced to make a choice between being captured or being sent to the past.

It was a tough decision, but in the end, Ethan chose to go to the past with Lily.

After many ups and downs, he overcame his depression and learned that the world wasn’t always fair.

A life could end as easily as cutting down the grass and shrubs in the surroundings.

Through that experience, Ethan grew into a man and learned things the hard way.

When he returned to the present, he once again faced several challenges, and one of those was the complexity of relationships.

“Lilith, life is truly mysterious,” Ethan said softly. “A year ago, I was just an ordinary country boy who was ignorant of the world. A boy who would rather play and spend time on the farm than to study in a learning institution.”

“Master, the circumstances of anyone can change at any moment,” Lilith commented. “The person whom others looked down on today might be the person whom they would look up to tomorrow. Also, the cat you’re gently holding right now might be the wife you’ll be embracing tomorrow.”

The corner of Ethan’s lips twitched after Lilith ruined her beautiful speech in just the span of a few seconds.

Perhaps, knowing what he was thinking, the Black Cat giggled, making her Master shake his head helplessly.

Suddenly, a knock sounded from the door, prompting the Master and Cat pair to glance at each other.

“Come in,” Ethan said.

When the door opened, Luna and Lilian entered the room, followed by Selene and Aria.

“Are you done packing?” Luna asked as she sat on Ethan’s right side.

“Yes,” Ethan replied. “I just finished a few minutes ago.”

Lilian sat on his left and looked at the Black Cat seated on Ethan’s lap.

“I still haven’t seen Lilith’s true form,” Lilian said. “Luna said that she was incredibly mature. Is that true, Ethan?”

“Well… you can say that.” Ethan blinked.

During the past few weeks, he often found himself waking up in Lilith’s embrace in her Catkin Form.

Ethan wouldn’t admit it, but every time that happened, he would wake up feeling refreshed as if he had the best sleep in his life.

‘In terms of size, she’s about the same as Emma,’ Ethan thought.

Among his lovers, Emma had the most developed figure of them all.

Comparing her to a succubus was an understatement.

Whenever he embraced Emma, his Promised One would make him feel a euphoria that transcended the pleasure of the flesh.

“Are you sure that the three of you can dawdle like this?” Lilith asked. “The train is not going to wait for any of you, you know?”

The Black Cat’s comment broke Ethan out of his daze, making him smile bitterly.

“Lilith is right,” Ethan said. “Let’s go.”

“Our luggage is already in the common room,” Luna commented. “We only came here to see if you had finished packing.”

Ethan nodded and followed his two lovers to the door.

When they arrived at the Common Room, the other members of Dud Manor were hugging each other and bidding their farewells.

“Make sure that all of you return safely from your vacation,” George said. “Since I am going to be your Head Prefect next year, I expect all of you to be here for the entrance ceremony. We might get new members, so make sure to be welcoming, okay?”

“Wow. He’s excited to become the next Head Prefect,” Noah commented. “Not bad.”

“Well, although he’s weird, I’m sure that he’ll be a good Head Prefect,” one of the Second Year Girls of Dud Manor said.

“Right,” A Third Year student, just like George, nodded his head. “I’m sure it will be another fun year when we return to the academy.”

Henry, who had just finished saying his goodbyes to his Manor Mates, looked at all of them with a smile.

“If we all happen to bump into each other during your missions, don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it,” Henry stated. “I will definitely help all of you without fail.”

“You better,” George commented. “You have to put in some effort for our sake even if you are no longer a student of the academy.”

“… Maybe I should pick a different Head Prefect. You’re getting way over your head, George.”

“What? You dare to kick me out of my new position? Courting death. How about I give you a good smacking with my axe? We’ll see if that will change your mind.”

Ethan and the others smiled as they watched the usual exchange between the two best friends.

It was just a little sad that starting the next school term, they would not be able to see this scene again.

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