Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 605 Scoring Some Brownie Points

Chapter 605 Scoring Some Brownie Points

When the train arrived at the station, Ethan was pleasantly surprised to see his Grandma Agnes waiting for them.

“Welcome back, Ethan,” Agnes said as she gave her grandson a tight hug. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too, Grandma,” Ethan hugged his Grandma with a smile on his face.

After hugging for half a minute, Agnes pulled back and went to hug Chloe, who happily hugged her back.

“It’s nice to see you again, Chloe,” Agnes sighed.

“Same here, Grandma,” Chloe replied. “Are you and Grandpa in good health?”

“Of course. I am as healthy as a fiddle. I’ll still be up and kicking to hold your firstborn.”

“That’s good to hear.”

Agnes then looked at the group of beautiful ladies, whom her grandson had brought back to their hometown.

Although it didn’t show on her face, she was giving Ethan two thumbs up in her heart.

Agnes was already counting the number of grandchildren she’d be holding in a few years while looking at the young ladies who had come to spend a few weeks with them.

“You must be Lily,” Agnes said as she hugged the young lady with shoulder-length blonde hair and green eyes. “Thank you for taking care of Ethan in the Lands of Alastor. I’ve been wanting to meet you for a long time.”

“I’ve also been wanting to meet you for a long time, Grandma Agnes,” Lily replied. “Ethan always talked about you and Grandpa Benjamin when we were trapped in the past.”

“Did he now?” Agnes arched an eyebrow. “Well, you need to tell me the stories that Ethan didn’t tell me. I’m sure that you have a lot of stories to tell.”

Lily nodded with a smile. “I’d be happy to.”

Agnes then greeted Luna, Lilian, Emma, and Nicole before asking them to follow her out of the station.

A few minutes later, they saw a carriage that looked similar to the carriages that they saw in Disknee Land.

The carriage was big enough to easily fit sixteen people, and it was being pulled by two horses.

“I splurged a bit on this carriage,” Agnes said proudly as she boarded the carriage. “I made sure that all the seats are cushioned to make the journey more comfortable.”

“Money well spent, Grandma,” Ethan praised.

“I know, right?” Agnes chuckled.

The ladies could tell how much Ethan and Agnes loved each other because both of them were all smiles as they chatted.

The trip from the station to their farm lasted for nearly thirty minutes, but the journey was quite comfortable.

When the house Ethan grew up in entered his sight, he couldn’t help but frown because some parts looked brand new.

The happiness he felt earlier dimmed a bit, having realized that their house must've been damaged when the mercenaries and bounty hunters tried to kidnap his grandparents.

Although both of them were safe, some of the encounters had probably gotten a bit too dangerous, with some Wizards hurling spells at the house in order to force the two old people to escape from it.

“Don’t think too much, Ethan,” Ethan’s Grandpa, Benjamin, said as he patted the young man’s chest. “The house needed some renovation anyway, so might as well improve it. Don’t worry, it is now larger and has more rooms.

“Agnes wanted to demolish everything and build a residence that could house over a dozen people. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to stop her. She already ordered the builders to make nine bedrooms before I could say anything.

“But in hindsight, I guess that was a good thing. Now that we have many rooms, these ladies can have their own rooms during their stay. So, think of that incident as a blessing in disguise. In the end, it worked in our favor, right?”

Ethan nodded. “Indeed, Grandpa. It is a blessing in disguise.”

“How long do the two of you plan to keep these girls standing outside the house?” Agnes asked with her hands resting on her waist.

“You heard her.” Benjamin winked. “Let’s not keep the ladies waiting. I’m sure that they are tired from their journey.”

When everyone was inside the house, they noticed how spacious the interior was. It was also tastefully and luxuriously designed, which made Ethan arch an eyebrow. From every angle, this looked like a villa that belonged to a noble family.

“Amazing, right?” Agnes looked smug after seeing her grandson’s reaction. “The ten thousand gold that bastard Zack Kerr paid as compensation was put to good use.”

“Your Grandma has been inviting her friends into our home just to brag,” Benjamin whispered. “She even holds parties just to show them that she is rich now.”

Ethan couldn’t help but smirk because this was very much in line with his Grandmother’s personality.

“What’s wrong with inviting my friends to have a party here?” Agnes asked. “It’s not often that I get to rub salt on their faces, especially Susan who always brags that her grandson is the top student in Saint Claire Academy and has many admirers, especially girls from noble households.

“Wait… why didn’t I think of that? I should invite her and those other old hags to come here. I will show them my grandson’s fiancees! Hahaha! Let’s see if that Susan can still brag after seeing my beautiful daughter-in-laws!”

“Please don’t do that, Grandma,” Ethan said.

“Don’t do it, Agnes,” Benjamin commented. “You will just make Ethan’s lovers uncomfortable.”

“Not at all, Grandpa Benjamin,” Emma joined the conversation. “It will be best if Grandma’s friends know how many ladies love Ethan. That way, they will understand that the Gremory Family is on another level compared to theirs.”

Agnes held Emma’s hands and looked at her with approval.

“This girl knows!” Agnes declared. “Emma, make sure to dress up when I call my friends, okay? I will introduce you to them.”

“Of course, Grandma.” Emma nodded. “Leave it to me. Let’s make sure that whenever they talk about Ethan, they will only talk about how successful he is in life, and how beautiful his future wives are.”

Luna, Lily, and Lilian immediately understood that Emma was just trying to score some brownie points in order to get on Agnes’ good side.

“Such a sly move,” Lilian muttered. “She knows how to make Grandma Agnes happy.”

Luna and Lily nodded their heads in agreement, while Nicole only looked at this scene with amusement.

‘Good thing, I tagged along,’ Nicole thought. ‘I’m sure these two weeks will be fun.’

Not wanting to see Oscar or any members of the Asta Family, she decided to stay away from home until the vacation finished.

But since she had nowhere else to go, she needed to decide where she would stay until the academy opened.

That was when it hit her.

Ethan had mentioned that he planned to take his lovers to see his Grandparents.

Since Nicole was curious about Ethan’s family, she decided that it would be a good idea to come with them.

Truth be told, she felt envious when she saw Ethan’s grandparents. They were simply the grandparents she wished she had.

Her mother was a mere concubine, so she didn’t have a high rank in the Asta Family.

Oscar also didn’t recognize her at the beginning, so he didn’t show Nicole any familial love while she was growing up.

This was another reason why she hated the Asta Family.

She was even contemplating whether it was possible to break all ties with them so that she wouldn’t have to see them again anytime soon.

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