Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 662 Progenitor Versus Progenitor [Part 2]

Chapter 662 Progenitor Versus Progenitor [Part 2]

Ethan desperately evaded the attacks of the Giant Rat with every fiber of his being.

He poured all his concentration into dodging the Deity’s attacks, leaving him no time for anything else.

A second of hesitation could spell his doom, so he didn’t have time to properly counterattack.

Erass could turn his body into a mist, just like Wendigos, which could infect anything it touched.

The Storm that Ethan conjured had transformed into an Acid Storm, destroying the lands under them while the two fought in the heavens.

It wasn’t even a fight at this point, but Ethan dodging Erass' attacks and doing his best to distance himself from the Progenitor, whose attacks were increasing in intensity, and speed, with each passing minute.

‘Ethan, he will corner you if you keep on only dodging,’ Sebastian stated. ‘You need to attack him to break his momentum!’

Originally, Ethan wanted to summon Illumina, but he was afraid that Erass would infect her with his powers.

With that, using his Resonance was out of the question.

The only thing he could use was his spears, so he summoned them and gave them one order, and that was to attack Erras!

Lightbringer and Areadbhair flew towards Erras like missiles.

At first, the Giant Rat planned to just ignore the two spears, but after sensing their properties, it immediately targeted them with its breath attacks.

Lightbringer and Areadbhair evaded this attack and flew toward the Giant Rat’s left and right sides.

Areadbhair turned into a blazing comet, while Lightbringer shone like a silver shooting star.

The two spears then embedded themselves into the Giant Rat’s body, making the latter scream. It didn’t expect that the two spears would deal damage to it.

Seeing that an opportunity had arrived, Ethan pointed his wand in the Giant Rat’s direction and unleashed countless Water Balls that were the size of a basketball.

They were made from compressed water, so they were incredibly dense and would hit as hard as a full-powered strike of a sledgehammer.

But Ethan also added something else to this attack.

He had added cleansing properties to the Water Balls, hoping that it would weaken the pestilence that formed the Giant Rat’s body.

This was a simple trick that was taught to him by his father, Wallace, which he said would be effective against unholy opponents.

Water was an element that had the power to cleanse anything.

Even though it can easily be influenced by many things, at the end of the day, water has the power to purify filth.

Just as Ethan expected, his attacks were having an effect on his Erass, who was now being pushed back.

With Lightbringer and Areadbhair attacking him from his blindspots and Ethan’s Water Balls descending on him from the front, Erras had finally been suppressed.

At least, that was what Ethan thought.

The little breathing room he had created for himself instantly disappeared the moment Erras decided to fight seriously.

“Pestilence Domainssss!”

Ethan immediately found himself in a world of decay, filth, and plague.

The air in his surroundings made him feel as if his throat was on fire, making it hard for him to breathe.

The young man coughed repeatedly before creating a water bubble to cover his face.

This would prevent him from getting affected by dangerous fumes that were attacking his body even now.

“Playtime’ssss over, mortalssss!” Erass declared. “I will eat yousss and gain your powerssss!”

Erass laughed, and the world around him shuddered.

The entire Domain was brimming with plagues and diseases, dooming anyone unlucky enough to be trapped inside of it.

If not for the fact that Ethan had ways to counter the environment, he might have succumbed to sickness in the span of half a minute.

‘This place is draining my magic reserves at a rapid pace,’ Ethan thought.

Right now, he was still fine because he still had half of his magic remaining, but the moment it ran dry, he would be at Erass’ mercy.

Even if he didn’t use any spells, Ethan believed that he would only last for half an hour before the Pestilence Domain took hold of his senses.

Because of this, he brainstormed with Sebastian and his Other Half about how to deal with their current situation.

‘Right now, it is a race against time,’ Sebastian said solemnly. ‘It is either he runs out of magic first, or you run out of magic first.’

‘I might be able to help you, Ethan, but I will need some time,’ Ethan’s Other Half stated.

‘How much time do you need?’ Ethan asked.

‘Fifteen… no ten minutes. I’ll finish my preparation in ten minutes.’

Ethan nodded as he hurriedly distanced himself from the Giant Rat, who was now feeling extremely confident because the young man was now trapped inside his domain.

Even though it was only in his Avatar Form, it was still powerful enough to prevent his enemy from getting away.

“Hahaha… that’ssss itssss. Runssss!” Erass laughed as he ran after Ethan.

In his domain, he could cover great distances in just a short period of time, so it didn’t matter even if Ethan ran away.

Erass would easily catch up to him whenever he wanted.

Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to escape Erass’ pursuit, Ethan used his Mimir’s Wisdom in an attempt to find a way to overcome his current situation.

In this state, Ethan was capable of multitasking, allowing him to do many things at once.

Another term for this was parallel processing.

It was the ability to carry out multiple thought processes at once, which was one of the perks of using Mimir’s Wisdom.

While Ethan was in this stage, his body was dodging and predicting Erass’ next move, allowing him to barely evade his attacks.

There was also a part of his mind, which was looking for solutions on how to overcome his current situation.

His Other Half asked him to give him ten minutes, so he would fight with everything he had to give him that ten minutes.

Suddenly, a solution came to Ethan’s mind.

Just as Erras’ filthy claws were about to swipe Ethan’s body, the young man suddenly shrank, making the Giant Rat’s attack miss.

Ethan had used his Mimir’s Wisdom to transform into a rat.

It took a while for Erass to comprehend what had just happened.

But before it could return to its senses, the rat that landed on the ground immediately started digging, escaping underground.

Fighting inside the Domain of your opponent would put you at a great disadvantage, but it didn’t guarantee their victory.

This was something that Wallace had taught Ethan, which the young man took to heart.

He was feeling thankful that he had been taught about countering Domains before this fateful encounter.

If not, he would definitely be quickly defeated by the Progenitor of Pestilence, whose angry screech reverberated within his own Domain because he couldn’t believe that his enemy would turn into a rat just to offend him.

“You bastardssssss!” Erras roared as he jumped high up in the air. “I’ll crush yousssss!”

A loud explosion spread in the surroundings, accompanied by an earthquake as the hundred-meter-tall Rat slammed into the ground with force.

A crater that was hundreds of meters wide emerged from the point of impact, proving how powerful Erass’ attack was.

Ethan was caught up by the tremors, but he didn’t stop and continued to dig deeper into the ground.

It was now a race against time.

Either he would be crushed by Erras first, or he would be able to buy enough time for his Other Half to complete whatever he was doing, which would help him defeat the monster, whose powers had surpassed his expectations.

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