World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 371

Chapter 371 Currency War (7)

“Everyone except the Chinese branch manager should leave.”

The meeting room was silent for a moment at President Lee Mi-yeon's strangely cold instructions. The branch managers looked at each other here and there with puzzled faces at the sudden instructions. And then Emily, the branch manager of the United States, opened her mouth with a gun on her arm.

[Then, I'll report back to you next time, boss.]

And don't let someone stop you, Emily's screen turned black as she disconnected in an instant. Starting with that, the branch heads of each country, who had been paying attention, began scrambling to leave, saying good-bye like dominoes.

[I'll be waiting while figuring out the situation, boss.]

[Let's just go in.]

The Chinese branch manager is looking at his colleagues who are disappearing one by one into a black screen with a puzzled face. However, he couldn't bear to think of disconnecting and running away like the others when he saw President Lee Mi-yeon staring only at him.

The branch manager of the last remaining Indian branch.

He, too, looked alternately between CEO Lee Mi-yeon and the Chinese branch manager in a moment of uncomfortable silence, then disappeared with a really awkward face.

[Then me too.....]


A hundred or so branch managers have all disappeared, leaving only two of them, Lee Mi-yeon and the Chinese branch manager. And only after all the disturbers had disappeared, did she finally open her mouth.

“Now I can have a proper conversation without wasting time. Don't you think so, Mr. Wang Yi China?”

[What the hell are you talking about...]

Branch manager Wang Yi muttered with an innocent face and a forced smile as if he had no idea why he had left him alone. However, President Lee Mi-yeon said with a cold face, as if to stop talking nonsense.

“You'd better stop doing that nonsense and nonsensical acting right now, Governor Wang Yi. It's a fact that you... no, the employees of the Chinese branch can never know that it is the Chinese government who is playing with gold this time.”

Branch manager Wang Yi made a foolish expression for a moment at the words of President Lee Mi-yeon, who cut off his words and sharply questioned him as if he knew everything. And soon, he frowned and showed his true color, and rather took on the attitude of a red flag.

[You are saying too much. As the boss said, our Chinese men recently mobilized a huge amount of money to buy Arcadia's gold in large quantities. However, these were purchased at their own personal discretion, and there is no evidence that the Chinese government directly intervened.] The heads of so-called 100

giants in China ‘voluntarily' made dozens of Wang Yi's claim that the gold was purchased by investing hundreds of trillions of won. And at those words, CEO Lee Mi-yeon asked with a laugh as if it wasn't even funny.

“Are you telling me to believe that now? You voluntarily poured such an enormous amount of money into buying virtual currency?”

[What else can I not believe?]

From an objective point of view, Governor Wang Yi's words are absurd and far-fetched. However, since the information Alice could grasp did not contain evidence of the Chinese government's involvement, Lee Mi-yeon sighed and shook her head.

“Stop unnecessary and exhausting arguments, Governor Wang Yi. I didn't send all the other branch managers out to fight like this, holding on to the horse's tail.”

President Lee Mi-yeon, who was forced to send all the personnel out, and tried to have a secret consultation with herself. That's why Branch Manager Wang Yi also asked with a face full of curiosity as if he was a little curious.

[What the hell do you want to talk about with me?]

“Do you know why I set up several branches in each country, including China, and have an employee of that nationality sit as the branch manager in each country?”

Global companies that are the de facto owners and parent companies of Arcadia Co., Ltd.

Silico The Bio Industries.

Corporation Argos.

Ajin Electronics.

Virtual reality Arcadia could, in fact, operate smoothly with just one headquarters in the United States, without huge fixed costs, as long as it leverages the distribution network and influence of these three companies, which have already spread like a spider's web around the world.

But even so, President Lee Mi-yeon established a branch in each country where the service started, hired people with the nationality of the country as employees, and distributed the work as much as possible. And it was an agenda that she pushed hard, despite concerns voiced by the board members of the three companies.

“In this world, virtual reality is just a baby just starting to stretch, and many countries are still looking at it with concern, trying to block the flow of change somehow. I established branches in each country with the purpose of showing them the brilliant future that virtual reality will bring and persuading them. For example.... Would you say that you wanted all the employees of each branch, including the branch manager, to play the role of a diplomat representing and representing virtual reality and this company?”

Lee Mi-yeon, who has been appointed as the general president of Arcadia Co., Ltd., with a grand ideal and purpose to make virtual reality technology firmly and massively rooted in this world. That's why she said, looking at the governor with a cold face, this king who interfered with her will.

“And that idea wasn’t actually wrong. The method is different for each, but obviously, in other branches, regardless of how negatively the government of the country to which they belong looks at our company, they do the best they can for the benefit and well-being of Arcadia Co., Ltd. I am making an effort.”

The branch managers of numerous branches who are at odds with their own government and fighting fiercely among dozens of hundreds of various agendas, seeking, thinking, and working hard to find a direction that is beneficial to Arcadia and virtual reality as much as possible. So she asked as if she couldn't understand at all.

“By the way... why doesn't that work for the Chinese branch?”

A huge and powerful country with a population of over 1.3 billion and one of the five largest single countries on the planet.


Those who are proud of their overwhelming influence by securing a huge number of subscribers without being ridiculous in the name of a great country, occupying a huge portion of Arcadia's worldwide sales, act arrogantly as if they know their position and status. did.

[Where are the lambs invading our area?]

[At least twist the scenario on our side because of you bastards. Let's show the fearlessness of the Chinese people.]

[Cooperation? If it's cooperative, nabal, and you guys are poop, you guys take care of it. Why are you making a fuss with us?]

A very closed and uncooperative attitude at work.

The notoriety of those who do not want to interact with other countries at all, and rather commit all sorts of depravity and abuse, was famous among general-level employees around the world. Of course, there was nothing different about the closed and intolerant atmosphere in the company as a high-ranking executive.

[Events promoted in other countries should, of course, be held in China as well. If an event called Sangsang Daejeon is held only in Korea, it is a discriminatory act that ignores the people!]

[Why don't you authorize additional access to in-game data? Due to the forcible integration of our Chinese continent with other continents, enormous damage to the people is occurring one after another!] [

Perhaps.... Shouldn't we add Moorim's worldview to Arcadia? The Chinese government wants not only Western culture, but also Asian representative culture to enter virtual reality.]

Governor Wang Yi, who has always made unreasonable and absurd demands in order to secure interests for China by China by China. Looking back at his past remarks and actions, President Lee Mi-yeon asked with a slightly serious face.

“Wang Yi, China branch manager, who the hell are you working for?”

As the head of the Chinese branch of Arcadia Co., Ltd., the question is whether he represents the company's interests or as a Chinese person representing the interests of the Chinese government. And at that question, Governor Wang Yi opened his mouth with a slightly embarrassed face.


President Lee Mi-yeon, who can't say anything, looks at the branch manager and says he knew it. And as if she had nothing more to say, she gave him a final warning.

“As soon as this meeting is over, tell the Chinese government my... no, Arcadia Co., Ltd.’s will. Whatever the purpose of doing this, I will not care about the reason, so liquidate all the gold you bought immediately and return the stock you have to the market.”

[Again, what happened this time has nothing to do with the Chinese government...]

“Ah. right. You've been claiming that all along, haven't you? Then I'll correct it again. The so-called ‘voluntary' investors who bought this time... no, tell the speculators to rob the stock they bought right away and get away. I bought such an enormous amount, but it must be very profitable to sell at least twice as much, right?”

President Lee Mi-yeon muttered in a smirking tone as if making fun of the governor's lame excuses. Feeling strangely uneasy at her cynical smile and her seemingly angry but so calm and serene tone of voice, he rolled his eyes and resisted pitifully.

[That...why are you telling me that...]

Governor Wang Yi, who doesn't want to get involved in this matter somehow. However, CEO Lee Mi-yeon looked at him with pitiful eyes as if he knew everything about him and said,

“Don’t you have any connections like that because you’re the branch manager in charge of the Chinese branch? Stop complaining and deliver my words straight. Everyone knows that the floor there goes back to Guanxi, but what?”

Governor Wang Yi hesitates when told to run immediately and deliver a declaration that is literally a declaration of war to the Chinese government. President Lee Mi-yeon gave him another burden.

“Ah, and please tell me that if you don’t give up and try to fuck me up with this trick, you will really regret it with bloody tears. Did you know?”

President Lee Mi-yeon does not hesitate to say that she will retaliate against the Chinese government. However, at her words, Governor Wang Yi asked with a slightly serious expression.

[Seriously, are you going to take the same measures as Japan again in China...?]

Indefinite suspension of Arcadia service.

Recalling the insane retaliatory measures of President Lee Mi-yeon, who completely blew up the entire Japanese branch by implementing measures that were virtually equivalent to withdrawing from the business over such a crazy superpower, Branch Manager Wang Yi's face turned pale, but she raised her eyebrows as if that was nonsense. frowned.

“What nonsense is that?”

[yes....? Didn't you just threaten to regret it.....]

“Threat? When am I?”


A strange situation where they can't understand each other.

And soon, President Lee Mi-yeon gave an additional explanation, saying that he would understand why this misunderstanding occurred.

“What I just asked you to deliver is advice, not threats. Or, to be more precise, should I call it an earnest request?”

The Chinese government has invested hundreds of trillions of dollars.

President Lee Mi-yeon sincerely prayed that they would not waste the people's taxes, and begged with a face full of sincerity more than ever.

“Please, as a Korean who loves China more than anyone else, I ask you to tell me to stop doing what you are doing right now because if you are greedy for more than that, you could die of a stomach rupture. yes?”

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