World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 398

Chapter 398 Fall of Magic (4)

The war against the mechanical civilization in Arcadia.

Players eagerly jumped into this war because of President Lee Mi-yeon's request that everyone fight together to prevent the destruction of Arcadia and a quest that promised an enormous reward. However, he was horribly knocked down by an army of machines that were so powerful that he could not even dare to fight, and was filled with only despair.

-Wrong..... This wasn't made to wake you up.

-No, does it make sense to tell a warrior with a sword to deal with guys like that in the first place?

-It's better than a bow. Those guys are really useless.

-It seems that the magic does some damage, but the problem is that the penalty is too serious.....

-Eh. This dung beetle. Let's see where we go Destruction is an asshole.

-You don't want to see the company go bankrupt, so maybe you can adjust the balance?

Users who did not dare to face the overwhelming power difference and chose to wait and see after several deaths. However, one video completely changed this atmosphere.

[Uuuuuuuuuu! Rampage! Rampage!]

[Uh ha ha ha! Even if I look like this, I was a special shooter in the army. All you can do is shoot!]

Holding a revolver in both hands, shooting magic bullets like crazy, defeating the drones.

[fire power! fire power! Firepower!]

[One shot of mana stones loaded! Fire!]

He loaded and projected dozens and hundreds of magic turrets at once, turning the whole battlefield into a mess.


A video of him swinging a huge iron bar and destroying the earthenware pot of the machine army by himself, eventually winning. Those who witnessed this monumental moment, which could be said to be the first victory of human beings... no, organisms, were astonished.

- No... What the hell is that?

-Attacks against those ruthless drones work?

- Chew hahahaha. Firepower is crazy Is that a pseudo-cannon or something?

The main scenario established through the war between the Shouen Empire and the Gael Federation in the past.

The Era of Arcane Machinery.

Watching the grandeur of the cannon shooters and magic turrets that appeared then, they realized the big picture of Arcadia Co., Ltd. and got goosebumps.

-So... you mean that magic science is the key to attacking this scenario?

-I know? Come to think of it, magic damage is the most effective, but wizards have become idiots, so there is no choice?

-If you have that revolver or something, you can get rid of those damn machines.....

-Cannon shooter or whatever job is good, is this the scenario we are inducing now?

It was a new job that was recently unveiled, and there were not many people who had a job related to canon shooter or magic engineering because there was a path that each person was already walking.

Only a handful of firepower geeks or obsessed with guns gave up their jobs and changed jobs to canon shooters or magic engineers. Originally, there was no room for the number of users with that job to increase so explosively, but at this moment it was different.

‘wait....? If I just hit 100 drones with that revolver...?'

The third main scenario newly opened this time.

Act. 3 invasion of machine civilization.

Those who remembered that the rewards for this scenario start with items of at least epic grade. Realizing that there was a huge reward at stake, previously unimaginable, I immediately thought.

‘I have to do this unconditionally.'

‘Should I change my job now? It looks interesting, but...' ‘

Ha... Now, rather than hunting with a bow, let's just pick up a gun comfortably.'

Although each has a different reason, those who want to put a spoon on this huge event that can never be missed have begun to move their steps busily from all over the continent.

To Gael Federation, the birthplace of magic engineering.

* * *

After the video of Angelina and Gael Federation was uploaded.

Her agency, iPlus, became a crucible of chaos because of the phone overload.

From simple questions related to the video to an interview with a reporter affiliated with an advertisement, all sorts of miscellaneous inquiries began to pour in. While all the employees were mobilized, answering calls, moving around, and focusing on their work, CEO Seo-wook Jo glanced at them and went to a quiet place where no one was present to pick up the phone.

“Yes customer. As you said, we have completed all the streaming broadcasts.”

Jaeyoung Yoon.... no player dex.

The original owner of the daily life of the destroyer, which has now become the official channel of iPlus. As he requested, CEO Jo Seo-wook, who released a video highlighting Angelina and magical engineering to the world, was unknowingly relieved at the satisfying voice heard over the receiver.

[I enjoyed the video, CEO. Did you edit more colorfully than I thought?]

“Our editing team always gets things done. In addition, we will upload a few more videos. There are a few more things that can highlight Angelina.”

[yes. Well, it seems that the goal has already been achieved, but... Do as you wish.]

Jaeyoung induced the users to join the Gael Federation and instilled hope and motivation to fight against the machines again. However, he did not appear on this battlefield at all, so Seo-wook Jo eventually asked a question out of irresistible curiosity.

“Um...but why don’t you come forward?”

[hmm? What is it?]

He asks in a puzzled voice if he didn't understand the question. Then CEO Jo Seo-wook began to tell his heart.

“If the players wanted to rally and fight against the Gael Federation, Dex-sama had to be on the battlefield. It's not that I'm disparaging or belittling Angelina-sama, but... To be honest, Dex-sama's ripple power is absolutely incomparable.”

Unlike Angelina, who has just started gaining popularity and building her own fandom, Dex's fandom is already complete. Of course, the group's unique taste has gone beyond singularity to a bizarre and creepy level, but nonetheless they have formed a force as powerful as they were.

“If the customer had stepped forward, Dex’s panties.... Anyway, ‘that' group would have flocked to the Gael Federation right away. It's the largest scale ever, millions... no, maybe tens of millions.”

A taboo word that should never be spoken in front of Jaeyoung.

Deck fan.

CEO Cho Seo-wook spoke earnestly as he tried to bring it out of his mouth, but he soon said sorry.

“If possible, could you take a video with Angelina in the Gael Federation? Even from the editor's point of view, it seems more picturesque...”

Dex, who has never done a merging before.

CEO Jo Seo-wook wanted to take this opportunity to somehow make him appear with Angelina, but the answer he heard was very firm.

[Are you crazy? What are you doing to attract those kinky stalkers? That's absolutely not possible.]

Jae-young stubbornly refuses to ask for help, saying that she regrets it. And he wasn't doing it for no reason.

[They were the ones who persistently asked me to tell me the brand of my underwear last time, saying that they helped me once, but this time, what kind of humiliation would they suffer for saying such an unfortunate thing again?] “.....” Rather than open their hands to Deck


, Arcadia's destruction Jae-young, who is full of will to choose . In response to his reaction, CEO Cho Seo-wook replied with a regretful expression, thinking that he had not even been able to find a break.

“All right. Then, we will make a video centered on Angelina and upload it.”

However, at the words of CEO Jo Seo-wook, Jae-young threw it as if it was no big deal.

[Oh, and I'm going to start streaming soon, so please tell others to leave the channel alone.]

“Yes...? What is that...?”

Until just a moment ago, he had stubbornly refused to intervene in this matter. When he said that he would turn on the broadcast, CEO Jo Seo-wook momentarily put on a dumbfounded expression.

[CEO seems to be misunderstanding something, but I don't want to run into other people in the Gael Federation, so I'm thinking of attacking this scenario in my own way. It's not that I'm just going to do nothing and just watch.]

“Ah! Did you mean that?”

CEO Jo Seo-wook, who is delighted with those words and his eyes shine. And asked with a face of great anticipation.

“Could you tell me what kind of strategy it is...”

CEO Jo Seo-wook recalls all sorts of scenes in his head about how to direct it. However, Jaeyoung muttered softly to him.

[Well... it's nothing special. Just as the machines are expanding their territory, I am going to eat their territory one by one. It’s just like eating ground.]


CEO Jo Seo-wook did not understand Jae-young's story at all. But he hung up the phone before he had time to ask more, so he couldn't ask any further.

What the hell are you trying to do?

* * *

The Gael Federation where a fierce war between machines and humans takes place.

However, Jaeyoung was moving in the opposite direction.

“Master, where the hell are you going? Can't you just say something?”

Tan persistently asks Jae-young, who doesn't say anything and just walks away in silence, looking at him as if he's frustrated. To his words, Jaeyoung replied with a meaningful smile.

“Let’s just say it’s a place that reminds me of the past.”

“Think of the past...?”

Tan muttered with a stupid expression as if he didn't understand Jaeyoung's words. But it wasn't until he reached his destination that he heard the all-too-welcome and familiar cries.


“Kwaaaang! Kwyang! Kwyang!”

Greenish round shape. Bright eyes and a cute cry.

Slime, who was the weakest in Arcadia in the past, but has now been reborn as a powerful being that can compete with any other race.

Jaeyoung, who entered the habitat full of them, waved his hand as if he was happy and called them.

“Guys, it’s been a while. How have you been?”

The slimes that roamed the plains peacefully, chugging leisurely. However, as some of them looked at Jae-young, recognized who it was, and started to approach him happily, the surroundings of Jae-young were filled with green light.

“Kwuuuung! Kwyung!”

“Kyung! Kwyung!”


The slimes greeted him with fervent support as if they had seen a celebrity. And seeing their reaction, Tan asked with a serious face, as if recalling memories from the past.

“Master... can't it be... isn't it...?”


Jae-young smiles broadly as if she has no idea what she is talking about to Tan, who asks with an uneasy expression. However, because of the enormous slime that appeared at that moment, Tan couldn't bear to open his mouth.



A super-giant slime wearing a crown studded with huge and splendid jewels, the lord of all slimes, and the ruler of all species, the Lord of Slimes.

Looking up at him happily, Jaeyoung leaped lightly and climbed onto his head.

“Can you help me this time? I have someone to sort out, but there are too many pages, so it's too disadvantageous to deal with alone.”

Jae-young seeks help from the slimes on behalf of the hateful and ugly group of perverted stalkers who indulge in their own panties. And as he had hoped, these faithful friends did not ask for any reward or condition, and just raised green bells above their heads and cried.

“Kwaaang! Kyaaang!”

Slimes bouncing and crying passionately as if to leave it to them. Looking at the crowd of people filling the wide plain, Jaeyoung said to them with a thrilling smile.

“Then let’s go guys. To eat the ground.”

[Let's eat fried dumplings] Game's strongest troller (serial series) /

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