X-ray Is More Than I Thought

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Im currently in Tamamushis bedroom.

Sitting on the bed, Kamuro Hizuki linked her arms around mine as she rested her head onto my shoulders and cuddled close to me.

Aah It seems like a dream

With her cheeks dyed red, Kamuro Hizuki muttered as she closed her eyes and leaked out a hot sigh.

I agree. If possible, I wish this could be all a dream.

Why are you asking that Im alone with Kamuro Hizuki in the bedroom you say? Well, there were various circumstances.

From summing up all of our conversations that we had just then, we decided to follow Kamuro Hizukis suggestion, which is to bring Marina, Yuka, and Yukina into this times operation.

However, if they refuse our proposal, then we intend to obediently back down.

In other words, we adopted Asahinas proposal.

Thats why I planned to go and pick up Marina, Yuka, and Yukina, but before that, there was something I had to do.

(TN: More like being forced to do)

In the previous situation, the information about the Nature Conservation Organization could only be relied on Tamamushis knowledge.

However, once Kamuro Hizuki joined, that completely changed our situation.

Kamuro Hizuki whos able to completely understand everything that happens in the present, is obviously able to perfectly grasp all the information about the Nature Conservation Organization as well. No, its better to say that she hasnt grasped it perfectly. Sharing that information takes priority over everything else.

The core item in making a plan of action is information.

Because before you head into a fight, youre already able to roughly determine who the victor is through obtaining their information.

One of the winning factors to a fight is to know how to obtain information about the enemy. And due to Kamuro Hizukis existence, were at an overwhelmingly advantageous position. However, it would be all meaningless if Kamuro Hizuki keeps the information all to herself.

Thus, we had to undergo a process of offering something for the information in order to for her to give it to us

A-About thatTheres something I have to say

With Asahina, Rikka, Kazahana, and Tamamushi all gathered in the living room, asking what Kamuro Kizuki wants in return for the information, Kamuri Hizuki starts to fidget as she blushes up to her ears and giving me a quick glance.

I had a bad feeling about this. An extremely bad feeling.

E-Explaining it with words isummit will just waste our timeand alsoIm bad with my wordsso I dont have the confidence to explain it well

Kamuro Hizuki says as she continues to fidget, seemingly as if shes an innocent young maiden while shyly giving me a few quick glances.

Do you know what being bad with your words even mean?! Is what I wanted to cut in and say, but I think if I make the wrong move now, then we wont be able to progress. So, for the time being, I decided to let Kamuro Hizuki say whatever she wants.

L-Lets not explain it in words, but instead, if we link our consciousness together, it is possible that youll be able to perfectly understand the information that I currently have. I think doing that, will be better

Sharing our consciousness. If you can do such things, by all means, I want you to do it. Is what I wanted to say, but I couldnt bring myself to say it.

If sharing our consciousness is that simple, then theres no reason for Kamuro Hizuki to start fidgeting so shyly. In other words, there are specific conditions that are necessary for it to work. Moreover, from just looking at Kamuro Hizukis behavior, I was able to roughly outline what kind of conditions they were.

We needed to be d-deeply, deeply, deeply, deeeeeeeply connected with each other

Blushing furiously, Kamuro Hizuki looked at me with wet eyes. As I expected.

To be deeply connected. That means to have sex.

Do we need to hug each other naked? Or do we have to entwine our tongues together? Or is it that we have firmly join our genitals together?

(TN: Fuck er right in da pussy)

I cant really judge from it, but I think its definitely joining our sexual organs together.

Well, it all comes down to if Kamuro Hizuki is telling the true.

Honestly, I doubt what she says is true. However, even if weve been deceived by her, we wont receive any damage from it. So, it just comes down to me and if I can be able to bear with it.

Also, if Kamuro Hizuki is actually lying, then Ill never trust her again. Kamuro Hizuki herself should be already aware of it.

So, are you just going to throw everything away in order to do it with me once?

If its Kamuro Hizuki, then it may be pretty likely, but, if shes really telling the truth, then the price to pay is negligible to the information being obtained.

Alright, I believe you. If youre fine with me, then Ill do anything. You can tell me to do anything

I told Kamuro Hizuki.

I purposely chose my words carefully in order to imply that I trust her.

I carried the intention of implying to Kamuro Hizuki that if she deceives me, then Ill never believe a single word that comes out of her mouth ever again.

Kamuro Hizuki was clearly frightened by my words.

Its as if she didnt think that shed expect me to agree to her proposal.

Was Kamuro Hizuki acting or was it due to her ambiguous future prediction?

Its unavoidable to think about it. Although Kamuro Hizuki said that my ability is working properly, but since I cant see then it couldnt be helped to think about it.

(TN: If youre wondering why the mc is using Kamuro Hizukis full name when he describes her actions, hes basically implying to the readers that he is distancing himself from her and treating her like a stranger because he obviously doesnt like her)

Anyhow, I sold myself in order to get the information.

I decided to leave everything in Kamuro Hizukis hands.

Especially for times like these.

And how long exactly do we need to be connected for?

After sitting on the bed for about 30 minutes, I called out and asked Kamuro Hizuki who is doing nothing else but clinging onto me.

Aanoanoano desu ne Sonoanothat is A-Are you saying that you didnt understand what I said?

(TN: For more immersion, I left it like so)

Kamuro Hizuki who has been resting her head on my shoulder all this time lifted her head up and looked at me and asked in a shaky voice.

She blushes so hard until it seems like her face is burning up and looks at me with her black eyes as hearts float up onto her pupils. I could only see myself reflected in her eyes. Almost as if from looking at Kamuro Hizukis lips, they were telling me that shes scared.

It doesnt seem like shes lying.

No, without my abilities, my judgments have become dull.

In other words, the me now is able to be fooled easily.

However, Im prepared to be deceived.

If Kamuro Hizuki is telling the truth, then the value of obtaining the information becomes immeasurable. For that sake, Im thoroughly prepared to sell myself to her. Dont worry anymore. Dont hesitate. Come clean and offer up everything.

I told you Ill do anything. Ill follow what you say. Im sorry but, Im bad at dealing with you. I cant do anything about that

Saying that to Kamuro Hizuki, she shook her head.

I completely understand that youre disgusted by me Nevertheless, I feel nothing but gratitude for you who accepted me

While looking at me with heart-shaped pupils, Kamuro Hizuki whispered into my ear in a sweet voice.

Beautiful long black hair and big droopy eyes. Skin as white as snow and a feminine rounded body. While still wearing her school uniform, she pressed her two huge lumps of meat against my chest.

From judging only by her looks, shes a beautiful girl who rivals Asahinas beauty.

A beautiful girl where no one will complain a single word if they get to do it with her. But even so, why do I feel a great deal of antipathy towards this girl?

However, honestly speaking, it seems that my feeling of disgust towards her has become lesser than before.

If that wasnt the case, then no matter how much Ill gain from it, I would probably never allow myself to be in a room alone with Kamuro Hizuki.

I think its definitely due to my ability

Kamuro Hizuki said. Did she see through my thoughts?

The Heavens eyes power is enormous No, its too powerful Its an uncontrollable ability that even the mediocre me is unable to handle But if its you, there may be a possibility to be able to control it If the me before was able to awaken the Heavens eye, then the ability would surely run rampant Ill certainly head towards the path of destruction That is why you hated me So you judged me as a dangerous being and tried to avoid me

I understand where Kamuro Hizukis words were coming from.

According to Tamamushis explanation, the original characteristics of my ability is to look into other peoples thoughts and guiding it. At the same time, it has the possibility to awaken supernatural powers and further raising their power levels.

Thats why I instinctively avoided Kamuro Hizuki and regarded her a dangerous being.

So whats the situation now?

Although I still somewhat have the feeling of disgust towards Kamuro Hizuki, Im trying to accept her.

So does that mean, my instincts are telling me that Kamuro Hizuki isnt dangerous anymore?

Precisely Mota-kun(TN: Is this the mcs first name? Im confused) is already starting to accept me Just a little bit, only just a little bit, Mota-kun is starting to love me But its only a little bit, so rest assured Youll never drown me(TN: No idea wth shes on about) So, you can love me without any worries Its fine so its fine

Saying it in a sweet whisper, she looks at me with wet eyes1

I saw a large eye inside her head.

The Heavens eye.

It gives me the sensation of having my whole body eroding as Im being swallowed by it.

This feeling, Im being mentally and spiritually guided. So Im being mind-controlled.

Heeh, I see. What Kamuro Hizuki said wasnt entirely a lie.

It seems that my ability is in an unusable state, but I was able to be aware Kamuro Hizukis mental induction.

And apparently, it seems that the power of my mental resistance is making it less effective. That, I was able to understand.

In other words, though my ability is in an unusable state, it is still properly functioning.

The Earths eye and the Heavens eye are polar opposites to each other. Maybe its due to my ability is currently rendered in an unusable state, the Heavens eye cant forcibly interfere my mental state.

So this a kind of mind-control. If it was an ordinary person, then they would be put in a brainwashed state, but did you know that the effects are almost negligible when its used on me?

Saying it to Kamuro Hizuki, she let out a cheeky laugh and put out her tongue.

So it failed after all? Im sorry. I really wanted to try it out

Without being timid about it, Kamuro Hizuki laughed.

It was truly beyond my expectations for you to actually accept me. So, perhaps, I thought I was eroding your consciousness without even realizing. So, I tried it, but it seems like you dont need to worry about it

Is Kamuro Hizuki telling the truth or is she lying?

It seems to me that after failing to brainwash me, shes using that as an excuse, but I also think that her ability is too strong and that shes confused.

And? How do we actually share our consciousness?

It cant be helped thinking about it, so I thought we should just hurry up and head straight to the main point. Thus, I asked Kamuro Hizuki that question.

T-Thatthat isummI dont really knowIm sorry

Kamuro Hizuki looked at me with upturned eyes and answered me, contradicting what she said before.

I dont really know? It was you who was the one who told everyone about the process. And yet, what do you mean that you dont know?

I-I do know how to share it. And I know that we have to deeply connect our hearts together. However, I dont know how to follow through with the process. Im really sorry for giving you such an ambiguous answer

Saying so, Kamuro Hizuki lowered her head, looking very apologetic.

Saying that you dont know about it, then how the hell am I supposed to know either?

What are we going to do?

So does that mean well have to try out various ways? I dont really mind if its like that?

Saying it to Kamuro Hizuki, her upturned eyes turned into a vibrant smile.

T-Thank you so much

Looking extremely happy, she thanked me with her cheeks dyed red.

Looking at her like this, she really seems to be an ordinary girl. Even though she recently awoke the Heavens eye, it seems that shes become much more decent than before.

Most of all, its because that shes able to see everything in the present and ambiguous futures. Utilizing that, she may just be acting out as an ordinary girl.

In order to share our consciousness, I followed Kamuro Hizukis instructions accordingly and sat on the bed. And right in front of me, Kamuro Hizuki is also sitting on the bed. Were both sitting and facing each other.

T-Thenshould we try holding hands?

Reaching out with both hands, Kamuro Hizuki asked and looked at me with her heart-shaped pupils.

You started from a pretty temperate place

Saying that to Kamuro Hizuki, I grabbed both her hands.

As I took both her hands, the trembling Kamuro Hizuki flinched. Feeling embarrassed, she looked away and starts fidget.

Feeling the sensation under my palms, I can feel that her fingers are soft and supple. Her body temperature is lower than mine, so her hands felt cold.

Whats wrong?

To my question, still looking away, Kamuro Hizuki shakes her head.

So whats next?

Clearly seeing Kamuro Hizuki getting all quiet and embarrassed, I got annoyed and asked her a question.

To my question, Kamuro Hizuki flinched and looked at me as if shes about to cry. Then she tightly gripped onto my hands.

I-Its embarrassing. Can you take the lead?

Kamuro Hizuki who looks as if shes about to cry, I could tell what she wants to say by looking at her eyes.

Even if you tell me to leadhow the hell am I even supposed to know when youre the one who doesnt know what to do next? But as it stands, well be wasting time.

So, I guess I should take the initiative and try out different things.

It somehow feels like Im trapped in Kamuro Hizukis scheme, but Ive already sold my body to her. Whether if its a trap or not, itll be a cheap price to pay in order to share our consciousness and obtain the information.

Well then, should we have sex?

After all, well be heading towards that direction anyway, so might as well get it over and done with. Hence, I asked straightforwardly.

Kamuro Hizuki jumped in reflex in response to my question and in an instant, as if her face is burning up, she became completely red in the face. She then started to tremble.

Aano ano T-That is Shouldnt we use that as our last resort?

While keeping her gaze away from my direction, she let out a faint whisper as she continues to tremble.

I thought I would agree with that, but unexpectedly, I suggested a straightforward solution.

Maa, although its a waste of time trying out other alternatives, were also not cornered to that point either. In addition, establishing a way to share our thoughts, has great merits that others wont have.

If having sex wont link our thoughts together, then that means that for girls, its impossible to share each others thoughts.

I understand. Well then, should we try out different alternatives?

As I said that, I pulled her hands that I was holding towards me, Kamuro Hizuki who fell into my embrace as I placed my hands on her narrow waist and hugged her.

Kamuro Hizukis begins to tremble all over. Is she nervous?

I felt a soft sensation on my chest as a faintly sweet smell tickled my nose.

For the first time, I could tell that she has a fragile and delicate body from hugging her.

No matter how much power you have, with that weak and fragile body, how did you have such the nerve to confront Asahina front on?

Oh, I get it. Surely at that time, after she saw my back turned to her as I was heading back, thinking that she lost. Thats why I think my dislike for her has diminished a little than before.

But even so, shes still weak.

As it seems, the way for our minds to be shared is surely related to our mental state.

So, I dont think its good to be nervous. Then I have to ease Kamuro Hizukis tension

Lets hug like this for awhile

While firmly hugging Kamuro Hizuki, I whispered in a soft voice.

Y-YYY-Yes Im sorry

While being strongly embraced by me, Kamuro Hizuki responded in a panic and for some reason, apologized.

There isnt even a reason for her to apologize.

Maa, Kamuro Hizuki knows that shes hated by me, so I guess its natural for her to get all nervous and panicky.

I wonder how much time has passed.

Kamuro Hizkuki whos being hugged by me, gradually loosened up a little.

She seems ok, so its ok if we should do it.

No, wait. Its troubling that every time we try a different method, she gets nervous. Furthermore, if its related to our mental state, then it might be pointless to physically get the job done.

Ive sold my body already. Ive also prepared myself for this. So, I must follow through.

Hizuki, its ok, leave everything to me2

As I whispered beside Hizukis ear who was still in my embrace, Hizuki twitched and her whole body stiffened.

I then slowly pushed Hizuki down whos still in that state.

If the process of sharing our consciousness becomes successful, then I should feel her consciousness flowing into me. In other words, I dont have to stop and check on Hizuki every time.

As I thought that, I gently kissed and licked Hizukis pale thin neck

Hizuki twitched.

Due to her nervousness, her skin became slightly sweaty. Using my tongue, I gently licked and caressed her neck with it in a loving manner.

Every time I stimulate her neck with my tongue, the twitchy and trembling Hizuki tightly shut her lips and clenches fists as she desperately tries to hold her voice down.

I do it with caution and in a way which aims to untangle the knot in the womans heart.

As far as I knew, Marina was the one who had hostility towards me and was being nervous and highly alerted. It was a simple and pleasant experience to alleviate Marinas hostility, nervousness, and tension towards me. Its because I relentlessly aimed at her weakness and made her cum countless times.

If thats the case, then Ill make Hizuki cum the same way countless times, and after that, it should ease her tension.

However, because my ability is unable to function properly, I have no idea where Hizukis weak point is.

If Marina or Yuka were to be my partner, then I have to confidence to make them cum without using my ability, but for Hizukis case, the information I have on here is too minuscule, so I dont have to confidence to do so.

I dont know whether it is possible for me to make her cum without the aid of my ability


While I was worrying over it, Hizuki called out to me.

I-If youre my partner (for sex), then Im already happy

While trembling, Hizuki desperately tries to raise her voice. Hearing those words, Ah, I see, is what I thought.

Although Ive accustomed to look in other peoples hearts(thoughts), Im not used to other people looking into mine. Because of that, I tend to forget that Hizuki is able to see my thoughts.

My bad. Ive caught red-handed that in order to get the information from you, Im pretending to treat you as a woman

To pretend to treat Hizuki as a woman in order to draw out the information from her is more cold-hearted than treating her as a tool.

If I treat her as a tool, then shell probably be satisfied. Even if its a lie, if I treat Hizuki as a woman, Hizuki will go along with it.

I-Im fine with it I-I completely understand Because I can see everything Im not a troublesome woman who easily misunderstands things

I could not judge whether her words were true or false. That though is also visible to Hizuki.

Its really a troublesome ability. For the both of us.

I may have been scared

Hizuki, who was pushed down onto the bed by me, looked right up at me as I murmured.

Youre closer to me than anyone else. Brute force wouldnt work on you. In front of you, Im completely naked. If its you, then you should know. You should know how much of an uncool and impertinent human that I am. Perhaps its because you know about it, I tried to deny it

I was able to secure an absolutely advantageous position by using my ability. Utilizing that, I played around with Marina and Yuka. I found it fun while doing that.

However, with that person, it wont work.

To put it simply, it might be scary. I was probably scared about my true nature being revealed.

And yet, with some reason or another, I kept my distance from her.

I found a comrade having similar abilities, having to bear similar sufferings, having to walk a similar path of life.

Shes the only person who understands me and someone who Im able to call a comrade.

Hizuki and I are like two sides of a coin.

The first time she appeared in front of me, I should have understood her then.

That is something that nobody can do. Not even Kazebana nor Rikka.

Its only possible to understand for those who possess a similar ability like mine.

Please stop!

Hizuki suddenly cried out.

Please stop it already! Im fine even if its a lie! Its ok if its a fabrication! But even so, please dont be so kind to me! Please dont look at me with such gentle eyes! I will misunderstand your intentions! I will misunderstand!

Overflowing with tears, Hizuki desperately cried out.

Even if you tell me to stop, my heart cant lie.

If you werent able to see it, then well be able to progress smoothly without you knowing, but youre able to see my thoughts.

That is both Hizuki and my ability.

My bad

Please dont apologize!

I dont know what to do

Thats my line!

Is it painful?

My happiness is exceeding the limit to the point where my chest feels painful as if its tearing and breaking out of my chest! Its painful, so painful to the point where I would prefer to die in order to ease the pain!

Im sorry

So, please dont apologize! Please dont suddenly become affectionate!

While crying, Hizuki shoots a murderous glare at me.

Even if you say to not suddenly become affectionate, I didnt intend to do it.

I only just noticed it.

I finally understand what it means when the Heavens eye and the Earths eye resonates with each other.

Its your fault that my ability that foresees the future isnt properly functioning


The Heavens eye has the power to see despair. Theres always an end to everything. The Heavens eye has the power to see things that are going to end. Even if its a tiny little needle, the tip of the needle pierces through the despair and shows a new future with hope. That is why the Heavens eye needs the earths eye. That is why the Heavens eye would not exist without the earths eye. So, Im useless in front of you

Saying that, Hizuki uses her right hand and reached into the pocket of the school uniform that shes wearing and pulled out a knife.

This is the future that I saw. I was supposed to die here in front of you in order to carve myself inside of you. I wanted to show you how I would cut open my neck and let my fresh blood spurt out like a fountain. And, by dying, I was supposed to be etched inside your heart forever

Staring straight at me, Hizuki dropped the knife that she was holding on with her right hand.

Ueee! But I dont want to die anymore! Because I want to see more of you who is being nice to me! I wont be able to live without it anymore! The future should have been decided, but I dont understand! With you beside me, the future keeps on changing! What should I do?!

(TN: This is so sadAlexa-)

And like a child, she cried.

I saw a future where youd kill me

Uu,uuu,hikuI-It was the moment when my Heavens eye awaked. It was when you came to save me who was confined in the basement of Tamamushi-sans house

*hikku hikku*

Leaking out sobs, she answers my questions with a trembling voice.

Aah, that time. Certainly, at that time, its because Hizuki was completely crazy.


I-I was facing towards Asahina-san, and then you showed up, at that moment, I felt a distorted feeling of the future that was destined to happen

Its when Asahina and Hizuki had their heated battle.

I wonder if its because of when I got closer to Hizuki, her ability to see the future got distorted.

Tamamushi did say many times that the earths eye has a small effective radius.

The maximum range of the earths eye should be the maximum range of all my abilities.

E-Even though its distorted, the future has been decided. And that future that was set in stone started to change when I accepted my defeat. At that moment, the future suddenly broke into countless other pieces. And one of those pieces still had the future where I would kill myself in front of you

Is that so. There are many diverging paths that lead to different futures. Thats why Hizuki proclaimed that her ability to predict the future is ambiguous

Heavens eyes ability to predict the future originally had only one future to predict. However, when my ability is added to it, that one future branched off to many different other ones.

In other words, Hizuki can now choose a future.

But if the future she chose continued to branch off to countless other ones, then you can no longer call that ability as an ability to predict the future anymore.

Such ambiguous things cant be called a prediction.

Its a guidepost which holds great potential.

How is it now?

Until a while ago, there was still a possibility of the future where I will die in front of you. But then I knew your feelings and it completely disappeared

Disappeared. That means Hizuki has chosen another future.

And, what kind of future did you choose?

Asking that to Hizuki, she quickly became completely red in the face even up to her ears and bashfully looked away from me as she gently hit the center of my chest.

D-Dont tell me to say it~ Its sexual harassment~

(TN: I think Hizuki is my new favorite female character nowSHE IS SO CUTE RN)

And then she said such a thing.

Hohou, you mean that you chose a future where Id sexually harass you.

In other words, she chose a future where Ill do this and that to her.

Y-Youre thinking about perverted things, arent you?

Isnt this the future you chose?

I-Its the future you created

But the person who chose it was you

Smirking as I said it, Hizuki who has her gaze diverted away from me took a glance at me.

B-Because if I choose that future, then you will treat me with love and affection. Its normal for me to choose that

Feeling embarrassed, Hizuki who was looking at me with upturned eyes, gently closed them. Hizuki then brought her face closer to me seeking for a kiss. I answered her request by piling my lips on top of hers.

In response to my actions, Hizuki flinched as her whole body tensed up, but then quickly relaxed and entrusted herself to me.

Her lips were very soft and moist.

My cock that once didnt feel a thing towards her got erect.

But the next moment



Hizuki and I both flinched at the same time.

A large amount of information flowed into my brain.

Were we successfully able to share our consciousness?

Amazing, this is amazing.

Well done Hizuki! You did a great job!

I separated my lips from Hizuki and yelled out.

Uwaaaaaaaaa! Wait, wait, wait! Please wait a second! It didnt happen now! Please pretend that it didnt happen!

Hizukis face which was once so red that it looked like it was going up in flames, turned pale as she yelled out.

Even if you told me that it didnt happen, the information is already embedded into my brain.

W-Why?!  Sharing our consciousness should be controlled under my will! I wanted to flirt lots and lots with Mota-kun, and have you make me cum a whole lot! Even when I say that I cant anymore, you will still keep making love to me and at the end when we have finished, I was supposed to share it with you in the last moment!

With her plans all ruined, Hizuki who seemed like shes in a severely panicked state blurted everything out from her mind without thinking.

Hohou, so sharing our consciousness can be done with your will. So, you knew it from the beginning. But you pretended that you didnt know about it and wanted to get it on with me until youre satisfied.

I wont say that everything you said was a lie, but theres no doubt that you tried to deceive me into doing erotic things with you.

Maa, Ive obtained the information, so lets now disregard it possessing tremendous value.

Uu! Uuuu! Why?! Why?!3 I didnt mean to share it yet! Thats different from the future that Ive picked! To hell with Heavens eye! Its completely useless!

Like as if shes a child, Hizuki threw a tantrum with her hands clenched into a fist and placed her sides, crying from vexation.

Geez, this person doesnt understand anything. The Heavens eye was formed from your innermost desires. You need to appreciate it.

You might grow up to be a fine woman

I got up, corrected my clothes that were creased up, and said it as I got off the bed.

After hearing my words, Hizuki who was throwing a tantrum on the bed stopped moving.

I dont dislike you that much with the way you are now

I turned my back towards Kamuro Hizuki as I said that.

Aaaits no good. I cant be frank about it. Its hard to understand4 the meaning behind the words I dont dislike you.

Im sorry I cant say it in a clear way. Its in my nature. Look into my heart if you want to know what I currently feel about you. Because I not thinking negatively about you

I scratched my cheek with my finger and spoke to Hizuki who was behind me.

Aa, what the hell is this? Oi, this is embarrassing.

As I took a quick glance behind me, I saw Hizuki whos sitting on the bed become completely red in the face. And I definitely saw heart shaped pupils that floated up in her moistened eyes.

Apparently, my message seems to have transmitted to her.

I stoked my chest to calm myself down as I headed out from the bedroom, leaving Hizuki in there.

After shes calmed down, lets get her to share it with everyone else as well.

Since Hizuki I able to control it using her will, then there shouldnt be any problems to be able to share it with the other girls.

As I thought that, I headed towards the living room.

After a while, Hizuki came to the living room.

Though her face is pretty red, it seems that shes calmed down for the most part.

Hizuki took a glance at me and smiled lightly.

It seems that Hizuki has understood my feelings towards her, so it gave me some feelings of relief.

Hizuki, sorry for being so sudden with you just arriving here, but could you also share your consciousness with the others?

Of course Ill do anything Mota-kun asks

Hizuki cheerfully answered to my request.

I thought that she was a pretty dangerous Yandere, but Hizuki was originally quite a beautiful person. If she doesnt have any mental problems, then shell be a perfect girl with barely any flaws.

Her breasts are also big too.

Well then lets start with Asahina-san shall we?

Saying that, Hizuki approached Asahina who was sitting on the sofa and stood in front of her. She then knelt down on the spot.

Do whatever you want

Asahina replied in her usual prideful and arrogant attitude.

Matching Asahinas gaze, Hizuki placed her forehead onto Asahinas forehead.

Rikka and Tamamushi nervously looked on.

While waiting for Hizuki to finish, with a deck of cards, Rikka, Kazahana, Tamamushi and I were playing a game of Babanuki in the meantime. Cards were scattered everywhere on the table and the three of us were holding onto just a few cards with both hands.

(TN: Babanuki Joker game)

The tension slightly diminished because of that.

By the way, Rikka is the one whos in possession of the joker card.

For a short while, silence took over the room. Hizuki then let out a sigh and released her forehead that she previously stuck onto Asahina.


Asahina tilted her head.

I havent received any information. Nothing has changed.

And murmured mysteriously.

Eh? Did it fail?

I guess its useless. Theres not enough love


Hizuki murmured while sighing away.

Theres not enough lovewellthats rightI think its because your partner is Asahina, so obviously theres not enough.

No matter how much I make myself believe that its true, I just cant lie to my heart. Desperately, Ive already desperately tried really hard to think about it. But apparently, it doesnt seem like Im able to share the contents of my thoughts with Asahina-san. Im sorry

Facing towards me, Hizuki sincerely apologized.

I see. Since sharing her consciousness with others will only happen if Hizuki is depended on her willingness to share it, no matter how much or how hard she tries, somewhere in her heart will always reject it.

(TN: Tbh sharing consciousness sounds a bit odd, but fk it. Ive already been translating it all this way and Im too lazy to go back and fix it :D)

Well, it cant be helped.

Dont sweat it. It cant be helped if its impossible. Besides, if its with Kazahana and Rikka, you should be fine


(TN: Tell me in the comments if you dont want me to add the raws)

To my words, Hizuki instinctively apologized.

It cant be helped if its impossible. Its impossible for you to not resent me. As Suzuharu-kun said, go and share it with those puppies over there

No matter how stupid she is, Asahina already knows thats impossible and decided not to further corner Hizuki into doing it.

That idiot can sometimes be quite honest with herself.

Im really sorry

Staring at me, Hizuki apologized to me the second time and trotted her way towards Kazahana. Then like how she did with Asahina, Hizuki pushed her forehead against Kazahanas and looked into her eyes.

A faint light is seen to have appeared from Hizuki and is being transferred into Kazahana.

Ooh, was it successful?

Ooh, thats amazing. Fufu, I see. So Suzuhara-sama treated you kindly. Thats great news Hizuki. It makes me feel really relieved

By sharing their consciousness, she was able to know what happened to Hizuki inside the bedroom. Overflowing with tears, Kazahana laughed happily as she nodded repeatedly.

As expected for a faithful dog. They treat their masters happiness as their own happiness.

After that, Hizuki was able to share it with Rikka without any problems and then moved onto Tamamushi.

Tamamushi seems nervous as she still holds onto the cards with both hands.

Since Tamamushi was the main culprit who confined Hizuki and did as she pleased with Kazahana. Its obviously natural to be nervous.

Hizuki stuck her forehead onto Tamamushi.

And a faint light appeared from inside of Hizuki and flowed into Tamamushi.

Ooh, so it succeeded. Hizuki actually forgave Tamamushi.

Whats this? Shes an unexpectedly tolerant person.

A-Are you forgiving me?

Tamamushi was the most surprised after the process of sharing their consciousness which had succeeded.

Tamamushi cried as she trembled.

Im not in the position to forgive you anymore. Since you were the one who created this problem, resulting in my current relationship with Mota-kun for the better. And of course, you were the one who also improved my relationship with Kazahana who tried to save me

Looking at Tamamushi, Hizuki turned around and looked at Kazahana then smiled.


Hearing those words, Kazahana nodded repeatedly, covering her face as she cried and trembled.

It seems that both of them were saved by Hizukis words.

Rikka who was left alone seemed like she didnt care about it at all.

Thats of course. Hizuki purposely didnt mention Rikkas name.

Because Rikka isnt Hizukis dog. Its because shes my dog, Suzuharu Rikka. No matter the cause, Rikka is my property.

So Hizuki didnt call out Rikkas name and Rikka didnt mind it either.

Rikkas my dog, no matter she says, Rikka shouldnt be troubled by it.

It was only impossible for Asahina-san

Hizuki glanced at Asahina as she said that.

Dont worry about it. There are four people who have obtained the information. If I verbally explain it to Asahina

No, there is a way

Hizuki who was looking at Asahina raised her voice, cutting off my sentence mid-way.

Theres a way?

Although its fine if you dont want to push yourself, it is far more efficient to share their consciousness when compared to verbally explaining the information.

Besides, Asahina is stupid. If there is a way, then I would like to try it by all means.

What I need it love! If I have love, the Asahina I hate will also be able to have our consciousness shared!

Hizuki raises her voice, profusely emphasizing the words love.

Ah, is that so. Then Ill leave it to you. Do whatever you want

While staring at her, Asahina let out a sigh and replied in a non-repulsive way.

Maa, we can only leave it to Hizuki here. It means that Asahina knows at least this much.

Love! In other words, if there is a mutual love established between Mota-kun and I, then my hate for Asahina will fly off into non-existence!



Hizuki clenches her fists and emphasizes her words while wearing a serious face. Asahina and I responded in unison.

But I hate Asahina-san! Quite considerably at that. Already to the point where Mota-kun and I need to passionately love on each other in order to counteract that balance! Asahina-san needs to look at the scene where Mota-kun will repetitively make love to me, and during the moment when I climax, if you touch me, Ill be able to share my consciousness with you! Probably!

Opening up her eyes wide, Hizuki said it with emphasis.

Oi, wait a second. That means, because Hizuki hates Asahina, she wants to do some intense business with me in order to override her hate for Asahina? And she wants Asahina to look at her in that situation, Hizuki will then climax from the bottom of her heart and at that moment, theyll touch foreheads and share her consciousness?

Oi Hizuki. Wasnt taking revenge on Asahina the only thing you wanted to do?

I-I dont particularly mind. I-I dont really think of Suzuhara-kun much, and I am unrelated to Suzuhara-kuns relationship with anyone

Asahina arrogantly said it as she folded her arms and looked away giving a *hmph* sound.

Are you going to accept it? Are you serious? Normally you should refuse. Were going to have sex right in front of you. I mean, I dont want you to look at us having sex.

I see. Are you going to accept it? Then well have to do some mental purification ritual then

Staring at Asahina, Hizuki who was grinning, said something strange again.

The hell is a mental purification ritual?

Mental purification ritual, in other words taking a bath and cleaning yourself. Of course, Mota-kun is also joining in. And without minding Asahina-san on the side, well commence the ritual. Asahina-san will have to closely look at me and Mota-kun flirting together in the bath

She said flirting. She certainly said flirting just now.

Saying stuff like mental purification ritual or whatever, arent you just planning to show Asahina you flirting with me in the bath?

You just want to take revenge on Asahina

I muttered as I stared at her absent-mindedly, Hizuki vigorously turned around and looked at me.

Youre wrong! Its not revenge! I just want to brag!

Losing her composure, Hizuki opened her eyes wide and spilled out her true intentions with all her effort.

I heard Kazahana let out a heavy sigh who was standing behind her.

Its not because of revenge that I want to do ecchi things with Mota-kun! Its because I love Mota-kun, so Im dying to do ecchi thing with you! In addition, I want to show it off to Asahina-san so I can be immersed in the feeling of superiority! Its not revenge! Its bragging! Its very important here!

Its not for revenge, but instead, its to brag. I dont really understand the difference.

D-D-D-Do what you want! I-I-I-Im not particularly fazed by it!

Asahina who has her arms folded and her head turned the other way, clearly said it in a shaky voice as she is practically squealing when she raised her voice.

Oi, Asahina, dont tell me that youre excited by that. Dont tell me that you get off to seeing me embracing other women in front of you.

Hi-Hizuki. Suzuhara-sama was finally nice to you and yet, why are youWhat will you do if you trouble Suzuhara-sama? Before you satisfy your cravings and desires, you should first take into consideration of the other person shouldnt you?

Standing behind Hizuki, Kazahana called out to her mixing it in with a sigh. Like a mother talking to a child that is throwing a tantrum.

Even if you say such a thing, I cant help it! If Im not satisfied, then I cant share my consciousness with Asahina! It cant be helped! Theres no choice but to do so!

Like a child, actually, no, Hizuki who has turned into a toddler ranted it at Kazahana.

Kazahana who is looking at her, holds her forehead with one hand and lets out a deep sigh.

Onee-san, dont be so depressed. With Hizuki laying out her true feelings, instead of being like that, I think its better to be happy about it dont you think?

No, but, troubling someone who Im indebted to like Suzuharu-samaIm already so ashamed

If its master, then its fine. My master is tolerant of those who are willing to reveal their true intentions to him. In addition, Im just assuming but, I think my master prefers the Hizuki now than the Hizuki before

Rikka, youre really fortunate to meet such a wonderful master. In conjunction with my master

Although Rikka is trying to cheer her up, it seems that Kazahana has gotten even more depressed than before.

Mota-kun! Lets go into the bath together! Asahina-san is a big idiot, right?! Even if we explain it, she definitely wouldnt understand! Without understanding the current situation, since its Asahina-san, shell definitely act on her own accord and create a lot of inconvenience to everyone! Thats why sharing my consciousness with her is essential! We should make sure she firmly understands the situation!

Hizuki rushed over to me and took both my hands as hearts popped up in her black pupils.

Maa, she certainly has a point.

Nee, Kamuro-san. Im completely fine with you looking down on me and calling me an idiot, and Im also totally fine with looking at the lewd act with both of you in it. But, from a little while ago, youve been calling Suzuhara-kun, Mota-kun right?

Asahina murmured quietly, glaring at Hizuki as she stood up unsteadily.

What about it? Even if I call Mota-kun, Mota-kun, Mota-kun doesnt seem it reject it(TN: Now say that 10 times without stuttering). Then Asahina-san does not have the right to complain about it. Am I right?

While holding both my hands, Hizuki looked at Asahina who stood up and smirked.

The only people who are allowed to call Suzuhara-kun, Mota-kun is his mother and Yuka. Yuka directly received his mothers permission to call him. If you understand, then dont get ahead of yourself

Youre really not honest with your feelings. Even though Mota-kun said to be more honest, arent you the most dishonest one? When I call Mota-kun, Mota-kun, calling him you isnt fun anymore right? You can blame that on Yuka-san

A-Are you picking a fight with me?

Unfortunately, Im the winner this time. Because youre wrong. As expected for a person even like you, you understand that you cant continue to push forward when you realize that youre wrong

Hearing Kamuro Hizukis words, Asahina looks as if shes running away turns her face away as she forms a tight fist with her hands and bites her lower lip in frustration.

Oi oi, seriously? Asahina is being pressured.

I love Mota-kun!

Hizuki said it while getting completely red in the face.

Asahina twitched from hearing that sentence.

W-Well said Hizuki! Bravo!

Ahaha, Hizuki has also become an adult

Hearing Hizukis words that came from the bottom of her heart, Kazahana and Rikka clapped giving her a round of applause.

I want to have sex with Mota-kun!

Hizuki raises her voice even higher.

Hearing her words, Asahina who is trembling slightly took a step back.

T-That Asahina actually retreated?

Hi-Hizuki, youre too straightforward! But its a good thing to convey honest feelings!

Ahaha, having sex with my master is the greatest feeling. Ive fainted countless times.

Hearing Hizuki calling out from the depth of her heart and despite Hizuki being a little embarrassed, Kazahana and Rikka rooted for her. Rikka talked about her personal experiences in confusion.

I want to be loved by Mota-kun! I want to be cherished! After when we make love to each other, I want to flirt with him underneath the futon! Afterward, I want us to hug each other and feel each others warmth while falling asleep!

Looking as if shes burning up and about to cry, Hizukis became completely red in the face as stomps with her feet while raising her voice.

Facing her face away from Hizuki, feeling the pressure, Asahina slowly backs away.

Oi oi seriously? Asahina is completely being cornered.

Hi-Hizuki! If possible, I want to join in as well!

Nee, onee-san, you shouldnt be in the way

The loli sisters idiotic tsukomi from behind can be heard.


As Hizuki stomps a foot onto the ground, she calls out Asahinas name.

W-What. L-Like I said, do whatever you want

It was a weak trembly voice which wasnt Asahina-like. And those were the words of her acknowledging defeat.

Wow, that Hizuki, really won against Asahina.

Not using her abilities. Its nothing related to her abilities. Asahina admitted defeat from being intimidated by her yelling and honest feelings.

Asahina turns her face away and hugs herself, its like as if shes a trembling abandoned puppy.

Looking at Asahina in such a state of appearance, a chill ran up my spine.

Kukuku, what happened Asahina-chan? Are you possibly frustrated about that fact that Im being taken away by Hizuki? But because youre not honest with her feelings, you cant say anything back at Hizuki?

There is such a wonderful side to her as well.

Ok, thats enough. Hizuki, lets head into the bath together

Y-Yes Waaaai(TN: Shes basically saying hurray, but replacing the word with hurray sounds so cringy so I kept it)

Hearing my words, Hizukis face was brimming with joy as she skipped away.

As I accepted Hizukis proposal, Asahina suddenly looks at me, and tears well up in her almond-shaped eyes, she then quickly faces away again. (TN: Aww. Poor Asahina)

What the hell Asahina. You should have just said that you dont want to see Hizuki and me to flirt and go into the bath together.

Not saying it? Youre not going to say it? Youre not gwonna be honest? Ara, I swee.5

I found Asahinas weakness.

Asahina is weak against a fair argument.

Fufufu. This is good. This is interesting.

Asahinaaa, I will clean away the long-standing hatred she has for you.

HizukiI must do something before Marina-san comes!

KazahanaDo your best (TN:ganbare) Hizuki! Ganbare! Ganbare!

RikkaI dont think shes an opponent where you can just do you best againstYuka-san is also there

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  1. Wet eyes in this case is basically telling the us that shes dtf. Its a weird way to describe something like that, but if you guys have a better way to explain it in a way where it doesnt sound weird, comment down below plox!
  2. This time the mc deliberately dropped her surname and called her first in order to show that their relationship became closer form mere strangers to lovers. (For those who dont know, in Japan, when ppl call each other by their full names, they say their surnames first)
  3. Nande?! Doushte?!
  4. Easy to misunderstand should be the better words of choice, but Im just following what the author is writing
  5. Imitating baby talk

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