Xianxia: Why am I here?

Chapter 49 Chance

Chapter 49  Chance

Tian had some envy. Most think that those beings sealed in the Primitive World are strong but in the cosmos, some creatures already surpass them the place provides a wide variety of energy and resources hence attractive.

Tian was standing in space causing it to warp. This in itself was a manifestation of how much power Tian had in his body. Standing there he brought about stronger oppression than even a star, while the other man just looked at this without having a change in expression.

Tian smiled and said, "I came prepared, with this exo-armor, it is difficult for you to kill me when attacks land."

The man did not dwell on this and kept ascending higher into space, as he looked around and his voice sounded in the ears Tian, "Let's fight in the higher dimensions, this place might not be capable of withstanding our destruction."

A high dimension is a region that exists and could only be sensed by those whose strength reaches a certain height, but the ability to enter it is not something that everyone can accomplish, and the one in the cosmos is a naturally existing one, unlike in the Primitive World that the disciples of the man had gone to. That was an artificial high dimension that could allow one to have some chances of coming in contact with the principles of dimensionality. But in the end, those that can detect dimensions would not waste their time on this at all, rather they would prefer staying in the cosmos and studying the real thing.

When the two of them entered the higher dimension, it was as though they were in a multicolored space, but that did not attract their attention to this dimension as they seemed to have contact occasionally and this could be understood as the only way for them to improve was to search for chances in the high dimensions.

If those that had yet to grasp dimensional power were thrown in this place then their death would be a sure thing regardless of the lifesaving means they had. The power of dimensions was the most advanced in the cosmos and those that wanted to move beyond this cosmos to pursue a higher path had to already stand beyond the high dimension. In this space, the arrival of Tian and the other man did not cause any change at all, they were after all operating on the lowest level of the high dimension and those that had to go further would be forced to go deeper, and they're coming back is not something that can be discussed.

The man about to fight Tian might have his lifespan limit approaching and thus taking this risk is understandable, rather than staying and waiting for death to consume him.

For the two of them moving to the low level is not difficult and thus each mobilized dimensional powers and moved fast as though they were teleporting. Standing some distance apart the two of them seemed to be looking at each and the hand of the man seemed to have manifested a huge spear. With a wave of his hand, the spear started to produce ripples that spread all around the man as though some kind of formation was being set up. On the other end, Tian was holding a huge axe, his oppressive aura had already skyrocketed but the space in this place was not even shaking slightly an indication of how in the high-dimensional space the two of them were just considered the common level of strength.

Those with higher strength would have already gone to the highest levels to compete with stronger lifeforms in the dimensional space. It is after all boring to stay around the weakest creatures as they did not have many benefits to their development. It is better to enter the dangerous higher dimensions and the benefits there are more useful, moreover, those that enter the higher dimension and continue their path to become stronger do not usually bother to come back at all.

Without much nonsense, Tian and the man seemed to have disappeared from their original positions and only the shockwaves and sounds of collisions continued. With every clash, the two seemed to become more ferocious as time went by, and in this battle, no one was watching it at all.

On the tip of the spear that was attacking Tian, a flame could be seen and the moment it collided with the axe, the flame seemed to be changing. Turing into starlight, the speed at which he was attacking was constantly increasing even approaching the speed of light which in itself was not difficult for them but in the high dimension the rules were somehow different and thus only when stronger could one accomplish this, and even Tian could not do this.

The fast the man went the void in the higher dimension seemed to be losing some suppression on him. This was an indeed improvement in the control of dimensional power and every time the two collided, Tian seemed to be constantly changing from attack to defense and the axe, seemed to be swung in a way that, with him as the center, some kind of field was established. He seemed to have improved his defense technique and the axe shadows could be seen all around him due to how fast he was rotating it.

With this he managed to block most of the attacks he could not evade and it seemed as though he was suppressing the area around him. In the end, the attacks from the spear seemed to hit on the axe from whichever angle the attacks come but the force was increasing with time and Tian could not remain calm at all. The force transmitted to his body from the attacks seemed to be increasing and the space, where the two were fighting, seemed to have no change. Even with their improvements in power, they could not shake the space in the higher dimension.

After copying from Tian the man also used the principle of rotation on his spear and the momentum that accompanied it was increased. This is also the reason why he was finally able to enter the speed of light within this clash and in itself, it was the change in the power being controlled.

In a flash, the two had clashed for more than thousands of times and this seemed to have sharpened the spear attacks being delivered allowing the man to step into another category with spear technique rather than the control of dimension. At this point in time, his spear could turn into light beams that even surpass starlight, thus destruction he can cause outside the higher dimensional 08:47

space is very high. Without the limitations of the higher dimension he indeed could be said to have entered a whole new level with the spear and this explains the desire of the man to go further in the that whatever was there was not easy to mess with.

look for my chance further in." The man looked further up and his eyes become solemn, it seemed "My limit has already surpassed that of light speed in the high dimensional space. I think it is time to time, there was some excitement.

reorganize itself, and looked at the man with some surprise, "You have held back right?" At the same Looking at the other side, Tian had his armor destroyed into pieces and his body started to Boom!

even surpassed the previous ones.

end, the two had exchanged more than several million moves and the last attack seemed to have speed they were operating was so fast that time seemed to have lost meaning before them. In the From the beginning of the confrontation to the end, the two had used less than a minute but the and this can show the power that comes with this kind of attack.

not hold on anymore and was crushed into pieces. The stabs reached close to a million in an instant seemed to be carrying a whole world behind it after the attack arrived and in the end, the axe could could only see a light hitting and retreating in the end. With every spin the spear underwent it With the simple thrust of the spear, the amount of momentum of this attack was very fast and one Boom!...

it retreated after each stab.

spear tip seemed to be stabbing non-stop, but the truth was the speed was just too fast to see when defense. The attack came in an instant and the number of attacks landing was superimposed the manner, he was just standing in the same position, and yet the spear was crushing into Tian's In the last moment before the man's axe was completely destroyed, the man attacked in a different the danger in this place.

dimensional powers prefer to wait until strong enough to move around in the higher dimension is body were slowly removed, in the way he moved fast, breaking through some barriers and he was confident in surviving in the high dimension space. The reason that those that can grasp higher higher dimension was not shaken in the least. Even the man, only felt that some limitations on his seen on the axe he was using. Despite the level of power involved in this clash, the space in the Every time that Tian defended himself he was forced to retreat some distance and a crack could be Boom!


was having at the moment would be considered child's play.

higher dimensions that require him to be stronger and faster. In the higher dimensions the fight he space is very high. Without the limitations of the higher dimension he indeed could be said to have beams that even surpass starlight, thus destruction he can cause outside the higher dimensional 

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