Yin-Yang Harmony System

Chapter 199

"You! Damn it !" Mike's expression was too much for Atharos to endure. Mike was plainly looking down on him at this point. He felt a power weakening him all of a sudden. He yelled as soon as he felt that force "It's impossible! I annihilated that essence. How could you possibly have it?"

"Oh! Are you talking about this?" Mike scoffed as he stood up and coated his fingers in blue brutal essence.

"Impossible! Impossible! That essence was annihilated by me. It was annihilated by my own hands. How can you have it?" As he attempted to stand, Atharos whined like a dog. Suddenly, the armor surrounding him disintegrated, revealing the handsome man.

Mike was taken aback when he saw his expression and stated "You're not unattractive, dude. So, why are you wearing armor on your face?"

"You jerk! How can you get your hands on that essence? It was annihilated by my own hands.." Atharos was taller and more attractive than Mike, especially with his slim build.

"Do I really need to tell you?" Mike clenched his hand and swung his fist forward.


Atharos, on the other hand, tightened his fist and punched. The energy in his hand was black, enveloping everything in darkness. As he punched, his fist changed into a dark space in an instant.

"Eternal Galaxy Strike!"

Bang! Thud!

When their fists collided, Mike recognized that the sheer strength of that dark space would easily overwhelm his attack. He seemed to have crashed in the space that he used to manipulate. The hit sent him flying across the room until he collided with a wall and collapsed.

When Atharos saw this, he did not approach Mike. He moved to the red mark instead to replenish his strength. A lightning bolt struck him as soon as he stood there. Mike appeared in front of him in an instant and punched him out.

Mike was currently in Zombie Mode, together with his four spirits and four domains. As he destroyed the Demon King Atharos with his fist, a golden spear emerged in his hand. His body went dozens of meters and materialized in front of Atharos as he took a leap.

Mike poured the blue brute essence into his spear and thrust it at Atharos' head. When Atharos notices the spear approaching, he fills his fist with dark space and catches it.

The thrust knocked him several meters away, but the Atharos was able to block the spear. Mike jerked his wrist and rolled the spear in his fist. The lightning glittered from the blue brutal essence as the spear rolled.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Lightning bolts flashed from the spear, striking every portion of Atharos' body. Atharos, unable to withstand the lightning bolts for long, abruptly released his right hand.

Ding! Ding!

Parts of the armor flew towards him in an instant and became connected to his hand. Mike's eyes shrank when he realized the dark force permeating the spear.

'Damn! There is already one genius, billionaire, on this globe. I don't need another one,' Mike gritted his teeth and let go of his spear, which dropped to the ground. As he rushed forward, the blue brutal essence merged into his right arm.

Bang! Crack! Ugh! Bang! Thud!

Both moved forward and punched out. Their fists collided, causing blue and dark sparkles to appear. Mike coughed up blood as the armor shattered slightly. His internal organs were ruptured as a result of the incident. Atharos gave Mike another push as he began to exhibit signs of weakness. He rammed into Mike's chest and fractured his arm.

The impact of the attack knocked Mike out. He slammed with the wall and landed hard on the ground. Even with his Chaos Overlord Body, he couldn't stand a chance against Atharos. Atharos, on the other hand, did not assault him and instead returned to the red circle.

Bang! Whistle!

A gunshot wounded his arm just as he thought he had reached the red circle. In truth, he was fortunate to avoid the onslaught. When he came to a halt, he noticed Lauren standing in front of him.

"You? How are you here? You were supposed to be awakening your bloodline. You should only have absorbed a small amount of that blood." When he saw her, Atharos clenched his teeth and yelled. Today had already been fraught with far too many ambiguities.

He first noticed the essence, and suddenly Lauren was standing in front of him.

"Yes, I was supposed to be awakening my bloodline. In reality, none of my races can oppose bloodline awakening. They need to awaken the bloodline. It's almost as though an ancestor is compelling us to awaken his bloodline. And, thankfully that is the case."

"I just broke that control, you see. Someone performed a spell on me a few days ago, saying that no matter who it is, they will not be able to control my mind. So, after taking the blood inside my body, I effortlessly stopped the bloodline awakening."

"I can now awaken it whenever I choose, and you won't have the power to break the seal." Lauren raised her fists as the blue scales coated her entire body.

"Humph! I don't care how you managed to break free from the lineage and awaken. But I still have other options for reawakening it." As he said this, Atharos placed his foot on the ground and went towards Lauren. His quickness caught her off guard.


Suddenly, Lauren disappeared and Mike appeared in front of the guy. His head was bleeding along with his body but there was excitement on his face. The blue brute essence, three spirits, four domains, combined together at his fist.

"Hey, ugly head! Remember me!"

Bang! Bang!

Mike smashed his fist on the cheeks of Atharos while Atharos also smashed a punch on Mike's cheeks.


Mike abruptly vanished as Lauren arrived in front of him. As she punched his right chest, her entire arm was encased in blue scales.

'Pow!' 'Pow!' 'Pow!'

Atharos lost his balance for a brief while but quickly regained his footing. He kicks Lauren's cheeks while infusing his evil energy into his leg.


Mike, though, appears above him. Mike pumps lightning into his feet and kicks down straight. He kicked so quickly that Atharos didn't even have time to evade it. Atharos was knocked to the ground by the kick.

"Devil's Howl!"

When he was down, though, he let out a powerful cry. Mike was blown to the ceilings by the intensity. Mike collapsed to the ground, suffering severe injuries. Atharos suddenly rises up and roars.

"Devil's Secret Technique- Dark Dimension!"

An enormous burst of energy rushed through his body in an instant. Atharos fused the energy with his physical body, healing most of his wounds. When Mike saw this, he didn't hesitate to guzzle down Health Potions one after the other.

He also used Power Potion at the same time. He did, in fact, utilize those the last time. It was almost gone now. Power Potions were the major reason he was able to keep Atharos at bay for so long.

She was confident that everything would go smoothly. But she had no idea Atharos had such a powerful trump card. And now, with his dark dimension, he may borrow as much energy as he wants.

Celestials created the Devil Race and the Angel Race in violation of the universe's laws. They were obliged to exterminate their creations. When the Devil Race and Angel Race discovered the truth, they made a radically different decision. While the Angel Race was about to die, the Devil Race retaliated.

The Dark Dimension is where the majority of the evil energy resides. It is also the home of a slew of evil animals. And the energy within the Dark Dimension is ideal for the Devil Race. As a result, the Devil Race joined forces with the Dark Dimension, taking their energies and fighting against the celestials and Angel Race.

Because they were Celestials' creations, none of the other races, such as Creators, assisted them. Many worlds and billions of animals died as a result of the war's impact alone. The Celestials were compelled to flee.

And the Angel Race gave their lives to seal Atharos. Even before the conflict began, he destroyed or took its essence for himself. They couldn't kill him or overcome him without that essence. However, he was able to slay celestials because he was confining the essence within himself with the power of the Dark Dimension.


Mike suddenly patted her shoulder and whispered "Leave right now! Run as far as you possibly can. I'm not going to hold back this time."

Lauren could only see Mike's piercing glare when she turned her head. Mike was staring at Atharos with lethal intensity. Lauren nods and dashes away.

When Atharos saw this, he dashed towards her.


"Stay right here!" Mike appeared out of nowhere above him and kicked him. Atharos obstructed it with his forearms and took a few steps back. "Do you think you can hold me back?" he asked, staring at Mike.

"Originally, I intended to use this against those four. But you're a fighter. So I don't have to be concerned about holding back." Suddenly, lightning struck his eyes. The blue lightning flashed around him again, but this time it was different.

Each lightning bolt created six feet deep hole on the ground. Mike raised his head slowly as blue lightning flashed in his eyes once more. 

"Right here, right now, I am going to surpass you," he declared, raising his hand.

"God of Sex Version 2.0- Godspeed Mode!"

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