Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 103: Turned Tables

Chapter 103: Turned Tables

For a second, Robert and Reyney utterly froze in place.

No matter what kind of speed Darcel and Aniela put out, there's just no way they couldn't be able to track it!

Even more shocking was the fact they did at such a short close distance!

Robert and Reyney's eyes locked with the deep black eyes of Darcel and Aniela. Darcel and Aniela's face had a slight smile in an almost mocking way as if they were gazing at a couple of clowns.

Immediately Robert and Reyney got over their shocks.

No matter what kind of tricks they did, these two were still utter fools in thinking they could match their Innate Core prowess!

They didn't know why Darcel and Aniela still had this arrogant, bold expression. Nor did they understand why a foreboding feeling was swirling in their guts.

All that mattered now was that Fruna couldn't protect them anymore!

Seeing Darcel and Aniela's tall, robust backs caused Fruna to have a momentary lapse of focus.

She too couldn't even tell how fast they moved but being in front of her was terrible! A frown encompass her face, but before she moved, Robert suddenly said,

"Look, kids, you ha-" But as he began to speak, he abruptly stopped.

Not only him, but Reyney, Fruna, and Hurey's bodies all suddenly went entirely rigid!

All of their eyes burst into saucers as tremendous changes occurred within Darcel and Aniela!

Streaks of Darkness and white Light spewed out of them like thunderous lightning. The air chaotically shifted to their breaths, and the hail storming the place was destroyed by any streaks of Darkness or white Light.

Aniela's smile broadened, seeing their stunned expressions, and she had then said, "You want to see the heavenly treasure we got?! Then feast your eyes!"


Darcel's Yin Spiritual state and Aniela's Yang Spiritual state erupted at full force, blasting out their tremendous bloodline powers!

Cracks of blue ice spurt from the ground and swirled around Darcel and Aniela. Their bloodline arms gained their respective Darkness, and white Light glow as their exotic tattoo markings appear.


Robert couldn't even finish his sentence and felt an tremendous suffocation heavily affecting his ability to talk. His body violently quiver, and an unbearable suppression crushed his body and soul.

Reyney was in the exact same position. Darcel and Aniela's bloodline aura tremendously suffocated him. It brought upon an immense suppression to his soul and body that made him uncontrollably tremble.


Both Robert and Reyney were struggling to even stand after a second.

Their Innate Qi was getting continuously suppressed and couldn't hope to stand up to Darcel and Aniela's mere bloodline aura.

Bones inside their bodies were cracking, their organs were churning, and they felt as if their souls were getting tightly squeezed. At this point, they were utterly helpless under Darcel and Aniela's powerful bloodline aura.

"Hehehe~! What's wrong? Weren't you two going to force us because you can? Well? We're waiting!"

Aniela was mockingly beckoning her finger at Robert and Reyney, putting them on the same level as mere dogs.

Frustration and shame swell in Robert and Reyney's eyes.

Being humiliated like this against mere True Soul Core brats no less is nothing short of a nightmare! Yet, there was absolutely nothing they could do about it but sallow the humiliation.

"That mindset you all have.you know it's not even necessarily wrong. But wiser and experienced cultivators realize they should never get too much of an ego. Even if they have a powerful backing." Darcel's tone was the pent ultimate of condescending.

Like speaking to children, Darcel talked to Robert and Reyney like they're nothing more than clowns. And his and Aniela's mocking smirks only widen as they watch their expression struggles to twist into an unending rage.

All the while, watching them from the back, Fruna was positively gobsmacked. The trembling suppression Robert and Reyney were undergoing barely affected her.

Yet, she could still sense the overwhelming power Darcel and Aniela blasted out. "This.this is actually real." A long exasperated breath leaked from Fruna's mouth, her mind in complete awe.

Hurey, however, was undergoing an entirely different experience compared to Fruna.

His body was quaking in utter fear as a tremendous suppression wrapped his entire body and soul.

His once surging Innate Qi whirling inside his body was now utterly suppressed and frozen under Darcel and Aniela's bloodline aura.

But unlike Robert and Reyney, Hurey could at least move his body, albeit heavily sluggishly.

Yet, Hurey had absolutely zero intentions to move a single joint.

The fear Darcel and Aniela struck in him was immense, and he knows just one small wrong move, and he'll be in the same crushing humiliation as Robert and Reyney.

"Just.just how.why." Was all Hurey could say during this dramatic reversal.

A mix of disbelief and fear surged in his eyes, and Hurey prayed to whatever god that Darcel and Aniela don't turn their vicious claw on him.

While Darcel and Aniela looked on with their cold, mocking eyes, Robert and Reyney took one last glance at each other. With each second pass, the more unwilling they both were to accept this reality.

They are real Innate Core powerhouses, not some ants!

Robert and Reyney refused to simply not try anything else, and a maddening glint surged in their eyes then.

With one last-ditch effort attempt, Robert and Reyney frantically try to surge every bit of Innate Qi in their bodies.

Their teeth fiercely gnashed together, causing blood to pool from their mouths like a running stream of water.

Darcel curiously raised his eyebrows at the two futile struggles to escape.

"Hm, how pitiful. People like you won't get until you fully experience everything, right?" As Darcel spoke, this time, he split his Spirit Senses focus and put half and half on Robert and Reyney.

Instantaneously then, Darcel managed to smoothly spew out a shadow from Robert and Reyney's feet each!

Right when their shadows formed, five Darkness tendrils blasted out of the shadows. They tightly wrapped up Robert and Reyney in a Darkness cocoon.

Robert and Reyney's eyes bulged out of their sockets then.

Agonizing pain wreaked havoc in their bodies and souls through the immense power of Darcel's Darkness tendrils.

Both men couldn't even feel their Innate Qi; Darcel's Darkness tendrils energy had utterly vaporized all Qi energy inside their bodies.

Neither Robert nor Reyney could utter even a single yelp of pain as their mouths were clamped up by Darcel's Darkness tendril.

"Oooh! This is a bit new, Darcy! You're almost like a.shadow tentacle man!"

Aniela was making light of the situation and still spouted a bright, radiant smile in contrast to the situation's grave atmosphere.

Even without Darcel using his Darkness tendrils, it was plain as day for Robert, Reyney, Fruna, and Hurey. The hard cold fact that Darcel and Aniela could kill them all with a single step!

Although for Fruna's group, everything just happened too fast and abruptly.

The kind of demonic jumping combat prowess Darcel and Aniela possess is something they should never come across in their little lives!

Still, before anything else could happen, Fruna knew she had to speak up at this time. "W-wait! Darcel and Aniela, please don't kill them. Trying to be so forceful was a grave, terrible mistake on our part. And we can make it up to you!"

Leaving Robert and Reyney to their agonizing hell, Darcel and Aniela turned around to face Fruna.

Admittedly they never plan on killing Robert and Reyney.

Despite the high power trip they're on, Darcel and Aniela still retained their rational minds. Killing Robert and Reyney are essentially destroying their tickets to find more information about this Province and gain quick resources.

They liked Fruna a bit and would preferably not make an enemy out of her and end up having to either force her or kill her too.

As well, Darcel and Aniela only violently strike when someone has genuine killing intent against them or wants to enslave them. All Robert and Reyney wanted to do was forcefully try to steal their items.

But the most significant factor of all was that Darcel and Aniela simply don't have a place to go home to. And they would rather not make enemies with potentially strong Heavenly Kings.

At least not at this point of time.

Still, Aniela found the desperately pleading face of Fruna admirable. Even now, she could brave the dangers for people she considers her comrades no matter how heavy the odds are stacked against her.

"Hehehe~, we aren't going to kill them. Just set them a bit straight, you know! As for helping us, how about.taking us back to your group and putting a good word in for us to join. We can think of other matters later, right Darcy?"

"Indeed, that would be suitable for now. And I also trust none of you will speak about our prowess or that treasure, right? After all, us mere True Soul Core juniors couldn't possibly beat you all, right Fruna?"

Darcel directed his attention right on her as he could safely guess Fruna's words will be more believable than any of the men's words.

Her more reasonable and rational mind is a quality many are more willing to listen to.

Fruna put on a slightly strained smile, but she still nodded nonetheless, telling them, "R-right. At least, I can make sure Robert, Reyney, and Hurey won't talk. They still owe me some huge favors they can't afford to deny."

"Is that so? Alright, then."

Darcel had then snapped his fingers and removed the Darkness tendrils covering Robert and Reyney.

They crashed hard onto the cold hard icy ground, their bodies still shivering from pain.

Darcel and Aniela had then deactivated their bloodline state going back to their normal devilish beautiful appearance. While they did so, it still didn't stop the fear swirling in Robert, Reyney, and Hurey's mind.

Cold sweat still poured down their backs even as Darcel and Aniela had no intentions to seriously harm them.

Now, not only are they forced to travel with these freakish youths, but they also couldn't even speak out about what happened as Fruna's words were crushingly valid.

Suddenly then, Darcel and Aniela quickly snapped their heads towards Hurey.

Their deep black eyes that looked chilling to Hurey deeply bore a hole into his own eyes.

Hurley kept his mouth shut as his body went rigid on instinct. At this point, it was far too late to regret his actions about helping. He could only hope for now that he would just stay entirely out of Darcel and Aniela's way.

Instead of talking, Darcel and Aniela only mockingly smiled at Hurey's fearful expression.

Their jeering smiles only further sent waves of shame inside his mind, yet he dared not to call Darcel and Aniela out on it.

Seeing what they expected from Hurey, Darcel and Aniela quickly turned their focus back on Fruna.

"Now then, lead the way Fruna. With everything out in the open, I'm sure we all can get along better now." Darcel smoothly told her.

"A-ah. Ri-right. Just follow me."

Fruna's tone was still nervous and tense even as Darcel and Aniela were just in their normal state now. Still, she pushed on and began walking ahead, with Darcel and Aniela closely following.

Seeing as they were close to her, Fruna swallowed down her nervousness and attempted to make a conversion with them.

"Hahaha.back there, you two really know how to hide your stuff. Never would I believe we'll be in the presence of true geniuses."

Not minding the apparent tension in Fruna's voice, Aniela still gave her a bright warm smile and told her, "You, yourself is also pretty impressive! I mean, standing up to your teammates with zero help is admirable!"

"Indeed, you're quite a bold and charming woman. Not even the beautiful young geniuses we see can possess this kind of quality."

Darcel also decided to speak up and gave her a captivating, alluring smile.

Admittedly, from this double team attack, Fruna couldn't stop a small blush from growing on her face.

Darcel and Aniela's high-class beauty, their smooth voice, and comforting words were getting her to relax her guard.

Though the main reason her guard was beginning to relax was the warm and gentle presence the duo naturally exudes now.

It was in stark contrast to the deadly presence they had just seconds ago, but Fruna couldn't help but get caught in their captivating presence.

Plus, during the whole previous event, they had listened to her words. Furthermore, they also don't have that same arrogant stride many talented geniuses tend to develop.

"A-ah. Thank you for your kind words. And hey, before we make it to town, we'll have quite a walk to get through. So I'll tell you everything you need to know before we make it there."

Fruna's voice was getting chipper by the second, far preferring the more easy-going Darcel and Aniela.

"Mnh, that would be great." Darcel agreed, and along with Aniela, they tentatively began to listen up to whatever Fruna had to say.

All the while, from six feet behind them, Robert, Reyney, and Hurey were wearily following them.

No words were spoken between them until Robert suddenly said,

"Just.just who are these monstrous youths. And why did we have the shittiest of luck to encounter them."

Hurey simply sighed and shook his head. "No matter what now. Our town, our group, won't ever be the same with these two joining."

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