Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 112: The Combination

Chapter 112: The Combination

Darcel spared no expense at the sudden attack and had fully surged his bloodline powers! A profound black glow enriched his bloodline arm, and his exotic tattoo markings formed.

Aniela and Yasami eyes gazed over at Darcel, but they didn't interfere and let him attack this time.

They wanted to test the waters a bit for this supposed ape creature and see its limit. Although both Aniela and Yasami internally shrugged if Darcel's attack does end up killing the beast.

Since they were coming to kill, Darcel didn't want the battle to drag on.

Darcel thrust both of his hands up in a span of a second and blasted out two vast black flaming claws!

Streaks of black flames spewed all over the room and drilled into the cracked snowy walls.

The broad tail had even temporarily halted at the sudden tremendous increase of power.

But Darcel's black flaming claws were instantaneous, giving the tail no chance to react.


Black flames spewed out in the air as Darcel's black flaming claws violently clashed with the tail, exploding on impact!

Blood pooled out of the tail, and charred black marks appeared running along on the tail. The tail had immediately shivered in pain and quickly drilled back up into the snowy ceiling.

Before the trio could try and sense where the tail went, sudden chills trickled down their spines.

It wasn't chills of being terrified but more chills of the weather being overwhelming freezing! As they experienced the sudden drop of temperature, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami started to feel the whole igloo violently quake.

Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami, though, stood their ground amidst the violent trembling.

Their eyes were still glued to the ceiling, and it was then they witnessed a massive blanket of snow come tumbling down at them.

The snow would submerge them all in at least several feet high in it. Furthermore, the power of a sixth rank Innate Core being discharged from the plummeting blanket of snow and tried to heavily suppress the trio.

A seemingly perilous attack where all of their avenue of escape was sealed off only got Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami to lightly smirk.

Right then, Aniela and Yasami finally unleashed their full power!

Aniela's bloodline arm became enriched in a radiant white Light glow, spewing out beautiful white Light streaks. Her tattoo markings popped in on her arm, looking as exotic as ever.

Yasami instantly donned her blue firefox cloak. Her two blazing blue tails rapidly swirled behind her, generating more heat in the freezing igloo.

The sixth rank Innate Core power that came crashing down on them was utterly shredded by the combined aura of Darcel's group.

Once they all unleashed their transformed state, Darcel, Aniela and Yasami bent their knees, crazily pouring power in their legs. Simultaneously then, the trio shot up high in the air!

Their speed was unhindered, and they nearly instantly approached the blanket of snow.

Without any resistance at all, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami tore right through the blanket of snow. However, once on the other side of the snow, the trio immediately faced another colossal attack.

An enormous ape's fist came crashing down at Darcel's group. The same sixth rank Innate Core power came barreling down on them as they neared the unique looking fist.

Like the tail they saw, the ape's fist had a pure white snow fur and bright beating red streaks highlights in its skin.

Up at extremely close distance with the beast, Darcel, Aniela and Yasami got the full taste of the Soul Weaver ape power.

And yet, the sixth rank aura that clashed against them was nothing more than a breeze for the trio.

Previously, not even the combined might of four seventh rank Innate Core prowess could suppress Darcel's group. So just the mere power of the sixth rank was quite literally nothing to the trio.

Although this feeling couldn't help but slightly disappoint Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami.

From the titled 'Soul Weaver', they all expected something more, like a tricky attack to their souls.

Still, the trio didn't slow down their momentum and burst towards the huge ape fist. In the most direct way possible, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami strut out their fists to the ape's massive fist.

They relied on their pure overwhelming power to clash with the beast!


Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami felt like they struck metal as they violently clashed with the ape's fist.

A tremendous shockwave of True Soul Core and Innate Core power spewed from their collision.

The shockwave blasted Darcel's group back towards the ground while the ape's fist had shot through the ceiling of the igloo.

As they were sailing towards the ground, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami quickly readjusted themselves and floated gently to the ground.

When they had sunk their feet in the snowy grounds, Darcel's group suddenly felt a tremendous impact that had crashed into the ground just in front of them.

Their eyes zipped over to the impact, and they finally saw the whole Soul Weaver ape's appearance.

In contrast to really most other Spirit Monster appearances, the Soul Weaver ape is surprisingly not that tall.

It didn't have that menacing towering height that even some Spirit Monster rats can have. But it certainly didn't mean the Soul Weaver ape looks weren't frightening, to say the least.

The Soul Weaver ape had a chilling blue-red mixed hue in its eyes. Specifically, Darcel's group could notice the red part in its eyes eerily glowed up.

The Soul Weaver ape bared its long sharp teeth that were entirely made up of ice on full display for Darcel's group to gaze upon.

And just like its tail, Darcel's group noticed the whole fur of the Soul Weaver ape had beating red streaks highlights in it.

Although, despite the beast's ferocious appearance, there was only one genuinely peculiar thing Aniela observed about the creature. "If they dubbed it an ape.then why does it have a tail? Apes don't have tails!"

For a brief moment, Darcel and Yasami were bemused by Aniela's question. But she was right; at least ordinary apes shouldn't have tails.

However, this was a thought for another time as their attention quickly focused back up.

While Darcel's group was experiencing zero pressure from facing the Soul Weaver ape, the beast itself was having a dramatically different experience.

Its pupils were continually dilating for every second it faced off against Darcel's group.

The combined overwhelming might of Darcel's group unleashed a tremendous suppression on the Soul Weaver ape body and soul! It felt heavily sluggish in its movement and usage of Innate Qi, plus it had taken some significant damage already.

Darcel's black flaming claws had nearly torn off its tail, and their combined punch nearly shattered all of the bones in its colossal hand!

Furthermore, multiple bones had even cracked in the Soul Weaver long arm from their violent impact.

Usually, the Soul Weaver ape could efficiently deal with groups of sixth rank Innate Core warriors. But now, the Soul Weaver ape knows it has to immediately pull out its trump card to stand a chance to survive!

The Soul Weaver ape had then begun to reach in its fur coat to bring out why even seventh rank Innate Core powerhouses feared it.

However, no matter how fast it tried to move, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami instantly spotted what it was trying to do.

Killing intent blazed in the trio's eyes as they most certainly weren't going to let this beast pull out anything it wants.

Though they know they have the overwhelming advantage, it didn't mean they'll underestimate their foes.


Without any words exchanged, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami all simultaneously blitz towards the Soul Weaver ape!

The lightning-like speed of Darcel's group caused the Soul Weaver ape's eyes to widen a bit.

The Soul Weaver ape attempted to quickly shift backward from the trio while its hand still went for its fur coat.

But, even with its more sluggish movement, Aniela wasn't going to give this beast any chance! Instantaneously, Aniela's bloodline arm brightens up in an immense white glow.


Aniela's blinding white flashbang blasted out, covering the whole spacious igloo.

In mid-jump, the Soul Weaver ape froze in mid-air. Its soul was entirely unprotected from Aniela's flashbang, making it utterly immobilized for a few seconds.

Through the blinding white flash, Darcel still had his sights on the Soul Weaver ape. Swiftly, Darcel fired out a Darkness tendril from the center of his palm.

His single Darkness tendril instantly reached the Soul Weaver ape and latched around its neck.

Once feeling the Darkness tendril latched on to it, Darcel pulled himself towards the ape reaching breakneck speeds!

In a split second, Darcel landed on the Soul Weaver ape's vast head. The Soul Weaver ape was already starting to show signs of breaking free from Aniela's flashbang.

And right then, Darcel lifted up his palm that was now coated entirely in a rich, profound Darkness glow.

Before the ape could break free, Darcel quickly slammed down his palm on the ape's head and had released concentrated lustful energies all throughout its body and soul!

Compared to just using his Darkness tendril, this type of lust energy wrecked even more chaotic havoc than what the silver armor men ever experienced.

The Soul Weaver ape nearly felt its eyes bulge out of its sockets.

In an abrupt turn of events, the ape felt its body was nearing a complete explosion! Its bloodstreams got rampaged by lust energy, its soul got sent into an utter frenzy, and all of its Innate Qi nearly left the ape body.


The Soul Weaver ape tried to roar out as it felt progressively weaker by the second.

On instinct, the Soul Weaver ape frantically moved its body around, trying to get rid of Darcel, but he held on tight.

However, the Soul Weaver ape couldn't rampage for long. Yasami already neared the ape, and she barreled straight at its chest.

She had thrust her blue fire fox claws forward and penetrated deep into the Soul Weaver ape's chest!

Blood gushed like a fountain from the ape as Yasami was able to dig her claws all the way to its lungs.

Though the Soul Weaver ape certainly had a better bodily defense than the silver armor men, it was defenseless against Yasami's extraordinary prowess without its Innate Qi.

Her blue fire raged all throughout the ape's body, burning its organs, bones, and bloodstreams.

Pain wracked the creature's eyes, and an overflow of blood raised in its throat.

Suddenly then, Yasami quickly jumped back from the ape. The Soul Weaver ape didn't care for her action, and its mouth immediately opened up in preparation to release a mighty roar of rage and pain.

However, Aniela beat the ape to the punch and opened her mouth to unleash an even greater battle cry!

"Fiery Slice!!"

A powerful thin stream of black flames had then rushed out Aniela's palm!

Her powerful stream of black flames blitz towards the Soul Weaver and easily ripped right through the vast hole Yasami made in its chest.

The Soul Weaver ape went still as its whole chest area was utterly vaporized.

But Darcel could still sense some life coming from the creature. Without missing a beat, Darcel fished out his green scimitar and quickly plunged his blade through the Soul Weaver ape skull!

His scimitar drilled deep inside the ape's head, piercing deeply into its brain.

Once Darcel felt that squashy resistance, he cruelly smirked. A torrent of black flames erupted from his scimitar, instantly vaporizing the ape's brain.

In that instant, all signs of life left the Soul Weaver ape for good, getting killed in just a manner of seconds.

Darcel fished out his scimitar from the ape's head and flung off the blood from it. His only thought about the battle was;

Aniela is right. They genuinely do make a great team!

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