Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 130: Two Terrifying Figures

Chapter 130: Two Terrifying Figures

Darcel didn't waste time with small talk, getting straight to the point as he asked the woman, "What would be the best that can comfortably fit three people and is quite fast to travel through the snow?"

For a brief second, the woman's eyes trailed over to Aniela and Yasami. 

A knowing smile flashed on her face, understanding why the boy would ask this question as she saw how close Aniela and Yasami were to him.

"Ah, we do often get requests like this. For this, we have a special breed of lizards that fits perfectly for a long-distance team mission. But it'll cost you a small sum. If you want to rent it for a week, that will come out to seventy red crystals."

The woman explained to them, gauging the trio's reaction. Because Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami were still masking their presence, the woman honestly didn't have much impression on the youths. 

Nor did she really take notice of Darcel and Aniela's alluring, gorgeous looks.

Unless the cultivator is stronger than them, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami can manipulate their Qi well enough to give off the aura that their appearances are average, and there's nothing noteworthy about them.

Still, the woman didn't discriminate just because they're low level or seemingly average aura. Plus, she had also recognized the Nobe's Fang group badges on them, knowing they would at least have some amount of fortune. 

So she patiently waited for them to come to a decision. Although she didn't have to wait long.

A pondering expression dawned on Aniela's face, and Yasami similarly went into deep thought. 

They were contemplating whether they should just lower the price already, even as they received plenty of crystalized resources for completing yesterday's mission.

Aniela simply wanted to see how better effective her Light charms would be with someone massively weaker than her. 

Compared to that Mage from the trade fair, this woman was only merely a fifth rank Innate Core warrior.

Impressive for sure for ordinary people. But only an interesting thought to Aniela. 

While with Yasami, she was of the mind of conserving their resources as much as possible. Plus, she felt a natural compulsion to causing mischief that greatly amused her.

However, Darcel only thought about it for a brief second before merely shrugging. He ignited his spatial ring and fished out a red glowing sack that contained exactly seventy red crystals.

Darcel handed the sack over while shamelessly proclaiming, "Not really costly at all since I do want to please my cute girlfriends. Here you go." 

Without even looking back at all, Darcel could just feel the warmth radiating off from Aniela and Yasami's because of his Darkness Soul link.

Aniela had a small smile, and a slight blush adorned her face. For the rare times in her life, she now felt happy but also a bit of embarrassment flush her cheeks. 

Even though there weren't many other cultivators walking about, it still made her all giddy inside about being public about their feelings.

From under the hood, one can also spot a small smile on Yasami's face. 

Typically at this time like this, she would be calling Darcel out over his shameless acts. Yet, an open display of affection, while not really used to it, was making her heart feel warm.

The woman behind the desk only knowingly smiled, watching Aniela and Yasami's reaction. She took Darcel's red glowing sack while telling him, 

"A dutiful man indeed. Wait right here. Because of the slow morning today, one of our specialists will be with you shortly."

Darcel watched as the woman had then reached under her desk, seemingly grabbing for something. From where he stood, Darcel could spot a ring that looked vaguely familiar to the ones the Teacher and staff would use at Zakira Academy for contacting each other.

As the woman went into that motion, Darcel turned around to the smiling faces of Aniela and Yasami. 

"The best dutiful man indeed! So dutiful that'll he get plenty of rewards later~." Aniela teasingly flirted, being the same amount of comfortable on showing public affection. 

Yasami had quietly sighed while saying, "A shameless man and woman who don't know when to quit."

Despite saying, when Aniela had mentioned rewards in a more sensual tone., Yasami did feel a slight desirable heat generate in her loins. 

A slight blush painted Yasam's cheeks from such lewd feelings. She silently cursed in her mind as she knows it's Darcel and Aniela's fault for making her mind immediately recalled their morning. 

But Yasami made sure to not let any lewd thoughts be shown on her. 

Darcel simply smiled as he felt his Darkness Soul link tingle about making the girls happy. 

As the trio waits for the specialist to come, Darcel's had mind partially drifts while talking to the girls. He was wondering how exciting will a particular group of people will make their mission.


Inside a doctorate silver office, filled with various exotics Artifacts, talisman, and scrolls. A crucial meeting was taking place between two figures that can make Mawold Town folks tremble to their knees.

One of the terrifying figures was a tall, intimidating looking man. The man wore a luxurious set of silver armor, completed with three silver jewels that hung around his neck.

The man's very presence just radiated with pure crushing power, creating an indescribable aura around him. 

Just one look from the man and an average Innate Core warrior would feel as if death was upon them.

This frightening man was one of the Heavenly Generals of the Silver Bloody Hammer group, Heavenly General Dara! 

And compared to the Nobe's Fang group Heavenly Generals, he was at the third level of the Heavenly Transformation level!

Though only a single level between them, Heavenly General Dara was still considered ultimately superior to both Nobe's Fang group Heavenly Generals.

Across from the man was a woman casually relaxing on a silver sofa. 

She wasn't affected by Heavenly General Dara's dominating aura at all, even going so far as to have a lazy look on her face.

This woman is a gorgeous beauty, however. 

Her face was alarmingly beautiful, and, combined with her casual laze face, she exuded a captivating charm of an easy-going beauty.

She had short, bright, beautiful blue hair decorated with silver jewelry pieces that just popped out against her luxurious silver armor. At the right side of her breastplate was a platinum badge that sparked with power.

Despite her alluring appearance, the woman, while not as powerful as Heavenly General Dara, was still incredibly dangerous in her right. 

She was a first-level Heavenly Transformation cultivator!

And though she didn't have the same status as the man, the woman was one of the few platinum ranked members of the Silver Bloody Hammer group, and she was named Silver Lila.

Between the two, there is a serious discussion going on despite the causal nature of Silver Lila. 

Heavenly General Dara was explaining to her, "First Zeal's team go missing and still haven't been found for two days. And now Gedu's team and three of our gold rank members just all up and vanish within a span of a day? And what you're saying, you're truly, positively sure it's because of those three new Fang's group brats?"

Though his words sounded like he was in disbelief and accusing, Heavenly General Dara's tone was actually inquiring. 

He had put full focus on listening in on Silver Lila, treating this as a severe issue.

Silver Lila, however, simply shrugged like it wasn't much of an issue at all. 

"I mean, really. Who else could it really be? From our trusted sources, not only did others one hundred percent verified they saw Zeal's team go after those brats. Other members on their morning shifts also spotted Gedu's team, and the three gold rank members go after them. Quite obviously, there's something very special about those kids. Don't think for a second this all just mere coincidence."

Silver Lila expertly explained, contradicting her lazy attitude about the situation. She just knew, for numerous powerful Innate Core warriors to go missing, you would have to be a fool to not realize something is suspicious. 

Heavenly General Dara thinks for a moment before sighing. "Haah.I can't deny it. Still, none of the three gold rank members responded back to my callings, nor can I track their locations. Just like if they had suddenly disappeared off the face of the planet."

Silver Lila didn't respond, already knowing a conclusion like this would be reached. 

Heavenly General Dara picked up again after a moment of silence, asking Silver Lila,

"So you think those brats killed every single one of them off with some rare exotic Spirit Artifact, huh? And what just gives you the bold assurance they won't have something for Heavenly Kings, seeing as they might've killed off three peak rank Innate Cores warriors?"

Towards Heavenly Dara's question, Silver Lila's lazy expression slowly morphed into an arrogant smirk. 

"So what if they do? The difference between the Heavenly Transformation realm and mere Innate Cores are like Heaven and dirt mud. The two simply cannot be compared. And even then, I dealt with a lot of Spirit Artifacts with my formations abilities. It'll be easy grabbing those brats."

Silver Lila spoke with such a confident and assured tone that made it nearly impossible for Heavenly General Dara to not believe her. After all, she didn't say a single lie in her words.

Even if there were hundreds of Innate Core warriors surrounding Silver Lila, she would be able to come out on top, completely unharmed. 

Still, there was just something Heavenly General Dara felt weird about.

Like this whole situation just seems.off. 

Heavenly General Dara didn't know how to accurately pinpoint this strange feeling, but he couldn't show off indecisiveness now. He pushed down that slight weird feeling and told Silver Lila,

"Alright. Since you're already so assured of your victory, let's see what these brats got. Be sure to at least leave their bodies intact when bringing them back here. Perhaps, they would have something beneficial for us and or information that can give us an absolute edge over those Fang's rats."

Silver Lila's lips began to curl into a savage smile this time. 

She began to lazily crackle her knuckles and speak with a chilling tone. "It's been some time since I was able to stretch for a bit. It'll feel good to crack some bones."

Heavenly General Dara didn't pay any heed to Silver Lila's horror inducing words and tone. But suddenly then, a thought streaked into Heavenly General Dara's mind.

"By the way. What are the tabs on that girl? For some time, that man still hasn't shown his face around Mawold town." 

A brief thinking expression sniped Silver Lila's face before she went back to being causal.

"Eh. I haven't really paid much attention to her. She's not really causing a ruckus now. Although, our members were saying they saw her come into town with those same brats. Other than that, though.she and him won't be an issue presently."

Heavenly General Dara's eyes briefly flashed but put that thought down for later. "In any case, I'll advise to not take those three small rats so lightly. Even rats can ferociously bite back when in a corner."

"Yea, yea I know. At the very least, if they can somehow bite back, it'll make it all the more interesting to me." 

Silver Lila boldly claimed, knowing in her mind absolutely nothing damaging will happen to her.

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