Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 133: Three Terrifying Auras

Chapter 133: Three Terrifying Auras

A large, dark, looming shadow was cast over a vast ice village. The mere presence of that vast, daunting shadow was spine-chilling and nearly suffocating for the folks inside the ice village.

If this was normal time, this ice village would have a more jubilant lively vibe about it. 

While this place wasn't as expansive or luxurious as Mawold Town, it still held rich sights for anyone to gaze upon.

The buildings here were mostly in a beautiful crystal blue gloss; the igloos for homes were all surprisingly large, even matching traditional houses other cultivators use.

And there was a wide snowy fence that seemingly guarded the ice village for any unexpected danger. 

Unfortunately, for this village today, the unexpected danger was coming straight at them from the sky.

Although, dozens of Innate Core powerhouses had gathered a couple miles above the ice village. Each Innate Core powerhouse wore a severe and weary expression, dreading what's coming up next to them.

Every Innate Core powerhouse there also wore the same orange lion fur coat that Darcel's group saw the five men wearing. 

For this dozen of line ups, each cultivator varies from the sixth rank to the seventh rank. However, there were very few eighth rank powerhouses among their line up. 

Every cultivator there had their gazes glued to their sky. A massive pure white dot was quickly approaching them at swift speeds.

Watching the Snow Glazed Hawk's huge shadow only get closer to them was like awaiting judgment day for the cultivators there. 

At the front helm of the pack, being the evident leader of the cultivators there, it was an alluring cute woman.

Her clear blue eyes squared in on the Snow Glazed Hawk, her face determined and serious, having little weariness that plagued the other Innate Core powerhouses.

That sort of serious expression she held suited her beautiful face perfectly, giving the woman a cute but deadly impression. 

This woman also wore the orange lion fur coat, but she held something distinct that separated her from the rest.

Around the woman's neck was a beautiful bright orange lion necklace that signified some sort of significant status in her village. 

And another distinct aspect that separated the woman from the rest was the fact that she was one of the few eighth rank Innate Core warriors!

Without taking her eyes from the sky, the woman spoke to the man right beside her, asking him, "Did Chief Anos give you the accurate time that it'll take to set up the formation yet?"

The man she spoke to was also one of the few eighth rank warriors there. 

Although compared to the woman, he was in a far less composed state. Beads of sweat drifted down his face as he answered with,

"Chief Anos stated about five minutes until then Vice Chief Cily! We're going to need to go all out and hopefully fend this beast off until then." 

Admittedly, Vice Chief Cily didn't feel hopeful hearing that estimation. But they had no other options left. Vice Chief Cily sighed a bit, and immediately she cleared away any doubts or worries swirling her mind. 

A fierce expression dawned on her face as she felt the Snow Glazed Hawk come within several miles between them.

"Everyone! Quickly surge your Enchantment Ice Wall Skill now!" Vice Chief Cily roared out using a firm, adamant tone. 

The heavy bass in her voice caused the other dozens of cultivators to sober up and also wear a fierce expression.

"Yes, Vice Chief!!" Everyone shouted in an equally determined tone. 

Promptly then, the Innate Core powerhouses began surging mass waves of Innate Qi, causing chaos in the air.

As their powers crazily surged, the wind intensely swirled around them, causing Innate Core power to recklessly spew out in the area. 

Although for the village below they all were protected by an invisible barrier.

Most village folks already evacuated to their fortified igloos, where it was potentially safer than being outside. But there were some courageous, weaker cultivators standing outside wanting to obverse every bit of the upcoming battle.

Suddenly then, when everyone was nearing the completion of their Martial Skill, 


The Snow Glazed Hawk's powerful voice screeched again!

The dozens of village cultivators could now spot the full outline of the Snow Glazed Hawk just a mile above them as it rushed down to them. 

The hawk was at least over fifty inches wide, and its enormous wings nearly covered the whole ice village in its shadow.

The Snow Glazed Hawk had pure white fur, seemingly matching the snow of the Plunged Tundra. 

Admittedly, the Snow Glazed Hawk could appear as a majestic beast.

But the murderous expression plastering its face made the Snow Glazed Hawk even more ferocious than common Spirit Monsters. 

When the Snow Glazed Hawk squealed out its massive screech, the village cultivators had also spotted its wing glowing up in a bright blue light!

In just a split second, the Snow Glazed Hawk flapped its gigantic wing and blasted out a blue compressed Wind Qi blade at the village cultivators! 

The Snow Glazed Hawk compressed Wind Qi blade tore through the air at lightning-like speeds.

Though they were a mile apart, the Snow Glazed Hawk's tremendous aura already crashed down on the village cultivators, causing an immense suppression on them.

Even Vice Chief Cily, who was at the same Innate rank as the beast, felt a mild suppression enrapture her body. 

Still, Vice Chief Cily push past the suppression and the fuzzy headache that slowly attacked her head.

She instantly swirled her Innate Qi to her fingertips while shouting, 


Freezing Ice Qi blasted out Vice Chief Cily palm and formed into a wide Ice Wall.

The other dozens of cultivators followed in her lead and immediately blasted out their Enchantment Ice Wall. 

And in a magical turn of events, everyone's Ice Qi smoothly blended in together and swiftly began to combine with each other.

It only took a second before everyone's Ice Wall morphed into one massive Ice Wall that covered the whole Ice village! 

And right when the massive Ice Wall had formed, the Snow Glazed Hawk's blue compressed Wind Qi blade reached them.


Like their massive Ice wall was nothing but fragile glass, the Snow Glazed Hawk compressed Wind Qi blade utterly shattered their defense into tiny ice shards.


Some cultivators shrieked in anguish, puking out blood, as they nearly got sent flying right back to their village. 

Other cultivators felt like their arms nearly ruptured though they managed to stay in the air. 

Vice Chief Cily only felt a stinging pain course in her arm from their shattered defense. 

"Tch, we've only encountered this beast once, yet how did it get so strong in such a short amount of time!" The man beside Vice Chief Cily cursed as he felt a more intense pain sting in his arm. 

His question was also a thought swirling in Vice Chief Cily's mind, but they had no time to think about that now.

Suddenly, right when Vice Chief Cily was about to give out another order, a bright flash of white Light, Darkness, and blue flames refracted into her eyes. 

Immediately Vice Chief Cily's eyes zipped over to the flash, and she witnessed three auras blasting into the air.


Not even Vice Chief Cily could contain her bewilderment as three tremendous auras suddenly spilled out throughout the whole area! 

Vice Chief Cily utterly froze, not in shock but because an immense suppression crushed down on her whole body.

And not only she experienced the tremendous powerful auras, everyone else, from the cultivators in the sky to everyone inside the Ice Village. They felt their bodies locked from an immense suppression of supreme power!

There wasn't a single Innate Core warrior that could gather up any amount of Innate Qi, making them utterly helpless. 

Moreover, their souls had also intensely churned, almost like it was quaking in fear.

The three auras blew out a cascade of chaotic power that swirled all throughout the air, covering the whole Ice Village. 

"Wh-what the hell is that?!?" 

"N-n-no way?! Can it be?!" 

"Three Heavenly Kings came here?!?"

A storm of confused shouts boomed from everyone's mouths. 

For all cultivators under the eighth rank of the Innate Core realm, they had mistakenly taken this tremendous power as the power of a grand Heavenly Transformation cultivator!

However, Vice Chief Cily could accurately pinpoint these auras. And as she did so, more disbelief surged in her brain. 

None of the three were mighty Heavenly King cultivators, yet all three had the prowess that could most certainly match them.

Vice Chief Cily ran into her fair share of Heavenly Kings in her long life, and she had no doubts about this. And even then, this trio of power could easily wipe her off if they wanted to.

However, luckily for her and the whole Ice Village, those three auras weren't locked on to her. 


The Snow Glazed Hawk was utterly frozen in midair. It could barely turn its head around to face the ones who were exuding such mighty power.

An indomitable suppression crushed the Snow Glazed Hawk's body and soul, immediately creating a tremendous sense of death crisis in its mind. The Snow Glazed Hawk felt as if there were mountains upon mountains crushing its whole body.

And when the Snow Glazed Hawk saw who was rushing it, its eyes widened in world-shattering shock. 

Of course, the ones who were bursting with such grand power were Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami!

Yasami was holding both Darcel and Aniela's hands as they flew straight towards the Snow Glazed Hawk. And all three of them felt overly energized as they flew up, each of them spotting broad battle-hungry smiles.

Darcel and Aniela spared no expense, unleashing their Yin and Yang Spiritual state at full blast. While Yasami donned her marvelous blue fire fox cloak, making her two tails swirl around in fervent excitement.

For some reason, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami all felt incredible in their transform state! 

In fact, they felt far more incredible than any other time they unleashed their full prowess in their lives.

With only a mere small dosage of their true powers, Darcel, Aniela and Yasami managed to utterly suppress everyone in this whole area. 

And this showcase of prowess only reinforced the idea in Darcel's mind that they don't have a reason to fear an early level Heavenly King.

For now, though, Darcel pulled his attention to the Snow Glazed Hawk. And a cruel smirk curved up his, Aniela, and Yasami's lips as they rapidly approached the Spirit Monster miles in the air.

They all were prepared to end this in just a few moves! 

Before the Snow Glazed Hawk could attempt anything, Aniela's melodic voice boomed out into the air.



A bright white flashbang burst out from Aniela and completely covered the whole area of the Ice village! 

Beside Darcel's group, everyone in the whole area utterly froze as their souls were stunned under Aniela's tremendous bloodline power.

The Snow Glazed Hawk was no exception to this and became completely defenseless from Aniela's flashbang. 

Seeing his opportunity, Darcel had then strutted his palm forward and shot out multiple Darkness tendrils. 

The moderate distance between them was nothing as Darcel's Darkness tendrils instantly reached the Snow Glazed Hawk. And in the same motion, the Snow Glazed Hawk got tightly wrapped up by Darcel's Darkness tendrils.

Darcel didn't bother at all with surging lustful energy into his Darkness tendrils, letting his pure power crush the beast.

The Snow Glazed Hawk couldn't struggle out of the Darkness tendrils. Its entire body was helpless, getting violently crushed, causing hellish anguish for the beast. 

Yet the nightmare was only beginning for it.

Darcel clutched his palm, and he swiftly pulled him, Aniela, and Yasami towards the Snow Glazed Hawk back. 

The trio went even faster than Yasami's flying speed, and in just a second, they landed on the beast's back.

Immediately when they landed on the Snow Glazed Hawk large back, Yasami raised her blue fire fox claws and quickly plunged her claws deep into the beast's back.

Bright red blood crazily gushed out of the Snow Glazed Hawk's back as Yasam's cloak fire fox claw shred through its bodily defense like butter. 

The Snow Glazed Hawk's pupil had heavily dilated.

Throughout its body and soul, a mind-shattering pain rampaged as Yasami unleashed a raging cascade of blue fire Qi inside it.

"SKA-" The Snow Glazed Hawk could only utter out a single syllable of pain before it felt its vocal cords fry. 

Nothing could save the beast now. Yasami's blue fire Qi was quickly demolishing it, giving the creature a swift but painful death.

Seeing their work done with, Yasami grabbed Darcel and Aniela's hands, nodding at them while doing so. Hand in hand with each other, Yasami jumped off the Snow Glazed Hawk's back and floated slowly towards the ground.

As the trio floated away, the Snow Glazed Hawk suddenly burst into bright, beautiful blue flames! 

The beast only had a few excruciating seconds to live before Yasami's blue flames utterly vaporized its soul.

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