Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 137: Morning Departure

Chapter 137: Morning Departure

A wonderful wet soft sensation coursed through Darcel's mind as he had his eyes closed. Tingles of incredible pleasure were drilling down his body, making him quickly awake from a good dream he was having.

Darcel was only halfway in groggily awakening. 

And it was then he immediately identified the soft wet sensation that is continuously pecking his lips. 

Whoever it was that was zealously going at him just absolutely couldn't get enough of Darcel's addicting taste.

As he became more awake, Darcel's body moved on instinct. He had wrapped his arm around the soft body pressed on to him and parted his lips to fully enjoy the kiss.

An eager tongue quickly sought out to tangle on to his tongue. 

"Mnnh~!!" A quiet but cute moan squealed out of the one kissing Darcel. 

And the tongue that intensely sucked on him was passionate yet sloppy.

All of these combining factors led Darcel to immediately know who was giving him a fiery morning kiss. 

His eyes flung open and was met with the sight of the beautiful vertical slits of Yasami's half-lidded striking blue eyes.

Yasami's eyes grew wider, seeing Darcel fully awake. 

But she hasn't stopped kissing him yet. The addicting pleasure was swirling away in her mind for each second she prolonged their steamy kiss.

And after a couple of seconds, Yasami had finally pulled back. 

A delicious trail of saliva connected from her's and Darcel's mouths and Yasami enthusiastically lapped up the steamy remnant from their kiss.

Suddenly, realizing Darcel is watching her with great interest, a large sexy blush adorned Yasami's gorgeous face. 

A bashful expression quickly plastered on her while she blurted out, "Yo-you're finally up! Don't blame me, I-I just want to do more perverse things with both you, hmph! So you better take full responsibility!" 

So cute, yet some tame under him.

Darcel quickly liked this amusing side to Yasami, leaking out a small chuckle. 

And seeing Yasami slightly pout at him for chuckling only further pushed Darcel's love about this side of her.

"Hmmm, a nice blend of your fiery side and your lovable cute side. Yea that also suits you quite nicely." Darcel causally complimented, and before Yasami could sputter another bout of bashfulness.

Darcel had quickly pulled Yasami into another heated kiss. 

This time, Darcel took smooth control and guided Yasami's warm, sweet tongue to correctly lap around his tongue.

"Ahh.ooh~...." Yasami instantly cooed from their blissful kiss, and Darcel stroking her twitching fox ears. 

For a few minutes, the two stayed like this, fully engrossed in the kiss, falling harder into pleasure.

It had taken Darcel to finally pull back from the kiss, leaving a steamy trail of saliva to connect from their mouths. He had realized if he didn't put a stop to it, Yasami probably wouldn't stop for a long time.

And they didn't have all day to just be lounging around and kissing. 

Though, when Darcel had pulled back, he noticed a flash of loss swirl in Yasami's eyes.

That little sense of sadness nearly pulled Darcel into kissing her again. But his attention got quickly diverted as his Spirit Sense explored deeper into Yasami's body.

Mild shock ran through Darcel's mind then. 

Somehow, Yasami had directly stepped into the ninth rank of the Innate Core realm! 

Furthermore, it wasn't only her that broke through.

He and Aniela as well jumped up to the fifth layer link of the True Soul Core realm! Darcel knows if he has sex with Aniela, it outrageously increases the rate of their cultivation.

However, he didn't even have sex with Yasami last night. 

And arguably, breaking through to the ninth rank is a far more complicated and arduous task than anything in the True Soul Core realm.

At least, Darcel expected Yasami to go through some sort of enlightenment for the ninth rank. 

Yet, here they are, and Darcel was starting to suspect he's been severely underestimating his Darkness Soul links.

The sense of loss had quickly left Yasami as she noticed Darcel hadn't broken off his mild gaze of shock from her in a couple of seconds. A sense of teasing swirled inside Yasami's mind, and her two blue fox tails began to playfully move.

"Why are you so shocked? Mesmerized by glorious beauty again~? Does someone need a kiss to wake them up~?" 

Darcel quickly snapped out of his mild daze and gained a cheeky smirk from Yasami's playful tone. "You really can't affect me anymore, and this basically sounds like another excuse to kiss." 

Darcel was right on the money as Yasami began to close her eyes and gain an expectant face, saying,

"Weell? What if I did? Aren't you going to unleash your perversion on me again?" Darcel was tempted to do so, but he had a more pressing question nestling in his mind.

"Not right now. I'm more surprised at how casual you're being now. Don't you feel the peak changes in your body and soul?" 

Yasami sprung her vibrant blue eyes back open.

Her reaction really didn't go anyway Darcel expected. She only had a relaxed slight smirk despite sensing the tremendous power growth in her. 

"It's the soul link we share, right? I mean, when we're together, all of my cultivating and comprehension abilities just skyrockets. Sure, probably something special should've happened for the breakthrough to the peak. Buuut, you should've expected this to happen, no?"

"Mnh! The little fox is right, Darcy! This is the beauty of our Darkness Soul links! Our pleasure and feelings are a testament to our outrageous strengths." 

Aniela had suddenly perked, entering the conversation while leaning on Darcel's arm.

Yasami and Darcel turned their eyes over to her, not even hearing when she had woken up. 

Still, Darcel felt the sudden compulsion to kiss Aniela now that she was up. "Pleasure a testament to our strength, huh? Like so?" 

Immediately, Darcel pulled Aniela into a sensual kiss. Their lips quickly parted, and they fervently sucked on each juicy tongue.

Yasami began to wryly smile while watching them. While they continued their heated passion, she felt her soul rumbling. 

A serene warmth spread through her, and Yasami could feel her soul ever so slightly increasing in power. "Really, it is like so. What a perverse method that I can't believe I'm coming to fall under it." 

Darcel had pulled back from the kiss after a few seconds, leaving Aniela with a satisfied smile on her face.

A thought suddenly streaked into his head then. Darcel told the girls, "You girls ready to leave? I'm afraid with this recent powerup, our zealous fan is even less of a challenge than before."

Aniela dawned a thinking expression while saying, "Than before? Even before, I still felt zero threat from them. So I guess it'll be another second's long fight for us."

Yasami thought for a moment before shrugging. 

"No challenge as of now. But at least we can be sure future events will be more exciting. Provided that they didn't get scared off from our last fight."

Though Yasami said so, a grin split on her, Aniela, and Darcel's faces. 

They knew for a second prideful powerful people lack the self perversion common sense. So the only question left was what would they desperately pull on them.


At the Thornshell Village entrance, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami were snuggled up comfortably on their Snow lizard. 

Because of their outstanding service to the Village, they were able to store the beast in a relatively comfortable space where it also could relax.

Darcel smiled contently as the girls leaned on to him. They were in their same position as last time, but he could tell there was a subtle change between them.

Now, Yasami had fully sprawled out in his laps. Darcel felt the joyous rustling of blue fox tails swirling around from her robes. 

And with Aniela, she had her hands draped over his and Yasami's shoulder, really leaning on to Darcel's back.

The only thing that remained the same was Yasami still hiding her feline body parts and her face. 

Darcel wanted to ask why she's doing that while they were inside their room, but he was content with Yasami taking the initiative to explain it herself.

Plus, Darcel was sure Yasami would want to spill her secrets at a more secure location. 

Her personality does have that slight cautious and crafty side about her.

Darcel currently began caressing the Beast Taming crystal, preparing to pour his Qi in it. 

Until Aniela suddenly shifted her head behind and squinted her eyes. "Heey, it seems like the Chiefs were expecting us to leave early. And they're coming with all smiles."

Darcel shifted his head to look back while Yasami didn't move but curiously raised her eyebrows. 

Neither Darcel, Aniela, nor Yasami wanted to deal with the busy work of getting recognized, so they went ahead and masked their presence.

But it seemed they'll have to do one more meeting before they go. 

Of course, the one's walking up to the trio was Vice Chief Cily and Chief Anos. And when Aniela noticed them, Vice Chief Cily opened up with a pleasant smile.

"All pack and ready to leave now. I hope you all enjoyed your stay." 

Vice Chief Cily graciously told them. She and Chief Anos stopped near Darcel's group Snow lizard and were glad they just made it in time.

They indeed had predicted the trio departing a bit in the morning after Vice Chief Cily recalls Darcel saying they run a busy schedule. 

And as they stood next to the Snow lizard, Vice Chief Cily and Chief Anos had an odd feeling.

They both know Darcel's group could all mask their presence. It was how Vice Chief Cily managed to slither the trio in without much noise. 

But, very vaguely, both Chiefs felt as if all three of them suddenly grew stronger since last night!

They couldn't say for sure if this was the case. But the dangerous feelings Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami naturally exude just seemed to explosively spike today.

Darcel had caught on to the slight tension that filled the Chief's bodies. 

Admittedly they didn't fully mask their presence, so Darcel could tell they were feeling a tiny portion of their recent breakthrough.

Still, Darcel helped to ease their tension by saying, "Our night was an incredibly festive one for sure. Something of which none of us are sure to forget and sure to repeat."

Aniela giggled a bit at Darcel's slightly suggestive comment. While Yasami just sighed, lamenting how openly shameless her boyfriend always is. 

Barring his girl's reaction, Darcel had achieved his desired result with the Chief's.

Both of them felt their bodies relaxed more at Darcel's good nature comment and were much amused at their youthful romance. 

Darcel had then given the two Chief's a smirk, continuing on to say,

"But I know you guys didn't come here to just give us farewells. You have something to offer us before we leave, I presume?" 

Seeing Darcel getting straight to the point, Chief Anos nodded to his question. "Indeed. Would you all be interested in a way to enhance your Bodily defenses?" 

Aniela raised a curious brow while Yasami perked up at Chief Anos' question.

Darcel's interest was also gained, so he said, "I see no reason to not be. We have no ways to naturally increase it on our own." 

Chief Anos broadly smiled as one of his guesses were correct.

He had then gone on to explain, "Excellent. You see, we have a large batch of a Tempering Bodily Elixir that's enough for all three of you. As you may or may not know, this Elixir can increase your Bodily defenses by thirty percent or even more. All we ask in exchange is for a way to stay in contact."

Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami contemplated for a brief second. 

They all know what the Tempering Bodily Elixir is and the zero drawbacks from just basic readings of various books.

Still, the trio quickly saw where this could potentially go. 

However, Vice Chief Anos quickly spotted the realization on Darcel and Aniela's face, prompting her to swiftly speak out.

"We won't be contacting you for our troubles or anything like that. But with all of your extraordinary might, if you do happen to encounter the special resources needed for this Elixir, you can always contact us and trade the resources over. That way we can offer a huge discount for the next Elixir we make. Think of this free one as thanks for helping our Village."

Yasami mused out then, "I was just about to bring that up. So this our true ceremonial reward, huh?" 

"Indeed it is. We feel this is a much proper reward for your hard work." Chief Anos spoke up to explain.

"Hmmm.I say.let's take it! I quite like this Village and how everyone is just so lively here." Aniela voiced her agreement. 

"Eh. Why not. I mean traveling so snuggly like-uh I mean, traveling, in general, is so serene." Yasami attempted to smoothly cover her mid-speech slip up. 

Though, Darcel could feel her foxtails restlessly swirling about now. Focusing on the Chief's though, he told them, "Sounds simple enough then. We'll be sure to contact you if we have the resources. Or if you have another rare Elixir, you want our help in making." 

Darcel didn't mind making the deal since they can deal with whatever issue the Village might face in the future with a flip of their hands.

"Then we have a deal. Cily, give them the rings." Chief Anos said in an exceptionally pleased tone. 

Vice Chief Cily nodded and took out a purple ring and blue ring with a lion design. She had then handed off both rings to Darcel, telling them, 

"It's been a pleasure you all. Till next time."

Darcel shoved the two rings into his pockets, and he and Yasami simply nodded at the Chiefs. 

Aniela was the one that waved goodbye, saying to them, "Later!"

The trio had then settled back in the Snow Lizard. Darcel poured his Qi into the Beast Taming Crystal, making the Snow Lizard's eyes glow up. Instantly then, the Snow lizard blasted off to the far distance, leaving Thornshell Village behind.

"Haaah.even as charitable they all seem, it's still a bit worrisome interacting with them. Feels like a doomsday can come for us from just one wrong move."

Chief Anos exhaled his remaining slight tension after the trio was entirely gone. 

Vice Chief Cily, in contrast, only had a relaxed smile. "I can admit, I may have some tiny doubts about them. But as well, there's just something about them that inspires me with hope. Now that they're gone let's get back to work."

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