Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 140: Disregarded Looks

Chapter 140: Disregarded Looks

At the entrance of Mawold Town, nothing out of the ordinary happened. 

Groups of cultivators were walking in and out of the Town, all busy with their daily lives, completely ignorant of anything else.

Nobody even took notice of three youths standing just a few feet away from the entrance. And this was just the way Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami wanted it to be.

But soon, everybody in Mawold Town will know the outrageous might of these three youths. 

Currently, a jubilant feeling fueled the trio's bodies. They were spreading out their Spirit Sense, scoping for any trouble that would want to specifically interrupt them.

The Snow lizard wasn't present with them. But Darcel still had the Beast Taming Crystal. 

He had put the Snow lizard away at a safe place, telling the girls that the Beast Trading Center would be coming to them for the lizard once they were done.

Aniela and Yasami were greatly amused by this. That only further served to boost their excitement for their plan in action. 

"Hmmm.still only Innate Cores walking around. Not a single Heavenly King. Keep on masking our presence, right Darcy?" Aniela whispered over to Darcel.

"Right. Actually, at our level now, I highly doubt even a low-level Heavenly King can sense us. Either way, we'll need to act swift and decisive from here on out." Darcel quietly explained to the girls.

"Let's carry on to those Mages then. Hopefully, their selections won't eat up our time." Yasami said, and the trio began to quickly walk into the Town. 

And they were ready to make an utter storm.


Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami walked with a pep in a step-through Mawold Town. They headed on the path that led them down to the Ice Drake Guild trade fair last time.

But they were taking some slight divergence in their paths, going off to the general district the Ice Drake Guild inhabits. 

Strangely enough, neither Darcel, Aniela, nor Yasami spotted any real Mages walking around the district.

It was all cultivators going about the several Mage's shops that filled the district up. Although Darcel and Aniela could recall, they barely saw any Mage roaming the streets during their time at Necrotic City.

More importantly than the Mages roaming the streets, Darcel's group kept their Spirit Sense peeled for any Silver Bloody Hammer group members. 

Any slight weirdness in people routines or anything of that matter, the trio would've spotted rather quickly.

But, luckily for them, none of the Silver Bloody Hammer group members they saw seemed to be concerned about any sudden troublesome factors. 

It was like none of them even knows a platinum ranked member of their group is gone forever.

Furthermore, like all other cultivators, there wasn't a single Silver Bloody Hammer group member that took notice of them. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami put on more casual smiles while walking. 

At least for now, they could take some leisure time here. For as soon, nothing they do will be relaxed.

In this casual manner, the trio eventually made it to one specific Ice Drake guild shop. 

During the little downtime they would spend in their rooms at the Nobe's Fang group, the trio had studied the whole Town map for future references.

And with the already base intelligence of the trio, it was quite easy for them to mesmerize what specific place they would want to go to. 

"The Ice Drake weapon shop.quite a.well, I was actually expecting a name more grandiose. At least their designs are exotic!" Aniela was commenting as she, Darcel, and Yasami walked towards an enormous crystal blue building. 

And like Aniela pointed out, there was a uniquely crafted sign on the building pointing it out as a weapon shop.

Running along the crystal blue building were uniquely designed icicle designs. The icicle illustrations fit nicely with the whole Ice Drake Guild preference in studying Ice Arts.

Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami stopped just off to the side of the building so they wouldn't block anyone from going into the shop. 

Before going in, the trio exchanged one last look at each other.

With the plan brewing in their minds, they know after this, their status will significantly change in Mawold Town. 

And yet, there wasn't a single ounce of hesitation on their faces.

Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami didn't even need to exchange words with each other. They all simply nodded and were ready to put their plan in action. 

With that, the trio strolled inside the Ice Drake Guild's weapon shop.


Once inside, the trio had a good first impression of the place. It was laboriously vast inside here, being big enough to fit hundreds of people alone in just this one room.

Cultivators alike filled the place. They were all walking around assorted shelves filled with a plethora of exotic-looking items. 

There were unique items such as Elemental talisman, Animal talisman, and all sorts of strange-looking Spirit Artifacts.

Accompanying each item was a concise description detailing a short summary about the items. Along with the description, there were also writings that detailed the talismans or Spirit Artifact's rank.

There were quite a few extraordinary weapons that could even outrank Darcel's group's current equipment. 

Yet, none of that caught the trio's eyes. Aniela's eyes quickly shifted about the place until it landed on one specific section. 

"Ah! What we need is right over there." Aniela pointed to the Concealment section of the shop. 

Yasami took the lead and walked with a spring in her step while saying, "Glad we found it fast. Not so glad at the limited selection here."

Darcel and Aniela were closely following behind, and the trio quickly made it over to several items in the Concealment section. 

And Darcel noted it was indeed true that the options here are significantly less than the other sections.

"No matter what, I'm sure we just need to keep our eyes open and search. We can be highly versatile in what we can use." Darcel stated and began looking through the several Talisman and Spirit Artifacts in this section.

Aniela and Yasami only shrugged since they couldn't disagree on Darcel's point. And they, too, began carefully searching for the just-right items for them.

Suddenly, while they were looking, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami simultaneously perked up. 

Their eyes curiously glanced over to the shop entrance, and so did every other cultivator there.

'A Heavenly King?' 

Darcel thought as his Spirit Sense immediately picked up on an unknown Heavenly Transformation cultivator rapidly approaching the shop. 

Unlike Silver Lila, this unknown Heavenly Transformation cultivator far surpassed her. Hell, they was almost out of Darcel's Spirit Sense scope! Darcel could just barely tell they were at the third level of the Heavenly Transformation realm, but she was exceedingly powerful.

Right then, the doors to the shop sprang open. 

And what was revealed to everyone was a pure angelic, beautiful woman. Long gorgeous black hair elegantly sways down her bewitching body.

Her figure was alluringly curvaceous, and two towering twin peaks of breasts were on her chest. But, what really accentuated this woman's pure aura was the pure bright white robe she currently adorned.

The white robe was spotless, and a long white feathery wing art was etched on to the white robe. 

Instantly, when this majestic woman had appeared, murmurs burst throughout the shop.

Darcel was able to pick up some people saying, 

"Is that a Madam Snow Angel in the flesh?!" 

"What divine luck do we have to be grace in her presence!" 

"I wonder if more of the Snow Angels came to our lowly town."

Despite all awe eyes on her and loads of reverence in people's words, the white robe woman didn't pay attention to any of that. 

She didn't regard any cultivators there and calmly walked up to the front desk.

The few cultivators waiting behind the desk made a wide breadth was made for her. And the Mage behind the counter immediately dashed to the back room.

At the front desk, the white robe woman suddenly caught something of a little interest at the corner of her eyes. She briefly turned her head over to look at Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami.

More specifically, her eyes gazed at their bronze ranked Fang badges. 

Trailing her eyes further up, she indifferently regarded Aniela and Yasami's faces. But when her eyes settled on Darcel, a hint of disdain swirled in her eyes.

That brief and subtle hint of disdain didn't go unnoticed in Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami's eyes. 

But as quickly as she noticed the trio, the white robe woman was quick to disregard them again.

Nobody else seemed to catch that split second display. But, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami sure as hell had their first impression of this bold woman drop even further.

"Ah, Heavenly Snow Angel. You came so early. Shall we go in back to discuss?" 

A smooth voice suddenly spoke directly to the white robe woman. Coming from the back end of the shop was a tall, elegant-looking male Mage.

This Mage held a distinct, powerful aura that was only just slightly weaker than the white robe woman. 

Yet, his appearance didn't cause as near as of an uproar as she did.

The white robe woman still didn't talk and only nodded her at the Mage. Together, the Mage and the white robe woman swiftly walked into the back room, disappearing from public sight.

With that brief but amazing sight over, everyone went back to their shopping. Though conversations about seeing a 'Madam Snow Angel' didn't die down in the slightest.

"Tch! I can just tell that woman has a stick deep into her ass. Anyways, have you two found anything yet? I just can't seem to find the right thing for us." Besides the slight annoyance Yasami had for the white robe woman, she immediately put her out of her thoughts.

Aniela as well quickly put the prude white robe woman at the far back edges of her mind and went back to trailing her eyes at the shelves. 

"I'm not sure.they're all pretty good. But we need something that's ju-"

"Found it. Look over here girls, the Elusive Feather Spirit Artifact." Darcel pointed to a long unappealing gray feather sitting far away from the other items on the shelves.

Darcel had put the slight disdain from the white robe woman in the back of his mind as well, but something was telling him that won't be the last they saw that woman.

Focusing on the present, though, Darcel gave room for Aniela and Yasami to read the Spirit Artifact description. 

They read, 'Unkown Rankunknown Tier. The use of Heavenly Qi isn't needed at all for this special Spirit Artifact. Heavenly Kings who are highly proficient in the soul to a genius-level are the only ones who can wield this Artifact. One can bring themselves or at most three other people to become nearly undetectable and invisible. Suppose the combined power of several souls is high enough. In that case, the whole group will be able to turn completely invisible and intangible.'

"Ha! Perfect for us!" Both Aniela and Yasami said at the same time. 

The girls snapped their heads to each other, and Aniela sweetly giggled while Yasami quickly brushed her head to the side.

Darcel internally chuckled at that small interaction. But, he couldn't deny that the girls were one hundred percent right in this being perfect for them. 

With their prowess, they all know their souls are on the level of Heavenly Kings.

Especially after the fight with Silver Lila, that moment confirmed all of their suspicions.

Furthermore, the trio could tell that barely any Heavenly Kings would want this Spirit Artifact despite having such an outrageous description. 

The soul's power is hard enough to understand on its own for even the most talented of geniuses. Wanting to find a Heavenly King who's a genius in using their soul's power in a relatively small town like this is basically a fantasy.

And adding on the difficulty, trying to direct your soul's power into a Spirit Artifact just added another layer of high complexity. 

A complexity that wouldn't be a problem to either Darcel, Aniela, or Yasami because of their Darkness Soul link. 

Since they were all in agreement, Darcel took the Elusive Feather, and the trio walked over to the front desk to pay.

Because Innate Cores cultivators are common in buying Spirit Artifacts for their Heavenly Transformation bosses, the Mage behind the counter didn't question the trio.

Darcel simply took out five green crystals he got from Silver Lila's riches and paid for the Elusive Feather. 

And like that, the trio quickly walked out of the store, and nobody paid absolutely any attention to them.

Once outside, a sneaky smirk etched on Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami's lips. 

Caressing the Elusive Feather in his hand, Darcel had then said, "Now then. Let's give those silver eyesores and the whole Mawold Town a big good ol shock they'll never forget."

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