Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 151: Gray Omen

Chapter 151: Gray Omen

Two traumatic events were shocking cultivators all across the Plunged Tundra and even the whole nine Provinces! 

For specifically, in the Plunged Tundra, the several thousand kilometers region in the Icy Cloud Province. Every single bit of snow there was mysteriously turned into strange gray snow! 

It took all of mere seconds before every spot of snow in the Plunged Tundra was wholly transformed.

And on a more global scale, the sky was shattering people's minds. 

The gray aura covering the sky didn't just stop expanding over Mawold Town. In a couple of seconds, the gray aura extended over the whole Plunged Tundra.

And in the next several seconds, the gray aura clouded the sky over the whole Icy Cloud Province! 

Not only the Icy Cloud Province as well. 

From the Blessed Spirit Province, Hawk Province, Five Jewels Province, Fierce Smoking Province, New Stalwart Province, Icy Cloud Province, Shadow Snake Province, Divine Vermillion Province, and Holy Peerless Province.

Those nine Provinces make up the whole of the Southern Silken region they occupied, and the whole Southern Silken region was covered in the mysterious gray aura! 

The Southern Silken region is, at least recorded by the cultivators there, approximately a million miles long and wide! 

And yet, the gray aura covered the whole region. 

And the gray aura only kept on expanding out.


Back at Mawold Town, it was a whole state of chaos. The several thousands of people occupying the town were all in total distraught over the now gray sky. 

Nobody knew just what the hell was going!

At the same time, the sky went to a strange gray hell; the snow surrounding their town had turned mysteriously gray. 

And nobody could see the end to this gray hell. But one thing for sure, everybody in Mawold Town dreads this was some sort of disastrous omen.

Hovering a few miles right above Mawold Town were two figures holding extraordinary powers and untouchable statuses. 

One was the beautiful Heavenly Silver Leader and Darkness Servant to Darcel, Ninu.

And standing right next to her was a hooded robe man. The same hooded robe man that stood behind Fruna when watching Darcel's group take on the Silver Bloody Hammer group.

Not only does this man have prowess equal to Ninu, but his status is also now equal to her. 

He was the Heavenly Leader of the Nobe's Fang group, Heavenly Leader Lien! And this time, Heavenly Leader Lien had taken his hoodie off, exposing his handsome face.

These two mighty figures were once arch-rivals and sometimes enemies, continually going against each other, trying to outdo the other. 

But now, they both stood side by side, staring up into the sky.

There was a truce forming between them, and they were exchanging pleasantries. But all was interrupted when the shattering of the sky burst into their eardrums. 

Lien's handsome face held no calmness or tranquility of a fourth level Heavenly King.

His current expression was distraught, disbelieving, and filled with worry. 

His mouth was trembling as he was uttering out in a small voice, "This.this.this just can't be right. Never ever in our thousands of years of living have we ever encountered something like this. No record or history scroll ever recorded something like this. I'm afraid.this is a foul no, disastrous omen."

Intensely staring into the gray sky, Lien didn't sense any type of energy or Qi releasing down on them. Yet, Lien couldn't help but feel as if there was some sort of strange pressure enveloping his mind by staring into the sky.

On Ninu's face, her expression matched the distraught and worried expression of Heavenly Leader Lien. 

But it wasn't for the exact same reason as Lien.

"Indeed. The gray sky, the gray snow, it's all beyond our realm of understanding. And there's nothing we can feasibly do about it now." Ninu said in an almost dismissive tone causing Lien to curiously gaze over at her.

Ninu didn't even notice Lien's curious gaze as her mind was going a million miles per second. 

'Master! Master! Why can't I fully sense you?! Please.please, you have to be alive and come back!' All of Ninu's thoughts chaotically swirled around like this. 

It all happened when the shattering of the sky occur that Ninu felt Darcel's Darkness Soul link fall into turmoil.

It wasn't like his Darkness Soul link had any intentions of disappearing from her soul's core center as it was solidified entirely there. However, it had uncontrollably pulsated like it couldn't sense its Master anymore.

All before, Ninu could always sense her Master no matter how far she went because of the Darkness Soul link. But now, she senses nothing from him. 

It was like he was erased from existence!

While Ninu may have had her brain hardwired into obeying only Darcel, she still had her old memories and personality in her. 

But in all honesty, Ninu just loved every aspect of Yin Pleasure.

Her once dull, cold life only filled with loneliness was now replaced by the pleasure, warmth, and blissfulness of Yin Pleasure. It honestly helped Ninu enjoy living life as there wasn't a single moment where Yin Pleasure ever hurt her or torture her.

Their initial meeting may have gotten off on a very rough foot. But Ninu could genuinely, even without her soul's core center influencing her, that she would not change becoming Darcel's Darkness servant.

It also immensely helped that Darcel wasn't a cruel or savage master despite his brutal killings. 

He only ordered her to do the simplest of tasks and never even tried to lay his hand on her body. 

The only saving grace Ninu had was the fact she knows if Darcel were to truly die, then his Darkness Soul link will vanish. 

But this small assurance didn't lessen Ninu's worries at all.

As Lien stared into Ninu's beautiful worried face, he was a bit confused. Most obviously, he could tell she was more concerned about something else than this world breaking phenomenon.

The distraught in her eyes, Lien recognized it as distraught over worrying for another person. 

Lien wanted to ask if it was about that boy she calls Master. But he held his tongue, knowing it could potentially set her off.

In all honesty, it was quite mind breaking to see the once cold and ruthless Ninu turn into like a woman with budding feelings. 

Lien wasn't sure if he could just attest these feelings to Stockholm syndrome.

When Ninu had reached out to him for an alliance meeting, he should've been more shocked. Yet, in the back of his mind, he was guessing it would come to this after some words of a close relative of his.

And all throughout their meeting before they were interrupted, Ninu was actually pleasant to talk to. There was no air of arrogance or disdain in her words or stature. 

She only talked to him with a beautiful small smile gracing her lips and in a soft slight sultry tone of voice. 

And whenever Lien would bring her 'master' as a reference, her expression would immediately shift into something akin to a beautiful woman holding genuine feelings for her crush.

Whatever it was brainwashing, or she honestly like her' master,' Lien couldn't tell for sure. 

There was only one thing he could say for sure. The air, previously the air was far more vibrant and pure than the lower-ranked provinces.

But there was still a muddle dirt quality about it that made it far inferior to the air swirling around higher-ranked provinces. 

But now.Lien could feel, sense, and smell the air suddenly became a lot better to breathe in.


At Necrotic City, inside the Zakira Academy, Vice Principal Zelle and Principal Zakira were isolated from everyone. 

They were in Principal Zakira's office, looking out the window there and peering into the gray sky.

Unexpectedly, like every other province, their whole city was in an uproar about the sky shattering. And for being the lowest of ranked provinces, cultivators here immediately thought something like doomsday was coming for their world.

That kind of distraught happened inside their Zakira Academy, but luckily, they could at least contain the panic. 

Though, no matter how many staff or teachers they have, nobody could alleviate the bad omen they felt when looking into the gray sky.

"Haaah.it still hasn't cleared up. Zakira, has it gotten any better for you?' Vice Principal Zelle briefly took her attention from the sky and stared at Principal Zakira.

Immense worry was plaster on Vice Principal Zelle's face for a plethora of reasons. 

And one of them was for Principal Zakira's abrupt change in appearance. More specifically, the drastic change in her eyes.

Now, purple energy was chaotically bursting out of her eyes nonstop. Ever since the gray sky appeared, Principal Zakira's soul couldn't stop chaotically surging her power, causing her eyes to go in an uproar. 

And towards Vice-Principal Zelle's concerns, Principal Zakira could only shake her head. "I don't know-I-I can't tell. Just-it's just. Darcel and Aniela. They have changed everything."

"Wha-what?!? After all this time, now you mention them?! What do you mean?? What's going on? Are-are they ok?!" 

Vice Principal Zelle's worries instantly shot up as this was another issue always bearing on her mind.

For weeks now, Principal Zakira would barely give her any update on the duo. 

And Vice Principal Zakira still couldn't get those kids out of her head no matter what. She just felt an instinctual need to protect them. And now, these new worries caused her doubts to chaotically boom.

Principal Zakira simply put her hand up to silence Vice-Principal Zelle. 

She began rubbing her temples, stuttering out, "It's-it's-I don't know. The air has gotten better. But I can't sense it. No Heavenly Kings can sense it. But all Grand Sages and above will know.the sky has broken."

Vice Principal Zelle felt her fist clench on instinct. That terrible omen she was trying to push out of her mind came back at full force with Principal Zakira's ominous words.

"At least.at least can you confirm that they're still alive?" Vice Principal Zelle could only hope about this now. 

She knows if Principal Zakira can't sense them anymore, then they'll truly be in the dark about Darcel and Aniela's statuses. 

Principal Zakira paused for a moment. The purple energy chaotically swirling in her eyes went dead still for one silent moment. 

Immediately after, Principal Zakira calmly said, 

"My crystal orb, my soul, my foresight. Nothing can sense either of their presence anymore. But.you know, and I know, Darcel and Aniela, they will survive no matter what."

Vice Principal Zelle wanted to say those words inspired her with hope. But, she could only feel her hands clench tighter. 

Sighing in her mind, Vice Principal Zelle hoped that the inevitable meeting Principal Zakira had once talked about will still come true.


Inside the independent space, no cultivators know about in the Asylum of Mysteries, one lone beautiful translucent girl had a small smile on her face. 

Inside her hand was a small silver core that was pulsating like it was alive.

If Darcel and Aniela were to see this silver core, they would've recognized it as the one those vile creatures and the disgusting man had with them! 

And of course, this beautiful translucent girl was the one and only Sariel!

'Hmmm.big brother was right. Higher realm travelers are dangerous! Because of him, I can no longer sense those two! But as well, specifically because of those two, a new age will fall for our world. Just.this all should've been impossible! Unless.Ah! Hehehe~!! I can't wait for our next meeting, little boy and little girl!'

The small smile Sariel had only grown wider with each passing thought. And her smile seemed pure, unaffected by the taint of mortals. 

Although.her thoughts didn't quite match that unfiltered pureness.

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