Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 167: Middle Ranks Heavenly

Chapter 167: Middle Ranks Heavenly

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were tearing through the blue caves, leaving a broad trail of destruction in their wake. 

For the past while now, they had been going in the same rotation. Each of them took turns in exploring their evolved abilities.

And since none of them had any Martial Weapons, they all got creative in utilizing their abilities. The trio creatively made methods of attacks that could snipe people at the same level as them in an instant.

Like this, the trio mowed down any and all Spirit Monsters that dared to come at them.

And after fighting for a while, the trio noticed one crucial thing in all of their attacks now. 

Every attack they shot out now had natural soul property about it!

If they were to concentrate on an attack that would purely use their soul, now that attack got tremendously boosted. And for any other non-soul focus attacks, every Spirit Monster still felt their soul tremble.

This was actually quite surprising and pleasant for the trio. 

With their old cultivation, they didn't have that much of a natural link to using their soul essence. For Darcel and Aniela, they needed to concentrate squarely on their souls and couldn't use any Qi at all.

While Masami could only vaguely grasp her soul powers because of Darcel's Darkness Soul link.

However, now, after evolving so much, a small portion of their soul energy will always be linked with their attacks. Even the weakest of Qi attacks contain a soul property.

It made the trio realize they now have another crucial aspect to their prowess. 

They won't really struggle at all when facing those at the same level! 

Moreover, they were beginning to believe they could confidently face someone a few levels higher than their bloodline prowess.

The trio found this idea when they were ambushed by a batch of fifth-level Heavenly King Spirit Monsters! 

Undoubtedly, if Darcel, Aniela, and Masami still had the same prowess as when they fought the Scientist, it would've been an unwinnable fight for them.

They had even recalled how just with the Scientist drugging himself up to the fifth level of the Heavenly Transformation realm. That sort of power caused them tremendous trouble. 

Plus, the Scientist alone was able to suppress all three of them at that time.

But none of that trouble happened here. 

When the trio faced off against the six-man group ambush of fifth level Heavenly King Spirit Monsters, none of them felt the slightest bit of suppression.

They for sure sense even if they were to go all out with their bloodline states, they could only just match the power of a fifth level Heavenly aura. 

Though the three of them could dominate fourth-level Heavenly Kings, a fifth level one is an entirely different ballpark. 

After all, a fifth-level Heavenly Transformation powerhouse is a wholly separated entity from the fourth level.

Being at the fifth level means one has entered the Middle ranks of Heavenly King! And one's entire prowess doubles at that level!

Yet, despite the overwhelming advantages, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami weren't even scratched.

All it took was Darcel's Darkness eyes to peer into their souls. And because Darcel's soul had massively evolved, his own Darkness eyes see into the beast's souls, bypassing any automatic soul defenses.

Once he marked their souls, Darcel simply snapped his hand. 

Six Darkness shadows spewed from the six Spirit Monsters, and Darkness tendrils instantaneously wrapped them all up.

The six Spirit Monsters wouldn't have been able to avoid this attack even if they were prepared. As soon as the beasts came within ten meters of their group, Darcel's Darkness eyes managed to spot them despite being a lengthy distance away.

Darcel had then concentrated even more power into his hands and with another snap, he sent massive waves of Darkness Energy into the beasts' Martial veins. 

His Darkness Energy shredded the beast's soul defenses in their Martial veins and unleashed a chaotic torrent of energy in there. 

Even with the power of a fifth-level Heavenly aura, the Martial veins are the weakest point on any human or Spirit Monster body.

Because their souls weren't strong enough, Darcel's Darkness Energy could wreak utter havoc. 

The Spirit Monsters' bloodstreams were overloaded with the lustful side of Darkness Energy, causing their bloodstreams to overheat and combust! 

Their souls as well couldn't handle the Darkness Energy and was quickly combusted into a blob of Darkness Energy. And like all other Spirit Monsters, the trio barely moved to kill Heavenly Kings.

After that encounter, things became a bit silent for the trio. 

They were running for a few minutes now, yet none of their Spirit Senses picked up on any Spirit Monsters.

When it seemed like nothing will come up again, Aniela smirked and jokingly said, 

"Hehe~, don't tell me we already-" 

Aniela couldn't finish her remark as she, Darcel, and Masami stopped in their tracks. Their Spirit Senses danger sense went off, and the ground up ahead of them began to crack.

"Nevermind! Looks like I provoked them!" Aniela felt a weird sense of deja vu since something close like this happened in that hell trial. 

"Haah, at least for this situation, your jinxing abilities can make things interesting for us. Those beasts coming up are decently powerful." Masami had causally crossed her arms under huge busts while sighing. 

Darcel stood in front of the girls, having no general comment, and waited to see what was cracking the ground.

And the trio didn't have to wait long. 


Several meters ahead, three large purple scorpion tails burst from the grounds! 

And right then, the whole ground cracked open, and three giant figures flew from underground.

The three enormous Spirit Monsters crash-landed merely a few feet away from the trio. 

The ground slightly shook under the extreme weight of the beasts. 

What appeared before the trio were Spirit Monsters they never quite seen before. It was three grotesque, giant purple scorpions. And covering the scorpions' bodies was an odd-looking purple boney armor.

Besides the beast's strange appearances, the most special note about them was their prowess. Each of them was seventh-level Heavenly Transformation powerhouses!

They were at the peak Middle rank tier of Heavenly power. 

Slight tears split in the wall and floor by the scorpions' Heavenly aura presences alone. Even a whole group of sixth-level Heavenly Kings would feel immense fear on facing these three beasts.

And yet, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami remained firm and fearless. 

The Scorpions' powerful seventh-level Heavenly auras couldn't suppress the trio at all.

But, the trio did sense that even at their full power, they wouldn't be able to match the scorpions. However, after all their practice, the trio knows they have no need to try and overpower these beasts.

Immediately when the scorpions had landed on the ground, Aniela wasn't going to give them the to register their presence. 

The white glow around Aniela's bloodline arm fully burst, unleashing her full power!

"Flash!!" Aniela shrieked, bursting forth a blinding white light! 

All of Aniela's attacks already get subtle power from her soul. And now, a concentrated soul attack from her wasn't on the same league as before.

The three scorpions truly couldn't react at all. Inside their souls, a radiant white glow wrapped around their soul cores! Now instead of merely stunning their souls' space, Aniela's flashbang can directly freeze the soul's cores.

It made the three scorpions utterly freeze, open to any attack. 

But given how they had natural armor, Darcel took a different route. He smirked, lifted his palm, and shot out numerous Darkness tendrils from the center of his palms.

The Darkness glow around Darcel's bloodline arm intensifies as he, too, unleashed his full power. Compared to his Darkness shadows, the Darkness tendrils from his palm had a superior power.

Darcel's Darkness tendrils tore right through the three scorpions' boney armor, drilled into their bodies, and invaded. Darcel's Darkness tendrils didn't even bother with trying to ruin the scorpion's internal bodies.

The tendrils all blitz straight towards their Martial veins! 

Darcel's Darkness tendrils effortlessly destroyed the Scorpion's Martial veins soul defenses and began its chaos of havoc.

Darkness lustful energy chaotically disrupts their bloodstreams, wrecking their Heavenly Qi flow and Heavenly aura. And inside their soul space, Darkness lustful energy was wreaking the same havoc there.

Although, unlike the fifth-level Spirit Monsters, these scorpions were strong enough to not die instantly from the Darkness invasion. 

But they were taking severe damage, and their defenses were utterly weak.

Weaker than if the scorpions were to just have no defense on them. 

Darcel's Darkness Energy actually lowered their bodily and soul defenses to the point where a weak first-level Heavenly King could badly injure them!

And yet, none of the scorpions were even shrieking or moving in pain. 

They were still as Aniela's soul flashbang still had their soul cores wrapped up. 

On the side, Masami wildly smiles, already preparing for her move.

She raised her hands, and in a mere split second, her hands became a blur! Masami went through several hand signs all at once. 

Not even Darcel or Aniela had the time to spot what she did.

Though if they did see it, they would've noticed it bore a similarity to how Vice-Principal Zelle did her hand signs. The only difference was that Masami's was far more refined and practiced with hers.

At her last hand sign, Masami's blue fire fox cloak luminously shined! 

She, too, unleashed her full power and burst two enormous blue fire fox claws from her cloak.

The fire fox claws nearly covered the whole area between them! The three scorpions were only just beginning to struggle to come back to reality, but right then, their vision was clouded with flaming blue.


Masami's blue fire fox claw slammed down on the scorpions causing the entire cave to tremble! 

Inside the three scorpions, Masami's blue flames immediately vaporized their internal bodies and turned their soul core to ashes.

On the outside, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami watched as three pillars of blue flames burst out of the flaming destruction Masami's fire fox claws caused. 

The trio could spot the pillars of blue flames was coming out of the scorpion's now charred heads.

Once they sense the scorpion was dead, Masami waved her hand, causing all of the blue flaming destruction to vanish. What was left before the trio were three charred remains of the Spirit Monsters.

Just like that, without even a sign of battle, three seventh-level Heavenly King died like they were mere ants.

Looking at the results, Darcel knew it wasn't squarely their power or talent.

Inside his, Aniela, and Masami's souls, the permanent shade of green inside their soul cores was continually pulsating ever since they first started fighting in this cave.

And though Darcel couldn't see it, he clearly felt it now. "This.this is the power of Chaotic Energy!"

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