Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 175: True City

Chapter 175: True City

"Fuuu~! This.now this is a city!" Aniela whistled in awe, her voice laced in utter amazement. She, Darcel, and Masami were right by each other, strolling towards an enormous sight.

Crowds of people were all around them, yet, seemingly there wasn't anybody taking even the slightest notice of them. 

"Ah, that's right. Since you guys only really explored the Blessed Spirit Province. You never saw a proper city. So, feast your eyes on one of the major cities of our Icy Cloud Province. New Branch City!" Masami made a grand gesture with her arm towards an endlessly vast city. 

And indeed, like she said, this city was a behemoth of a city. Even Darcel had remarked in his mind that this place is quite luxurious. 

New Branch City looked to be at least countless times larger than Necrotic City. There also were far more exquisitely designed buildings reaching into the skies. 

Each building as well was expertly spaced out, so nothing gets cluttered or clamped on top of each other.

As the trio neared the gates to the city, Darcel and Aniela quickly spread their Spirit Sense out in the city. And they weren't surprised to find it going far beyond than what their Spirit Sense can look up to.

They quickly sensed ten miles into the city, and the duo felt they only scratch the surface with how vast it really is.

"Actually.how many times have you been to this city Masami?" 

Darcel inquired, seeing as Masami already proved her knowledge about this place. 

Masami, however, shrugged and so casually said, "Oh.only about one time with my Grandmother."

"Nng?" Both Darcel and Aniela nearly falter when hearing her nonchalant response. Their faces turned a bit ludicrous, directing pointing stares at the fox girl.

But Masami smirked at them and puffed up her tails. "Hey! What are you guys worrying about? My memory is impeccable! How else I would've remembered every single story my Grandmother told me?"

"Well.I guess you have a point. Our memories are also picture perfect like that, right Darcy? Lead the way then, little fox." Aniela relented as she and Darcel did recall how Masami not only remembers her Grandmother's tales but also almost every detail of her sect.

Masami's smirk turns wider, and she stepped ahead of the duo. "Try not to get swept in the crowds of people here. Unless you're in their group, people here don't like to get bothered."

Darcel and Aniela followed behind Masami while also observing the groups of people she mentioned. 

And like she explained, this place was even more divided than Mawold Town.

Darcel and Aniela even tried their hardest to find a lone person walking into the city. But nearly everyone was involved in some sort of group. 

Eventually, the trio made it inside the open gates of the city.

Darcel and Aniela's appraisal went up for the city as they followed behind Masami. Compared to looking on the outside, the inside was far larger to gaze upon.

And despite many people going inside this city, the roads here were spacious enough to accommodate thousands of people. 

Interestingly enough, the road here was in the same grayish mixed color as the snow outside.

The atmosphere was also different as well compared to places like Mawold Town or Necrotic City. It was much warmer here compared to Mawold Town. And the stench of hardened warriors scent flowed throughout the air.

Sensing the cultivators, Darcel and Aniela expected them to be no pushovers. Most people here ranged from fourth-level Heavenly Kings to the late Middle ranks of Heavenly Kings.

Furthermore, it was blatantly easy to spot which batch of cultivators belong to whichever group. People here wore diverse clothes, but the different clothing styles would also be worn by multiple people.

Darcel and Aniela simply assumed this was because of the Mercenary Exchange Event. 

Aniela felt a touch of excitement in her bloodstream as she whispered to Darcel, "Ah, Darcy. Could you imagine if we would've come here before facing that scientist? We wouldn't last a day here!"

While Darcel was inclined to agree, he still sternly said, "True as that may be. Remember to not let your guard down. Even we can get in a tight spot if we're against numerous people." 

"But that would only make a tad more exciting, though?" 

Masami turned her head back to them to comment, getting Darcel and Aniela's attention on her.

"In all honesty, unless we majorly screw up, we're pretty much safe here. Now follow me this way. We're almost there." Masami began leading them on a relatively straightforward path.

They only had to take some turns and walk for a few more minutes until they arrived at an accessory shop. The shop was big, looking a touch of a bit fancy but nothing overly luxurious. 

"So you really do have quite the memory." Darcel praised and was tempted to stroke the lovely fox ears of Masami. But he held himself back as he knew she would instinctively become loud.

"Hmph! I have my own fair share of neat tricks. Now then, let's head inside." 

After saying so, Masami, Darcel, and Aniela strolled into the place. Like the rest of the city, business was booming here as well.

Darcel and Aniela's eyes trailed around the shop, gazing at all the neat trinkets they have on assorment of shelves. From shiny jewel rings, elegant necklaces, or even specially made hats and such, this shop had a wide selection.

"Really nice place they have here. Let's see." Aniela commented while searching her eyes around. And she soon fell on precisely what they needed. "Ah! Over here, guys. The masks."

Aniela got Darcel and Masami's attention while she already began to walk over to the mask section. Darcel and Masami follow behind her, the three of them swiftly making it over to that section.

"Huh.this was all real quick and easy. Even with masking our presence, it was almost too easy to move around here." Darcel remarked as they came upon the mask section.

Masami's eyes began sorting through the various masks on the shelves while also commenting to Darcel, "See? Like I said, we really would be safe unless we go out looking for trouble."

"Hmmm.this really is a wide selection, though! We need to pick something that would perfectly fit our image." 

Aniela was cooing over the more uniquely designed masks.

While Darcel didn't take long at all when gazing at the masks. His eyes spotted three black and white masks lined in the same row on one shelf. He reached over, picking up three of them and turning back to the girls.

Aniela and Masami, however, they were seriously considering what design they should get for themselves. They stayed close to themselves, avoiding the few other people in this section, whispering to each other on a good fashion scent.

A wry smile plastered on Darcel's face. He didn't want to rain on their parade, but they also had more significant duties than this. 

"Girls.you know the design doesn't really matter. As long it can fit us, it's fine."

Both Aniela and Masami gazed over to the plain black and white masks Darcel held. 

Aniela sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "Really, Darcy, you never had the most dynamic fashion sense. But this is ok....for now."

"Hmph. I would've chosen something that would've fit our menacing stature just fine. But I guess this is alright." Masami puffed up her tails while crossing her arms.

The wry smile didn't leave Darcel's face. He walked over to the girls and, using one hand, began rubbing their soft hairs. 

"Next time, we'll take all the time in the world for fashion, ok?"

"Fuuu.alright." Both girls pleasantly sighed and had pleased smiles plastering their faces. 

Once he finished placating the girls, Darcel walked up with them to a relatively short line leading up to a counter.

They didn't have to wait long as the line moved pretty quickly. Once up at the woman receptionist, Darcel took out the spatial ring they got from that scarred face man of the White Demon group.

Since Darcel was far stronger than that man, plus he was also knocked out at that time, it was easy for him to erase his Spirit Presence on the ring. 

Darcel flashed out twenty red crystals, purchased the three masks, and the trio promptly turned to leave.

Once they were outside, Darcel flashed the three masks inside his new spatial ring. 

Aniela and Masami were a bit confused seeing him put it away. Aniela curiously asked, "Eh? Darcy? I thought you wanted to immediately cover our identity."

"Yes, I do. But first, we should get inside a secure place before that. We'll need to change our clothes, and since nobody is paying attention to us, that'll leave us with no possibility of somebody recognizing us from today." 

"Alright. Next up, the Inn. Let's go; I remember there was a really cheap one we could stay at." Masami took the lead again and led them down a different road this time.

While they walked, Aniela started to talk, saying, "Still, when I picked anyone of those masks, it felt so soft and comfortable in my hands. That place has some fine materials."

"Well, that's to be expected. This City gets a lot of variety in resources." 

Masami's answer spawned another question in Darcel. 

"Been meaning to ask this. But you can technically call this a trade city with all the different groups staying around here."

"Mnh. And even more so, this city does business across the entire Plunged Tundra. We have a plethora of things to buy here." Masami's response made Aniela's eyes lit up at the possibility of discovering so many new things here.

"Oooh~! Is that so? Then, we have to take the time to explore here in between our plans." Aniela and Masami delve into chattering among themselves about the kinds of shops here.

Darcel stayed quiet, having a calm smile while listening to his girls gleefully chattered. In all honesty, he didn't have much of an opinion about shopping around, only finding shops as things he goes to if he needs something. 

Moreover, Darcel also knows, soon their lives are about to become much more interesting.


"Huee~! What a nice place they have here. Certainly above the inns we stayed at previously." Aniela remarked as she, Darcel, and Masami entered their inn room.

The room here was nicely designed. It was spacious and had the basic needs for any cultivators. And most of all, there was a large comfy for them to sleep on.

While Darcel walked a bit to get a further good look at the room, he suddenly felt the fluffy warmth of Masami's tails wrap around his waist. 

Before he could question it, Masami pulled him towards her.

A soft, pleasant sensation jolted Darcel's body as Masami's huge soft breasts squashed onto his chest. Darcel spotted the heat of lust, love, and desire run through Masami's eyes.

As her expression became sexily entranced, she swiftly leaned up to give Darcel a deep kiss. 

On instinct, Darcel parted his lip, and his tongue zealously tangled with Masami's sweet, savory pink tongue.

"Mnnh~...." Incredible pleasure tingled their minds and bodies as they moaned into each other's mouths. 

Aniela's smile became sexily perverse watching them.

She came to their side and wrapped them both in her warm tight hug. "Well, now? Seems like our little fox couldn't wait for a second longer!" 

Masami pulled back from her steamy kiss, a hot trail of saliva connected her and Darcel's lips.

"Of course, I can't wait! Before we get too crazy with our plans.I-I-I want to." A huge beautiful blush crossed Masami's cheeks, but she still pushed forward to say, "I want to feel Darcel's love!!"

A great big smile crossed Darcel's face. He began stroking Masami's fox ears, making her coo under his touch. 

"And I want to experience your love too, my little fox."

Masami felt her heart crazily throb under Darcel's calling her that nickname. The fire and wetness in her loins rapidly increased at an exponential rate.

Aniela's eyes filled with desire as well, already feeling her loins quickly burn with lust and passion. "Alright! Let's not dilly dally anymore and get right to it!"

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