Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 182: Conversion

Chapter 182: Conversion

In Zara's soul space, numerous hours passed. And the whole scenery of her soul space underwent beautiful changes. 

Instead of Darcel's Darkness completely taking it over, Zara's soul space was an excellent combination of black and white.

It was like Zara's whole soul accepted Darcel's pleasurable Darkness Energy. And at Zara's soul form body, Darcel was still crouched, and his hand was still stroking Zara's beautiful hair.

Quite honestly, Darcel didn't know how long it had passed. 

By now, it felt like more than just hours passed. He felt like at least day had passed in here. 

And it was all a blur for Darcel. 

His eyes unwaveringly stared into Zara's face, who now had her head droop slightly down.

Her body stopped convulsing at Darkness pleasure, seemingly accepting it after all this time. Though Darcel had his mask on, a small smile formed on his face. 

His thoughts had changed during this conversion process.

The first thing he realized that with Ninu, he had gotten extremely lucky. There was actually a massive chance that Ninu would've ended up in a soul-broken state like what happened with Lila's soul core.

There were several fortunate reasons why Ninu had so easily submitted to Darcel. The first reason being was that Ninu already had a strange disposition before becoming a Darkness Servant.

Ninu's entire life was filled with the desolateness of a lonely coldness. She had no one she could truly rely on. And, of course, there was the merciless bloodshed she performed without a second thought.

In all her life, Ninu never once experienced such positive, intense emotions as Yin's pleasure.

And Yin pleasure goes beyond mere ordinary fleshly pleasure as Yin pleasure heavily stimulates the soul. Meaning her entire being was wrapped with indescribable pleasure no other person could possibly give her in her life.

Adding on to Yin's pleasure was the serene feeling of blissfulness. It filled Ninu with a sense that there is something worth living for than just mindlessly going about life, day today.

And what essentially sealed the deal on Ninu's conversion was the Soul Spangled Flute. 

That mystic Spirit Artifact allowed Ninu's soul core to be weakened so low to the point that Yin's pleasure and blissful emotions can warp her entire being.

Darcel realized all of this through recalling his first time with Ninu while simply stroking Zara's hair. 

And he had then realized with Zara, it wasn't a simple process.

In fact, if he had tried this without receiving all those transformations when he was down in that mysterious Gray Space, Darcel assumed he would've likely failed. 

That green diamond shard.whatever it is, significantly evolved his soul.

Now, Darcel can use his Yin pleasure to peer into anyone's greatest desires. Of course, they have to be filled up with Yin pleasure to get to this point. And once his Darkness Energy invades their soul space, their hidden desires will be transmitted to him.

He never really noticed he could actually do this with Aniela and Masami because he already knows their greatest desires.

Moreover, they have an equally shared romantic Darkness Soul link where they all depend on each other.

The difference with Zara is that their Darkness Soul link will be slightly unbalanced as she will only obey Darcel and never hurt him or the girls. 

But, at the same time, Darcel can't force it on the woman.

Like with Ninu, she was coerced with her weakened soul. The new feelings and stimulations of Yin's pleasure and blissfulness made her drown in it. This had hardwired Ninu, giving birth to a unique personality because of her changed Soul Core.

And now, with Zara, her soul isn't in a weakened state. Though Darcel's soul is far stronger than her, that Soul Spangled Flute had mysterious properties that affected the soul in a way even Darcel couldn't understand.

So with all of this, Darcel had to appeal to her greatest desire and genuinely transmit sincere feelings of wanting to help to her. 

It was a slower, more intricate process.

Darcel couldn't see into her past, but he most certainly can sense that she had a grueling one. Her high pride and headstrongness would be challenging to get through for anyone else. 

But, while this conversion process is now much complex and slow, his Yin pleasure skills are slowly making this possible. 

The Darkness Soul link inside Zara's soul core has an irresistible property that's impossible to ignore.

Darcel senses that not even Ninu's soul core has this. It was a faint divine property that came from the permanent green shade inside Darcel's own soul core. 

The divine property didn't force Zara to submit. No, instead, it drowned Zara in feelings that correspond to her desires. 

And for Zara, it was the feeling of absolute power and superiority. 

This reminded Darcel of how those green diamond stones tried to sway him and the girls into submitting by letting them believe they could make that unbearable pain go away and give them god-slaying powers.

But this time, Darcel had no overt malicious intentions, unlike what he had sensed at the last seconds from the green diamond shards. 

He indeed acknowledges that this is still manipulation but, he does intend to make Zara's desire come true.

After all, it also lines up perfectly with his and his girl's plans. 

So under the green shade divine property and the indescribable pleasure of his Darkness, Zara finally stopped squirming after what seemed like days passed.

Darcel stopped stroking her hair and awaited Zara's next response. 

After a short moment, Zara snapped her head up. She unwaveringly stared into the black and white mask of Darcel, her previous proud expression returning to her face.

But now, there was absolute respect and admiration in her eyes towards Darcel. Her Darkness Soul link fully solidified and pulsated at the center of Zara's soul body.

Zara knew what she wanted. She understood everything of what happened to her and was shown a new path. 

Yin Pleasure and Darcel, they are her Master who will lead her to the top!

Darcel was even a bit taken aback at his colossal success. Now he felt a stronger Darkness Servant connection with Zara than what he had with Ninu. 

"Master," Zara said one word, and her tone was filled with pure respect.

Darcel got curious at his new Darkness Servant. He gave one last stroke to Zara's hair which made her shudder in pleasure. 

Darcel stood up, and while he got up, he couldn't help but compare Zara to Ninu again.

Ninu's personality had drastically changed after becoming his Darkness Servant. Pleasure and blissfulness combined gave her a brand new allure that nobody could ignore.

However, with Zara, Darcel sees that she still has her same proud personality. Even as she's now wholly loyal to him, Zara still radiated her previous air of boundless confidence.

More so now, Darcel could spot a new edge in Zara's eyes. 

Zara has an inspired determination that will now get her to go beyond any tasks that Darcel could assign to her.

Darcel was exceptionally pleased with this. That kind of determination will be greatly useful for his plans. 

Darcel snapped his hand, and his Darkness tendrils gently placed Zara on her soul space ground.

She immediately went on one knee, her gaze still never breaking from Darcel's. 

"I see that you're already eager. Zara, you would be my second Darkness Servant. And you won't regret it." Darcel nodded and told the proud kneeling woman. 

And Zara responded without even a second thought. "This is my great pleasure, Master. Any order you need, I will complete them, no questions asked." 

Liking this woman more and more, Darcel smiled behind his mask. "Good. Let's get back to the real world now."


"Hmmm.hey? You know, isn't this taking longer than that Ninu girl?" Back on the outside, Masami was impatiently tapping her foot in the gray mixed snow. 

Aniela peered over to Masami and began scratching her pure white hair. "Uuuhmm.I guess? Well, Ninu only took like five minutes at the least. I honestly can't really remember. But it certainly does feel longer, little fox." 

"Tch, hopefully, this woman isn't being troublesome to him. Heh, I actually want to see what kind of sultry face a proud woman like her will make."

Aniela felt a wry smile form on her lips. She was going to talk when she spotted slight movements coming from Darcel. 

"Oooh! Look alive little fox! He's waking up now."

Both Masami and Aniela focused up as Darcel slowly came back to reality. They felt some anticipation rise in them, eager to see if Zara would be just like Ninu.

Darcel took a second to orientate himself as he returned back to the real world. He let go of Zara's neck and peered his eyes down at her. Zara's eyes were still closed, but her face was calm.

Darcel slowly stood up, and while doing so, Aniela's jubilantly voice spoke to him. "Was she a naughty one, Darcy? You took a bit longer than the time with Ninu. I bet you needed thorough lessons because of that stubborn proudness, hehe~."

When Darcel was going to respond to Aniela, Masami felt something a little familiar so close to her. Her head quickly snapped towards Zara's body. 

Masami wrinkled her eyebrows and quickly pointed out, "Ah! Let's just see for ourselves, Aniela. She's already moving."

Darcel turned back around, taking a few steps back to give Zara a little space. Like Masami said, her body began twitching, showing signs of awakening. 

And the trio didn't need to wait long for her to get up.

In just a second, Zara's eyes split open. She quickly got up, but halfway through standing up, Zara got on one knee. 

Her gazes peered directly into Darcel's as she respectfully said, "I will dutifully carry out any orders, Master."

"Eh? She seems no different?" Aniela curiously remarked as her mind compared her to Ninu. 

"Ugh, really? I can't believe after what you put her through, she still has that annoying proud expression." Masami was more evident in her disappointment about Zara's lack of personality change.

"Well, it's because my Yin pleasure skills have received numerous upgrades since our time with Ninu. Essentially my Darkness can now connect with her greatest desires and convert her through that. You can say she has a different level of loyalty compared to Ninu."

Darcel explained to the girls, and Aniela immediately sparked up. "So then you can also see our greatest desires, Darcy? Ooh! What am I-" 

"From the first day we met, I already know about your greatest desires, my little angel." Aniela felt her body tingle at her sweet pet name and giggled since she knew Darcel was right. 

Darcel had then snapped his attention towards Masami as he knew she would be pouting right about now. "And that, of course, means you too, my little fox. Even before our Darkness Soul links, I can just feel your desire for revenge." 

Masami's whole body quivers at her loving nickname. She quickly avoided Darcel's gaze to stare at the still kneeling Zara. "Hmph. So it's going to be the same thing for these three?" 

Darcel nodded and walked over to Masami. "That would be the plan. I'll do these two next. Now that I'm familiar with how to do it, this won't take long. Oh, and Zara, you don't have to stay kneeling. You can stand."

"Thank you, Master." Zara promptly stood up. She watched as Darcel walked over to her fallen comrades, but she wasn't worried about them. 

She already knows her Master will show them a new way like her.

"Hm. We'll be timing you then." Masami lightly joked while unraveling her foxtails from Lauren and Abby. 

Darcel got in the middle of them and grasped their necks simultaneously. 

His, Lauren, and Abby's eyes all went entirely black then. Leaving Aniela, Masami alone with their new Darkness Servant.

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