Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 185: The Lazed Final One

Chapter 185: The Lazed Final One

As per usual, Darcel's eyes open to a changed soulscape space. 

However, this time, Darcel was feeling mildly shocked in this soulscape space. Compared to Zara, Lauren, and Abby's soulscape space, his Darkness spread far here.

Bella's soulscape space was a healthy mix of bright blue and an overwhelming mix of Darkness. 

Darcel found even this slightest of change quite intriguing. He could already somewhat tell how this meeting will go down.

At first, in Zara, Lauren, and Abby's soulscape space, Darcel needed to actually convince them before his Darkness became overwhelming there. His Darkness not entirely invading them showed they had some small resistance about him.

But here.it was like Bella didn't bother to put up any resistance.  And the changes didn't even stop at the scenery. 

Darcel didn't take a single step yet, but he had already quirked his eyebrows.

Almost immediately after coming here, Darcel felt a massive amount of tension leave his soul body. His shoulder visibly relaxed, and he felt his mind clear up within mere seconds of being in Bella's soulscape space.

Darcel had to admit it; this was a refreshing sensation. 

Inside Zara, Lauren, and Abby's soulscape space, he truly didn't feel anything from the atmosphere. 

Yet here with Bella, it was like he stumbled upon a relaxing spa.

The whole mood of Bella's soulscape space was comforting. Darcel felt like he could actually just sit down and relax in here, letting time freely flow past him. 

It was then a foreign feeling streaked into Darcel's mind. A clear, calm voice echoed in his head, telling him, 

'Oooh.so it's you?' 

There wasn't any confusion or fear mixed into this soothing voice. At most, Darcel only felt the feeling of realization come from her.

It was actually quite calming to experience a more serene batch of emotions than the chaotic ones from his previous conversions. 

And on instinct, Darcel slowly turned his body around.

His gaze immediately fell onto Bella's soul-core body. 'As I expected.' Was Darcel's immediate thought when first seeing this woman. 

Bella's expression didn't hold any mix of distraught. Her face was completely relaxed. She was wrapped up in Darkness tendrils, yet the intense stimulating Yin pleasure wasn't bothering her much. 

In fact, Darcel could almost say that Bella appeared to be basking in his Darkness tendrils.

When Darcel had turned around to look at Bella, his and her gazes matched. The whole world just seemed to stop between them.

There wasn't a single ounce of fear or intimidation nestle in Bella's clear eyes. She really only had curiosity festering in her eyes.

As Yin pleasure courses throughout her soul-core body, Bella had the mildest reaction out of the Snow Angels girls. 

Already, Darcel couldn't help but fancy this calming woman.

Under her curious eyes, Darcel began walking up to her. As he slowly walked up, a bit of surprise flashed into his eyes. From his Darkness, he was able to feel Bella's greatest Desire.

But it was nearly instantaneous to feel Bella's Desire. And what he felt was so vastly different yet also simplistic.

Darcel already made it more than halfway to her, yet Bella still didn't talk. So Darcel decided to take the initiative since this won't be nearly as complicated as the other Snow Angels girls.

"So casual, calm, and curious. It's actually quite relaxing to simply walk in your soul. Though, I suppose this matches your carefree personality, eh?" Darcel came within inches of Bella when he stopped talking.

Up close and personal, Bella felt a bit shaken by his words. They just met, but she felt as if Darcel's words deeply resonated inside her soul. 

Moreover, it wasn't like Bella could deny any of his words.

Her curiosity towards this black and white mask boy only grew with each passing second. Though Darcel was so close to her, Bella didn't avert her gaze for even a second.

She directly stared into Darcel's ask and curiously asked, "Say, that was a pretty good guess about me. Can you read minds? Well, this is my soul, so I guess mind-reading abilities wouldn't be out of your league. Sooo.now what?"

Darcel felt his lips curved upwards into a smirk. He crouched down to get a better appreciation of the carefree beauty that is Bella. Unlike most beautiful women Darcel either met or encountered, there was something genuinely unique about Bella.

Her beauty, her very aura alluring carefree charm, Darcel felt it was like, no matter who or what you are, anybody would be able to relax in this girl's presence. 

Once Darcel got on an equal level to Bella, they both faced off.

Neither of them talked for a good moment. 

Bella was just finding her situation more and more curious rather than frightening. Despite the fact she was just beaten and captured, Bella felt as if no real harm would come to her.

Furthermore, there was the fact that she wasn't resisting Yin's pleasure at all. 

Unlike here other fellow Snow Angels, Bella felt more intune in experiencing overwhelming pleasure. She let herself melt and meld into pleasure rather than resist it or let it take over her.

Darcel was silent as he genuinely got a feel on how Bella would act just from this little staredown. 

And after a moment, both he and Bella smirked at the same time.

Even though Bella couldn't see Darcel's smirk, she just felt like he actually did smirk. 

Darcel had then pointed one finger and reached to gently touch Bella's forehead. Bella's expression lightens even more as the overwhelming pleasure turned into soothing pleasure.

"Bella Cote.you're quite the simple one, huh? It's rather really admirable to look into a person such as yourself." 

Darcel's words soothed right into the center of Bella's soul core body.

Bella shuddered as Darcel's gentle tone made her body warm. She didn't even bother to think about what Darcel was trying to gain from her.

She just began talking in her usual casual tone, "What can I say.I'm a simple woman. I just like to laze around more than anything. Hell, from what I guessing you're probably doing this to all my partners, right? Quite honestly, maybe this is something we needed. I really don't even fully like the Snow Angel group. Too many prudes."

Just entirely on her own, Bella began spilling out on what's on her mind. Her voice didn't shake for a second as if she was talking to a regular friend of hers. Bella didn't feel weird or out of place for doing this.

With each second that passes by, Bella just felt more and more comfortable with Darcel. Even when he guessed her name, it just made Bella want to open up more to him. 

Although, Bella was confused as to if this was just Darcel overpowering her or if she was just doing this with her own violation. 

Whatever the case may be, Bella had reaffirmed in her mind that Darcel for sure would not hurt her.

Darcel as well couldn't tell if Bella was being so open because she wanted or coerced into doing it. 

But one thing he for sure knew from touch her head was that Bella's Desire was a straightforward one.

It was more straightforward than even Lauren and Abby, making Bella that bit more interesting in Darcel's eyes. 

Bella didn't desire power, freedom, or anything really so deep. She desired the simple, comforting feeling of relaxation. 

Darcel started to talk again. "How interesting. You know, you're right. I did do this to your other partners already. And their Desires were a bit complicated. Especially Zara."

"Oh? Was it like that with little Miss Perfect? Heh, I'm not surprised." Bella's eyes turned slightly lazy while she enjoyed Darcel's touch. 

Compared to Yin's pleasure, Bella already felt quickly attached to Darcel's presence.

The way they talk without reserve was something that put Bella's mind at ease. Adding on, just in general, Darcel's warm touch was irresistible for almost anybody.

Darcel felt even more amusement from Bella's bantering reply. He continued on to say, "And for you, Bella, I know what you greatly desire is a simple, carefree life. You can be serious when you want to be, but what you really want most is to take life easy. Going against the norm of our dominating cultivation world."

Bella froze for a split second. Her gaze hardened in that split second, thoughtfully staring into Darcel's gaze. Every word that he spoke was indeed spot on. Bella once again couldn't find any faults. 

And realizing that, Bella's expression quickly morphed back into being casual. 

"Hmmm.you haven't said one wrong thing. But really, can you blame me? Everyone always wants to fight, kill and grow stronger. Some even want to reach the top of the world. But.that's all too troublesome, quite honestly. What's the point of all this relentless dedication to power if you simply can't lie down and relax."

"Hmm.you know." Darcel began thinking about his journey up to this point. 

All he had been doing really is for he and Aniela could survive in this harsh world. And now, with Masami, he found a new goal out of his love for her.

But for himself? 

Darcel couldn't really say he Desires to stand above the top of the world or become the strongest. While fighting and crushing arrogant people certainly was fun. It wasn't something that was a top priority for Darcel.

He may have high comprehension, but Darcel never put extra thought into the deep Profoundness that is cultivation. 

What he can say that truly makes him happy is merely enjoying his quality time with both Aniela and Masami.

Darcel knows there's a lot of unknown variables in the world that could permanently ruin his time with his girls. 

So if he wants to secure that forever.Darcel felt a burst of assuredness.

He no longer had any more small doubts. On this path he'll take, he'll converge as many he needs to protect his loving relationships. 

"I certainly can see where you're coming from, Bella. And I shall give you a way where you'll always be able to enjoy a pleasurable carefree life."

Bella's eyes open a bit at this. Some exciting glow nestles within the depths of her eyes. "Oooh? Really? You can do that? I already gave up resisting a long time ago, so do your worst. Or, I guess, do you best?"

In Darcel's soul core, his green shade flashed. The green shade divine property was quickly transferred inside Bella's soul core body, making her quiver in absolute delight.

Bella's Desire was relaxing comfort, so her green shade divine property drowned her in a securing warmth. A warmth that wrapped her entire being, telling her that no matter what, life would be relaxing for her.

Only a second passed, and already a broad grin formed on Bella's face. "Mn hm. I like this a lot."

Bella's eyes gained recognition when staring into Darcel's gaze.

Yin pleasure, the green shade divine property, and Darcel's touch made Bella quickly realize that he is her Master that she wasn't even looking for. 


A Darkness soul link burst within the center of Bella's soul core body!

Nearly instantaneously, Bella's Darkness soul link solidifies. It was far faster than even Lauren and Abby's Darkness Soul link. 

Darcel was only a bit surprised as he got a grasp on Bella's demeanor. 

Once her Darkness Soul link formed, a relaxing smile, one that would get anyone's tension to leave their bodies formed on Bella's face. 

"Master. To our warmth."

Darcel nodded at Bella, saying to her, "As expected of you." He had then snapped his hand, getting his Darkness tendrils to gently put Bella on her soulscape space floor.

On her feet, Bella took the time to stretch out her arms, cracking any kinks from being tied up for a bit. She raised an appreciative gaze to Darcel while doing so. 

"Thank you, Master.'

And with this, the first step was completed; Darcel was pleased with how everything went down so smoothingly. 

He glanced at Bella, telling her, "Now with you, your whole group is done. Now then, let's leave and finish this meeting."

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