Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 191: Pleasant Results

Chapter 191: Pleasant Results

Darcel abruptly snapped his eyes open in complete disorder.

Immense shock and confusion frantically swirled in his mind at his current scenery. He was no longer at the comfort of his girls.

Instead, his eyes peer open to a pure yellow space. Everywhere he would look, whether it was up, down, or all around, it was all in a bright yellow color. 

Darcel's mind was in colossal disarray. He usually would be calm in these kinds of odd situations.

Whether it was some special dreams or getting forcefully pulled inside his own soulscape space, Darcel was always able to think calmly and rationalize what was happening. 

But this time.Darcel was utterly lost.

His coming to this place was far too abrupt, far too confusing to make any sense. Moreover, this bright yellow place was nothing like he had ever been to before. 

It wasn't his, Aniela, or Masami's soulscape space.

Although.as Darcel attempted to clear his mind, he suddenly felt like his head was on fire! 


Darcel tried to clutch his hand, only to find out he couldn't even move his body.

"Tch!" Darcel had to violently grit his teeth. 

Like how he came here, this sudden sharp pang in his mind was causing Darcel an even bigger mix of jumbled-up emotions and feelings.

"What.just what is this." 

This sudden flare of burning pain felt so utterly foreign to Darcel. But at the same time, it felt so strikingly familiar to Darcel. Like this sensation has been with him his entire life.

Darcel had immediately recalled back to just before he and the girls went out to Zara's group. 

At that time, a brief sensation of something being so familiar and foreign had abruptly streaked into his mind.

But the sensation left so quickly Darcel had put it in the back burning of his mind. 

However, now, Darcel linked that sensation with this strange yellow place. And though he was in immense pain, he was able to tell both sensations are eerily, precisely the same.

Although, this only spawned further and further questions for Darcel. 

And the main question that he desperately wanted to know was, just why is this happening to him specifically?

As time passes and the more Darcel experiences on his journey, he truly starts to believe that many unexplained things in cultivation happen for a reason. 

His life took so many unexpected twists and turns, but all of it wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for one strange woman.

Suddenly then, Darcel felt his entire being stiffened.


A very faint whisper slithered into Darcel's mind. Darcel felt his whole being shudder from this vague whisper.

He couldn't identify whether or not it was a man or woman voice. Although Darcel had a faint compelling telling him it was a woman. He didn't know why but it was almost like an instinctive feeling nestling in his gut.

Darcel zipped his eyes all over the place, but still nothing. 

For the first time in Darcel's life, he honestly couldn't rationalize anything that was going on. And he was unsure what would happen to him here. 

Darcel attempted to speak again. "Who."


That spine-chilling faint whispering voice echoed in Darcel's mind once again. Like last time he could barely make out what they were saying. 

But something struck a slight accord within him.

'C, l? I, a? Nng.my head is still killing me. But if I'm here, then most obviously, it is for a specific reason. C, l. I, A. Could it be? No, I have too little to just quickly assume that.' 

The faint word he picked up from the whispering voice made Darcel think, just perhaps, it was referring to his and Aniela's name? 

He only assumed so because this yellow space felt familiar to him; he knows that he was obviously pulled here, and the letters match up to their names.

However, Darcel didn't immediately believe so. There were still too many unknown variables on what this voice could truly be saying. 

In a last attempt, Darcel attempted to speak once again, "Have.have we met-" 

Abruptly, Darcel stopped talking as he felt his consciousness quickly fade.



Darcel shot his eyes back open again. And this time, he was back in familiar territory. His eyes quickly roamed around the familiar Inn room that he made one unforgettable memory in.

Darcel trailed his eyes down his body, noticing he was still in the lotus position, sitting upon the bed. His eyes peered to his right, and there was Aniela in the same lotus position, sitting shoulder to shoulder to him.

And peering his eyes over to the left, Masami was sitting in the same position, also being shoulder to shoulder with him. 

Both girls still had their eyes closed, focusing their all on cultivating.

Darcel sighed a bit and shook his head, trying to get the recent events out of his head. 'Once again, something so familiar and vague. The worst part, I can't even tell if something good or terrible will happen to us. Haah.whatever, we'll just deal with whatever comes. At least last night was a decent harvest.'

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami didn't sleep or spend any lovemaking time last night. They had spent all of their time cultivating. 

When Darcel had thought about it, he and Aniela haven't spent much time seriously cultivating ever since they left the Blessed Spirit Province.

And he had forgotten just how much time flies when cultivating. Even if he didn't sleep, cultivating all those resources, comprehending Spirit Qi all felt like he was in a semi-consciousness state.

Darcel had to honestly praise how efficient Zara was with their resources. She indeed went far and beyond for this task. 

From exotic and unique-looking herbs, Heavenly Rank Pills, and a tremendous abundance of green crystals, it all aided the three greatly.

Because of Darcel and Aniela's unique souls and extraordinary talent, they never had problems before absorbing crystals, pills, or herbs. And now, with all of their new transformation, absorbing external resources came even smoother to them.

Initially, though, Darcel did briefly wonder if Masami would have some slight problems absorbing all those external resources. 

But just like themselves, Masami had no issues with the abundance of resources.

She had even mentioned to Darcel and Aniela, her process of absorbing resources in the past is 'simply dirt compared to now!' 

Masami had even given Darcel a very passionate, lustful kiss for it.

Although Darcel would've been more than happy to oblige in passionate lovemaking, he knew they had to be serious about cultivating. 

So after some much soothing pats to both Masami and Aniela, both girls took cultivating seriously and started their sessions. 

And after the whole night, Darcel was relatively pleased with their results. 

He had shot right up to the eighth-layer link of the True Soul Core realm. Aniela jumped right up to the seventh layer link, and Masami broke through to the seventh rank of the Innate Core realm.

Though Darcel was satisfied with these results, he couldn't help but notice they didn't break through as much as he thought they would. 

Darcel was sure some of the stuff they had in that ring could make any decently talented cultivator break through to a whole new realm or at least get them near a new realm.

Although that cultivator's foundation would be incredibly shaky and unstable, all they needed to do would be to take the time and stabilize their foundations. 

And yet, Darcel could only gain three layer links. Aniela only got two layer links, and Masami only improved one rank.

Darcel compared it to those odd silverish blue shards in that cave, and those gave them a much more significant result. 

'Hm, maybe it's just those shards was far beyond Heavenly rank resources. Or what we need to actually breakthrough is improving more and more. Either way, we certainly won't be lacking in treasures in the near future.'

Darcel truly wasn't that concerned about their results decreasing. He was confident he would have the whole New Branch City as their one tremendous resource soon.

Still, one slightly odd question remained in Darcel's mind. How come he had advanced more than Aniela and Masami? 

With Masami, he could at least attest to her inborn talent being just a slight bit below his.

But with Aniela, he and her would always share the same level of breakthrough. Though he was only a simple level higher, it did warrant some slight thoughts in Darcel's mind.

He thought back on the night and recalled that he did feel his Darkness Soul link continually pulsating all throughout the night on its own. 

Darcel guessed it was equated to that, but he still wasn't entirely sure what was causing his Darkness Soul link to pulsate on its own.

As it mainly only pulsates on its own if he's sharing loving feelings with either Aniela or Masami. Or if he's in the process of conversion with his Darkness Servants.

Darcel shook his head at this matter since it genuinely won't affect their team dynamic if he's just a slight bit stronger. 

In any case, they could already face power equivalent to the ninth level of the Heavenly Transformation realm.

And now, Darcel was positively assured each of them can face peak Heavenly Kings all on their own. Darcel was so confident he fathom they could possibly fight it out with a half-step Grand Sage.

With their increasingly growing prowess and tremendous force that Darcel will continue to increase, he was certain that Masami's whole Ice Nine Tail sect will have their eyes burst open wide.

Darcel had then turned his eyes over to Aniela's beautiful face. 

While seriously cultivating, Aniela radiated a magnetic allure that she typically rarely shows. It was a graceful serious side of her that made Darcel appreciate her all the more.

And as Darcel stared into Aniela's charming face, it was like a bell went off inside her body. 

Aniela's eyes shot her eyes wide open, and she immediately turned her head to give Darcel a lovely broad smile.

She didn't say anything and quickly jumped on Darcel, clinging to his neck. Their faces morphed into smiles full of love for each other. 

Aniela had swiftly leaned up then to give Darcel a sensual chaste kiss.


They both got absorbed into their simple french kiss, letting themselves be drowned in their feelings for one another. 

After a couple of seconds, Aniela pulled back from the kiss, her face glazed over in love. "Good morning! And good cultivating session! Though I still find this a bit boring, hehe~." 

Darcel wryly smiled though he could concede on the point of cultivating for so long does get tiresome.

Darcel began to pat Aniela's soft white hair, telling her, "Boring as it may be, this is a pretty good way to wake up after a cultivating session." 

Suddenly then, Darcel snapped his eyes to Masami, feeling something very vague about her.

Aniela had also snapped her eyes to Masami, but she just broadly smiled at the fox girl, not feeling anything different from her. 

Masami seemed like her usual self as she snapped open her eyes, crossing her arms under her bountiful bust. 

She calmly said, "Hmph. Seems like we all vastly improved last night." 

Right when Aniela was about to say something, Darcel abruptly moved. 


Masami let out a cute squeak as Darcel suddenly pulled her into his chest.

As her vast soft, pillow-like breasts mashed into his chest, Darcel gave Masami a warming, gentle smile. 

And that unknowingly helped tremendously calm the state of the vague slight chaotic state of Masam's emotions.

Aniela couldn't sense it at all. But Darcel could just barely sense slightly mixed feelings coming from Masami. 

And Darcel could guess where it was coming from.

He shot up three levels, and Aniela shot up two levels. And Masami only jumped merely one level. 

They all had an equal amount of resources to share, yet the results all varied, and Masami had the lowest result.

And going by her past of constantly being told of being the worst talented, Darcel knew what he had to do. 

Darcel swiftly leaned in and chastely kissed Masami's sweet-savory lips.

"Mn!" Masami was taken off guard at first. But....


She quickly melted into the chaste kiss. Darcel didn't hold back at all, pouring all of his love had for her into the kiss.

After a couple seconds, Darcel pulled back from a cute flushed Masami. He began to gently caress her fox ears, making her further coo into his body, and Darcel started to tell her,

"You cultivated great last night. Who cares about the results? We all go at our own pace, and I'm always proud of whatever results you can achieve." 

Masami felt her cheeks lit ablaze, and her chest burst into a warmth of love.

She couldn't stop a beautiful smile from curving up her lips. 

Though she already knows how much Darcel loves her. The fact that someone other than her Grandma was praising her for her cultivation felt incredible to Masami.

Aniela may not have sensed Masami's initial chaotic slight feelings, but she was quick to the uptake. Her hands began to gently caress Masami's other fox ear, telling her, 

"Hehe~, our little fox can never disappoint us. And you should treat every breakthrough, no matter what it is, no matter how small or big, as a whole new world! It can make these dull cultivating sessions that bit more exciting!"

Masami couldn't stop her foxtails from swirling fervent excitement over getting doubly praised. She had to avert her eyes from the duo due to the embarrassment crawling up her. 

But her loving smile only grew broader.

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