Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 85: Soul Links

Chapter 85: Soul Links

Like several other times in his life, Darcel snapped his eyes open to familiar soothing Darkness.

Truthfully, ending up back in this Darkness space didn't come as a shock to Darcel since his ethereal voice already alluded to this.

Although, what was a bit shocking was a warm fiery sensation that swirled and soothed in Darcel's right hand. He felt the warm sensation as soon as he snapped open his eyes, making him curiously glanced down at his right hand.

Darcel quirked an eyebrow up at what he saw. '

Swirling elegantly in his right palm was beautiful dazzling blue flames. Staring into these blue flames was almost hypnotic in a captivating serene way.

Darcel was already very acquainted with the Element of Fire in the first place, which would explain this warm sensation coursing in his body.

And yet.these specific blue flames soothed into his bloodstreams, directly stirring his own soul to become more relaxed.

After getting lost in the mesmerizing sight of the blue flames for a few seconds, Darcel pulled his attention up.

He curiously glanced over the Darkness space as the blue flames weren't the only warm and familiar sensation he felt.

And Darcel only had to shift his eyes around a bit to come across another beautiful sight. This time it was a pure white dazzling figure who appeared completely solid, taking full shape.

"Aniela." Darcel instantly recognized the full shape figure to be his beautifully alluring airhead girl.

And at first, only Aniela's translucent white color back graced Darcel's eyes.

However, when he had quietly uttered her name, Aniela quickly whipped around in zealous excitement. Taking one look at Aniela's face now made Darcel at a slight loss for words.

She was still in an entirely translucent white color appearance, making her fit more of a ghost category. But still, the breathtaking beauty of Aniela's bewitching face and her long gorgeous white hair all seemed to be significantly enhanced in his Darkness space.

"Darcy!!" Aniela's face split into a broad radiant smile that further accentuated her magnificent beauty.

She was like a beautiful white sun spewing out her mesmerizing white sun rays for anyone to enjoy and get caught up in.

And when Aniela had lovingly shouted Darcel's name, she had quickly rushed over to in a white flash. In just a split second, before Darcel knew it, her incomparably soft, tender body tightly hugged his body.

"Nnnh~.....Ahh~! Yup! This really is the real thing!"

Aniela serenely inhaled Darcel's intoxicating scent while pushing her sweet face further into his neck. Of course, Darcel positively adored Aniela's loving cute actions.

Though her words left him a bit puzzled.

"Real thing? Do you mean.this is actually your consciousness in here?"

Darcel questions the hugging girl while also tightly wrapping one arm around her divine translucent body.

He would've gladly used both of his hands to pull his cute girlfriend close, but even until now, Darcel still felt that dazzling blue flames steadily upon his right palm.

"Mnh.yea, I guess you can say it's like that. I'm not too sure what happened, but after our passionate and intense lovemaking, I think we fully connected on even a spiritual level! I know that I'm dreaming, but now we're sharing the same dream even!"

Darcel, at first, was finding Aniela's explanation a bit.out there.

Even for their insane standards, Darcel didn't think he read anything on lovers sharing the same dream.

Although, at the same time, Darcel couldn't deny some truth in Aniela's words. Compared to all other previous times, Darcel can firmly say he has a more complete connection with Aniela.

If talking about previous times, Darcel would've ranked his spiritual or soul connection with Aniela as strong, but there was a critical element that was missing.

And now, that crucial element was more than fulfilled.

Darcel truly felt as if a part of Aniela's soul was latched on to his Darkness soul. He didn't know how to exactly describe what it felt like, but he just could tell he felt far closer to Aniela than any other time in his life.

"You are half right about our connection part. But. I'm not so sure this is just a mere dream."

Aniela raised her face curiously at Darcel. She was going to ask what he meant by that until an ethereal voice boomed into their ears.

"My, my. The show you put on was quite fittingly divine. Congratulations on forming your first Perfected Darkness soul link, young one."

Quickly, Aniela was whipping her head side to side and hitting her long translucent white hair all in Darcel's face.

"Who is that?! And what do they mean by the first Perfected Darkness soul link? My link with Darcy has perfected for a long time already!" Aniela shouted out some rather intriguing phrases to the voice.

Though Darcel expected nothing less from her.

"Well, I already gather you were going to tell me that. But besides this, what else are you going to mysteriously inform me off now." Darcel added a bit of humor into his voice as he went through this song and dance several times.

"Hm.ah? Quite special indeed. It's unprecedentedly rare for both of your souls to get heavily affected by anything. But that small little girl managed to.though this isn't a bad thing. Get comfortable with foxes in the future."

It was all the ethereal voice told the duo.

And they only left Darcel and Aniela with many more questions than they initially have when first waking up here.

But neither of the duos would get any chances to further talk as their scenery was abruptly changing.



On sync, Darcel and Aniela flung their eyes wide open.

Immediately their visions stared into each deep black eye as Darcel was still squashed on Aniela's face.

Soothing warmth filled the two while waking up. Because they had immediately passed out after sex, Darcel had stayed limped inside Aniela's creamy pussy.

"Ohhh~.....now thi-Ah?!?" While Aniela began to talk, Darcel had pulled his flaccid pole out of her.

And upon doing so, the duo felt tremendous changes rock their mind, body, and soul!

They both had then quickly sat up, getting into a cultivating cross-legged position. Their bare naked body was still exposed in the rainbow color space, but neither cared at this time.

Fascinating awe was plastered on Darcel's and Aniela's face as an immense power course through every aspect of their being.

It was a power that felt so pure and rich, fundamentally improving them in every way.

With one quick sense of their bodies, Darcel and Aniela were promptly left a bit slack-jawed.

Not only had they broken through to the seventh level of the Nascent Core realm. They had also achieved a Perfected Nascent Being state!

By just taking one look at their Nascent Core, Darcel and Aniela witness something magical. Their Cores grew to colossal sizes and had formed to one hundred percent completion!

But the most magical thing about their Nascent Cores was the beautifully bright rainbow radiance enriching their Nascent Cores.

Vice Principal Zelle taught the two that if one can achieve a Perfected Nascent Being state. Their Nascent Core would glow in a dazzling rainbow radiance, signifying a Perfected state in cultivation.

And this wasn't the only striking addition to their Nascent Cores. Connected to their Cores, Darcel and Aniela spotted a long beautiful angelic like wing fluttering elegantly.

Darcel, though found that his wing was entirely in a beautiful Darkness glow.

While Aniela's wing was enriched in a dazzling radiant white light glow.

Though no matter the color, it all blended perfectly with their rainbow radiance.

Furthermore, Darcel also felt his bloodline undergo some profound changes. It was sort of comparable to the time his Darkness Qi first mutated.

But Darcel could tell this change was on an entirely different level.

"Ahhn~! This had to be the best breakthrough we've ever had! And to think, it was just an act of us expressing our passionate feelings!"

Aniela loudly proclaimed, and Darcel had then felt her soft weight gently saddle up on his lap.

As they were both still naked, Darcel felt his lust ignite. But for a brief second, Darcel was stunned before even getting intimate.

Because of their sudden power increase, Darcel didn't get a chance to take a good look at Aniela's face while waking up.

Yet now, apparently, what he saw in his Darkness space just transfers to reality. Aniela's enhanced beauty was even more alluring considering the fact Darcel could stare at her rosy complexion and fairy-like skin.

However, while staring into Aniela's new beauty, several ideas suddenly spawned into Darcel's head. But he quickly pushed those thoughts down for later and focused on the angelic women on his lap.

"Let's see.how about we have a little after celebration for all of our new breakthrough, hm?"

Darcel began stroking Aniela's soft bare ass and beautiful perky breast while talking, making Aniela feel an even greater burn in her loins.

"Mnh-Ahn~! I can't agree more.mnh~!"

Aniela had eagerly nodded and swooped down to capture Darcel's lips.

Despite just losing her virginity, Aniela didn't feel any soreness or fatigue.

In fact, her body just craves for Darcel to fill her up once again!

Darcel as well wasn't the one to be left behind. His body was filled to the brim with exuberant energy, and he pried open Aniela's mouth and latched on to Aniela's tongue.

This signifies the start to another several rounds of a hot sexy battle.


Hours later, after several bouts of intense lovemaking, Aniela was now contently lying on Darcel's chest, both fully clothed. Their faces were tranquil, merely enjoying this small moment of rest between them.

They were also slowly cultivating to get familiar with their sudden massive power boost.

But after pushing several thoughts down before, they had now come back into Darcel's mind at full force once he began relaxing.

After Darcel's first taste of real pleasure and lovemaking, he now felt his bloodline surge his Darkness Qi intensely. It craves for another Darkness soul link of ultimate pleasure and love.

Darcel took a quick peek inside his soul earlier and found a now more prominent black luminous shine enriching his soul.

It was far brighter than his black fire swirling around in his soul. Everything about his Darkness was immensely boosted along with a new frantic craving.

Admittedly Darcel can see his entire being desired to create a second Darkness soul link.

And Darcel could vaguely tell why. That ethereal voice and his bloodline all swayed and pushed his state of mind to this point.

The most striking thing his ethereal voice told him, again and again, was about Aniela being his first Darkness soul link.

Genuinely, Darcel found himself to be much more motivated now.

He was fueled with an intense burning passion for enriching another partner to bliss and love along with himself and Aniela. And truthfully, Darcel wasn't put off by these thoughts.

He didn't try to fight or resist it and instead welcomed it all. After all, the link Darcel shared with Aniela goes far deeper than any other sort of normal relationship.

At least he thought there was nobody else who can share an equal soul link connection with their partner.

Making up his mind, Darcel was one hundred percent sure he wanted to deeply delve into his Darkness aspect of pleasure in cultivation. And explore it together with Aniela and whoever may join their journey.

But Darcel did briefly stop himself for a moment. Although polygamy is typical from what Darcel read about, he still wanted to hear Aniela's thoughts on it and see if she approves of this plan.

However, when Darcel turned his mind to Aniela's thought, a flash of surprise hazed his eyes.

For a very brief second, Darcel could've sworn he heard Aniela's angelic giggles soothed in his mind, and she was simply waiting for her turn to speak up.

So when Darcel attempted to speak up, he was expectedly cut off by his angel's sweet voice. "Hehehe~. Darcy, I already know you want to discuss what that voice said and our Darkness soul link. From our repeated passion, I can nearly feel the surface level thoughts in your head!"

Darcel furrowed his eyebrows a bit since he was also in the same boat as Aniela. Though it appeared as her mind-reading was a bit better.

"So, what are your thoughts on this? Know that no matter what you decide, you'll never leave my clutches, ditzy girl."

While proclaiming, Darcel tightly squeezed Aniela's soft waist to accentuate his point. Aniela serenely leaned more into Darcel's chest, taking a huge whiff of his intoxicating scent.

"To be honest.it's a bit odd. I just know you wouldn't go after some random beauty, nor would I like it if you do that either. And at the same time.when that voice mentioned getting comfortable with foxes. My institution just automatically knows an extraordinary woman will join us in the future."

Darcel felt a bit enamored listening to a rare gentle, calming tone of voice from Aniela. It nearly made Darcel want to just lie down and listen to her talk for hours on end.

Still, he had to ask her, "And do you feel any type of way about that?"

Towards his question, Aniela shifted her body a bit to directly stare into Darcel's eyes, giving him a dazzling smile.

"Even before our bout of lovemaking, I already felt my soul bonded to you. This.this was our official process. It's why I have no ill will towards my intuition; in fact, I'm sure both our souls will only react to a partner we both want to enrich with pleasure and love!"

"Really? You're actually looking forward to it?"

Darcel asked as he kind of thought Aniela would have a more.negative reaction. But then again, Darcel reminded himself it is this airhead girl he's talking about.

"Honestly, Darcy! You already know it's just not me to be so hung up on negative and destructive feelings like sorrow or jealousy. Our souls are forever linked now, and if we both can spread blissful love into someone we share the same fondness for, then why limit ourselves? We always go one hundred percent on anything we do!"

Seeing Aniela passionately say all of this with her same bright sunny smile made Darcel she would and always be like this.

Her simplistic views on life kept her going through her terrible kidnapped childhood and kept himself sane through all the bleak dreariness.

And genuinely, Aniela believed every word she spoke. In her soul and mind, she engraved the words of what her own ethereal voice said to her.

Joy blooms in all!

Aniela knows her Light element can form a connection with anyone if she desires to do so.

"I love you, Aniela."

Darcel utters these four short words once finally realizing how amazing Aniela really is to him. These words expressed all of the feelings he kept bottled up for so many years.

"Hehehe~!" Aniela sweetly giggled and began lovingly rubbing the tip of her soft nose against Darcel's rough nose.

"I already knew that Darcy and I love you too~!"

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