Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 91: Beauty & Horror

Chapter 91: Beauty & Horror

"Itss over!!" The vile yellow creature shrieked as its silver core began frantically surging once again.

A bright silver radiance spewed in the Darkness sky, discharging a cascade of tremendous power.

All of the possessed humans had also illuminated their hands in a bright blue glow. A mix of incredible Innate Core power surged for miles in the Necropolis Woods, violently quaking the ground. The sky was painted in a beautiful mixture of silver and blue.

At the peak of their powers, the possessed humans fired out luminous blue Qi Claws! And the vile yellow creature blasted out a radiant silver yellowish Qi Claw towards the cracked blue firewall.


With ease, the blue firewall was finally utterly destroyed under the yellow creature's group combined might! The crumbling black glossy cave Vice-Principal Zelle's group were in got turned into bits and pieces under their combined might.

And yet, no one in the vile yellow creature's group was happy or fueled with savage killing intent.

No, they all were immensely suppressed by a tremendous power surge far surpassing their own!

But this wasn't what truly made the yellow creature's group gobsmacked.

Once the dust of their explosive power died down, everyone, no matter if they were on the yellow creature group or on Vice Principal Zelle's side.

They all were left utterly stunned at seemingly a new face appearing out of nowhere.

From where Vice Principal Zelle stood was a completely different woman looking nothing like the once ordinary woman.

No, what was revealed to the world was a goddess of a woman in terms of perfected looks. This new holy woman possessed a soul capturing gorgeous face as if she was born from the heavens.

Blue eyes that luminously shined through the Darkness Woods, bringing every attention on to her. Cherry red rosy lips that one would want to tenderly kiss and lose themselves into. Her creamy white skin was ravishingly lovely and alluring, as if her skin was created by an angel.

Moreover, even her physique underwent an alluring change.

Vice Principal Zelle is what Darcel would call as being tall but gracefully petite. Her hips were now more bewitchingly curvaceous, and one can spot fetching small twin peaks on her chest.

Even Vice-Principal Zelle's blue hair turned more beautifully glossy, carried a distinct captivating shine about it.

Furthermore, Darcel even spotted at the top of her beautiful blue hair were two small flaps of what appeared to be animal-like fox ears!

In Vice-Principal Zelle's right hand, Darcel had also spotted a long, beautifully crafted silver sword. The sword possessed a unique spiral design and radiated an unfathomable aura that nearly caused his breath to get hicked.


Soon the frantic roars of violent thunderous lightning awoke everyone from the drunken stupor of gazing upon Vice-Principal Zelle's beauty.

From the back of Vice-Principal Zelle, Elder Leweyn had an enamored but familiar expression as if he encountered this scene before.

Erin, all the while, was left utterly dumbfounded.

How could this seemingly ordinary-looking woman hide such a drastic change of appearance for so long!

All of his breath was taken away in absolute awe.

Although for the yellow creature and possessed humans, their breath was taken away but for entirely different reasons. The thunderous clap of lightning just reminded them all about their inevitable upcoming death!

All of their eyes snapped to the long spiral sword in Vice Principal Zelle's hand. Powerful streaks of bright blue lightning furiously rage from the blade, creating a frightening look for the beautiful Vice-Principal Zelle.

The vile yellow creature and possessed humans all fruitlessly try to surge their powers to escape this sudden suppression.

Alas, they were all doomed to fail since the power exuded from Vice Principal Zelle's Saint Artifact significantly surpassed them. Not even the silver Core in the vile yellow creature's claws could surpass the power of the lightning sword Saint Artifact.

Immense dread warped their faces as everyone watched in horror as Vice-Principal Zelle slowly raised the raging lightning blade at them.

But right then, Darcel quickly spoke up. "Can you keep that creature's body from turning to ash?"

His words further destroyed the yellow creature and possessed human hopes.

Vice Principal Zelle had taken one brief look at Darcel before continuing on to charge her Saint Artifact. In just a second, the lightning sword power reached its peak and burst with bright blinding blue lightning!


A vast blue lighting beam blasted from the tip of the sword and tore straight through the yellow creature's chest!

And from behind the creature, all other possessed humans were promptly turned to ash by the powerful raging lightning beam.

Just at the last second, Vice Principal Zelle managed to control the Saint Artifact power to, as Darcel put it, keep that vile yellow creature body intact.

The yellow creature's heart was destroyed, and the Saint Artifact lightning decimated its soul, killing the yellow creature on the spot.

Vice Principal Zelle had then reached out with her hand and performed a grabbing motion.

Before the yellow creature's body crashed to the ground, its body was quickly sucked towards Vice-Principal Zelle and dropped right before Darcel and Aniela.

"Oh my! It looks like a lot of its blood was vaporized. But, there's still a hefty sum for the scalpel!"

Aniela had already gotten used to Vice Principal Zelle's striking new looks and quickly went over to plunge her scalpel deep into the yellow creature's neck.

Rancid yellow blood immediately began to flow to the scalpel, bringing a faint yellow tint on it.

Darcel brought his eyes over to the creature's claw and was surprised by it.

Even after its death, its claw still never let go of that mysterious silver Core. Darcel sensed the silver Core in its hand was heavily drained of power from everything it went through. But it was still usable for several more attacks.

So, Darcel reached down and took the silver Core from the creature's claw and placed it in his other hand.

Like the previous one, this silver core was silky smooth to touch. But this silver Core still radiated with far higher power even after continuous use.

"Just.just what are these three." Erin breathlessly said as he slowly stood up.

With the yellow creature dead, the mist rampaging inside his body considerably lessened. His body was still in an exhausted, painful state, but presently, his mind was having difficulty processing what just transpired.

First, it was Darcel and Aniela with their extraordinary combat prowess and special soul powers. And now there was Vice-Principal Zelle, whose beauty far outstrips anyone that he ever seen before.

"They're.they're for sure chock-full of surprise." Elder Leweyn eyes never left Vice-Principal Zelle the entire time.

Though it appeared as he was merely smitten with her appearance, a far more deeper, profound emotion course in his eyes while staring at her lovely back.

Up in the front with Vice Principal Zelle, her eyes curiously stared at the shining silver Core in Darcel's hand. "Somehow, you two can use this Core.just what is this frightening thing?"

Suddenly then, right when Vice Principal Zelle voiced her question, dread appeared on her, Elder Leweyn, and Erin's faces.

They didn't even have mere seconds to recuperate once again before their Spirit Senses frantically went off!

"Well.I guess there's no time for questions or even a breather! The main event has arrived." Aniela said out loud as she and Darcel souls began to intensely writhe for one upcoming presence.

But instead of the dread on the other faces, Darcel and Aniela still kept calm and steady. A smooth sensation from their souls warmed their minds and kept their emotions in check.

"As expected. You two are indeed much more incredibly troublesome than I could ever imagine. Even with all I prepare, it appeared I still have underestimated you two. But.this all a fool's dream if any one of you think you can escape these Woods tonight!"

A booming, powerful voice echoed throughout miles in the Necropolis Woods. Vice Principal Zelle's group's attention was turned to their right, and there they saw a frightening sum of figures.

One man dressed in long mysterious robes and a hoodie covering his face stood at the front and foremost of his large group.

And right next to the man was a figure Darcel, Aniela, and Vice-Principal Zelle immediately recognized.

It wasn't human but appeared near human-like. Its body was shrouded in an eerie red glow, and a rancid long tongue ominous swirled from its mouth in a hungry motion.

Vivid memories popped into Darcel, Aniela, and Vice-Principal Zelle's mind as it was the horrid red creature from the black dungeon labyrinth!

Though the creature appeared did change a little. Mainly being the fact in its claw hands, another silver core was there!

And behind these two ominous figures were several dozens of possessed humans. Plus, this time, all of these possessed humans were at the peak rank of the Innate Core realm!

Vice Principal and Elder Leweyn also sensed that grotesque red creature to be equivalent to the first rank of the Innate Core realm.

But the most terrifying person there had to be the mysterious man.

More clearly than what the youths could sense, they both perceived the mysterious robe man to be firmly at the first level of the Heavenly Transformation realm!

"....This could be a problem." Darcel tentatively said out loud.

While he and Aniela didn't suffer that much at the creature's poisonous mist. However, their bodily stamina quickly drained, thanks to the silver Core and continuous use of their soul powers.

As for the rest, Vice Principal Zelle knew she was nowhere near close to a hundred percent and only had a small percentage of her usual powers. Any Saint Artifacts she has backed up couldn't be used now.

Elder Leweyn and Erin, however, were nearly drained of any power.

They didn't have the luxury of getting provided with the silver Core powers. Thus making their injuries and energy be more devastating and permanent since now they had no time to ask for the duo's support.

"Heh, already feeling despair?"

The mysterious robe man cruelly snided at them and gave no heed to Vice Principal Zelle's beautiful appearance.

In fact, none of his group cared about her beauty but instead held more sinister thoughts about them all.

"Ffinally, I get to kill you two noow!!" The red creature spoke in the same slurring tone as the vile yellow creature.

Before anyone could act, though, the mysterious robe man suddenly pulled something from his robe that caused Vice-Principal Zelle's group to go wide-eyed.

In his decrepit hand was a large silver Core!

And compared to all other creature's silver cores, the one in the man's hand was the largest and exuded the strongest aura.

"Hoh? Surprised, are we? But before we continue on and you all start the little game of how long you can survive. Let me get rid of Sariel's presence in you two brats!"


From the mysterious robe man and the red creature silver Core, a bright streak of silver lights blasted out! The whole Darkness Woods and the sky above them got illuminated in a dazzling silver radiance!

"Geah?!? Not again!!"

Erin despairingly shouted as the bright silver radiance also unleashed a tremendous power! He, Vice Principal Zelle, and Elder Leweyn were all utterly suppressed under this immense explosion of frantic power!

Darcel and Aniela, however, felt their souls erupt in a crazed writhing.

With the mysterious man and the red creature using both of their Cores in sync, it made Darcel and Aniela's soul want to explode with the same outrageous power!

However, it was like something was shackling their souls, preventing them from unleashing their true potential.

Darcel and Aniela wanted to try and surging their souls on their own to see if they could break this shackle. But right then, a bright silver beam barreled straight at them at immense speeds!


Crimson blood splattered into the air as a bright silver beam drilled into Darcel and Aniela's chest.

Horror filled their faces as their eyes saw the silver beams coming straight from the mysterious man and red creature's silver Core.

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