You Cultivate, I Farm

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Inside the house, Lu Xuan sat cross-legged on a wooden bed, circulating his techniques as spiritual energy flowed within him.

After a complete cycle, he exhaled slowly.

Despite the days of diligent cultivation not equating to the rewards of a single Blood Firefly Grass, Lu Xuan remained dedicated to his practice.

However, his focus primarily lay in nurturing and caring for spiritual plants and beasts, while practicing techniques and arts followed suit.

Nearly half a month since he moved to the new courtyard, he rarely ventured out, wholly engrossed in nurturing the spiritual flora.

Notable changes appeared in the spiritual field.

The three-tailed Red Whiskered Carp in the spiritual spring had grown by about two inches, its fine red whiskers extending over half a foot, capable of swiftly elongating to over six feet when catching insects underwater.

A hundred Blood Firefly Grass plants had grown taller, their emerald slender leaves gradually emitting faint glows. By midnight, countless glimmers scattered across the sky, resembling a myriad of faint stars twinkling softly.

A segment of the Blood Jade Ginseng emerged from the spiritual soil, translucent like freshly excavated jade.

With their growth, the movement speed of the Ginseng increased significantly. They either clustered together or moved into the vicinity of the Firefly Grass, demanding Lu Xuan's constant attention.

The Crimson Cloud Pine quietly sprouted five tiny pine nuts, barely visible among the slender red pine needles, revealing their sharp tips.

The Sword Grass had grown to the size of a Fractured Silver Blade, requiring more Sword Qi, prompting Lu Xuan to release a Golden Sword Technique every other hour.

Occasionally, faint cracks appeared in the spiritual soil nearby, a result of the Sword Grass emanating its sword intent.

As for the Dark Marrow Fungus, numerous dark red filaments tightly wrapped around the decaying spiritual wood, leaving almost no gaps.

"The decayed wood has been nearly absorbed by the dark red filaments. Looks like I'll have to find a few more pieces; otherwise, the growth of the Dark Marrow Fungus will be affected," Lu Xuan muttered to himself.

"Perfect timing. While heading out to explore the market, let's see if I can find any intriguing spiritual beasts or unknown species."

Stepping out of the courtyard, he squinted in discomfort under the harsh sunlight.

"Daoist Lu, it's rare to see you stepping out of your yard today."

A voice came from across the yard.

Turning towards the voice, Lu Xuan saw a middle-aged cultivator reclining on a wooden chair. Upon Lu Xuan's appearance, the man stood up and walked over.

"Friend Wang, greetings," Lu Xuan greeted him.

The middle-aged cultivator, named Wang Shan, lived next door to Lu Xuan. After Lu Xuan moved in, Wang Shan had visited his yard once.

Wang Shan possessed the cultivation of the fifth level of Qi Refinement and worked as a minor patrol leader in the market, often spending his leisure time in the area.

"Daoist Lu, keeping oneself cooped up at home isn't advisable. Someday, I'll take you out with me to explore the world. Let me broaden your horizons," Wang Shan teased Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan politely declined, expressing gratitude. "Thank you, but with my low cultivation, entering such places might be perilous. Wouldn't I end up as someone's prey?"

Having recently moved in, Lu Xuan regulated his aura, showcasing a third level of Qi Refinement. Nearby, several mid-level Qi Refinement cultivators might notice if he remained at the second level, attracting undue attention.

Though still low, the third level made him seem more ordinary.

Regarding the entertainment places, his statement wasn't far off. The women inside were skilled in various seductive arts, often unknowingly draining one's spiritual energy and vitality.

"Ah, you're too serious. Aren't we cultivating to gain greater power for pleasure?" Wang Shan shrugged.

"You, with your profound cultivation, can handle those temptations, naturally," Lu Xuan replied.

"As for me, I prefer the company of spiritual plants and beasts. Each to their own aspirations!"

"True, no need to force you. If you ever change your mind, let me know, and I'll cover the costs," Wang Shan said before parting ways, returning to his yard.

Continuing ahead, Lu Xuan passed by a separate courtyard emitting a strong aroma of alcohol.

The owner, a cultivator at the fourth level of Qi Refinement, relied on alcohol for every meal, having mastered the art of brewing spirit wine.

Aware of Lu Xuan's identity as a spiritual cultivator, he had asked Lu Xuan if he cultivated plants suitable for brewing spirit wine. After Lu Xuan denied it, the matter was dropped.

Initially attracting curiosity and scrutiny from neighboring cultivators upon his arrival, once they discovered his low cultivation and occupation as a common spiritual cultivator, their prying gradually ceased.

The freelance market wasn't far from Lu Xuan's new courtyard. In less than a quarter of an hour, Lu Xuan arrived at the marketplace bustling with various vendors.

People moved about, amidst occasional cries from different stall owners.

"Pass by, don't miss out! All sorts of premium spiritual tools available here. Everything you can think of, you'll find here!"

"Fresh demonic beast meat just hunted from the wilderness, blood still fresh! Buying a pound or two equals half a month of cultivation!"

"High-priced acquisitions of second-hand spiritual tools, formations, damaged talismans. Also buying various mysterious treasures and unknown materials."

Lu Xuan strolled through the market, shaking his head at the merchandise displayed on most stalls. They mainly offered resources commonly used in cultivationspiritual tools, demonic beast materials, spiritual herbs, talismans, and elixirs.

What he soughtunknown spiritual species, beast eggs, or juvenilesproved extremely rare, barely available and rarely advertised separately.

Suddenly, he halted, arriving at a particular stall.

A young girl at the second level of Qi Refinement manned the stall. Average in appearance, her skin bore a healthy oatmeal hue. Seeing Lu Xuan examining her goods, she hurriedly approached.

"Hello, esteemed cultivator. I have various demonic bird feathers and specially crafted demonic bird eggs containing rich spiritual energy. They taste exquisite. Would you be interested?" she offered.

Lu Xuan shook his head, pointing to a black cage in the corner.

"How are these juvenile demonic birds sold?"

Inside the cage were several brightly colored chicks with abundant and vibrant feathers, revealing only a pair of black and white patterned claws.

"Oh, these are Rainbow Crest Chickens? I found a nest in the mountains. You can tame and raise them. When they mature, they might lay spiritual eggs. If not, you can eat them; their meat is delicious."

The girl introduced them to Lu Xuan.

"How long does it take to raise these Rainbow Crest Chickens?"

"Two and a half years."


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