You Cultivate, I Farm

Chapter 289: Not Fond of Beauties, But Loves Farming

Chapter 289: Not Fond of Beauties, But Loves Farming

"Everything is normal."

Lu Xuan nodded lightly. He hoped to pass these three years without incident.

"I'm new here and not very familiar with the surrounding islands and seas. Please, Island Master Song, provide me with a detailed introduction."

"Especially regarding the surrounding Foundation Establishment cultivators or third-grade demonic beasts that frequent this area."

"Foundation Establishment cultivators..."

The refined cultivator furrowed his brows in thought.

"There aren't many Foundation Establishment cultivators on the numerous islands nearby. Many islands don't even have one."

"There are several large islands where the situation is similar to that of Empty Abyss Island. They are actually controlled by major sects, with cultivators of similar strength to Senior Uncle stationed there."

"Furthermore, on other islands, there are two or three small sects occupying each island, with no fewer than one Foundation Establishment cultivator in each sect. There are also several independent families, each with a shadow of a Foundation Establishment cultivator behind the scenes."

Song Yu explained in detail.

"In addition, it's said that on some remote islands, people have seen traces of Foundation Establishment cultivators, probably hiding here to avoid enemies."

"As for Empty Abyss Island, you are now the one in charge."

The refined cultivator seemed to express relief at something he was thinking of.

During this period, although nothing unexpected had happened, both he and the entire Song family had been on edge, fearing that the Empty Abyss Spirit Fish they were raising would suffer significant losses.

With Lu Xuan's arrival, a Foundation Establishment cultivator from a reputable sect now presided over things, giving him a sense of security.

After a full meal, Lu Xuan retired to a quiet room arranged by Song Yu.

Just as he was about to check the spiritual plants in his life-sustaining bag, there was a knock on the door. Song Yu entered with a handsome young man and two beautiful young women carrying exquisitely crafted wooden boxes, which seemed heavy with whatever they contained.

"Island Master Song, who is this?"

"I've sent these two maidservants, along with my useless son, Song Yun, to you, Senior Uncle, in case you feel uncomfortable being alone in this remote place."

The refined cultivator smiled obsequiously.

"No need for that."

Lu Xuan declined directly.

"I appreciate your kindness, but I'm used to being alone. I prefer not to have anyone disturb my life. Please take these two young ladies back."

"You two, listen to Senior Uncle Lu and leave the boxes here for now."

The two young women gently placed the wooden boxes down and gracefully exited the room.

"The boxes contain some special products from Empty Abyss Island. They are fish roe from the Empty Abyss Spirit Fish, processed in a special way to not only taste delicious but also have effects similar to spirit pills, enhancing a cultivator's spiritual power slightly."

Song Yu opened one of the boxes, revealing a layer of dried fish roe the size of fingertips, milky white with a faint spiritual aura.

Lu Xuan's eyes narrowed, sensing something mysterious beneath the fish roe. Apart from the top layer of fish roe, there were actually spirit stones underneath!

A smile played at the corners of his mouth.

"I'll accept these special products from Island Master Song."

"By the way, Island Master Song, are there any places on the island where spiritual energy is relatively abundant and the soil is fertile? I want to use them to cultivate spiritual plants."


"You want to cultivate spiritual plants?"

Song Yu was momentarily taken aback. A Foundation Establishment cultivator like Lu Xuan came to this remote and desolate island, and his first thought was to find a piece of land to cultivate spiritual plants?

"Is Senior Uncle saying..."

He pondered continuously, unable to guess Lu Xuan's intentions.

"I don't have any other intentions, just literally farming."

"I don't have any other hobbies, just like planting flowers and grass, cultivating spiritual plants to nurture my mind."

Lu Xuan said casually. If he didn't find a suitable spiritual field, the numerous spiritual plants in his life-sustaining bag would be affected. After all, the life-sustaining bag was only a third-grade treasure. Although it could maintain the vitality of spiritual plants and slow down their withering, its effect was not so significant for third or fourth-grade spiritual plants. Over time, it might cause damage to the spiritual plants, affecting their quality and thus the rewards of the light orbs after they matured.

This was something Lu Xuan couldn't tolerate. Therefore, as soon as he entered Empty Abyss Island, his first thought was to find a suitable spiritual field and transplant the spiritual plants from his life-sustaining bag.

"I'll find a suitable spiritual field for Senior Uncle right away."

Song Yu keenly sensed Lu Xuan's urgency and immediately replied.

He had brought two carefully selected maidservants and a large number of spirit stones here, not only to please Lu Xuan but also hoping that Lu Xuan could give some guidance to Song Yun. Unexpectedly, Lu Xuan had suggested himself, making him feel like the spirit stones weren't spent in vain.

One-on-one guidance from a Foundation Establishment cultivator was much more cost-effective than large-scale teaching by small sects on islands.

It didn't matter if they spent more spirit stones.

"By the way, Island Master Song, is there a reason for your sudden interest in cultivating spiritual plants?"

He harbored this absurd idea and hurriedly left with Song Yun.

"Could it be that Senior Uncle's breakthrough to Foundation Establishment at such a young age is the reason?"

With this whimsical thought, he left with Song Yun.


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