Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Chapter 1579: I Deserve To Feel The Same

Chapter 1579: I Deserve To Feel The Same

On the way back, Noah drove the car while Jake sat quietly in the co-driver's seat, a light smile on his lips as he gazed towards the road. Jake was staying at Noah's home without any intention of moving out and neither did Noah ask him to after the incident when Jake was sick and alone with no one to take care of him.

After a while, he turned to look at Noah, who was serious, and continued to do so for some time. Noah was aware of it but chose to ignore it and focus on the road ahead.

Unperturbed, Jake settled himself comfortably, turning his head completely while resting it on his palm, the elbow propped on the window sill. His demeanor suggested he had completely fallen for the man in the driver's seat.

Unable to ignore it any longer, Noah finally turned to look back at him. "Stop acting like a lovestruck schoolgirl."

Jake didn't change his position but simply smiled. "At least you recognize that I'm lovestruck."

"Sit properly and let me drive," Noah warned, though softly.

A playful smirk appeared on Jake's lips. "So, you're finally getting affected by me, huh? I thought you were immune."

"Yeah, because having that schoolgirl-like gaze stuck on me is annoying. Stop it already." "Don't you know you need to bribe schoolgirls to get them to obey you?" Jake teased.

Noah frowned lightly, opened the glove box, retrieved something, and tossed it at Jake. "Now, be good."

Jake caught the candy thrown at him and chuckled at Noah's words. 'Was he really treating me like a schoolgirl?' he thought.

"I didn't know you were into role play. You're doing well, Noah," Jake remarked as he unwrapped and popped the candy into his mouth. "I look forward to more role-playing."

"Shut up," Noah finally started to lose the calmness he had been maintaining.

It didn't affect Jake. "This schoolgirl is demanding. Just one candy won't do."

Noah preferred to ignore him.

"You're upsetting the schoolgirl this way," Jake remarked. "Let me resume staring at my love, then," he continued, resuming his previous position of a lovestruck schoolgirl. "You're surely so handsome, Xiao Nuoya."

"Shut up," Noah replied.

"What? Isn't this how you affectionately address someone? 'Xiao' means dear, and 'Nuoya' is how your name is pronounced in your language."

"You'd better stick to English and stop being annoying," Noah retorted.

"I can't. You haven't bribed me enough," Jake answered, smiling contentedly.

The more Noah felt annoyed, the more pleased Jake became.

Gritting his teeth, Noah spoke, "Do you want me to throw you out of the car?"

"You can't be that cruel to a schoolgirl, throwing her out on a deserted road in the middle of the night. What if bad people find her and..."

"Stop the nonsense," Noah growled. "What do you want?"

"Now we're talking," Jake grinned wickedly. "A kiss would be a perfect bribe."

Noah didn't react, but his brows clearly furrowed in annoyance. Just when Jake thought another outburst from Noah was imminent, the car suddenly stopped by the roadside.

"Are you going to kick me out for real?" Jake asked, not out of fear but rather enjoying annoying Noah.

In response, Noah unbuckled his seatbelt and, without warning, turned to Jake. He grabbed Jake by the collar and kissed him, catching him completely off guard.

Pushing Jake against the seat, Noah kissed him harshly, then parted, pushing him back. "Now shut up and be quiet, or I will surely leave your royal ass on the road in the middle of the night," Noah threatened.

"So manly," Jake chuckled while moving his thumb over his wait and swollen lower lip. "I wonder, if we both are like this, who would be the submissive one?"

"Not me," Noah retorted coldly and started the car.

"We will see," Jake smirked, remaining quiet. He didn't want to provoke Noah further, fearing he might actually be left on the deserted road.

Jake had already pushed his luck and challenged Noah enough, but he was confident that, sooner or later, he would get Noah either under him or over him, whichever suited them, or maybe they would take turns. His thoughts wandered.

They reached what had become 'their' apartment. Jake went to the refrigerator for water, while Noah headed straight to his room. "Good night," Noah said without pausing. "Already sleeping?" Jake asked.

"It's late, and I have work tomorrow," Noah replied, entering his room and closing the door behind him.

Jake scoffed internally, 'Such a chicken,' as he gulped down the water. 'As if I'm going to eat him right away. Well, I am a patient man,' he thought, putting the bottle back in the fridge. 'But not at this moment.'

With an evil smirk, he strode towards Noah's room. When he tried to open it, he found it locked. 'This damn guy. We can't go on like this,' Jake thought, frustrated.

Jake knocked on the door. "Noah."

There was no reply from inside.

He knocked louder. "Noah!"

"Get lost," came Noah's voice from inside.

Noah was changing into his night pajamas when he heard Jake again.

"I can't find... I need that..."

"What?" Noah growled from inside, unable to make out Jake's muffled words.

"Did you see that box... I had that..."

'This bish.' Annoyed, Noah, who had just removed his shirt, threw it aside in anger and opened the door, only to find Jake standing there.

"What are you looking for?" Noah asked.

"You," Jake pushed Noah inside the room and closed the door behind them. "I'm looking for you, so I can sleep with you."

Noah pushed Jake back toward the door, his hands firmly against Jake's chest. "What you want isn't available, so get lost."

Jake didn't resist. He allowed Noah to push him to the door, and when they reached it, Jake firmly held Noah's hands, turned him around, and pushed him against the door, a playful

smirk on his lips.

"What I want is definitely here, and I'm going to get it tonight."

Noah felt a surge of frustration. "Jake..."

"I want your help tonight, and I'm not backing down," Jake said, his gaze filled with determination and stubbornness. "I did it for you once, and you know it felt great. I want to feel the same. This time, I'm not running away. I want what I want."

Noah tried to push Jake away, struggling with his own feelings. He couldn't deny the bliss he had felt that day when Jake had brought him to climax. Since then, he had found himself recalling it every night.

"Jake..." Noah started, but Jake cut him off by guiding Noah's hand towards a certain part of his body. "I'm already hard. If you don't help me, I'll lose my mind." His gaze was intense, his voice full of need. "It's your fault for kissing me in the car. Now my body can't stop reacting

this way."

Noah felt annoyed. Jake was the one who had escalated things, yet he was placing the blame on Noah. 'Such an actor.'

"Please," Jake implored. "I deserve to be touched at least once, to feel it as well."

Noah looked into Jake's pleading eyes. He didn't move his hand away, feeling himself affected

by their closeness.

"Once, and it's the last time," Noah conceded.

"As you say," Jake replied, seizing the opportunity without further negotiation. Noah's hand moved to unbuckle Jake's belt, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. Jake gasped sharply the moment Noah's hands touched him. "Fuck..." he breathed, overwhelmed by the

sensation. "Feels fucking good."

"Shut up," Noah growled, his hand moving purposefully.

"As you say," Jake murmured, leaning in to kiss Noah.

Noah tried to pull away but Jake warned. "Don't, or I'll say even dirtier things."

Noah let him kiss him, his hand continuing its motions. Jake, his hardness in his hands felt so perfect and wished to keep doing it. Meanwhile Jake's hand roamed around Noah's shirtless upper body, feeling his taut muscles under his touch, letting out content groans under that

heavily satisfaction.

The air in the room turned heated with two grown men being intimate.

after a while, with loud groan Jake called out against Noah's swollen lips, "Damn it. You are going to be a death of me.... Your hands moves just so right."

In response Noah moved his hands faster..."Fuck..." Jake growled as he let out what he was holding in. Panting he rested his forehead against Noah's, not saying a single word.

"It's the first time I am being touched by someoene else. I am glad that someone else is you,


Though it was not Noah who went through it, he felt equally affected but then pushed Jake away, looking down at his own body, "Shit, I need to bath again," and walked inside the bathroom to clean himself.

Jake chuckled from behind, "Don't be so grossed out. I had yours pouring on me as well that

day in shower and I loved it."


The door of the bathroom slammed as Noah closed it while Jake looked down at himself, 'That felt really great.'

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