Young Noble Be Monster Slaying

Chapter 412: Stop Messing Around [End of Book 4]

Chapter 412: Stop Messing Around [End of Book 4]

Jiang Yuebai sat quietly on the branch of the ancient tree on Azure Falling Peak, frowning as her gaze lost in the distance where birds danced across the sky. A faint mist clouded her eyes.

She had been feeling a bit annoyed recently.

At first, it was the gnawing worry over Chu Liang's sudden disappearance that unsettled her. But after he was found, a new emotion took hold—one she hadn't expected. Watching him walk too close to Xu Hongqiu sparked a sudden, inexplicable anger within her.

These were emotions she had never felt in her lifetime before.

Ever since that day when she first laid eyes on Chu Liang, soaring toward her on the back of the Baize youngling, she couldn't shake the feeling that this person possessed an unusual charm.

Back then, he was just an unknown junior disciple, seemingly ordinary in every way. Yet, despite his unassuming appearance, he had a way of stirring her emotions. As events unfolded, it became clear that her instincts hadn't been wrong—this person was indeed extraordinary.

He rose to fame with astonishing speed, quickly becoming a celebrated prodigy among the immortal sects across the nine provinces. Yet to Jiang Yuebai, he remained unchanged—no different from the person she had always known.

What she cared about was never that. As for what it truly was, she couldn't quite put it into words.

Her esteemed teacher had taught her all the immortal arts of Mount Shu, but had never taught her what this feeling was.

"Jiangjiang!" A voice called from behind.

Jiang Yuebai didn't need to turn around to know it was her junior sister, Mu Yueting.

She had never been naturally gifted at socializing. Though she always appeared aloof and distant, it was more out of uncertainty in how to interact with others than a true desire to be solitary. Because of this, few dared to approach her, and even those who tried often found their courage faltering before they could utter a word, leading to awkward encounters.

Perhaps this was what set Chu Liang apart in her eyes—his effortless ease with people. He had a way of connecting with others naturally, instinctively earning their trust without even trying.

Because of her reserved nature, Jiang Yuebai had never had many close friends. The only one bold enough to call her Jiangjiang to her face was this junior sister.

"Mumu." Jiang Yuebai snapped out of her thoughts and said as she took her junior sister's hand. "What's up?"

"Have you heard? That Red Cotton Peak project Chu Liang's been working on—they've started building a lot of shops there recently. The disciples on the peak have all gone to check it out; let's go take a look too!" Mu Yueting said excitedly.

"Red Cotton Peak?"

Jiang Yuebai thought for a moment; she was, of course, aware of it. Before Chu Liang began any new project, he would always share his ideas with her, and she could grasp his vision immediately. Over time, the two had developed a quiet but deep understanding of each other.

She was naturally curious about the bustling activity on Red Cotton Peak. However, whenever she ventured out, she inevitably attracted a crowd. In busy places like this, it was even worse. While she wasn't afraid, the attention often became a nuisance.

After a brief pause, she shook her head and said, "Forget it, I won't go."

"It's okay," Mu Yueting insisted, tugging at her hand. "You need to go out more often; that way, people won't find it so unusual."

As Jiang Yuebai looked into her junior sister's eager eyes, she had no choice but to nod and say, "Alright then. Let's go have a look."

So, the two of them set off together for Red Cotton Market.

Upon arrival, they were met with a scene of transformation.

What had once been just two rows of modest stalls was now a thriving marketplace, with broad roads lined by towering pavilions. Although many of the shops were still preparing to open, some were already bustling with activity, drawing in a steady stream of people.

The original stalls remained, but with the addition of these new shops, more Mount Shu disciples had been inspired to set up their own stalls, contributing to the lively atmosphere.

In the center of the marketplace, a middle-aged man had claimed an open plot of land, proudly displaying a sign that read "Red Cotton Peak's First Shop." He had even drawn a circle around it to keep others at bay.

As soon as Jiang Yuebai arrived, she naturally drew the attention of many onlookers, but she moved through the crowd with a serene composure, as if the stares didn't exist.

As they continued walking, they suddenly came upon another area where a crowd had gathered, piquing their interest.

As Jiang Yuebai approached, murmurs spread quickly through the crowd, with voices calling out, "Fairy Jiang is here!" The crowd immediately parted, but only to surge towards her, leaving an open space at the center.

In that newly formed opening, Jiang Yuebai quickly spotted the center of attention: a beautiful woman in a scarlet robe, directing several burly men as they worked on constructing a building.

She naturally recognized her—this was Miss Xu Hongqiu, the Young Lady of the Whale Gang.

Miss Xu was overseeing the construction of the Whale Gang's new foothold on Red Cotton Peak, where they intended to establish a branch in the future.

With the crowd shifting around them, Xu Hongqiu turned, and her gaze met Jiang Yuebai's.

Jiang Yuebai, moving with the grace of someone strolling casually through the street, yet with an air as though she were descending from the heavens. Her garments billowed like clouds around her, exuding a brilliance that was both captivating and otherworldly.

The two women exchanged a glance. Although they recognized each other, they did not know each other well. After a brief pause, they both nodded in acknowledgment.

Just as Jiang Yuebai was about to continue walking down the street, a voice called out from behind, "Miss Jiang!"

She turned to see Xu Hongqiu quickly making her way toward her.

"Miss Xu?" Jiang Yuebai asked, puzzled, "What's the matter?"

"I... I have some questions to ask you," Xu Hongqiu began hesitantly. "It might be a bit presumptuous, but... I've heard some things about you and Young Hero Chu, and... I want to know if they're true? Because I..."

Despite being known for her boldness and straightforward nature—even daring to seek revenge for her father by attempting to assassinate a seventh-realm enemy on her own—Xu Hongqiu found herself hesitating as she asked this question.

But before she could finish, Jiang Yuebai gave a small, decisive nod and simply said, "Yes."

"I wanted to..." Xu Hongqiu was still searching for the right words when Jiang Yuebai's unexpected response interrupted her thoughts. She blinked in surprise, momentarily stunned. After a brief pause, she could only manage a confused, "Huh?"

Jiang Yuebai nodded again as she said, "Yes."


The imperial palace in the capital city of Yu.

The heavily fortified imperial city stood at the heart of the majestic and vast Panyang City. Within the innermost part of the imperial city lay the golden-bricked, jade-tiled palace city. The layers of palace walls seemed to carve the sky into perfect squares.

Although the weather had turned cold, the willows, flowers, and grass within the palace walls never withered, blooming as if it were still spring.

Lao Santai, accompanied by a group of palace attendants, led Di Nufeng into the grand hall, where an elder with clear, sharp features and clad in plain robes was already seated, awaiting their arrival.

"You two, please wait here while I inform His majesty," Lao Santai said with a slight bow before excusing himself.

"Well, well." Di Nufeng smiled upon seeing the elder and greeted him warmly, "Old Qi, it's been a long time."

This man was none other than Qi Yingxuan, the Imperial Supervisory Commissioner of the Yu Dynasty.

The Imperial Supervisory Commissioner smiled as he replied, "Indeed, it has been a long time. Miss Feng, I see you have made progress in your cultivation. You are not far off from achieving the Heavenly Origin Realm."

"Hmph," Di Nufeng scoffed, "I knew it—this is exactly why they've summoned me here. The moment I spend a few days cultivating seriously, these old folks start getting restless."

Qi Yingxuan smiled but said nothing.

"And what are you smiling about? Yan Zi goes into closed-door cultivation for a few days, and suddenly you can't sit still either, can you?" Di Nufeng shot him a pointed glare.

Qi Yingxuan immediately stopped smiling and took on a more serious expression as he said, "I'm not afraid, but I don't want to see her efforts go to waste while causing a conflict among us who are on the same side."

"Why are you being so fierce?" Di Nufeng glared at him once more.

Qi Yingxuan blinked, his lips curling into an expression that resembled a smile, though it was clearly not one.

"Hahaha..." At that moment, a hearty laugh echoed from the rear of the hall as a tall elder in a dragon-embroidered robe strode in, flanked by palace attendants.

He looked old, with white hair and high, arched eyebrows. His wide eyes still radiated a strong energy, like a blazing flame. Even though he was not angry, he still exuded an aura of authority that demanded respect. With a quick flick of his sleeve, he took the foremost seat.

In the vast lands of the nine provinces of the Yu Dynasty, only one person dared to occupy this seat.

He was the current emperor with the surname Xia.

Di Nufeng remained standing while the Imperial Supervisory Commissioner rose to greet him, and that was all. Cultivators from the sects in the Divine Nine and Terrestrial Ten would not have to bow when entering the imperial hall, especially the Eminent Ones—this was a tradition established when the Yu Dynasty was founded.

"Stop messing around..." the emperor said with a smile as he settled into his seat. "Second Aunt."

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