Your San Value is Zero

Chapter 17: intention

After walking for a long time, I finally saw the strange water friends who couldn't bear the excitement, and put aside what Director Ma said just now, and swarmed up again.

This time is different from being in the forest, there is enough space to surround the goblins. Although the inside of the cave is much wider than the entrance, three people standing in a row is the limit.

Those who rushed to the front waved their weapons and slashed at the goblins. The goblins were small and easy to avoid.

These goblins are not as gorgeous as the ones encountered in the wild in terms of costumes, and their movements are not as dexterous, but it is enough to avoid player attacks in the cave.

The players on both sides slowed down their actions due to the narrow space hindering their performance without making two slashes. Often the blades got stuck on the rock wall or the top of the cave before they got close to the goblins. Only the player in the middle had more room to play. Caused a certain threat, but still failed to hit.

Soon the formation became chaotic, the players on both sides were slightly behind, and one player in the middle rushed in front of the goblin.

A goblin drew out a dagger and stabbed at the player's leg, while the other dangled a torch in front of the player. The sparks burned to the player's eyelashes. The player subconsciously closed his eyes and didn't notice the stabbing of the goblin below.

"Ah!" The player squinted and fell to the ground, throwing away the weapon in his hand to cover his injured leg.

The goblin below took the opportunity to stab the player's chest, and after pulling out the dagger, blood gushed out. Even if only the minimum pain perception was turned on, this feeling greatly stimulated the player, and the heart-piercing scream was heard in the air. The reverberation in the cave caused the player's eardrums to tingle.

The players on both sides hurried forward to support, and wanted to take the opportunity to slash the goblin who continued to make up the knife, but the two slashed to one place, and the sound of iron clashing echoed in the cave, and they canceled each other's attacks.

The goblin quickly retreated to create a distance. Seeing their teammate fell to the ground and howling, the two hurriedly dragged him back.

A person from the back stepped forward to make up for it, but obviously he was not a goblin's opponent, and was affected by the layout of the cave, so he didn't dare to slash the long sword hard, for fear of accidentally getting the blade stuck on the stone wall.

"It's time to show my true strength!" The water friend who used the spear saw the problem. There was no room for manipulating long knives and swords in the cave. Only his spear in the team could play in such a narrow space. effect.

The water friend who used the spear stood on one side and stabbed the goblin, but the opponent directly grabbed the spear tip. His speed was too slow, and it was very easy for the goblin to parry.

"To be disarmed!"

"That's it? That's it?"

"You can't even beat goblins, a bunch of trash~"

"I think goblins are too strong. Ordinary people who don't know any fighting skills are no match at all."

"No way, no way, there are helpers cleaning the floor?"

"That's right, goblins are the weakest everywhere, if you can't even fight this, you should go home and pick your feet."

"Is this the edge OB studio? The anchor is hanging up?"

"Stop swiping, you have to hang up on the host, why don't you stand behind and let everyone watch the show, have fun."

Director Ma’s live broadcast room was ridiculed by spectators. Just as he was thinking about how to deal with the current situation, a goblin’s head suddenly appeared in sight, only a few centimeters away from him.

"Mist Grass! Scared me!"

"Damn, is this a horror game?"

"Barrage body protection!"

"Barrage body protection!!!"

Director Ma was also taken aback, his san value dropped wildly, just when he was trying to figure out what happened, a large number of body shield barrages blocked his vision.

The next moment Director Ma only felt a heat in his throat, and at the same time a stabbing pain in his chest, and he flew backwards.

The water friend who had just retreated to Instructor Ma saw it clearly, a goblin crawled along the top of the cave and attacked him from above.

The player who had carried his brother on his back stood at the back and saw a goblin jumping down from the top of his head to attack the horse. The guide hurriedly looked up to confirm the situation at the top.

The cave is less than three meters high, and I haven't seen any gaps above it for goblins to get in and out. If I had been lying on it, I should have seen it when I came here.

Then there is only one possibility that makes sense. This goblin followed up quietly from behind, then climbed to the top and jumped down to surprise the horse guide.

The player in the back of the palace thought until his back felt cold, he turned his head and looked, two goblins had already approached and were waiting for him to turn around.

A white light flashed, and the last player fell to the ground clutching his neck. The artery and throat were cut, unable to make a sound, and could only thrash about on the ground.

Three teammates lost their combat effectiveness, one howled miserably, and the two vomited blood while clutching their necks. Their faces were extremely ferocious, which caused a great mental shock to the remaining four players.

Even the water friends who watched through the live broadcast room of Ma Guidance were terrified.

"I thought it was an ordinary adventure mmorpg, but I didn't expect it to be a horror game."

"This picture is so realistic and exciting."

"Anchor, get up, don't lie on the ground and thump."

"What do you know about the barrage in front of it? is called Water Splashing ~ the most suitable anchor for salted fish."



The audience in the live broadcast room stood and talked without pain in their backs. After recovering from the shock just now, they began to tease Director Ma again.

In modern warfare, troops with a casualty rate of 30% will be regarded as incapacitated, and the tragic death or mourning of teammates around them will greatly affect morale and destroy the fighting will of the rest.

And for some miscellaneous troops, the lower limit may be even lower. The reason why the team with a playful mentality like Director Ma and his water friends did not collapse after the first person was injured is mainly because it is just because it is a game. I can be reborn after death, and the pain is only one percent of reality.

But seeing the scene where the two were struggling with their throats cut, and at the same time being affected by the screaming of another injured person, the atmosphere of the game gradually dissipated. Coupled with the oppressive atmosphere in the cave, despair spread rapidly among them.

The San value of everyone who had a broken mentality plummeted. Under the influence of this great despair, some people would be paralyzed to the ground, and some people would turn their extreme despair and fear into anger.

The player using the spear suddenly exploded at the moment of being disarmed, tightening the grip and roaring forward, "Ahhh!"

The goblin who wanted to avoid the spear let go and dodged. The other goblin behind it unfortunately lay down on the spear and was pierced by the player using the spear.

Seeing a teammate hurt a goblin, another water friend who was also dominated by anger swung a knife at the goblin beside him.

Du Wei could learn about the situation of all the players through the black cat Assia. Unavoidable, accidents happened. Some people's San value dropped to zero, and they were always watching the players' movements in the cave.

"These two are kind." The black cat Assia said, wagging her tail.

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