You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 182 (3)

Chapter 182 (3)

[AD group]

ZGDX, Chessman: (in Korean) When I was fighting with Li Junhe for the starting position and eventually pushed him to the substitute seat, Xiujun was still a trainee at the time. I left the team, then it was Li Junhes turn, then him. Therefore, no matter what, he cant do much in front of me.

(Switching back to Chinese) A lot of people said that ZGDXs unlucky, facing TAT right after the match against OP. Actually, to us, it doesnt matter when well encounter TAT because our goal is the championship. To be the champion, we have to crush the whole LCK region sooner or later, no matter how bloody thatll be.

TAT, Tyouzzr: Ill show Cheng Ge that Im not what I used to be!

[SUP group]

ZGDX, Pang: Today, between the LPL and LCK regions, one team will definitely be eliminated. Ive decided to reserve this precious chance for the LCK region-- --Wards will be all over their jungle just like the five-star red flag all over the moon. They will light up their road as they return home.

TAT, Superman: Hahahahaha, really? He really said that? Ahh, man, he really knows how to trash talk I cant stand him!

People back in the break room burst into laughter at Little Fattys (using wards to) light up their road to go back home. Laughter could also be heard from the audience

Ai Jia: That Fatty on your team is truly the king of trash talking.

Tong Yao: He cares a lot about the trash talk segment. Whenever were on the plane going to different competition sites, he uses all that time to think about how to say it-- --

Jinyang: Whats the purpose of this kind of segment? How does this promote solidarity and friendship? It feels like in the end no one wants to pretend anymore and tries their best at trashing the other side At the Olympics, at least they superficially shout out about how friendship comes first, competition second!

Tong Yao said lightly: The audience likes to watch it.

She turned to look at all the YQCB players behind her: See, look how much they enjoyed it.

Jinyang turned to take a look. It was true and she gave them a disdainful look.

On the big screen in front of them, the trash talking had ended and the ban & pick phase had started. TAT first banned Lu Yues Azir, Twisted Fate, and Kalista without any hesitation. ZGDX banned Ah Tais Leblanc and the two favorite champions of their top, Gnar and Maokai-- --

Then TAT grabbed Rumble as their first pick.

The audience was in an uproar.

[Theyve brought their emotions from the pregame trash talk onto the battlefield now.] Commentator D said: [It looks like TAT is really going to challenge Cats champion pool today-- --They refused to let him take Rumble! Furthermore, they even forced ZGDX to ban Gnar and Maokai as well. At a moment like this, lets wait and see how Cat is going to make his choice!]

Just as the commentator finished, ZGDX immediately took Riven after TATs choice of Rumble and instantly locked in!

The audience was quiet for a few seconds, then went wild-- --Riven, the Exile, was a champion quite popular among players in lower ranked games but was seldom used by professionals in regular competitions. The ban rate for this champion in this years world competition so far was: 0%!

Commentator F: [I cant believe my own eyes.]

Commentator D: [Cat has chosen Riven-- --Either he was just that irritated by TAT or this is his special skill that hes been hiding for so long!]

After the match officially began, the facts proved that Commentator Ds prophecy had unfortunately come true-- --

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