Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.491 Status after the Match

CH.491 Status after the Match

“Alright Brian. Time to spill.” Wendy said. 

We had been healed by the priest that was taking care of me before the match and we were moving towards our box seating.

“What do you want to know first?” I asked, honestly not knowing where to start.

“... Good question. How about we start at the beginning. You knew you were facing me because …”

“Because the Hero’s reclaimed System Support, or as the System calls them, System agent, or as you may know them as, angel, contacted me.”

“Yes. That is a good start. So … System Supports become angels?”

“Kind of. Not all System agents act as angels. … at least as far as I know. Angels are specifically System agents that respond to the Holy Magic spells and send visions.”

“... and there are other kinds of System agents?”

“Yes. One of my main contacts is named Aulis, he was the System Support of the first summoner, Great Sage Ritva. He is responsible for the Prophecies his holder made while she was alive.”

“Ah. I see.”

We then arrived at our box seat, where my girls all congratulated us on a good fight. It really got the crowd excited for what is coming next. 

“... Alright, next thing.” Wendy continued our talk from the outside. “That armor you wore. What was it? Where did you get it? It was made of a legendary metal, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah. My stardust armor is made of star titanium, like my sword was. And I made them myself.”

“... you made it? I didn’t know you were skilled in blacksmithing and crafting.”

“Yeah, I kind of have a lot of skills, in case you didn’t notice.”

“I did. I actually wanted to ask about it. … well, moreso your transformations. Is it a skill? I’ve never heard or read about anything like it.”

“Yeah, makes sense. It is my racial-unique skill. You’ve heard of them, right?”

“Yes. There are reports of a few, but they are exceedingly rare.”

“Well, I have one. I also have a race that is unique to me. Combine my race and my unique-racial skill, and I can transform into many different races and use the racial skills of those races. Though I do have to learn how to use the racial skill first.”

“... so you … what, changed your race? During a fight?”

“Multiple times, yes. I started off as an Advanced Human, with Swordsman as my class race. Oh, class race is a type of race that is gained based on a skill. Swordsman coming from Sword Technique. I then swapped to Dragon Hearted and used my Draconic skills, along with some Spirit Magic.”

“I don’t need the full play-by-play. I was your opponent. I experienced it firsthand.” Wendy said.

“... sorry. So, next question then?”

“The floating arms? What were they?”

I generated a Magical Arm and showed it to Wendy.

“Magical Arms. A new skill I’m developing with a System agent. You did hear about the Designing skill being added to the System, right?”


“Similar to that, but this skill needs more work, so I currently have a prototype version of it, so the System can collect more information on it, before they implement the skill.”

“And the golden swords?”

“Just an extra skill called Restraining Sword Barrage. I’m sure someone has had it before.”

“... alright. And one last thing. When did you make a summoning contract with a Fenrir?!”

“Some time ago. I can give you the exact date, but I doubt you care.”

“... so it really is a summoning contract and not your card.”

“Yeah, I didn’t want to use my cards in the match to test myself. Sorry if you think that means I looked down on you.”

“Don’t worry about it. Had you been more used to that … possession technique you may have defeated me. … what was that thing anyway?”

“A reverse union. Comes from the Beast Union skill.” 

“... I think I’ve heard of that. Some rare skill tamers sometimes have. Allows them to become one with the tamed beast.”

“Also works with summoned beasts, but correct. Usually the person becomes one with the monster, but with practice, you can have the monster become one with you. And since you gain all of that monster's stats, it is a massive power boost.” I explained.

“... so you just … took all the power of a Fenrir into your body?”

“Basically. But man it was hard to control. Honestly, I’m just glad my arm was only injured and didn’t completely blow up.”

Admitting that got me a look for Lua, who didn’t seem happy about the fact that I just admitted to almost blowing up my arm for a show match. She checked over my body completely, but didn’t find anything abnormal, and let me go.

I then decided it was about time I checked my status, because I feel like I may have gotten a skill because of what I did.

Name: Brian Wood
Race: One without a Race - Spiritual / Summoner / Advanced Human ✯
Level: 194 [+6]
HP: 10,110 [+870] (+25,500)  
Mana: 15,820 [+780] (+23,200)  
Strength: 4755 [+760]
Defense: 5325 [+700]
Magic: 6500 [+300]
Unique-Racial Skills *
One of Every Race LV.4 (unique-racial) [+1]
 - Multi-Armed LV.2 (racial) 
 - Jack of All Trades LV.3 (racial) [+1]
 - Sword Master LV.2 (racial) [+1]
 - Draconic Body LV.5 (racial)
 - Draconic Magic LV.5 (racial)
 - Enhanced Hearing LV.2 (racial)
 - Enhanced Olfactory LV.1 (racial) [new]
 - Hardened Scales LV.3 (racial) 
 - Swift Swimming LV.5 (racial) 
 - Winged Flight LV.5 (racial) [+1]
 - Tough Claws LV.3 (racial)
 - Rending Claws LV.2 (racial) [+1]  
 - Advanced Summoning Magic LV.4 (racial) [+1] 
 - Spirit Magic LV.5 (racial)
 - True Blood Magic LV.4 (racial)
Unique Skills 
Pack Opener LV.8 (unique)
Different Dimension Factory LV.9 (unique) 
Storage LV.10 (unique)
Magical Arms LV.N/A (prototype) 
Mana Coated Body Modification LV.N/A (prototype) 
Extra Skills *
Limit Break LV.1 (extra)
Spiritual Space Magic LV.6 (extra) 
Spiritual Time Magic LV.4 (extra)
Mana Vision LV.5 (extra)
Telekinesis LV.8 (extra)
Mana Flight LV.5 (extra)
Restraining Sword Barrage LV.3 (extra) 
Dark Chain LV.4 (extra)
Summoner’s Unity LV.10 (extra)
Beast Union LV.4 (extra) [+2] 
Mental Visual Designing (extra)
Dungeon Founder (extra)
Summon Time Spirit (extra)
Summon Space Spirit (extra)
Summon Light Spirit (extra)
Summon Dark Spirit (extra)
Summon Water Spirit (extra)
Summon Earth Spirit (extra)
Summon Fire Spirit (extra)
Summon Wind Spirit (extra) 
Summon Nature Spirit (extra)
Summon Beast Spirit (extra)
Health Conscious (extra)
Normal Skills *
Sword Technique LV.7  
Mana Blade LV.3 
Shield Technique LV.5
Flickering Step LV.3 
Strength Boost LV.3 [+1]  
Defense Boost LV.13  [+2] 
Advanced Mana Control LV.17 [+2] 
Fast Mana Recovery LV.5 
Quick Cast LV.4 
Instant Cast LV.2 
Taming LV.2
Designing LV.8 [+2] 
Blacksmithing LV.5 [+4]
Crafting LV.4 [+3]
Enchanting LV.10 
Cooking LV.10 [new]
Service LV.2 [new]
Dragon Life Dedication (Greater True Fire Dragon) Dragon King
Lachros’ Blessing Iris’ Blessing
Eosther’s Blessing   Nyx’s Blessing  
Thalassa’s Blessing  Gaia’s Blessing 
Ninatia’s Blessing   Pan’s Blessing
Cailie’s Blessing (Wind Spirits Blessing (Greater))  Nature Spirits Blessing (Greater)
Friend of the Spirits   Skill Maker 
SS-Rank Summoner  The Sky isn’t a Limit 
Lifesaver  Blood Sucker (racial) 
Honorary Baron of Ruiso Kingdom Language Comprehension (humanoid) (draconic)
Slave Master Slaves: Rhianna



And as I suspected, I have a new skill. Technically three from your point of view, but it isn’t my fault that I don’t show every single stat change anymore. 

So yeah. The actual new skill is Enhanced Olfactory, aka enhanced smelling. Came with the Wolf-folk race. The Wolf-folk also has access to Tough Claws as a racial skill, but I naturally already had that.

Cooking and Service I gained during the seafood feast we had with the dragons, after the fissure near Jala’s island. [CH.483] I then decided to level up Cooking all the way to level 10, because having a LV.10 Cooking skill just sounded like a good idea.

And admittedly, it wasn’t a bad idea. Unlike with Enchanting, Cooking is a simple physical activity, so there is very little disconnect between my skill level, and what I can actually do. It’s not like cooking is super complicated when you cook simple recipes. Maybe if I made something more difficult, I’d actually run into problems.

I then checked One of Every Race.

One of Every Race      
Normal Races Class Races Modifier Races Special Races
Human ☐ Swordsman ☐ Spiritual ☑ Dragon Hearted ☐
Advanced Human ☑ Guardian ☐ Multi-Armed ☐  Melusine ☐ 
Cat-folk ☐ Sorcerer ☐   Fenrir-kin ☐ [new] [locked]
Wolf-folk ☐ [new] Summoner ☑   Spiritual Being ☐
Wolf-kin ☐ [new] Enchanter ☐     
Rabbit-folk ☐ User or Rare Skills ☐    
Bird-folk ☐  Dragon King ☐    
Lizard-folk ☐      
Mer-folk ☐      
Dhampir ☐      
Dhampir Cured ☐      
[Change to selected Race]      

 And there was a bit more here than I expected. Not only did I have Wolf-folk, I also got Wolf-kin, and even Fenrir-kin, though Fenrir-kin is locked. I checked the lock part, and it said that Fenrir-kin is locked until the skill Alpha is gained. Alpha is a racial skill that Wolf-kin can gain, so I’ll need to work on that.

Also, since One of Every Race leveled up, I can now pick a Class race while I have a special race active. So I can finally be a Dragon Hearted Dragon King. Still can’t pick two class races at the same time, but maybe next level. 

Or maybe I’ll get some sort of chimera ability where I can combine multiple Beast-folk races into one super race. … okay, probably not. I don’t doubt that I’ll get that ability eventually, but I doubt that it is next.

Soon enough, it was time for the parties that passed the preliminaries to be introduced, and then the tournament bracket will be revealed. 

We heard all the party names, which I won’t recap here because coming up with names is hard, as well as their placement in the preliminaries.

The Card Beasts came in fourth, being the third fastest party to come back with all ten requested items. The one party that beat them with not all ten items did so because of how fast they returned with eight items. In fact, they were the fastest to return of all parties, and the only reason they didn’t get first is because they only had eight of the ten items.

As for the bracket, well, it was made so that the number one team was against the number 8 team. Then 3 was against 6, 2 against 7, and finally 4 against 5. So the fastest teams were separated from each other, probably so that the later matches would be the most exciting ones.

I don’t know how far each of the teams will get, but hopefully the Card Beasts will win at least one match.

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