500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 332 Zodiac Duel Pt 2

I turned to face Scorpio, who had just reached me, but I sidestepped at the last second as he lunged at me with his tail extended. His tail hit the ground where I had been standing a split second before as I brought my arm up and slammed my elbow into his back.

He stumbled forward a few steps before turning to face me with an angry glare, but I just smiled sweetly at him before reaching out and grabbing his face. My hand started to glow brightly as golden symbols started to appear on Scorpio's skin while he started struggling against my grip weakly. Astral Armor covered him, and swords appeared in his hands as I kicked him back.

"What the hell, bro?! Why do you keep making us stronger?" Scorpio complained in confusion as I dodged a double arrow from Sage.

"You still aren't strong enough yet. You all challenged me, so I am just giving you a boost, so you have a chance!" I laughed, and Scorpio glared at me.

"We didn't need your help, Shit, Cat! We could have taken you on our own!" he roared as he charged at me with his swords raised, but I just crossed my arms and waited for him to reach me.

I sidestepped at the last second, and his momentum carried him past me, and then I spun and kicked him in the back to hit the ground hard. He tried to get up but staggered a few steps before Taurus caught him and steadied him. The two of them turned to glare at me while Scorpio shook free and glared daggers at Taurus, who was just looking amused.

"What the fuck is your problem, Shit Cat?" Scorpio demanded as he turned to face me while holding his back with one hand.

"I just wanted to even the playing field a little so that it would be more fun," I said before winking at them. "But don't worry, I will stop when you two are strong enough."

The two of them looked at each other for a minute before turning back to glare at me some more, but then Taurus sighed and shook his head. "Whatever you say, Ophiuchus."

Scorpio just grumbled but didn't say anything as the two of them turned to face Sage, who was looking at us with a mix of confusion and worry.

"You three okay?" he called out, but we all ignored him.

The two of them rushed me while Sage started knocking another arrow, but this time I was ready for them. I reached out and grabbed both of their wrists before yanking hard and swinging my legs up in a sweeping kick that took both of their feet out from under them. The two slammed into the ground hard with a grunt as they hit on their stomachs, robbing the wind from their lungs for a second or so before I was on top of Taurus and had him in an arm lock, but now I was giving him some new armor and more axes.

Sage released his arrow, but I turned my head at the last second to watch it fly by harmlessly as Scorpio got up with a murderous look on his face. I yanked hard on Taurus's arm and slammed him back-first into the ground before leaping up to my feet and turning to face Scorpio, who was already rushing at me with his tail extended once more.

I sidestepped at the last second, but he turned in midair and lashed out with his tail, but I was already moving. I reached out and grabbed it before yanking hard and using his momentum to spin him around before releasing him. He hit the ground hard on all fours like a cat that had just fallen off a high place as I leaped over him towards Sage, who had just knocked another arrow.

I grabbed the centaur man's shoulders, covered him in Armor, and doubled the size of his bow and arrows before I was bucked off. I hit the ground hard but quickly rolled to my feet and turned towards the now armored centaur who was aiming his bow at me.

I sidestepped at the last second and felt the wind of it passing by my face as I reached up and grabbed it out of midair before breaking it in half and throwing it back at him. The two halves struck him in each shoulder, causing him to stagger back a few steps while clutching them. His Armor started to glow brightly, along with tattoos of stars appearing all over his body as he leaped into the air towards me while drawing another arrow.

The other two were quickly catching up as well, but I was not done yet. I focused my will into my hand and reached out towards the oncoming arrow before grabbing it and stopping its momentum. It hovered in midair for a second before I slammed it back into his bow with enough force to snap the string and send him tumbling through the air back toward me.

I caught him by his Armor and held him close as his body started to give off a soft glow while stars began appearing all over his skin like they had with Scorpio earlier, but this time I did something funny. I sent a bolt of energy into his Armor that started to make funny symbols appear all over it as well.

"What the hell did you do to me?" he gasped out in surprise as his body was wracked with convulsions.

"I just gave you a little power boost," I replied before smirking at him. "But don't worry, it will wear off in time."

Before he could say anything else, I tossed him towards Taurus, who was closing in on me with an axe raised while Scorpio lunged at me with his tail once more. I sidestepped at the last second and brought my hand up to grab it before yanking hard and using his momentum to swing him around and slam him into Taurus, who had just thrown his axe at me. The three of them hit the ground hard while grunting in pain, but I didn't give them a chance to recover.

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