500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 333 Zodiac Duel Pt 3

I reached out with my hand and grabbed the axe out of midair before spinning around and throwing it at Taurus, who was just getting up. He cried out in pain as it embedded itself in his shoulder, but I was already moving. I rushed forward and slammed my fist into his face, sending him stumbling back a few steps while clutching his nose which was now bleeding profusely.

I turned just in time to block an attack from Scorpio with my arm before roundhouse kicked him in the chest and sent him flying backward into the stands in a clear area. I quickly turned back to face Taurus, who was coming at me with his axe raised, but I ran forward and leaped into the air, doing a flip over him before landing on my feet behind him.

Before he could turn around, I reached out and grabbed his axe arm before yanking hard and using my momentum to swing myself up onto his shoulders. I wrapped my legs around his neck in a stranglehold as he started thrashing about wildly, trying to reach me with his free hand while dropping the axe.

"Yield," I demanded as he started to weaken from lack of oxygen, but he just gritted his teeth and continued to struggle against me.

I sighed before reaching up and grabbing the back of his head with both hands before slamming it down into my knee. He let out a grunt of pain as stars appeared on his forehead, and he dropped out cold. I healed his shoulder and then turned to the other two, who were getting back up.

Leo had already been dragged off, but Luck and Destiny and soon Taurus would join him. Now that there were just two of them, things should get interesting, and then the runes I placed on them activated as I snapped my fingers.


"What is wrong with this idiot?! He is making a mockery of this test!" Fate complained, but she turned a cold glare on her brother. Karma was getting tired of his pettiness.

"This is your own fault. Ophiuchus is trying to get his power back so he can be more helpful to those that he is trying to protect. You just see this about you, but what is your real problem with him? You are the one that treats him like this, not the other way around. I am sure that you might even like him if you got to know him," She said as the girls got back from dragging Leo to Capricorn, but now they were going to have to go back down there to get Taurus.

"Why do you like him so much? You always stick up for him! If you like him so much, then why don't you join him?! You seem like you like him!" Fate growled, and Karma turned up her nose at her brother.

"Maybe I will!" She said, and Luck ran over, pulling Destiny.

"Can we come too?!" Luck asked, and Destiny nodded shyly.

"Wait! What?! You can't just leave!" Fate declared, but Karma frowned at him.

"Why not? I am sick of this place, and you are just a big bully! I am going to go join Ophiuchus, and you can't stop me!" She said as she walked down from the box that they were all watching the Cat God from.

Luck and Destiny quickly followed her as Fate growled in frustration before following them. He was not going to let his sister get away with this! If she was going to go join Ophiuchus, then he was going to as well!

Murphy was watching this all and knew that nothing good could come from this. Something was for sure to go wrong.


Both of the remaining two were now swelled up with power and were starting to look more like monsters than people, but they would return back to normal when we were done. For now, I just needed them to be stronger and give me a run for my money.

"Are you sure you want to do this? This power is... a lot," Scorpio asked as he looked down at his massive body with some apprehension.

"I am sure. I need to be stronger if I am going to protect those that I care about," I said as the two of them charged at me, but this time they were too fast for me.

I was knocked on my back as they both hit me like a freight train, and I hit the ground hard with a grunt of pain. I had been cut a few times, but they healed almost instantly as I got back up to look at what I had done.

Scorpio was a massive golden armored scorpion with great swords for claws and a thin needle-like blade attached to his tail. Sagittarius was now a gold plated war-horse covered in spikes, and both of them towered over me, but now it was my turn.

I leaped out of the way of a strike from Scorpio's tail as I sucked in more Astral Energy, filling my body and causing me to transform into a galactic cat, but I was only about twice the size of a normal house cat. Both men stopped and backed up from me, starting to circle me.

"What is this tiny little form?" Sagittarius laughed down at me, and I licked my paw to smooth the single strand of fur that was the bane of my existence.

"It is not about the size of the tool; it is how it is used," I said cryptically as I lazily watched them both and then pounced at the right moment.

I hit Scorpio in the chest, sending him stumbling back a few steps while grunting in pain, but then quickly turned my attention to Sagittarius, who was galloping towards me with his mouth open wide. I waited until he was just about on top of me before leaping up into the air while spinning around and slamming my back paws into his face.

His momentum carried him past me as he stumbled a few steps before regaining his balance and turning to face me with an angry glare. My fur started to glow brightly, along with stars appearing all over my body as they both charged at me again, but this time they were too slow for my new form.

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