A random pokemon journey

Leveled up

Leveled up

'Yeah , I am definitely not selling this to anyone.' I thought while looking at the ten fluid ounces of potion I had in the glass flask for storage. Rather than sell it I was going to keep it for myself as a stimulant this potent could make training much more efficient if I was careful with the dosage. 'A fifth of a drop per ten gallons of water should suffice for most of my needs.' I thought before storing the potion in my bag with a label called {Energy} on it.-

Yani finally finished her evolution at this point and I got to see what she looked like now. I could tell immediately that she had upgraded her shiny variation to the second stage as her colors were off from the normal shiny colors that Grovyle had. A normal shiny Grovyle had cyan like skin and bright red leafage on it's arms , head and tailbone. Yani on the other hand had dark blue skin with green swirls all over it and her leafage was pure white with small streaks of green across them like tiger stripes. Her chest and belly were also white with green streaks through it like her leafage.-

[Pokemon: Grovyle(Aranyani)


Moveset: Leer(E) , pound(E) , leaf storm(E)(egg move) , Absorb(E) , quick attack(E) , pursuit(E) , screech(E) , mega drain(E) , agility(E) , slam(E) , detect(E) , giga drain(E) , false swipe(E) , night slash(E) , nature orb(E) , leaf blade(n) , fury cutter(n) , bullet seed(n)

Skills: Aura(N)

Variations: Shiny(Stage two)



Sp. Atk: 169

Sp. Def:125


Ability: Overgrow(A)]

Her evolution was a big upgrade in nearly all stats and she even learned three new moves from it with one of them being the well know signature moves for the Grovyle species , leaf blade. The other two moves were more of a natural progression type deal and were gained by luck I am pretty sure. I also noticed that the system acknowledged that she had aura as a skill which made me wonder why it hadn't until now. I flat out asked and the answer I got was surprising and interesting to learn. Pokemon at some level have always known how to use their aura but converted the energy to type energy for use without realizing it.-

This meant that for them to actually count as using their auras they have to hit the same level of skill as a human would at the journeyman level of mastery. Basically this entire time Yani and the rest of my pokemon have counted as before the novice level of mastery and as a result haven't had the skill show up in their statuses before now. Vulcan was pissed when I explained this to them as it had been practicing aura for months and still didn't count as having reached the threshold of novice mastery.-

"So how do you feel?" I asked my not so small reptile as she flexed her body to get a feel for it. "Gro! Gro! Vyl!" She said with a smile. "Of course you feel strong all of your stats have grown dramatically. It would be no exaggeration to say that this version of you is nearly twice as strong as your previous self." I said with a chuckle. Yani nodded in understanding before clasping her claws together and a green glow rose from between them. This action confused me until she spread her claws and and cloud of green mist poured out and surrounded her before clearing to reveal her with a proud smile.-

It took me only a moment to realize what she had done and to sigh in irritation. She had created a wide area grass type healing move much like her single target nature orb but to cover more than one pokemon. "Was this what you have been complaining about not being able to do?" I asked referring to her constant complaints about her bodies limits holding her back. Yani nodded and roughly tried to communicate that she was all done with the fundamentals of this move but simply lacked the energy density needed to actualize it.-

Moves of course had requirements to use like how an Oddish couldn't pull off a solar beam right after hatching even if you used a TM to teach it the move. The thing most trainers forget is that the vast majority of pokemon moves have been refined at a near genetic level over countless years so that pokemon "Naturally" learn them after fulfilling the requirements. Part of this refinement of course included energy density and capacity in the pokemon using the move. This new move Yani made however was basically the first draft of the move and thus had very high requirements.-

Ironically she knew the stuff she needed to do to use the move before she evolved but simply lacked the requirements to do so. Now she had the energy density that was required to use the move which pleased her greatly. None of this solved the issue that came with her making yet another healing grass type move. I hadn't even finished my plan involving the first one yet and here she was with another. I won't ever discourage my pokemon from doing something that was by it's nature good for them but that didn't mean it was any less irritating of a situation.-

'I suppose I will already have a target on my back anyways so whats making it bigger going to do?' I think with a sigh. Moving on from that we spent the next couple days slowly making our way to the base of Mt. Chimney collecting a large amount of resources in the process. We even had a few more levels grabbed by everyone minus Tank who was still waiting for his next evolution as that was coming up in about three weeks.-

Yani hit level sixty five like the monster she is , Gaia hit level seventy six , Vulcan hit ninety four and Rune hit seventy five. The egg was also moving every now and then in the incubation pocket of my bag which was a sign that it would hatch soon. Within three days according to the system after I checked with it. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit excited about it as I really wanted to see what was up with the variation and ability that the thing had. I hoped beyond all else though it still had the water typing as my team desperately needed one.-

Finally reaching the huge volcanos base all of my pokemon minus Gaia and Vulcan complained that it was too damn hot. I had Rune , Yani and Tank all ask to go in their balls from how hot it was near the volcano. I couldn't blame them either as even I was sweating profusely and needed to drink some water with a bit of salt in it every now and again to maintain my hydration and saline levels. Thankfully the path to the lift was well visible and had signs along the side to make sure only an imbecile could get lost unless they chose to.

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