A random pokemon journey

Smiting Magma

Smiting Magma

Following this nice even red stone pathway up the side of the volcano the lift soon came into view and there blocking the way was two guys casually chatting with each other in dark red outfits that had horns on the hoodies and a stylized "M" on the chest while they also wore black wide leg pants held up with red belts. 'I was expecting this and yet I am still disappointed.' I thought with a sigh as I pulled out my pokenav to dial up Birch. The call rang for a suspiciously long time before the man answered with a less than pleased sounding voice.-

"What did you do this time?" the man asked with clear irritation. "I would call someone else if I didn't know for a fact that you have a bunch of free time. Anyways that aside I am on the side of Mt. Chimney and have spotted a couple of Magma grunts blocking the lift , the idiots aren't even in disguise. I was calling to let you or more specifically the league know that I was going to take action to stop whatever they were planning at the top of the volcano." i said and the line went quiet.-

"I'll let Flannery know so she can try and lend assistance since that's her area , but Alex be careful. You might cause me an endless amount of headaches but I'd be rather upset if you got killed doing the leagues job , Birch out." the man said sternly before hanging up. "Well then with that out of the way who wants to go knee cap those two idiots over there?" I asked my two pokemon that were out at the moment with a grin. Surprisingly Vulcan gave up without a debate and let Gaia take the lead on this one.-

She didn't disappoint as two stone grasps popped up next to the two grunts that actually looked at them in confusion for a few moments before realizing that they were under attack. "CRACK! AAAAAAAAAHH!" the crisp sound of bones breaking and the agonizing wails that followed shortly afterwards proved that realization was far too late. Gaia had used the stone grasps to latch onto both of the legs of the grunts and squeeze till the knees shattered from the pressure. "Brutally effective as always I see." I said and she grinned proudly.-

Walking up to the two grunts who were screaming and rolling in pain on the ground I casually stripped their pokeballs off them and stored them in my bag before having Tank tie the grunts up. I of course made sure the wounds weren't fatal before leaving them nearby for Flannery or a ranger to pick up. Entering the lift station I saw the green haired dude from the games that operated the lift on his knees with his hands behind his back and sporting a fearful expression. "Why are you like that?" I asked as I recalled Gaia since she couldn't fit through the doorway.-

"I h-heard the screams! P-please don't hurt me I was blackmailed into helping them!" The man said with a terrified stutter. "I see and the lift still works just fine right?" I asked calmly and the man nodded hurriedly. "Alright guy so here's how this is going to work. First I am going to tie you to that bench over there , then I am going to take the lift up to stop the rest of these morons before they can actually make a problem of themselves. You just sit tight until someone from the league comes to get you." I said and the man rushed over to the bench very cooperatively.-

Tank strung the guy up nice and tight but as promised we didn't move to harm him after that and got in the lift. It was a little crowded between Vulcan , Tank and myself but I was definitely not recalling them and dealt with it. Unlike in the game it took nearly an hour and a half to get to the top of the lift which was near the crown of the volcano. The heat was more barrable since the high elevation had the cold air blowing across it. -

It was still not cold or anything but the heat from the stone and the cold from the surrounding sky sort of canceled each other out. I could see from the glass of the lift that nobody was guarding the top of it which was sloppy at best and stupid at worse. Opening the door I walked out and Vulcan immediately took point in the lift station as I released Yani and Rune to prepare to storm the Magma people outside the lift station. Gaia was too big to be released inside the station so I will need to wait until we are outside it to do so.-

"Alright the plan is simple so listen up." I said sternly as my team looked at me with intense focus. "Up ahead is at least seven grunts who we can take care of easily along with three admins that might be more tricky to deal with alongside their leader who should be close to the elite tier and will require a collaborative effort to take out. The rules here are simple , all of them go into the afterlife as fast as possible and if you need help ask for it. Any questions?" I said sternly and they all remained silent.-

Seeing this I nodded "Lets go then , Vulcans got point!" I commanded and we rushed out of the lift station. Immediately there were shouts of surprise as my team attacked the grunts milling about crippling and outright killing them before they could really react properly. The panic didn't last long however as the admins started barking out orders to hold us back and the released pokemon got slaughtered by Vulcan who moved in a blur from it's stupid high speed. Yani was also raining down bullet seeds that while not highly damaging kept the enemy off balance.-

Grovyle were notoriously fast and she certainly lived up to this as she much like Vulcan never remained in place for very long as she sowed distraction and trouble as she went. Rune however directly used flashing rain to create horribly uneven muscular paralysis amongst all of the people and pokemon hit by it. Once an area was cleared out around the entrance to the station I released Gaia and I could see the looks on the Magma admins faces change to recognition and horror as well.-

'Looks like my reputation proceeds me.' I thought with a smirk and had Gaia aim a hyper beam at the admins. Let me tell you Gaia using hyper beam was probably one of the most awesome things i have ever seen because she looked like a straight up godzilla rip off , devastation included. Two of the admins didn't even get the chance to try and run or defend themselves as the white beam of pure destruction crashed into and evaporated them and their pokemon in an instant. The last admin had moved before Gaia attacked and thus had managed to get away with some messed up clothes but otherwise little injuries.

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