Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 112: Let's Have Round Two, Shall We?

Chapter 112: Let's Have Round Two, Shall We?

I finished grabbing all the fallen gears while always checking all around. Although I was now at the back of the enemies, I wasn't sure there were no other teams coming this way. Being cautious was always better than regret.

It didn't take a few seconds for me to spot the distant shadows of the incoming players. this time they came in hot, bringing much more gears for me.

From my previous experience, I guessed they were nearly three to four hundred meters away, so I had some time to collect all the gears scattered on the ground. After I finished, the whole upfront was full of shadows coming without end.

'The more of you, the better. Let's have some fun then.'

I could have attacked them a long time ago, however I wasn't finished collecting all the spoils, and now I was ready to go full war with them. I also didn't want to scare them, as my target was to kill as many of them as possible, I wanted to kill them all.

I stood my place, on top of a small elevation from the ground, as the area here was full of such elevations with trenches like paths between them. It was a perfect place for a small number of players to hunt larger numbers, however I didn't plan to use this war tactic here.

I recalled the words of Aria, I needed to abide by the game rules. So, I didn't hide while I sent my spears towards the front.

The players this time were much more than before, and they were stretching far to the end of my eyesight, so I didn't need to worry about my spears missing any target. My first attack yielded marvelous results, as it fanned out from me as a center and began to kill every single player that stood in their paths.

Sixty six spears were enough to claim the lives of more than fifty players in just this one attack, an attack that terrorized my enemies and made them all to stop in unison as if they were all ordered to do so at the same time.

It wasn't an order, it was an instinct. An inner fear that was born due to their fear of me.

"This isn't a boss monster, it's way higher than that. We must run now!"

I snapped my fingers while shouts like these began to appear amidst my enemies. I didn't care about them as I sent my spears again, hitting the area that seemed to contain more shadows.

"It's not a monster, no monster can use spears. This must be a player."

I snapped my fingers again, and then unleashed my spears towards another direction.

"No player should do that. Player or a monster, I'm not an opponent, I will retreat. Losing a life, a level, and gears here is pointless."

I didn't care about all this debate that was going on between these shadows, as I snapped my fingers, and then threw my spears towards any place I noticed with many shadows.

I began to spot some shadows who moved away from me, they were escaping however I didn't care to pursue. I still had a big fish in my hands right now.

Although I was attacking them without pause, their numbers were great and they didn't appear in groups anymore. It seemed their leader was smart enough to decipher my technique and determine its main weakness, it's only weakness.

So, I began to suffer some damage, especially from their wizards and archers. I also began to take sudden close up damage, which came from assassins. My Hp began to decrease, not rapidly however steadily.

'You plan to kite me, that's interesting.'

I began to change my strategy. At this moment, a thought flashed by, what would happen if I managed to play with double spears? Wouldn't that be awesome?

Although they managed to change their tactic to adapt to my attacks, I didn't feel any pressure at all. The only annoyance I got was from those assassins, as I felt the presence of ten of them, as their daggers left their marks over my sweet body.

What a shame, my level was higher than them so their attacks caused minimal damage, only two figures damage.

I checked my HP, less than half was there. Although I lost half of my HP before, during the non battle time I managed to regenerate some more. I was careless not to take a healing potion before attacking here, however I wasn't in danger yet.

'Gravity skill.'

I wasn't totally ignoring these assassins; however I wanted to create an illusion that I wasn't able to detect their presence. So, all the assassins here would lower their guards and gather around me without exception. After enough time of waiting, I decided to eliminate their irritating attacks, so I could totally focus on the upfront enemies.

My skill came abruptly, like a slap on their faces. Their shapes were revealed to me, and strangely there were over twenty of them not ten. That was weird; I didn't know I was so attractive to assassins like this.

They were paralyzed from shock, and I moved with great flexibility releasing my spears towards them, then snap my fingers nearly fractions of seconds later, and then release my spears again.

In less than three seconds, I danced around myself like crazy, and my spears created an impression of being everywhere, creating a huge ball of darkness around me. After that darkness subsided, there was no player standing there except myself.

"Let's have round two, shall we?"

"You are no player, you are a monster," that hidden leader yelled back with obvious anger in his voice.

"Monster or player, what is the difference? You will all die under my spear right here right now."

I wasn't arrogant, yet confident in my ability to make my words be true. During my short retaliation towards those assassins, the enemies approached me more.

They were now sure of my identity, and that gave them some hope. Giving hope to despair people was dangerous, so I had to slap them on the face and make them return to see reality again.

I was invincible!

*I'm preparing for MASS RELEASE next week, so support me with gifts and stone so I write and release more.*

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