Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 113: I Want You to Join My Adventure Group

Chapter 113: I Want You to Join My Adventure Group

As they had hope, they became somehow careless, so they were now clustering without their conscious heading towards me. give me a group of players and I would gladly crush them easily with my spears.

So, I let my spears out.

The first launch of my spears was really devastating, as there were more than one hundred players closing up on me in less than one hundred meters. I lost count on how many players fell, however I was sure the number was big.

I snapped my fingers again, as I watched the distant shadows and the luckily surviving players near me calmly. I wasn't giving them time to adapt, I was trying to install fear deep in their souls, fear of me.

And I succeeded, as most of the players near me began to retreat with panic all over their faces, at the same time some distant shadows joined their escape movement.

If this happened in my army back at the kingdom, I would have issued the order to kill them, as they were considered deserters in martial law. However I felt there was no such a law here, or else these players wouldn't take the initiative to escape in such big numbers.

"You are good, little princess. However you are only one person and we have an army of players. You can't protect all your friends all the time, so go ahead and kill as much as you like. I promise you I will make sure your friend will pay the price doubled."

This player seemed odd, he wasn't simply a team leader. I thought he was a one hundred player leader or something, however from his words just now I felt he was way higher than that.

I was still ignorant to the inner structure of the groups, so I couldn't guess his current position in the adventure group. I had some curiosity towards his identity, but I didn't ask or reply using words. I let my spears do the talk.

For the next five minutes I managed to kill hundreds more of them, and in return my HP was less than third by now. I wasn't in danger yet, however I was really close to that zone.

I looked around me as the place's geography was a mess. I didn't stop in my location while attacking them, as I tried to evade as many skills as possible. So, many skills missed and landed on the ground, which caused a major change to the terrain here.

The battle was over, as all players were either dead or ran with their lives away from here. I didn't know if they would really escape or they would regroup with other players in this area. To be safe, I assumed the second option would happen, and so I needed to prepare for more battles to come.

I took out one basic restoration potion and drank it. This was enough to add a mere fifty points of HP only, which was like a drop in a lake. I then took out another one, then another, until all my nine hundred and ten HP points were fully restored.

I wasn't idle during healing myself, as I moved around the wide battlefield and began to store equipment in my Inventory. There were over seven hundred pieces of equipment here, and luckily for myself many were a replica of the same gear, or else my little Inventory wouldn't fit for all of them.

'Princess, there is no enemy left alive.'

Suddenly Rog sent this privately to me, I sighed in relief as just thinking about him popping up from nothingness to speak to me startled me already.

'I know, I killed all of those who were brave to face me, and the rest escaped,' I replied back.

'I took care of those myself, none has managed escape here alive,' Rog replied which made me quite surprised. This assassin was really cool; I regretted not having him in my group. I sighed as I honestly confessed:

'You know, if you were at any other group I wouldn't hesitate to pouch you to my side, sigh.'

'Who said I was originally in Aria's group? I'm a rogue player, and that's why I was known by Rog,' he replied with these simple words that literally made my heart tremble.

'You are not part of Aria's group?!' I was still stupefied with his answer, and I wanted to make sure he expressed his current situation right.

'Yes, she is one of my closest friends, and as I was free and bored, I decided to join here with her and help her a bit. However I'm not part of her group.'

His answer piqued my curiosity as I asked:

'Are you and her you know'

'Lovers? No, we are just friends. She already had someone in her life, although he won't be here anymore,' he replied back.

I guessed who he was talking about, however I restrained myself from asking more. After all, I would hate if someone tried to dig after my personal life, even if this person was my friend or ally.

I then moved my mind towards another subject as I asked:

'Why didn't you join her group?'

'Are you interested in making me join your group?'

I didn't know why, but I felt that the assassin was mocking me. I replied directly without any lies:

'Yes, I want you to join my group.'

'Listen well princess, I hate groups, I hate guilds, and I hate teams. Usually I play solo, with no one to a burden or someone to stab me in the back. Thanks, however I wouldn't be able to join your group.'

His direct answer didn't irritate me, as I understood part of his personality from it. It seemed he was betrayed sometime ago, and since then he decided not to team up with anyone ever again.

I didn't have anything else to say, except for one card, the only card that I had. However I refrained from using it right now, after all I just met this guy, how could I give him my precious items this fast.

*I'm preparing for MASS RELEASE next week, so support me with gifts and stone so I write and release more.*

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