Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 114: Are You in Love with Me ?!

Chapter 114: Are You in Love with Me ?!

'Fine, now go and scout the area around here, if there is an enemy, just inform me and continue your scout.'

'Oh, you lost interest in me this fast? I thought you would bribe me or beg me to join your group,' he said and now I was sure he was really playing with me since the beginning.

'I never beg anyone, if I wanted something then I would take it with my own strength,' I replied calmly without showing any of my discontent of him.

'What about the bribe then?' he asked after some pause. He wasn't that stupid after all, as he got the hidden message I sent through my reply.

'I can bribe, however my bribes aren't that cheap.'

'What do you mean? Do you think you have something that is worth more than I?' he sent this with some anger hidden in his words.

'On regard to my bribe, then yes,' I replied casually as I faked losing all interest in him. He didn't reply for whole five minutes, as I thought he let the matter pass by, however he sent again saying:

'There is no one here, let's go back to Aria, I believe their situation is kind of bad. By the way, are you interested in a bet with me?'

'A bet? What do you mean?'

The fish had taken the bait, however I needed to be more patient. The good hunter was always a patient person.

'You show me your proclaimed precious bribe of yours, if it was really precious as you say, then I will consider joining your group. If it's not that precious, then I will obtain it and you will have to write an apology thread on the forums for me. What do you think?'

'Not interested.'

I simply said that without any second thoughts, as I moved back towards the location of other players. Once I reached them, I found them ready to move. I believed Rog had already told them the news.

That assassin was really perfect, smart, charismatic, had an aura of a natural born leader, and above all he was a cool assassin. I sighed again, making this assassin join my group wouldn't be an easy job.

"Let's move, Aria needs us."

"Lead the way princess, we will follow behind you."

The knight said those words as he gestured with deep respect towards me. It seemed what I did here had left its deep marks over them, or maybe that was because of my small entourage of spear shadows flying behind me.

I led the way while Rog sent to me:

'Why do I feel you are playing with me?'

I giggled as I replied:

'First of all I was speaking seriously, unlike you who was mocking and making fun out of me. Second of all, your terms were outrageous and unfair, so I had to decline your offer.'

'Outrageous and unfair?' he asked back with some surprise and doubt.

'Yes, who in the world would be a partner of a bet and a judge to it at the same time? I'm not that fool to fall for your foul play.'

It seemed my reply surprised him even to make him go into silence again. The distance between me and Aria wasn't that long, so in less than five minutes we reached near her location.

I was interested in making him join my group, however I wasn't rash to push him and show how anxious I was, or else he might flee from my hands. It wasn't easy to hunt a hunter after all.

The situation there wasn't good as Rog told me. I mistakenly thought everything would be fine, considering how easy I managed to kill all the players I faced.

However, out there I spotted many shadows that were moving chaotically, with flashes of different types of skills appearing everywhere. The situation seemed a bit out of control, however I couldn't differentiate between my allies and my enemies, so I refrained from using my spear attack for now.

'Rog, go there and scout the situation for me, hurry.'

I sent this in the general team chat, at the same time I opened the team chat with Aria. Once I opened the chat, I was met by a gush of many chaotic messages that showed how dire was the situation here.

'Help, I'm surrounded by three players in the north.'

'I have a small amount of HP left, anyone heal me fast.'

'I need help here, I have some assassins targeting our healers, please move fast.'

'Someone stop that swordsman from coming near our healers, fast.'

'Rina, what the hell are you doing? Come back here and stay behind me, there is an assassin there.'

'We need some defenders or knights at the magicians.'

'I'm coming for the magicians, everyone try to retreat to the back slowly and leave small spaces between us. We need to gather up and defend our healers and magicians, it's the only way to get out of here.'

The last message was from Aria, while the rest belonged to her team. I sighed, I didn't expect the enemy to be this strong.

'There are roughly over a thousand players there attacking them. Aria lost nearly half of the swordsmen she brought with. The healers and magicians are doing a great job protecting them from annihilation. 

I met many assassins on my way here, and I killed them all. However I believe there are more in the shadows, we can't let them fight alone anymore. We need your help, Aria needs your help, Agatha.'

Rog sent these words at the private chat between me and him. I already knew how grave the situation was, but I didn't expect to lose nearly half of my swordsmen like this. Those players were supposed to be a help to save Shin and my team, not a burden like this.

'See princess, playing alone is way fun and less stressful than playing with a group.'

Rog suddenly sent this to me out of the blue. I didn't know how, but this assassin was able to read my mind. That was weird.

'Are you in love with me?' I sent it with a sneer.

*I'm preparing for MASS RELEASE next week, so support me with gifts and voting with stones so I can write and release more.*

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