Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 76: Getting Mad at Shin and Respon

Chapter 76: Getting Mad at Shin and Respon

"We could use the capes and rings from before, we escaped the surveillance of noble players before, so they won't be a problem to us," Mony said.

"No, don't underestimate them, they are far stronger than the noble players, they also have relations with noble families," Goda commented, disagreeing with Mony's point.

"I agree with Goda, trying to disguise ourselves here with cloaks wouldn't be a good idea, even if we managed to escape their radar for a while, they would eventually spot us," Shin said.

"Then should we relocate ourselves to another town?" I asked.

"Well, it's a solution, but that would need some money to buy our ticket there, in addition we don't have a guarantee that we won't find a branch from this shitty group there too," Shin replied.

"What do you mean by buying tickets? We have enough gold, right?" I asked.

"It's not about gold, as there is no place here to sell a return scroll to any other town," Shin explained.

"Oh, I don't know that, so how should we suppose to go to other towns then?" I asked with a loss.

"It's by searching the forums and trying to find those who can sell return scrolls to their towns, although we will buy it high in price if we do this this early in the game," Shin explained.

I looked towards all of them trying to find a solution to this problem other than this somehow complicated solution, but no one said anything. I sighed, as I didn't want to take this route.

I hated it when I couldn't fight back, if they were only a small team then I would have fought and killed them over and over again, but they were a huge group of players extending over many towns in this world.

The advantage I had now was my high level, but I would lose this advantage with time. I needed more players to fight back, if only Respon didn't screw up, things would have been different by now. I remembered my past dragon spear resistance, and how it ended.

Respon said he was betrayed, and now again he was betrayed. He either was a bad luck magnet that attracts betrayals, or a fool who surrounded himself with treacherous people.

I believed he was neither any of those, as if he was like that he wouldn't have won against Shin and gained his place in the crown line as first candidate. I began to doubt him, strongly suspect him, Shin was right, if he wanted to help me then he would have supported me in building my group.

Respon wasn't helping me, he was trying to destroy me, not directly by his hands, but by people who were under him. I sighed again, it was very difficult to see the truth amidst all this fog.

I looked around, as we were now at the adventure hall, the place where players could come and pick up some quests; apply for establishing their guilds, adventure groups, and villages. These were the words written on a huge stele that was at one of the huge pillars in the middle of this place.

I kept tracking the lines until I found something that made my body freeze, not only my body, but my mind as well. I stood up as a reflex, very slowly and walked step by step towards that stele.

My actions weren't noticed by anyone here, except for my team, who stood up silently and followed my steps rapidly to surround me.

"Agatha, what's wrong?" shin asked, whispering. I pointed to the stele as I asked:

"What's this?"

"Do you mean the legendary adventure group quest? Tell me you are kidding, right?" Shin said spontaneously after he saw what I was pointing at. I turned to face him with some anger, as I said gritting my teeth to prevent me from yelling at him:

"Why didn't you tell me before about it?"

Shin looked around him as if he was asking for help from the team, and he got it.

"Princess, this quest is really impossible, no one has ever taken it and succeeded before," Goda said.

"It's very dangerous and suicidal, many describe it as like having a guild master token in your pocket, it's impossible," Heda said. they didn't know I had already a guild master token in my possession, but Shin did.

"What are the rules of this quest? The conditions? The details?" I asked calmly trying to get over Shin's mistake, he should have told me and I would then decide. I hated it when someone decided anything for me, I'm not a kid anymore.

"We don't know the rules of the quest," Shin replied simply.

"How? Didn't you all just say this was impossible? How do you know that and not know the rules?" I said with some anger in my voice that I failed to suppress.

I felt oppressed from the whole world right now, and I didn't need to feel like this from my team, like they surrendered to their fate and wouldn't even fight back.

"If you don't know, then let's see someone who does, right?" I said while moving towards one of the NPCs standing in this place. They were responsible for helping the players here.

The place around these NPCs was really crowded, so I had to wait in line with my team for a couple of minutes before we faced the one who was going to help us.

"Good evening, how may I help you?"

"Hi, I want to ask about the legendary adventure group quest," I took the role of seeking info here, as I was the only one who believed we had a chance here.

"That's really courageous of you, I admire that. I have been in this job for fifty years and no one ever came to ask about the quest.

Let me check for the quest conditions of this world," The NPC said with obvious happiness and enthusiasm, he then went silent for a while as he was looking or waiting for someone.

"Is there only one quest for the whole world?" I asked with suspicion.

"Yes, there is only one chance for any group of players to gain their recognition as a special adventure group in every game world, and that's why it's called legendary," The NPC explained then he went silent again for couple of moments, then he looked at me and said:

"I will send a message to you about the whole details regarding this quest, but I need to register your name first as a candidate for that quest, or do you prefer to go back and rethink it?"

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