Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 77: Meeting A Mysterious Assassin

Chapter 77: Meeting A Mysterious Assassin

Shin moved from behind to stand very close to me as he held my hand tightly while whispering:


I looked to him in the eye, this cool swordsman thought highly of himself, no one had the right to tell me what to do and what not to do. I shook off his grip as I said loudly to the NPC:

"Sign my name in, Agatha."

"Sigh, why are you so stubborn?" Shin complained.

"No one has asked you to be my father, I already have one and left him back there from where I came from," I replied while looking straight towards the NPC who said gladly:

"Congratulations player Agatha, you have been registered as a candidate for the legendary adventure group quest. Now, a message was sent to you by me, you read it very carefully first, then confirm through replying to me your final answer, will you or won't you accept this quest."

I nodded in understanding, but just before I could move, Shin interfered as he asked:

"Tell me, sir, can any other player pick the quest at the same time with us if we decided to go on with it?"

The NPC glanced salmly to Shin before replying:

"No, it's a unique quest, only one group of players can participate in it."

"And what are the conditions for another team to participate?"

"By the death of the first team of course," The NPC replied. Shin looked at me in a way which meant 'Did you see that?' but I didn't care, I wasn't in a position that allowed me to choose. I was trying to survive here, not only to live, but to build my own kingdom, and this opportunity here was something I didn't intend to miss.

"Hold on, where are you going now?" Shin said while following me as I stepped towards the exit of this place. I turned to face him as I was really mad this time, so I exploded:

"I'm sick of you and that manipulative boy Respon, do you think you two are fighting for the girl here? What do you consider me? a brainless doll? I'm tired of it, I'm me, and I have the right to decide anything that's related to my life."

I was pointing towards him with my fingers then my fist, and lastly I turned away to leave, he tried to move and block my way, but I heard Goda's voice coming from behind saying to him:

"Just let her cool off man, give her some space."

I didn't stop or even turn around as I exited this building with rapid steps. The sky was dark as this time, as the night fell over this world, but players didn't stop their noisy chats and excited moves.

I looked around towards the increasing crowd of players, and I envied them, at least they play simply enjoying the fun of the game here, not like me.

"You know it's quite courageous for you to walk out alone while knowing someone was hunting you."

I heard this thick manly voice coming from a place a couple of meters beside me. I didn't bother to look as I felt I wouldn't see him, or rather I prefer not to.

"Sometimes dying is better than continuing to live," I replied.

"Why is that?" he asked with curiosity.

"Because it will bring some peace and quiet to your soul," I said while sighing with some bitterness. I was exhausted, afraid, and frustrated. I hated to be treated lightly, treated badly, or even treated with extreme care.

"You have a point, it's hard to find peace or calm places around here anymore," I then heard his footsteps coming near me to the degree I even felt his hot breaths over my neck as he whispered,

"Between you and me, people don't know a lot about our own rules, the mystic arts rules. When I got the job I was told you are an apprentice, but you aren't, right?"

This time I turned my head to look at him directly, he was a man in his late twentieth with some rough marks over his cheeks. He had a well built body, but he seemed like any normal person to me. he was an assassin, which made him far dangerous then anyone else.

"How did you know such a thing?" I asked with curiosity that wasn't suited with this weird situation, he was the assassin hired by my enemies to kill me and now I'm curious about him, that was weird.

"It's because you still didn't get the blessing of your venerable, so you don't yet obtain it. You will understand my words later on, but there is a secret rule regarding players like us. We could never attack or murder someone that belonged to the desciple ranks of our mystic arts.

If we do so, we will be punished by death, real death not just losing a couple of levels," He explained slowly to me like a senior mentoring his junior.

"But I'm not a disciple yet," I said.

"Yes, but you received your passing test from your venerable, that means you are a candidate, and puts you under our rule. Are you upset?" he asked.

"No, I'm just lost," I replied honestly.

"We all do little princess, anyway my job here is done, but I like you. I will do you a small favor and spread the word out in our mystic arts little community, that will buy you some time," he said before he disappeared in thin air. I looked towards the place he was yet at and felt his hot breaths cooled down gradually then I muttered:

"Those cool assassins and their fancy stealth skills."

"It's not a skill but an art, but thanks for the compliment anyway." I heard his voice coming from far away to be surprised by that. I spoke with a very low tone, but it seemed he could hear me out.

I thought about his words and then laughed, that was quite refreshing, dealing with people like you always felt refreshing. I looked back towards the building where my team was still inside and took a deep breath as I murmured:

"I need to see what these conditions are and plan things out."

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