An Extra's POV

Chapter 239 Conclusion Of The Night

Chapter 239 Conclusion Of The Night

The claw scar that was on Fernand's face was given to him by a Dragon during the first wave of war.

Ever since then, he truly knew the meaning of powerlessness.

The despair that was imprinted into him caused a domino effect that ruined his life.

His paranoia was so strong that he lost the respect of his subordinates.

—Enough to make one of them challenge him, and win!

He was demoted, and despite his desperate requests, he was still taken to fight the Dragons on the front lines.

That hellish experience… Fernand thought he had left all of that behind when he deserted the Royal Estate and joined the Mercenary Gang.

As an Executive there, he was well respected and he could do whatever he pleased.

All his enemies were also very weak.

… Until now.

"E-eeeeek!" The old man squeaked like a rat, still unable to move as he watched his predator finally stand in front of him.

"W-what are you? A… dragon…?!"

Blood began to flow out of his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.

Fernand felt like he was choking on his own life fluids as he struggled to breathe.

His face begged for mercy, but the emotionless response of the blank mask showed him that there was none to be given.

"Don't worry. I won't kill you."

As Fernand heard this, he felt his heart jump in relief.

"A man like you still has his uses, after all…" The words that Ralyks spoke didn't seem at all merciful.

Instead, they sounded almost sinister.

"I've been thinking of using Mind Control on one of you people in order to gain access to this entire Undertaking. I guess you'll have to do."

Fernand still didn't understand what was going on.

He couldn't comprehend the gravity of what he was to face.

"Don't worry. You won't remember any of this. At least, not in the way you currently do."

Fernand suddenly felt himself slowly falling into an endless pit of darkness.

He couldn't scream or shout.

He could only watch powerlessly as his will was stripped from him, leaving a puppet in its stead.

"Now then… let us begin."


"I guess I'm done here." Rey muttered.

He looked ahead and could see Fernand running away, a wide grin of relief on his face.

'This is probably for the best. It's not part of the plan, but I can't leave everything to Rebal.'

He cast his gaze away from Fernand and looked in the opposite direction—at the opposite side of the burning building.

'All his subordinates are waiting there. They must be waiting for their leader. That's too bad…'

Rey pulled the unconscious Kara into his [Grand Inventory], saving her from whatever carnage would soon ensue.

'I got four new Skills from that man. That's a good haul, I suppose.'

From the man's Status Window, Rey already knew a bit of his history and his level of strength.

'He's the strongest Head I've seen so far. Almost as strong as Brutus too…' Rey gave a wry smile and shrugged a little.

'Former Head Warrior, huh? I wonder what would have happened if we trained under him.'

Fortunately for Rey and his classmates, they would never get to find out.


"Where's the boss?"

"He's taking too long! I want to go home already!"

"Ya think we should go see him?"

"Come on, don't go stirring the hornet's nest! Just do what you're told!"

"Aye aye!"

The warriors under Fernand numbered a hundred, and they all mostly sat on the ground—though some stood—as they waited for their leader.

Even though they were supposed to raid the Estate together—killing everyone inside—Fernand told them all that he would handle it.

Since they didn't doubt his strength, no one complained in the slightest.

Their job was merely to set the entire property on fire and look out for any deserters.

They weren't allowed to make any other active moves


"I'm bored."

"Me too. Why does Boss always do this? We barely get to do anything."

"Shouldn't you be grateful? We don't do anything yet we get paid! You know how many would kill for this kind of opportunity?"

"Yeah, I know. But…"

For men of violence, they desired that very thing. That was why they were growing very restless having not seen their leader.

Thankfully, they wouldn't have to wait for much longer.

"Hm? Who's that?" Someone pointed at a shadowy figure who stood a few meters from them.

"A deserter? Looks like it."

"Hehe! You're not going anywhere!"

"Time for some action!"

The men casually grew their blades and sluggishly rose to their feet.

They had no idea what was coming.

"[Severing Claw]." A voice echoed from the man of the shadows.

"Eh? What's that?"

"You're not even gonna try running?"

"Hehehe! What an idiot."

The fools did not realize that they were already dead—cut down by the several invisible blades that swept through all of them in a flash.

One moment, they were readying their blades to strike.

And the next…?


They were nothing more than chunks of meat and bones swimming in a vast ocean of blood.

Even the weapons they held shattered into pieces, as if being sliced apart.

The ground was no exception.

Claw marks were imprinted upon the earth, decorating the floor that entrails and sliced-up human flesh sat on.

"Good riddance." The voice from within the mask echoed.

Although, at that point, no one was listening to him any longer.


[Moments Later]

Rey lay on his bed, his head facing the ceiling of his fine room as he heaved a sigh.

It had been a very long night/morning for him.

For the first time since arriving in this world, he actually left the Royal Capital.

But, that was only the tip of the iceberg.

'I killed people…'

Even though he got stronger with every human life he took, it still bothered him to no end.

He couldn't shake it off.

'I did a lot of things I wouldn't normally do. It was all in the spur of the moment.'

But Rey knew he couldn't stop now.

He had already started the journey, so it was too late to pull back now.

'Thankfully, Asher and Kara are safe. The KariBlanc Group should handle the rest of the details while I rest. There's a lot to do, so I'll probably head back there as soon as I'm done with the Raid preparations later today.'

He closed his eyes, feeling the call of sleep whispering to his exhausted body.

'With this, it's confirmed that there is indeed an uprising from Scylla and her New Order. This undertaking of theirs is serious indeed…'

It was uncertain whether the Royal Council would be able to react on time, so he had to take matters into his own hands.

His sixteen-year-old hands.

'I'm so tired…' Rey could feel tears falling from his eyes as he used his hand to cover his face.

He wasn't even sure why he was crying.

'… So tired.'

He slept off this way, unaware of what was occurring in the depths of darkness.

… Completely oblivious of the evils to come.





Thanks for reading!

What do you think of the recent developments? Do you think it's right for Rey to kill?

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