An Extra's POV

Chapter 240 The New Order [Pt 1]

Chapter 240 The New Order [Pt 1]

In a vast and beautiful room, furnished finely with the best kinds of items anyone could find, there was a long table.

This table had five chairs lined before it.

Two were placed in the left, two in the right to the final chair—which also looked the most prestigious—was at the very front.

The head of the table.

Seated on each of these seats were people who were dressed rather uniquely—though most of them had fancy wears.

The chandelier up above, the fine murals all over the pristine space, the regal carpets, and the exquisite curtains; all of these things sanctified this entire room as purely bourgeois.

As such, the people presently seated had to reflect such dignity.

Other than a rough-looking man that sat with his arms folded, fleshing his bulging muscles and his barely covered chest, everyone else was dressed appropriately for the meeting.

They also had entourages who stood behind them.

Each of the regular four seats had two people standing behind them.

However, the majestic seat in front of them all had only one person standing.

The young man who stood there wore a pure black suit, with pure black hair and blue eyes shimmering from his blank eyes.

He looked stoic as he placed both hands behind him and stood behind his mistress.


The one who sat in the most prestigious position was none other than Lady Scylla, the only Slave Trader who currently operated within the United Human Alliance's borders.

Her long, blond hair was coiled, and it fell on her purely red dress.

Her beautiful and delicate face would be more than enough to fool anyone. It hid the truly savage and ruthless persona she had within.

With her lips giving off the hue of red, and her violet eyes echoing nothing but danger, she smiled at the people who had gathered before her.

There was Noir, Rouge, and Bleue of the Obsidian Council.

And then, Fenrir, the Chief of the Mercenary Gang.

These were the members of her New Order; heralds of the Undertaking.

Behind them were their subordinates. For the Mercenary Gang Chief, two of the Deadly Three stood behind him.

For the others, they also had the most qualified of their members standing behind them.

As for Scylla… the boy that guarded her was more than enough.

"I suppose we should begin with some good news." Scylla's voice echoed within the bright room, causing everyone to give her their full attention.

"We've culled every seed of the previous rulers of the Criminal Underworld. They won't be a threat to our goals."

Everyone in the room knew what that meant.

The True Triumvirate that governed all the activities of the Underworld were members of the Royal Council.

They had enough power and wealth to do and undo.

After their deaths, there was the fear that their children would also rise up to take on the mantle.

Hence, the culling.

Every person related to the three Councilors were killed without mercy.

No one was confirmed to survive.

"I suppose we should be thanking you, Fenrir. Your Mercenary Gang took care of everything practically overnight."

As Scylla said this, her charming smile radiating so much goodwill, Fenrir grunted and shrugged.

His wild and bushy black hair was reminiscent of a beast, and while he had a bald chin, traces of his hair were already closely encroaching on it.

He had a black armless jacket on, exposing his muscular physique, and he wore pretty baggy trousers, with boots serving as footwear.

Overall, he appeared to be a ruffian who seemed barely interested in the meeting.

Still, he reluctantly remained.

"Whatever…" He murmured.

"Oh, come on. Don't be so modest, Sir Fenrir." Lord Rouge grinned.

"Indeed! Indeed!" Bleue joined and nodded.

The two of them could not be the furthest thing from each other.

While Rouge was an overweight middle-aged man who had balding blond hair, Bleue appeared to be lanky; with ebony skin and a more youthful face.

Everyone knew he was using Magic to appear younger, though.

"Enough patronizing. That won't stop me from charging you full price for our services." Fenrir growled and shrugged.

"Of course! We understand."

"Yes! We understand!"

The way the two echoed their words clearly pissed off the Mercenary Gang's Chief, but he maintained control over his emotions.

"I believe we all gathered here for a purpose. Why don't we get to that?"

The one who spoke was Lord Noir—an old man with gray hair and a snake-like expression on his wrinkled face.

Out of everyone in the room, he was dressed the most elegant

—with a black cape, and jewels that had dark tints to them.

His pale skin and composed attitude was reminiscent of a classical depiction of the Vampire Count.

As the current patriarch of the original family that began the Obsidian Council, Lord Noir was met with the respect of everyone present.

His shrewd gaze and immaculate presentation made it impossible not to adore him.

Compared to him, the other two members of the Obsidian Council appeared as lackeys.

And… perhaps they were.

"You're right, Lord Noir!"

"Right indeed, Lord Noir!"

The old man sighed, also finding their bickering to be exhausting.

He glanced at Scylla and nodded slightly—his pure black irises telling her to go ahead with the meeting.

"Based on the original plan, the Mercenary Gang has sent their forces to cripple the Blanc House while completely eradicating the Jaune and Verte House."

The reason they didn't simply eliminate the Blanc House was due to them being based in the Capital.

It was one of the most lucrative places to be in, but also the most dangerous.

They couldn't simply send their forces to cause chaos in the Capital; considering the security that the place boasted of.

Besides, since a Dragon was spotted there recently, it really wasn't the best time to engage in such an overt mission.

"We'll deal with the Blanc House once we're done consuming everything aside from the Capital. For now, we'll absorb all the resources of the other Houses."

The way Scylla spoke in such absolutes made it clear that she had no doubt in their victory.

It was already assured.

"As for the Enchanted Items in the KariBlanc Eastern Warehouse, the Mercenary Guild will split will have everything—

as agreed."

Fenrir grunted in response.

"The territories and total resources of the fallen three will be shared among the three of you. I suppose that's only fair." Scylla turned to the deserting members of the Obsidian Council.

As soon as she said that, the faces of Rouge and Bleue were especially joyful.

Noir maintained his calm demeanor, so Scylla simply decided to continue.

"We still have no idea what they were going to use so many Enchanted Items for, but it's a good thing we seized control over the entire area before it became too late."

The military force of their New Order would be equipped with so much power—enough to even go against the Royal Council.

They would have enough economic potential to also outscale the Royal Council.

Everything was flowing smoothly.

"Soon, we of the Underworld will be the ones ruling everything on the surface as well."

Those words were enough to put a smile on everyone's faces.





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