Ancient Tears BloodLine

Chapter 378 Rumors?

(From MC's perspective)

Hansen Campus,

Elder Thornton saw Zack's confusion. He said, "These mutant monsters are very different from those confined in monster zones."

Hearing that my eyes gleamed with surprise. I looked at him for further explanation. I have a vague feeling in my heart that trunulesia forest might be more dangerous than insect forest.

Beside me, Mr. Arthur also patiently listened to Elder's words.

Seeing that two of them were interested to hear further, Thornton decided to disclose the news fully.

"The trunulesia forest underwent mutation a long time ago because changes happened at a nearby old ruin site."

"The unknown change not only caused the mutation to forest, it also caused the mutation to monsters dwelling in it" After saying that he observed the reaction of Arthur and Zack.

He gave them some time to digest the news.

Hearing this piece of information blows away my mind. How come an old ruin site has powers to do that? For a long time, I thought the ruins were nothing but abandoned buildings sites from bygone eras.

But it looks like things were not just simple.

I asked,"Elder, what exactly is the old ruin site?"

Why do I feel? The ruin site is more important than the forest. To think it caused mutation, obviously the site itself is a most dangerous place.

A quick glint flashes in Elder Thornton's eyes.

He predicted the information would intrigue Zack. So he answered with a smile, "I don't know?"

"What?" I was startled a little bit.

As expected this Trunulesia forest seems to be nothing like an insect forest. How come I am going to face this? A hint of apprehension appeared in my eyes.

It's hard to survive with lack of information. Atleast at insect forest, the place was divided into outer area and inner area. What about the trunulesia forest?

I saw Elder Thornton is taking too much time in explaining things. I wrinkled my eyebrows in tension.

Elder Thornton smiled bitterly after seeing the reaction of both. Then he said,"Actually, nobody is able to find the reason. Because the mutation was happened long time ago."

"Probably, several hundred years," he added.

"So far we came to know that mutant monsters are dwelling in it, afraid of going outside. In the morning, there is no monster activity. But at night the entire forest was found to be alive. "

"Some Elite warriors in history tried to capture some monsters but after getting contact with them they were soon found to be infected by the mutant monsters, resulting in death," Elder Thornton answered in solemn tone.

I sucked cold breath. How to defeat such a thing?

Elder Thornton continued to say, "Imagine that place like a special zone. The trunulesia forest has its own special environment due to mutation. It also became a safe haven for mutant monsters."

"If the mutant monsters walk out of the forest, they will die. Only the special environment makes them survive. So it's typically naturally formed monster zones."

"This place is indeed more dangerous than an insect forest," I replied.

I asked, "Elder, then how will you survive in that forest?" This is the doubt which bugs me greatly. If I can't get close to the monster, then how am I going to defeat it?

How did predecessors die? Are mutant monsters causing any infection? Or they died because of the special environment of the forest.

At this time, I heard Elder Thornton's words. Which solved my doubts.

"In order to protect yourself, you need to wear full body safety gear specifically designed for Trunulesia forest explorers," Elder Thornton said with a smile.

I sighed in relief. Atleast, there is something which can protect me from that special environment. I don't know whether I'm able to improve my strength in that forest.

But at least I can have some protection from the outside world. After the Trunulesia mission, I will participate in Crimson Hall's competition directly.

A quick glint flashes in my eyes.

I have to say, Elder Thornton had really found a strange place for me. I guess, no one will be able to find my whereabouts before crimson hall's competition.

I asked, "Elder, when should I leave?"

Elder Thornton remained silent for a moment. He didn't reply immediately but he watched Arthur's expression. He can obviously see traces of worry from his eyes.

Elder Thornton knew how dangerous that place was. That's why he is letting Zack join his friend's team. In that way, he can escape from any trouble with the help of the team.

He sighed and said, "Zack, I'm not sending you alone."

Hearing that, a quick glint flashes in Arthur's eyes. "Sure, there is a catch here," Arthur thought to himself. Elder Thornton and Arthur looked into each other's eyes.

I'm not going alone. What does he mean by that? I saw Elder Thornton look at Arthur before turning towards me.

"At this time, you must have realised how dangerous that place is?"

"Actually, an old friend of mine is going to that old ruin site for exploration. He had asked me to arrange for a helper. So, I'm recommending you," Elder Thornton answered with a smile.

Finally, a realization struck my mind. That's how it is? I actually thought Elder Thornton voluntarily selected that place for me.

But it looks like I'm going to be just a helper. I feel my action will be hindered in this way. Will his friend allow me to venture inside the forest?

A lot of doubts appeared in my heart.

"Elder, If I stick around your old friend, then how am I going to train separately?" I asked in a dejected tone.

"Don't worry about it. I briefed everything to him. You just have to assist him with his work and in free time you can train inside the forest," Elder Thornton replied.

Hearing that I nodded and finally my tensed expression eases down a little.


Elder Thornton let out a sigh before saying, "My friend didn't reveal the exact date. But I believe by this week he will tell me about it. So In meantime you can practise here as usual."

Then he looked at Arthur and asked, "Arthur, what about you? Are you okay with the arrangements?"

Mr. Arthur doesn't know what to say. But he can see what Elder Thornton's thought behind this. He let out a small laugh and said, "Elder, I'm happy as long as the environment is safe for Zack."

Elder Thornton nodded and replied, "what we need to do now? is to block the prying eyes of crimson hall."

"Crimson Hall," I muttered. I almost forgot to ask about the crucial question.

"Crimson hall, what are they upto these days?"

Mr. Arthur looked at Elder Thornton. Seeing that Elder Thornton signalled him to answer this time, he replied,"It was the same as before. Not a single piece of information is getting outside of the crimson hall."

Hearing that I wrinkled my eyebrows, "How could it be?"

Mr. Arthur could see the same doubt in Zack's eyes, which plagued everyone's mind.

"We also don't know, How did they do it? Even their Ally organization was helpless in this situation," Arthur answered in a solemn tone.

At this time, Elder Thornton said, "Zack, don't think about them now. Just focus on your training. I want to see how long they can conceal the information?"

Obviously, Crimson Hall's discussion made everyone's mood dull. We talked about iron posts before bringing the discussion to an end.

After leaving the cabin, I separated from Mr. Arthur and walked towards the gravity room. I wore the mask to hide my face again.

On the way, I encountered a few students but they didn't mind my presence. A few minutes later, I reached the gravity training room.

After stepping inside, I found the place was crowded as usual. Students were conversing with each other. Some were waiting for other students to finish their training in the gravity chamber.

Suddenly, I overheard a conversation.

"Have you heard the rumors?"

"Our chairman has sent Zack to trian in Tier-7 City."

"What? This is unfair"

"We should strongly protest against this"

Hearing the conversation, I almost choked.

What is going on here? I looked at the group of people who were seriously discussing me.

Who is spreading lies about me?

I walked up to the group of five. Seeing me coming, five of them stopped their conversation and turned towards me.

"Who are you?" A skinny looking student inquired about me.

Five of them also looked at me suspiciously. Fortunately, I wore a mask. Otherwise, It will be difficult to inquire about news from them.


"I'm one of the passed out students from this institute. I just overheard your conversation which piqued my curiosity?" I said with a smile.

Hearing that five of them looked at each other before turning towards me.

"What do you want?" Another student inquired.

Hearing that I chuckled and asked, "Tell me about the rumour? Is this true?"

The atmosphere was silent for a moment.

Seeing their hesitation, I added further, "Don't worry, I'm just asking casually."

Hearing my words, all of them calmed down.

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