Ancient Tears BloodLine

Chapter 379 Soren's Condition

(From MC's perspective)

"Senior, we don't know the exact details. But we heard it from other students. " The skinny student said.

Hearing that, I wrinkled my eyebrows. Obviously, I won't believe the rumour started to spread out of nowhere. Who's behind it? I pondered for a moment.

Then I decided to let it go. Right now, my training is more important. I take a glance at five of them before turning towards the gravity chamber.


The Iron Post City,

City Lord Aaron Powell is currently looking at the reports. There were a lot of casualties reported in the last two days. He doesn't know whether the trend will continue in the coming weeks.


He let out a deep sigh before muttering, "What is happening out there?"

"Why is Soren not dead yet?"

A couple of days ago, his superior assured him that the bandit boss would be no more in the future. After saying that, he didn't even reveal any further details.

Having no choice, he blindly trusted his superior words. But as the days go by, he is getting more impatient.

He already made an announcement that he would be taking care of the office. If things go south now, it will further plummet his reputation.

"Should I make some backup plans?" He muttered to himself. But his superior had already warned him to stay away from this matter.

Gritting his teeth, he finally decided to wait for a few days. Who knows, he might hear some good news? After gaining some clarity, he picked up another report to read.

It's about the reward. 150,000 credit points were given in the last two days. A foreign adventurers' team received the reward.

A slight glint flashed in his eyes as he looked at the report, because he remembered Zack Lockwood at this time.

"That kid? Why is there no news so far?" Aaron Powell's eyes gleamed with surprise.

He is also keeping an eye on various news sites. Every media house debated the 1 billion credit point winner. But none of them were able to find his actual identity.

Aaron feels things are not as simple as they seem. Maybe that young man had some background, because otherwise he wouldn't have told us not to reveal his name.

His expression hardened further. He is actually hoping for good relations with Zack. He believes that Zack's presence will instill fear among the bandits.

In that way, the banditry will be reduced gradually. And the economic loss of the city can be controlled. But all of his plans were based upon successful cooperation from Zack.

Now they don't even know the other party's background. How come he is going to contact him? His mind was a little bit sullen after hearing bad news one after another.

He can't let the city worsen further. "I will wait a few days. If Soren was not dead by then, I should contact my superior, "Aaron Powell mumbled under his breath.

When the city lord was lost in his thoughts, a silhouette entered the city without informing him. He is none other than Elder Brody Roth from the Roth family.

He was supposed to come here a few days ago. But his plan was delayed by May Ford Academy's affairs. When he walked out of the train station, he immediately called Mateo Roth.

A few minutes later, a luxurious air car landed in front of him slowly.

Elder Brody jumped into the air car as soon as it touched down. Mateo was sitting in the seat next to him.

"Hey kid, you still don't want to show your face?" Elder Brody asked in an amusing tone. He was not offended by Mateo's attitude.

Before coming here, Mateo had already informed him that he didn't want to appear in front of the public.

Because, in recent days, the performance of foreign adventurer teams from various cities has amazed everyone.

which in turn made everyone take a look at their own team. Some time ago, Mateo's Fire Sword Team was the strongest team.

Because of the family's order, Mateo had stayed away from the affairs of the iron post city. His team's absence raised some eyebrows because of it.

Seeing the absence of his team, people started to criticise him deeply.

He noticed Mateo's mood was sullen because of it. Shaking his head in disapproval, Elder Brody commented, "Why are you still thinking about the bandit hunting mission?"

A bright glint flashes in Mateo's dull eyes.

Hearing the elder Roth's question, he answered, "It's because a single person's achievement made me look back at my own progress."

"It will be even harder for me to kill that many warriors at Insect Forest."

Elder Brody's eyes flashed with a cold glint.

Obviously, he too heard about the news. He even watched some debate shows about it. It's hard to believe such a monster genius has visited this city.


After sighing, he looked at Mateo and comforted, "It must be a talented genius secretly trained by some family. So don't compare yourself with him and start to focus on your progression. "

Mateo nodded helplessly. But he was not convinced in his heart. He is a skilled warrior from a Tier-7 city. But his performance was not worth mentioning in front of that person.

Which family is he from? Mateo started to ponder. When the news first came out, he didn't mind that much. But he was shocked when the second notice was issued by the City Lord himself.

City Lord Aaron Powell decided to show himself at this point of time. He even suspected that the unnamed warrior was planted by the city lord himself to divert people's attention.

This is what he believed at first. But after two days, he learned that the information was true. Some of the spies at the city lord mansion even verified the information.

His heart was boiling with anger. Most of his anger was directed towards his own family. because they made him spend too much time on this useless mission.

If not for this mission, he would have reached peak trainee warrior right now.

By this time, the luxurious air car had already reached the destination. It slowly lands in front of the hotel.

Everyone from the Fire Sword team was staying in this hotel. After stepping out, two of them walked into the hotel and headed towards their room.

On the way, Elder Brody casually asked, "Are there any recent changes in insect forest?"

Hearing that, Mateo answered, "Apart from the usual killing and looting, I didn't notice any major changes."

Mateo was astute enough to realise Elder was referring to Bandit boss Soren.Since the city lord has made an appearance, then it's time for the bandit boss too.

Mateo thinks that the Elder doesn't want to come across the City Lord during his stay in this city.

Soon they reached their respective rooms. Elder Brody didn't have any further talks with Mateo. Before leaving the city with Mateo, he needs to complete his own mission.

Time passed,

After disguising himself as an old veteran warrior, Elder Brody exited the building. In order to visit, insect forest, he even forged a fake ID for himself.

Soon, he reached the city wall. After showing the fake ID, he smoothly walked

Seeing the borderless in front of him, Elder Brody couldn't help but think of his first visit. At that time, he went to meet bandit boss Soren.

Even this time, he made a visit here to meet him. He didn't know whether Soren had recovered from his injuries. If he is recovered, then it's great news, he won't need the Roth family's help anymore.

But if it's the other case, then they have to conjure another plan. Elder Brody has a vague feeling that this trip is extremely important to the Roth family.

Shaking his head, he walked towards the destination. After getting near the narrowed path, he didn't wait anymore. He rushed forward.

Last time, bandit boss Soren gave him an exclusive map of this forest. Following that map, he can bypass various obstacles on the way.

But he also knows, he has to be careful in the inner areas. After gaining some clarity, he directly followed the route according to his memory.

At this time,

Deep inside the inner area,

There is a medium-sized wooden house. It was built under the naturally formed cave's space.

Outside of the wooden house, several peak trainee warriors can be seen taking rounds to monitor the area.

In one of the rooms of this wooden house,

"Who are you?" A haggard figure roared back in anger.

But unfortunately, his painful screaming was blocked by the invisible barrier. Nobody knows that the dignified bandit boss has been undergoing extremely severe torture.


"Does it matter? I had already planned to skin you alive, "Mr. Jonathan said with a laugh.

Hearing that, bandit boss Soren's expression tightened. He immediately refuted it by saying, "No, you are that ghost sent by Aaron Powell. since he can't take revenge himself. He must have approached you. "

"Tell me, what did he offer? I can give you ten fold of that. "

Mr. Jonathan sneered, "Stop daydreaming."

"It was already decided that you would lose your life here."

After saying that, Mr. Jonathan took out some liquid from his storage ring. In that liquid bottle, a black substance can be seen squirming.

Seeing that, Mr. Jonathan smiled sweetly. Under the horrified gaze of Soren, he poured the entire black liquid on his body.

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