Assistant Architect

Chapter 108: Fried Hair

Chapter 108: Fried Hair

When everyone turned back to their desks and were no longer paying attention, Zhang Siyi quietly got up and went to pick up the torn pieces from the trash can. Since Tao Fei only tore it two times, the drawings were easily taped back together.

...... Ah, like layers of rice cakes... It’s really beautiful!

Zhang Siyi looked over the plans in detail. Not only was the outside shape of the building unique, the inside structure was well developed and intricate as well.

Now that Zhang Siyi has been working at Borderless for over six months, from the early stages of parking lots and core drafting, to medium and large office buildings, to his completion of a set of blueprints, he is no longer a rookie who can’t understand anything.

If Tao Fei design use a person as an analogy, then the shape of the building is like the overall appearance of someone. The structure is like the building’s skeleton and the outer layers are its clothing.

No matter which part is designed first, the first problem to overcome is engineering the support structure that houses the column network and core functions. In traditional buildings, the core function tube, like a person’s backbone, is most important part of the support structure. However, in Tao Fei design, the structural columns are on an incline and thereby giving less structural importance to the core function tube.

It was clear that Tao Fei spent a lot of thought on the design of his very unique building. Although Zhang Siyi didn’t evaluate the drawings in detail, just by looking at them, he can tell how knowledgeable and capable Tao Fei really was. His confidence isn’t unwarranted.

On one hand, sometimes when people of similar abilities work in the same group, the unfounded differences in treatment between them may trigger hatred and jealousy. On the other hand, when one of the persons is clearly ahead of the other, then the innate competition between the two will disappear.

The same is true for Zhang Siyi. When he saw Tao Fei’s design, he knew he was leagues ahead of his own ability. He had fought an imaginary enemy and regretted how hostile and foolish he was. It was as Gu Yu said, even if Tao Fei is arrogant, he is a very good designer.

Not anticipating any issues, the proud Tao Fei encountered the Big Devil named Gu Yu and the most vital part of the building was already rejected. As always, Gu Yu was direct in his evaluation and definitely did not in any way pamper Tao Fei even if they were classmates.

Shit! If Zhang Siyi was in Tao Fei shoes, he probably would have exploded too. (=_=)

As the design director, so far, no one at Borderless has argued with Gu Yu. Even if the people in Child Labor Group B have design differences, both are respectful and polite. While sounding harsh, Gu Yu criticisms were always valid and spoken with good reason. If a subordinate banged your desk and then slammed your office door, then it definitely will be awkward and uncomfortable between the two.

Although feels Zhang Siyi is a little sympathetic for Tao Fei, at the moment, he was more worried about Gu Yu. It’s only natural because he likes Gu Yu! ~\(≧▽≦) /~

He opened the company internal message system and selecting Gu Yu’s name then Zhang Siyi sent him a short note: “I just heard your quarrel with Tao Fei. Are you all right?”

Gu Yu: “I’m fine. Leave him be. Tao Fei will come back when he cools down.”

Zhang Siyi: “...”

After Tao Fei’s blow up, whispers could be heard in the office. People were speculating on Tao Fei’s job security in the company. Some people even made bets as to whether or not he will last through the day.

Zhang Siyi had mixed feelings towards the incident. At first, he really didn’t want Tao Fei in the company. Now that he heard his colleagues say the same, he felt bad. If their team lost Tao Fei, they would be losing a talented designer.

Not intending to think about it further, Zhang Siyi slowly shook his head and sighed. He was about to get up for lunch, when suddenly, Gu Yu called out to him: “Zhang Siyi, come here.”

Zhang Siyi got up quickly and went over to him: “Yes? Is there a problem?”

Gu Yu: “Let’s go out together at noon for lunch. I have something to tell you.”

Zhang Siyi: “......” Uh, but he already has ordered the company’s Bento!

Gu Yu silently watched him for a few seconds. Zhang Siyi lifted the white flag and surrendered: “OK.”

...... Totally unable to refuse AH! (*/ω\*)

Since Zhang Siyi ordered a boxed lunch, he gave it his neighbor, Piggy.

He took the elevator downstairs with Gu Yu and this time they went to a Cantonese restaurant and ordered the business lunch package. While Gu Yu ordered chestnut chicken and rice, Zhang Siyi ordered beef in oyster sauce with rice. Since it was the peak time to eat, the restaurant was crowded. Like the first day of work when they bumped into each other at lunch at the Japanese restaurant, Gu Yu took out his credit card and paid.

Now that they ordered their meals, Zhang Siyi looked up and cherished the handsome view in front of him. – Aaah! Eating with the person I like.... It’s awesome!

The two didn’t have to wait long until the food was brought to the table. With soup, a salad, and side dishes, there were four additional small plates each of which were a little different.

Gu Yu moved his dish towards Zhang Siyi and whispered: “Lets share.”

Zhang Siyi: “...”

Ordinary colleagues would never share food when eating together. When Gu Yu and Zhang Siyi ate together at his house for the first time, they did not share the food. Since sharing food was an intimate act that only trusted people with a close relationship would do, Zhang Siyi was a little confused with Gu Yu’s actions. Regardless of his intentions, Zhang Siyi was excited. He also pushed his own dishes towards Gu Yu: “You eat mine too.”

Gu Yu smiled and drank some soup before moving his chopsticks. Although Gu Yu said to share, and Zhang Siyi also offered his meal, they bowed their heads as if to say, you eat mine and I will eat yours.

Just as Zhang Siyi went for a piece of tomato, Gu Yu also reached with his chopsticks. They almost had a chopsticks fight. At the same time, they looked up at one another. When their eyes met, like earlier in the morning, the current between them grew stronger and Zhang Siyi could feel the heat rise within him. The atmosphere is both strange and ambiguous. With just one look, did he find out? Does Gu Yu know he likes him?

Not able to endure it any longer, Zhang Siyi quickly wanted to talk about something: “Tao Fei seems to be pretty angry.”

Gu Yu casually replied: “Well, he has fried hair.”

Choking back his food, Zhang Siyi “Pfft”. He didn’t expect Gu Yu to use the adjective “fried hair” to describe Tao Fei.

Unexpectedly Gu Yu went on to say: “Just like you were when you first came to the office.”

Zhang Siyi: “What? When?...... I never have.”

Without moving his head, Gu Yu looked up at him: “You haven’t?” He finished chewing then looked up completely: “When I asked you to draw toilets, stairs, parking lots, and when I’ve pointed out the problems, you have never blown up?”

Zhang Siyi replied: “I was just unhappy. It’s not like Tao Fei.”

Gu Yu laughed loudly: “The essence is the same.”

After eating two mouthfuls of rice, Zhang Siyi curiously asked: “What did I look like to you?”

Gu Yu looked up at him and smiled broadly: “With bulging cheeks, and flat brows, you just stared. It was obvious how uncomfortable you were.”

Zhang Siyi: “......”

Gu Yu sighed: “But unlike Tao Fei, you are much more docile than he is. At most, you would stare in a silent tantrum. Tao Fei is like a sawed off shot gun. His temper makes it difficult and he always ends up shooting his own foot.”

Zhang Siyi: “......”

Thinking of the office whisperings, Zhang Siyi asked: “Is Tao Fei going to quit?”

Gu Yu: “Over something like that?” Gu Yu chuckled then continued: “I already knew what his personality was like beforehand. Although very good, his designs are too idealistic. His ideas and creativity are his own regardless of what the domestic construction industry requires. However, if he wants his designs to be realized, he needs to learn how to compromise. When he matures, there will be an opportunity for his designs to be built.

Zhang Siyi nodded. He knew that Gu Yu must have his own reasons. He asked: “But why be so direct? If you put it mildly, he may not be so angry.”

Gu Yu: “Since Tao Fei has strong personal opinions, he will argue and forcefully persuade his point every time. For stubborn people like him, the most effective way to deal with them is to be blunt and straightforward. Today, the same issues were brought up. Even if I tell him many examples of designs that were rejected for the same reason, he will continue to argue about it. He decided to leave angrily because he knows I won’t lie to him.”

Zhang Siyi: “...”

Gu Yu frowned and said: “You don’t have to worry about him. He will calm down and come back.”

“Oh ...” Zhang Siyi lowered his head to drank his soup. He suddenly remembered and sat up: “Oh yeh. What was it that you wanted to tell me?”

Gu Yu also finish his soup and put down his chopsticks: “In order to avoid one large pile to move on the weekend, I want to take the opportunity to move part of your belongings every night.”

Zhang Siyi nodded: “Sounds good!”

...... Was that it? Isn’t that something Gu Yu could have just messaged me about? Did he have to tell it to me in person? Was it because he just wanted to spend time with me? & ( ̄︶ ̄) &

After lunch, Gu Yu said he had an errand to run so Zhang Siyi went back to the company alone. When he arrived, he unexpectedly saw Tao Fei examining the “Borderless Style” wall-hanging-posters. Aware of someone approaching, Tao Fei abruptly turned and stared at Zhang Siyi: “Yo, come over here.”

Zhang Siyi: “...?”

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