Assistant Architect

Chapter 109: Three Days

Chapter 109: Three Days

Tao Fei’s tone made Zhang Siyi a bit angry. – How can he be so shameless!? Shit, he asked and I’m just supposed to obey?

Thinking of his earlier outburst, Zhang Siyi was reminded of an unruly teenager. He hesitated a moment, then walked a few steps in Tao Fei’s direction: “What?”

For the first time, Zhang Siyi was face to face in close proximity with Tao Fei. Up close, his facial features were more beautiful and his skin wasn’t worse than Gu Yu’s. If not for his sharp stare and fiery temper, Zhang Siyi would definitely be deceived by his appearance. A beautiful kitten? More like a ferocious tiger!

Tao Fei looked at him for a few seconds, raised his brow and asked: “Do you hate me?”

Zhang Siyi was surprised. At the potential of being seen through, he started to sweat. Under normal circumstances, would a person that you don’t know ask so directly? Was he going to take his frustrations out on him instead?

Shit! Zhang Siyi wracked his brain, thinking of what to say. – I did hate you, but I don’t anymore! I do sympathize... Hey being so honest is too embarrassing!

For peaceful coexistence in the office, trying to look harmless, Zhang Siyi shrank his shoulders and said: “No I don’t.”

Tao Fei: “...”

Zhang Siyi continued: “Why would I hate you? When have you ever seen me do something that says I hate you?” Looking at Tao Fei, Zhang Siyi noticed a slight smile on his face.

Tao Fei snorted and said: “It’s all right if you don’t.”

With that, he turned away, leaving Zhang Siyi in the wind feeling confused.

Zhang Siyi: “......” What was that? (=_=)

After going to a bathroom, Zhang Siyi returned to his desk and heard Zhu Hongzhen ask: “Where did you eat at noon?”

Zhang Siyi: “Boss needed me for something so I ate with him. What did you do with my boxed lunch?”

Zhu Hongzhen: “I wanted to tell you about this. I gave it to Tao Fei.”

Surprised, Zhang Siyi asked: “Oh? Why did you give it to him?”

Zhu Hongzhen: “When I went to lunch, I saw him sitting alone in the dining area drinking coffee. He seemed to be in a better mood. Ji Feiyu went over to talk to him for a while and seeing that he didn’t have a lunch and I had an extra one, I gave yours to him.”

Zhang Siyi: “Oh...”

Zhu Hongzhen was silent for a second then turned to ask him: “Do you have a problem with Tao Fei?”

Even though he felt a little guilty, Zhang Siyi replied steadily: “What? Of course not.”

“When he learned the Bento was yours, he joked....” Zhu Hongzhen used a tone and voice like Tao Fei to say: “Mr. Zhang? That guy doesn’t seem to like me very much. Are you sure he didn’t poison it?”

Zhang Siyi: “......”

Zhu Hongzhen: “I told him you have a very good character. You don’t mind that I gave the Bento away, right?”

Zhang Siyi: “Of course I don’t mind!” Even if he hated Tao Fei, it is impossible to do such a thing!

Zhu Hongzhen also pointed to the stack of books and materials on Zhang Siyi desk: “By the way, he just came over to repay you for the Bento.”

Zhang Siyi turned over and saw a twenty yuan, but at the same time, he was amazed that the crumpled drawing that he picked up from the trash in the morning was gone! ╭ (°a° ‘) ╮

Is it possible when Tao Fei came over to give him money, he saw it and took it away?

Zhang Siyi quietly craned his neck toward Tao Fei’s seat to take a peek. Tao Fei also happened to look up at his direction. Their eyes met and Tao Fei winked at him. Feeling a current in the air, Zhang Siyi felt like he got zapped. Scared, Zhang Siyi instantly turned away.

Although Zhang Siyi was looking at the designs out of curiosity, the drawings were indeed Tao Fei’s. Even though Zhang Siyi retrieved them, they should be returned to him, but damn.......

Zhang Siyi slapped his forehead feeling fucking embarrassed! As a straight man who has been completely bent, it’s not hard to open his mind in this regard. He just hopes Tao Fei isn’t thinking about it!

Fortunately, everything was peaceful in the afternoon. When Gu Yu returned to the company, he met with Tao Fei in his office. They continued to make modifications to his design and by the evening, they adopted a hybrid structure. Gu Yu let Tao Fei make the necessary changes to his outer layers, but also retained the original scheme as a backup. With such an agreement, harmony and peace ensued and the office staff were relieved.

Gu Yu and Zhang Siyi made arrangements earlier that day to move some of his belongings by car after work. Since Zhang Siyi wanted to spend every second of his day with Gu Yu, he waited for him to finish for the evening. There was another incident when they left the company. Thirty minutes after the workday ended, Gu Yu and Zhang Siyi walked together to the elevator and met Tao Fei.

Having recovered from his outburst, Tao Fei looked relaxed. He smiled at Gu Yu and called him “brother” but when he saw Zhang Siyi in the corner of his eye, he just said “Yo.”

Zhang Siyi: “......” Yo-Yo-Yo yourself! I have a name you know?!

Tao Fei asked Gu Yu: “Brother, is he the little student who came back from the UK undergraduate program that you mentioned to me last time?”

Gu Yu nodded: “Yeah.”

Since Tao Fei didn’t know they were about to leave work together, he asked Zhang Siyi: “Where do you live?”

Thinking of his temper and his actions at noon time, he got goose bumps. Zhang Siyi was feeling overwhelmed by the sudden question so he paused and didn’t know how to answer him. Luckily, Gu Yu answered for him: “He is coming with me today.”

Tao Fei raised his eyebrow and questioned: “To your house? Why?”

Gu Yu explained without hesitation: “He is moving in.”

Tao Fei was surprised: “The last time I asked if I could live there, didn’t you say that your sister was living there?”

Looking away, Gu Yu lightly coughed: “My sister recently found an internship, far away from where I live. She is moving into a house with her classmates. Zhang Siyi was looking for a new place to live, so I offered the room to him.”

Zhang Siyi gave Gu Yu a side-long glance. Gu Yao and her classmate rented a house? Really? How come I don’t know about it? You clearly said something else yesterday. You’re lying to Tao Fei, aren’t you? (乛 W 乛)

Gu Yu: “...”

Tao Fei looked at them suspiciously as if there was something was wrong, but he couldn’t say it. In the end, he only touched his chin with interest: “Siyi, Auntie Four. Really appropriate. Hehe.”

Zhang Siyi: “...” Fuck off!

When the elevator returned to the ground floor, they exited the building and Tao Fei headed in the opposite direction towards the subway. Since there was no time later to cook, Gu Yu took Zhang Siyi out for dinner

The climate in early spring is still relatively humid and cold and frequently rains. As they left the office, it started to drizzle.

Zhang Siyi wasn’t in the habit of bringing an umbrella with him. Since both his company and his apartment were rather close to the subway stop, he never felt it necessary to carry one and instead used the hood on his coat. But not today. Since Gu Yu was taking him out for dinner at a ramen restaurant, with the rain and wind, a thousand meters was too far without an umbrella.

From Gu Yu’s briefcase, he took out a folded black umbrella and snapped it open. He called him: “Come here.”

Zhang Siyi nervously went over. With two men under a single umbrella, Zhang Siyi was subconsciously pulling away to give Gu Yu more room under the canopy so he wouldn’t get wet. Gu Yu noticed his behavior and reached out to his shoulder and pulled him closer. He held him close and in a low-murmur said: “What are you doing? Come closer so you don’t get caught in the rain. We wouldn’t want you to catch a cold.”

Zhang Siyi: “...”

In a short while, Zhang Siyi felt Gu Yu’s hand slowly slipped from his shoulder and then it would be placed on Zhang Siyi’s shoulder once again. After it occurred a couple of times, Gu Yu moved his arm more comfortably around Zhang Siyi’s lower back instead. Zhang Siyi was nervous and could feel his heart pounding like crazy.

As they walked down the street, Gu Yu lowered the umbrella against the wind. Like themselves, the people around them were also leaving work and hurrying to get out of the rain. No one payed any attention to who were the ones so closely huddled together under the umbrella. In this way, the two men went all the way to the Ramen place. When they arrived, Gu Yu let him go.

Zhang Siyi turned his back and hid while clutching his chest and panting... (o////o)

After dinner, the rain was getting heavier so they decided to take a taxi to Gu Yu’s home instead of using the subway. It took an hour for the two of them to drive to Zhang Siyi’s apartment and then pack the car full of boxes and then drive back to Gu Yu’s place.

Working together, it didn’t take long to unpack Gu Yu’s car. Zhang Siyi placed most of the boxes near the front entrance in the foyer. Wiping his hands, Gu Yu was getting ready to make one more trip back and forth. While he went to drop Zhang Siyi off at home, he was going to bring back a bunch of miscellaneous items. As they sat in the car waiting for the traffic light to change, Gu Yu suddenly asked: “I have enough blankets. Do you want to pick up your toiletries and the dog and move in earlier than planned?”

Gu Yu’s proposal made Zhang Siyi’s heart move. He couldn’t wait to move in, but he still needed to practice playing the violin. He wanted to utilize the time he had left to practice rigorously because he wanted to play Summer for Gu Yu perfectly. If he moved in early, then Gu Yu would hear him practice and thereby ruining the surprise.

“Not right now.” Zhang Siyi said with great difficulty. “It’s just a few more days until I’ll officially move on Saturday.”

Gu Yu seemed a little surprised by Zhang Si Yi’s answer and glanced at him thoughtfully.

Zhang Siyi was afraid of disappointing him so he hurriedly explained: “I still have a few things I need to do at home.”

Gu Yu nodded and said: “Okay. If you say so.”

Reluctantly, Zhang Siyi watched Gu Yu drive away then he went back inside his apartment and quickly washed up. Counting down the next three days, he was determined to make us of his time and poured everything he had into practicing the violin.

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